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What personal storyline choices affect PoF?


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Long story short, I'm thinking of changing mains while I go through the PoF questline, but I don't want to miss out on anything special if I haven't completed the Personal Storyline or HoT storyline on my new main. I know it wouldn't make a huge difference to PoF's overall gameplay, but I'm a bit of a stickler to detail and love finding little references and seeing how old choices I've almost forgotten may affect current events. For instance HoT had some special dialogue for sylvari that I thought was really neat, as well as a few references to the order I had joined in the Personal Storyline


So, my question is, does PoF do this? Has anyone noticed if a certain race gets special dialogue like sylvari in HoT? Or has anyone noticed if choices made in older stories has an effect on PoF at all?

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As human, **if u have choosen balthazar as god** to serve on Personal History, theres a dialogue with Baltahzar that changes(if u dont bother with spoiler i can say what is).


EDIT offtopic.

>! on Pof choices is very simplified but more polished, theres a instance when u have choose a allegiance between Independent Amnon, Palawa Joko or Sunspears. So u have 3 ways to experience PoF history that changes some dialogs, also its change the dialogs and the npcs that are present on epilogue instance. Also theres 3 backpieces related to each choice, so if u want all 3 skins u have to play history 3 times.


>! the only thing i dont know, if the choice is permanent, or if u can change the choice if u play history mode again. someone who knows how to clarify this will be welcome.


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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:


> if u have choosen balthazar as god to serve, as human, theres a dialogue that change(if u dont bother with spoiler i can say what is).


> EDIT offtopic.

> on Pof choices is very simplified but more polished, theres a instance when u have choose a allegiance between Independent Amnon, Palawa Joko or Sunspears. So u have 3 ways to experience PoF history that changes some dialogs, also its change the dialogs and the npcs that are present on epilogue instance. Also theres 3 backpieces related to each choice, so if u want all 3 skins u have to play history 3 times.


> the only thing i dont know, if the choice is permanent, or if u can change the choice if u play history mode again. someone who knows how to clarify this will be welcome.


Without spoiling you can get different dialogues for other gods too.


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Weirdly, after having read through all of the path of fire stuff on the wiki (i haven't yet read through the season 4 stuff on wiki), sylvari actually get a couple of very neat dialogue options, the most from what I've roughly counted. There's a couple of human centric moments and a couple of charr centric moments too. Nothing norn or asura specific as far as I've seen (there's actually one moment that asura miss in the prologue). There's one moment for someone who chose kormir as the god that blessed them and one moment for someone who chose balthazar as the god who blessed them. Other than that, nothing I really saw, and most of the permutations depend on a couple of decisions you make in path of fire itself (some self contained within that instance, others not so much).

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