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Hey guys. I was just wondering if y’all think that frostfang and/or other legendaries need a rework. I like frostfang but I feel like it’s just bland with these new legendaries comming out. There’s no cool draw effect and I think when attacking it’s nothing special. I feel like it needs something more. Anyone else agree or have a different opinion?

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Frostfang was the first legendary I crafted and I have to kind of agree. Beside it not really being visually impressive the ice hit effect is also among the most annoying effects in the game. I prefer to use my normal ascended axe over it because of this 'thud' sound whenever you hit anything. It should sound more chilly, like a breeze or something idk. The effect on the hand could use a little love too, maybe a bit more of ice growing up the arm further than right now

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I've always paid close attention to how every legendary looks, sounds & functions before I've even began crafting one, yes I would agree that a couple could use a re-work such as Frostfang (sounds/frost animations need a re-work), Quip (attack sounds need re-work) .

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They sure do but TBH it's not just the legendaries, the main reason why I don't bother with all these black lion weapon sets (and many weapon skins in general) is the lack of customized projectiles. It obviously doesn't have to be super flashy like one would expect from a legendary but for example a zenith rifle (which is basically an energy crystal) firing reular bullets with gunpowder effects / sounds doesn't fit the weapon at all and is frankly just lazy implementation. Another example would be the frostforged shortbow, they used regular arrows instead of the ice arrows from the shortbow the mages can summon. Why? It's stupid.

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Frostfang should create ice shards that shatter upon impact. Not to do damage, but for effect. When drawn, the character should say "Ooh, frosty!"


When The Predator is drawn, character should say "Fire For Effect!" Normally that's an artillery term used after walking rounds into a target, but we could make an exception.

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Frostfang definitely needs a visual upgrade.


It feels like a 600 Gemstore skin rather than a proper Legendary.


> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> Frostfang should create ice shards that shatter upon impact. Not to do damage, but for effect. When drawn, the character should say "Ooh, frosty!"


Dear Gawd, no cheesy and annoying one-liners like that.


Wouldn't mind hearing a Jormag-esque dragon roar in the distance whenever drawn though.

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> @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> Tooth of Frostfang is the only precursor that ever dropped for me and I immediately sold it cause Frostfang is not for me. My best friend loves it though so... to each his own. If they changed it's effects I would be curious. I do love that it is ice themed.


I've no doubt most people here love Frostfang - which is why we want to see it improved.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > Tooth of Frostfang is the only precursor that ever dropped for me and I immediately sold it cause Frostfang is not for me. My best friend loves it though so... to each his own. If they changed it's effects I would be curious. I do love that it is ice themed.


> I've no doubt most people here love Frostfang - which is why we want to see it improved.


Yeah but changes aren't necessarily improvements either as seen in previous changes.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"Super Hayes.6890" said:

> > > Tooth of Frostfang is the only precursor that ever dropped for me and I immediately sold it cause Frostfang is not for me. My best friend loves it though so... to each his own. If they changed it's effects I would be curious. I do love that it is ice themed.

> >

> > I've no doubt most people here love Frostfang - which is why we want to see it improved.


> Yeah but changes aren't necessarily improvements either as seen in previous changes.


Honestly, the base model/effects of Frostfang are so bad it pretty much could only be an improvement at this point.

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It'd be why I chose to make Astralaria instead. Which begs the question: why make the footprints SO amazing yet last for not even a second so they can be seen? They just end up looking like brief blue spots instead of a piece of the universe.

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Frostfang is one of my favorite legendaries. I like the on-hit animations and sound effects a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things about it. I'm not sure how it sounds like a thud to someone. It doesn't sound like that on my Soundblaster Z/Swan M10s or my crappy laptop sound and internal speaker.


The only change I'd really like is for the Iceps to be larger on Norns and Charrs. They look great on Asura, but are barely visible if not completely covered on larger races. I play at 4k and max graphic settings, and I don't see anything else that looks bad.

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> @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> Frostfang is one of my favorite legendaries. I like the on-hit animations and sound effects a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things about it. I'm not sure how it sounds like a thud to someone. It doesn't sound like that on my Soundblaster Z/Swan M10s or my crappy laptop sound and internal speaker.


> The only change I'd really like is for the Iceps to be larger on Norns and Charrs. They look great on Asura, but are barely visible if not completely covered on larger races. I play at 4k and max graphic settings, and I don't see anything else that looks bad.


Doesn't sound like a thud to me either. More like chunks of ice colliding with things which is pretty appropriate for an axe made of ice.

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Honestly, all older skins(both weapons and armors) are in big need of a retex...trying to mix match old stuff with new is hell...older weapon/armor look to plastic when compared to new super flashy textures. Legendaries still decent, Bolt to me still have the best visual effects.


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Frostfang definitely needs a visual upgrade.


> It feels like a 600 Gemstore skin rather than a proper Legendary.


Oh, gemstore weapons kick ass, i mean, give Menzies greatsword or God Slayer Bow footprints, draw and attack effects and there you go, Legendary!



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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> Honestly, all older skins(both weapons and armors) are in big need of a retex...trying to mix match old stuff with new is hell...older weapon/armor look to plastic when compared to new super flashy textures. Legendaries still decent, Bolt to me still have the best visual effects.


This is true, on top of that alot of the cloth textures just look like paint!

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> @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> Frostfang is one of my favorite legendaries. I like the on-hit animations and sound effects a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things about it. I'm not sure how it sounds like a thud to someone. It doesn't sound like that on my Soundblaster Z/Swan M10s or my crappy laptop sound and internal speaker.


> The only change I'd really like is for the Iceps to be larger on Norns and Charrs. They look great on Asura, but are barely visible if not completely covered on larger races. I play at 4k and max graphic settings, and I don't see anything else that looks bad.


It could still do with more visible effects aside the footsteps, and definitely could use a draw effect.



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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> > Frostfang is one of my favorite legendaries. I like the on-hit animations and sound effects a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things about it. I'm not sure how it sounds like a thud to someone. It doesn't sound like that on my Soundblaster Z/Swan M10s or my crappy laptop sound and internal speaker.

> >

> > The only change I'd really like is for the Iceps to be larger on Norns and Charrs. They look great on Asura, but are barely visible if not completely covered on larger races. I play at 4k and max graphic settings, and I don't see anything else that looks bad.


> It could still do with more visible effects aside the footsteps, and definitely could use a draw effect.




There is a draw effect (along with the wooshing sound effect when drawn).








And the existing effects - the cloud of frost and snow from the mouth along with the Iceps (except for the issue on larger characters) are all quite visible. I'm not sure what people want - something awful like the Winter's Presence aura?




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> @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> > > Frostfang is one of my favorite legendaries. I like the on-hit animations and sound effects a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things about it. I'm not sure how it sounds like a thud to someone. It doesn't sound like that on my Soundblaster Z/Swan M10s or my crappy laptop sound and internal speaker.

> > >

> > > The only change I'd really like is for the Iceps to be larger on Norns and Charrs. They look great on Asura, but are barely visible if not completely covered on larger races. I play at 4k and max graphic settings, and I don't see anything else that looks bad.

> >

> > It could still do with more visible effects aside the footsteps, and definitely could use a draw effect.

> >

> >


> There is a draw effect (along with the wooshing sound effect when drawn).


> https://i.imgur.com/FHdMCjG.jpg

> https://i.imgur.com/ymYj4VF.jpg

> https://i.imgur.com/oJVISl7.jpg

> https://i.imgur.com/MDK12Sg.jpg

> https://i.imgur.com/FXceSuA.jpg


> And the existing effects - the cloud of frost and snow from the mouth along with the Iceps (except for the issue on larger characters) are all quite visible. I'm not sure what people want - something awful like the Winter's Presence aura?


> https://i.imgur.com/hgrgFiC.jpg



The ice on the arm is not a "draw effect". In a weird way it is more akin to the various auras of the other Legendaries in that it is a persistent effect when drawn in combat. What I want to see is something like the Claw of Khan-Ur, or the latest Warhorn (I forget the name) when drawn. The base model in particular is very, very rough.


As for what "we" want, personally I just want the same thing but more of it and in higher quality, putting Frostfang on par with the HoT and beyond Legendaries.


- Model update/improvement.

- Weapon trail update/improvement.

- Drawn effect.

- More visual/noticable aura.



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When I carry Bolt everyone knows it due to the lightning effect that surrounds my character. Frostfang should cause something like a whirlwind of frost around the player when drawn. I just feel that if you have a legendary weapon I should be able to identify which one from a distance. It is, after all, supposed to be legendary.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> frostfang is just fine. Maybe a frost aura around you?

> To me, the Eternity needs a rework. It looks like the designers couldnt make up their mind so they just were all; "Glitter it up and add rainbow meatballs to the foot trail because we can't do any better."


Eternity (and it's base component Legendaries) are some of the better, most noticable Legendaries of Gen 1.


They're more than fine, lol.


Meanwhile Frostfang looks very basic with barely noticable effects.


Also it is kinda rude to derail a thread like that - if you think Eternity needs work, make a separate thread for it.

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> @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> Frostfang is one of my favorite legendaries. I like the on-hit animations and sound effects a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things about it. I'm not sure how it sounds like a thud to someone. It doesn't sound like that on my Soundblaster Z/Swan M10s or my crappy laptop sound and internal speaker.


> The only change I'd really like is for the Iceps to be larger on Norns and Charrs. They look great on Asura, but are barely visible if not completely covered on larger races. I play at 4k and max graphic settings, and I don't see anything else that looks bad.


I can see why about the Thud.... A lot of consumer grade sound systems are insanely bass heavy. I have a cheapish sony BT headset, and even with all the EQ flattened and smart sound options disabled, its triple the base of my sennheiser PC360s. It made certain sounds in the game sound like someone bumped into a wall.


As for the Gen 1s...... I can see a few that need an effects pass. But given some of the gripes surrounding the last pass, I would push for more original thinking then "needs more and/or bigger effects". A significant issue I don't think enough people think about is the design process of the Legendary weapons don't really take into account the classes that use them (and now the Especs); and that there needs to be some set of General requirements list of which effects need to be considered.


Given the current misaligned effects on some high profile skills.....


Draw Effects

Foot Falls


Projectile Effects

Burst Aura/Impact Effect


Damage type


Idle Animations



Not all are needed for a Design, but these tend to be the things that run into problems when a weapon has an unconventional use.

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Considering all the love and detail they keep pouring into the newer Legendaries it, in my mind, only seems fair to give the old ones an overhaul to give them the same number of effects.


Or reign in all the details in the newer ones as to not create such a painfully obvious divide, but that ship has obviously sailed long ago. There’s no going back now.


Edit: The big things in my books are


- Aura or other passive visual effect when wielded.

- Draw effect (Claw, the new Warhorn)

- Weapon trails. You can hardly tell you’re swinging Frostfang around, but you cannot mistake someone using either of the Greatswords due to their trails.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > > @"Thelgar.7214" said:

> > > > Frostfang is one of my favorite legendaries. I like the on-hit animations and sound effects a lot. It is probably one of my favorite things about it. I'm not sure how it sounds like a thud to someone. It doesn't sound like that on my Soundblaster Z/Swan M10s or my crappy laptop sound and internal speaker.

> > > >

> > > > The only change I'd really like is for the Iceps to be larger on Norns and Charrs. They look great on Asura, but are barely visible if not completely covered on larger races. I play at 4k and max graphic settings, and I don't see anything else that looks bad.

> > >

> > > It could still do with more visible effects aside the footsteps, and definitely could use a draw effect.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > There is a draw effect (along with the wooshing sound effect when drawn).

> >

> > https://i.imgur.com/FHdMCjG.jpg

> > https://i.imgur.com/ymYj4VF.jpg

> > https://i.imgur.com/oJVISl7.jpg

> > https://i.imgur.com/MDK12Sg.jpg

> > https://i.imgur.com/FXceSuA.jpg

> >

> > And the existing effects - the cloud of frost and snow from the mouth along with the Iceps (except for the issue on larger characters) are all quite visible. I'm not sure what people want - something awful like the Winter's Presence aura?

> >

> > https://i.imgur.com/hgrgFiC.jpg

> >


> The ice on the arm is not a "draw effect". In a weird way it is more akin to the various auras of the other Legendaries in that it is a persistent effect when drawn in combat. What I want to see is something like the Claw of Khan-Ur, or the latest Warhorn (I forget the name) when drawn. The base model in particular is very, very rough.


> As for what "we" want, personally I just want the same thing but more of it and in higher quality, putting Frostfang on par with the HoT and beyond Legendaries.


> - Model update/improvement.

> - Weapon trail update/improvement.

> - Drawn effect.

> - More visual/noticable aura.


> ect.


Did you look at the series of five images I posted? The Iceps aren't the draw effect. The draw effect animation is shown across the five images. As far as the rest, there is only so much that can be done visibly with frost and snow effects to make them more visible before they become cheesy cartoon snowflakes like Winter's Presence, which I definitely don't want.

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