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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.


It's the _only_ way to add them, even when the person has whispered you. Right-clicking their name doesn't add the "Invite to Party" option until you have added them to your Friends list.

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The following list is pretty fine as is, many players specially in WvW will add and follow commanders or players they like. I know my list has many scouts and commanders on it. The lists do need a last log in time stamp on them for sure so we can remove from friends/block any that had not logged in for months.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.


> It's the _only_ way to add them, if the person hasn't whispered you.


I just went into PvP and then WvW. With one exception, every random person talking in map chat had the "Invite to Party" option when I right-clicked on their name. I definitely don't have any of those people on my friends list, nor have I ever talked to them via whisper. Like I said, other issues and factors can prevent it, such as the other person being Invisible, you being Invisible, or bugs that pop up.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> I just went into PvP and then WvW. With one exception, every random person talking in map chat had the "Invite to Party" option when I right-clicked on their name.


1. You didn't try in PvE.

2. I assume it's different with people who post in map chat. I was talking about people who whispered you that they would like to join your party; doesn't work unless either they invite themselves or you add them to your Friends list, _then_ invite them.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.


> It's the _only_ way to add them, even when the person has whispered you. Right-clicking their name doesn't add the "Invite to Party" option until you have added them to your Friends list.


No, it's not the only way. It's just one way to work around a different issue (if the root cause was addressed, it wouldn't even be used at all).

Plus, why not simply remove the name after the invite?

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > I just went into PvP and then WvW. With one exception, every random person talking in map chat had the "Invite to Party" option when I right-clicked on their name.


> 1. You didn't try in PvE.

> 2. I assume it's different with people who post in map chat. I was talking about people who whispered you that they would like to join your party; doesn't work unless either they invite themselves or you add them to your Friends list, _then_ invite them.


Finally found a map with people talking in PvE and had the same result; I had the "Invite to Party" option with everyone who wasn't in a Squad. Also, you did specifically say map chat. "It is especially annoying that you cannot completely remove people from your Friends list since you have to add strangers to your Friends list first before you can invite them into your party via map chat right-click. " That's why I tested it with people talking in map chat. I haven't had the chance recently to test it with someone who only whispered me. I did note that the "Invite" option does go away once you are on a different map from the people you're trying to invite, though.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.


> It's the _only_ way to add them, even when the person has whispered you. Right-clicking their name doesn't add the "Invite to Party" option until you have added them to your Friends list.


Either you're appearing offline or are bugged. This is most certainly not the case.


EDIT: Even if you are offline or bugged, you can still add someone via "/invite ". So even if they don't have the invite to party option popping up, that is **definitely** not the "only" way.

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"I don't really understand what is wrong with the follower list."

If any of you are ok with it - fine. Just play as usual.


I don't like when someone adding me in friends witout asking.

****ing facebook...


As it was told earlier by one good person here

"So for uncluttering the followers list, there aren't many options.

1. Remove it completely. Now, if you want to find someone, you got to add them to your own friendlist.

2. Rework friending into something both people have to accept and rename the followers list to "pending friend requests". Add the ability to accept or decline a request and have them auto-decline after a certain period of time.

3. Add the ability to sort and hide followers by certein criteria like last online, name and other stuff."

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> @"LadyLuxx.3861" said:

> Or if the above isn't achievable, at least an indicator on our friends list that tells us how long they've not logged in for (much like the guild system) that way, we can accurately block/unfriend the right people.

Leaderboards => LogIn with your account-data => Achievements => Filter by: Friends

When you mouse-over the achievement score, you see when this person has last loged in (date and time).


Note: This is one of the hidden features of the friendlist system in this game. The achievement-leaderboards refresh every hour. If you want to check the activity of a certain user which is not a member of your guild, you can just /friend him and wait for the next refresh. Then you access the page and you can view when this person last loged in. The leaderboards were added around march 2013. I used the last loged option to track guild inactives in my old guilds, before the feature was added to the guild-roster.




No one forces you to look on the followers-tab. It is imho a very nice side-feature which increases the players self-esteem, knowing people added you as a friend because they believe you are a valuable contact. You do not have to add them to your friend-lists and you do not get login-notifications for those people. But you still are connected in a way that you can see when they are online and if they are in the same map/content as you. A good opportunity to team up once again.


If you are a leader of a large guild, or an active commander, or a famous person like Rasman, you are added to many friend lists. It would be just horrible to receive a login-notification for hundrets of people you barely know at all. You can disable the notifications, but then you miss the people you want to stay in touch. But if those people are only followers, they do not feel devalued and you are not stressed.


These are just a few reasons why I think the followers-tab is a good feature and should stay.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> Leaderboards => LogIn with your account-data => Achievements => Filter by: Friends

> When you mouse-over the achievement score, you see when this person has last loged in (date and time).


Note that the date isn't their last login, it's the date they last earned an achievement point. It should be a good estimate of whether they've played in the last ~4 months, at least for those with the expansion that play the living world. You can see the date of their last login (while not invisible) by inviting them to a guild, which puts them in the roster with the usual info as a pending member. If they use the forums, you can check their last login here on the mobile version of their profile.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> Also, you did specifically say map chat.


You're right, my bad. In the former case I was referring to chat in general (should have called it just that), in the second I was referring to the chat choices.


> I did note that the "Invite" option does go away once you are on a different map from the people you're trying to invite, though.


No no, I definitely meant people on the same map. For instance, I do home instance farming daily, and when I post to ask whether someone would like to join and get a "+" in response, I do not have the "Invite into Party" option until I add them to my Friends list.


(And before you ask, my client is perfectly fine. Just re-installed everything yesterday, and no change to before: invite to party doesn't work for me unless I add them first. Am I missing something?)

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > It is _especially_ annoying that you cannot completely remove people from your Friends list since you have to add strangers to your Friends list first before you can invite them into your party via map chat right-click. Remove Friend, including from the Followers list, would be a real QoL feature.


> You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.


To be able to right click/invite, most of the time they have to be on your friends list..


I just: /invite user.1234 for example so I don’t have to add someone unless I really want to.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > It is _especially_ annoying that you cannot completely remove people from your Friends list since you have to add strangers to your Friends list first before you can invite them into your party via map chat right-click. Remove Friend, including from the Followers list, would be a real QoL feature.

> >

> > You don't have to be Friends with someone to invite them to a party that way. Sometimes other issues can prevent it working properly, though.


> To be able to right click/invite, most of the time they have to be on your friends list..


> I just: /invite user.1234 for example so I don’t have to add someone unless I really want to.


As I said in my above posts, I was able to right click to invite multiple random people in map chat (in pve, wvw, and spvp lobby) without having a single one of them on my friends list. So, I don't think they do have to be on your friends list at all, and there are possibly other factors making it not work sometimes.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> No no, I definitely meant people on the same map. For instance, I do home instance farming daily, and when I post to ask whether someone would like to join and get a "+" in response, I do not have the "Invite into Party" option until I add them to my Friends list.


> (And before you ask, my client is perfectly fine. Just re-installed everything yesterday, and no change to before: invite to party doesn't work for me unless I add them first. Am I missing something?)


I really have no idea what could be causing it, outside of the whole Invisible thing mentioned before. :( So many things in-game bug out for seemingly unconnected reasons.

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> @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> To be able to right click/invite, most of the time they have to be on your friends list..


Exactly. I don't understand why that is (i.e., why it sometimes, rarely, works and sometimes doesn't).


> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> and there are possibly other factors making it not work sometimes.


You keep saying that, but you never mention what those "other factors" are. Enlighten us! :)

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> I say "other factors" because I don't know what those other factors could be


Ah, okay.


> outside of one or both people being set as Invisible or one of the people leaving the map. :p


Nope, that's definitely not it. ;) Like I said, I create parties daily for my home instance, and in 99% of the cases I can't add people just like that.

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I don't care about the follower list. I would however like a Last login time stamp on the friend list... not having that is terrible... Also: I would like a "note" section, on the friendlist... So that I can write down where and when and how I met someone, so I can refresh my memory about them, without having to change their nickname...

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Balthazzarr.1349" said:

> > To be able to right click/invite, most of the time they have to be on your friends list..


> Exactly. I don't understand why that is (i.e., why it sometimes, rarely, works and sometimes doesn't).


> > @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> > and there are possibly other factors making it not work sometimes.


> You keep saying that, but you never mention what those "other factors" are. Enlighten us! :)


You definitely don’t have to add people to your friends list. I’ve found in most cases the person has to whisper me (to prevent unsolicited random invites I presume) but usually I can just right click their name in chat or portrait if they’re on my screen.


The only time I’ve run into problems is with free to play people who have restrictions and anyone who has their status set to offline.


EDIT: oh, I forgot the purpose of this thread. I don’t understand why people have an issue with the follower list? I think it’s a pretty cool feature. If you remove them from your friends list but they are still on the follower list it just means they also have you on their friends list.

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> @"Sinful.2165" said:

> The only time I’ve run into problems is with free to play people who have restrictions


Ahhhh, maybe that's it?! Hmmm...


Glad you are not having this issue, but I am encoutering it 99.9% of the time (and apparently, I am not the only one), so adding, inviting, then immediately removing again has become a tedious daily routine for me in Divinitiy's Reach.


> EDIT: oh, I forgot the purpose of this thread. I don’t understand why people have an issue with the follower list? I think it’s a pretty cool feature.

> If you remove them from your friends list but they are still on the follower list it just means they also have you on their friends list.


Well, it would be nice to have a choice in this, no?



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I'd like to remove followers. One of my accounts randomly gets some new people adding it and I think it's because of some name I have, people mistype something and get me instead. :(

There's now bunch of people called "added me" on that block list.


I also agree that friends should be mutual agreement.

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