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sor bandwagon


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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > I look forward to BG getting their bottoms handed to them again.


>BG stacked and we hate that they stacked so let's root for others who stack.


Completely agree with this sentiment! Could not have said it better myself. Also, looking forward towards GW2 Alliances!

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> @"anonymous.7812" said:

> > @"Player.9621" said:

> > heaven forbid a bunch of friends get together the only way they can

> >

> > hate the system not the player


> Who knew the white nationalist friend-list was that large in our tiny WvW community?


Wut? Is there something WvW-wide I've been missing all this time, or have I just been fortunate enough to be on servers that don't have this?

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > I look forward to BG getting their bottoms handed to them again.


> Ahh yes. BG stacked and we hate that they stacked so let's root for others who stack. :smile:


It's like seeing a bully get bullied themselves. You know bullying is wrong but you can't help smile to see them get a taste of their own medicine.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > I look forward to BG getting their bottoms handed to them again.

> >

> > Ahh yes. BG stacked and we hate that they stacked so let's root for others who stack. :smile:


> It's like seeing a bully get bullied themselves. You know bullying is wrong but you can't help smile to see them get a taste of their own medicine.


I can see that. The problem isn't the bully getting bullied. It's all of the people that get punched in the mouth for weeks to get to the bully. Effectively that is being celebrated also.


And quite honestly, the 'bully' analogy is inappropriate. Actual bullying id a travesty.


What is actually ironic?


You are cheering FOR the same people that assisted BG in stacking. While stacking another server.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > > I look forward to BG getting their bottoms handed to them again.

> > >

> > > Ahh yes. BG stacked and we hate that they stacked so let's root for others who stack. :smile:

> >

> > It's like seeing a bully get bullied themselves. You know bullying is wrong but you can't help smile to see them get a taste of their own medicine.


> I can see that. The problem isn't the bully getting bullied. It's all of the people that get punched in the mouth for weeks to get to the bully. Effectively that is being celebrated also.


> And quite honestly, the 'bully' analogy is inappropriate. Actual bullying id a travesty.


> What is actually ironic?


> You are cheering FOR the same people that assisted BG in stacking. While stacking another server.


Who said I'm cheering for them? I don't care about HoD or SoR. I do, however, like seeing titans fall.

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> @"etsmith.9025" said:

> So with all the players moving to SOR and creating one hell of a imbalance, something needs to be done on reset.


That doesn't make sense because they will move up to a match against larger servers that may perform better against them, although I'm hoping those servers won't. ;)



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The more "pre-alliances" that form up, the better it will be for that particular game mode to start off strong come release. I wouldn't expect any iteration of a pre-alliance that is there currently to be the final one. But doing this will allow guilds to "test" out their ability to work together and figure out who they want or don't want in their alliance come release. We have two pre-alliances atm, ours and the SoR one. There is a 3rd on the way within the next 2-3 weeks, so that will be interesting also if it happens. I personally know of 5 potential alliances on the table right now, with 3 soon being implemented as a pre-alliance, the other 2 just need to execute and move to a link in an organized fashion to see how they do. Regardless, I think people should expect all rosters to change and fine tune.


In the end, if this is what players have to do themselves to shake it up and keep the game interesting until alliances, I'm all for it. Ideally, if we can get 6 pre-alliances up to start taking up different linked(eventually host) servers in T1 and T2 I think it would be pretty interesting.


The real test of the SoR pre-alliance isn't how it performs as a link but how they work together and perform as a host in 5 weeks. Same goes for any pre-alliance that wants to be a real thing, you have to move to a linked server and start from scratch to really put those guilds and players through the ringer together.


We have two test studies to start though. One small pre-alliance(~150 players) and one large pre-alliance(~500 players).



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> @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> of course we'll avoid you guys. we're like 10-20+ most of the time. if you split into small groups, maybe we can get some fight going. but as long as you guys do the blob, we'll boycot every time we see a big group when we dont have numbers.


> my guild especially runs 5-9 most of the time daily.


Same here, my guild runs 5-10 and always wants a fight even outnumbered but I mean when HoD/SoR has 30+ sitting behind a choke using beckon emotes to the 9 of us wanting us to push them. Its a joke lol. Then you have their commanders on twitch with 40+ in squad chasing down 10 acting like their the greatest commander to ever live.. I can't tell if you guys are serious when you say your looking for fights

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LOL, BG is not as stacked as everything thinks. Start counting the guilds. And none of them are even that big anymore. BG does have a larger percentage of "hardcore" type wvwer's. Mainly b/c we cannot take in the "newbie" b/c we have been locked for over a year. But large numbers, no we do not have that. The outnumber buff tho is quite nice! I'm fine with BG being locked.

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> @"Quednau.7390" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > of course we'll avoid you guys. we're like 10-20+ most of the time. if you split into small groups, maybe we can get some fight going. but as long as you guys do the blob, we'll boycot every time we see a big group when we dont have numbers.

> >

> > my guild especially runs 5-9 most of the time daily.


> Same here, my guild runs 5-10 and always wants a fight even outnumbered but I mean when HoD/SoR has 30+ sitting behind a choke using beckon emotes to the 9 of us wanting us to push them. Its a joke lol. Then you have their commanders on twitch with 40+ in squad chasing down 10 acting like their the greatest commander to ever live.. I can't tell if you guys are serious when you say your looking for fights



here was yesterday's wvw raid. we were pretty lucky the enemy wasnt that smart.


but kudos to sbi for fighting. it made our day, where a strong group of non blob went to fight. hoped my guys could go online so we can have 15 running around but we're mostly 30+ (age group, so kids work business) in the guild and working professionals. so its not easy. hehe


of course hod sor went to try to find our group or any other ns/sf team running around. so they dont see us, we chose to be invisible in the setting. so no whispers, just ppl communicating with us in map x team x voip.

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> @"Indo.8629" said:

> wall of wrong


All you're going to do, all the dev's are going to do, is reduce the game mode to a fraction of what it even is today. You can't have World vs World without Worlds.


They should increase the rewards in EotM to match the BL's and most players will likely go there instead.

This way players can just go in, play for a bit, and leave without worrying about any alliances at all.

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Alliances are mostly guilds that wanna nut hug and blob down everything. They will soon get bored or get rolled by the stronger alliance leaving the weaker alliance to either transfer or quit game. The stronger alliance aka the bigger bandwagon will say things like "there's no fights" or "this game is ded" eventually they transfer off to another bandwagon and the cycle continues.

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> @"hunkamania.7561" said:

> Alliances are mostly guilds that wanna nut hug and blob down everything. They will soon get bored or get rolled by the stronger alliance leaving the weaker alliance to either transfer or quit game. The stronger alliance aka the bigger bandwagon will say things like "there's no fights" or "this game is ded" eventually they transfer off to another bandwagon and the cycle continues.


Alliances want to be challenged, but one side will allways ends stronger, so they will "blob down everything", or will look like that from the outside. This still doesn't mean that the alliance system (which isn't about alliance vs alliance "fights" only) couldn't work, just the WvW has to regain the meaning that was lost: win must matter and be rewarding (to motivate those losing to keep trying), the game mode must remember the contribution of everyone (detailed leaderboards), and so on, these RvR fundamental principles aren't optional -- otherwise all falls apart, just like now.


Fighting for objectives can and should counter zerg vs. zerg fights, keeping both relevant, just capturing and defending needs many adjustments to make it fun, because currently is extremely un-fun, while fights are (so everyone wants fights only).


All these won't happen with current "speed" of WvW related development, neither the level of communication from the company; asking, debating and absorbing ideeas abut how to fix and improve the game mode. WvW needs a real development team, with large enough budget and talented devs, otherwise we are just dreaming here and nothing will become a reality.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> > @"Mini Crinny.6190" said:

> > What bandwagon?


> It's where the most elite fight guilds gather.


There is Elite fight guilds?? I thought it was just random players spamming 1 in omniblobs ,who would have thought it was elite ?? definitely not me but then Do I really care ?? nah PVE is much more exciting at the moment.

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