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Plat is the new Silver- Change my mind


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so a little of context here...some people might know, others dont, but I havent really played sPvP since PoF was released, many reasons for that, but thats not the point here...so I decided to try sPvP again, heard about all the nerfs to Scourge, SB, FB, Mirage and all the others specs that were making this game really "fun" to play...made my placements matches and even without even touching sPvP for more then a half of year and having no idea of what is meta or not(playing Core Guard, which is really strong) still made a 7/3, which 2 loses were cause a clear wintrader and dc on the other, landed on Plat 1, though to myself, just gonna play a few more games and gonna drop to gold probably...well now i am Plat 2. There are good players, no doubt about that, way better then me...but the average Plat player dosent seen to be any diferent from the silver one lol...i mean, this dont make any sense, how someone who havent even touched the game for months is able to get on what is supposed to be the high raking division or whatever.

Before someone try to say i am just bosting and stuff, this is actually the opposite, i dont consider myself to be a "top" player, i am not good enough to be on this high ranking, even playing with 300ping and getting 10~15Fps i am still managed to reach plat 2 lol what happened to GW2 PvP?

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> so a little of context here...some people might know, others dont, but I havent really played sPvP since PoF was released,


If you haven't played PvP since PoF has released then why half your posting history in the PvP section over the past months?


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > so a little of context here...some people might know, others dont, but I havent really played sPvP since PoF was released,


> If you haven't played PvP since PoF has released then why half your posting history in the PvP section over the past months?



I still play WvW, balance is basically the same for both game modes...dont think most of the WvW stuff is balanced around small scale, reason why I avoided that foruns section when talking about balance.

Still not sure why you played all detective and went to search my post history, but whatever dude lol


> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> I just had a massive Déjà Vu. Wasn't a thread with exactly the same name around few months ago?


Could be, not sure about the "Plat is the new silver" part, but the "change my mind" is me just making fun of the Steven Crowder series of yt videos, someone else might had the same idea

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Since we can't see other players rating we can't say if your enemies/team mates are plat 2 too or they are gold/silvers. This matchmaking can put really bad players to team of high rankings and force them to carry real noobs. Platinum is not silver. But looks like every silver can play in gold now, and match making can put him to platinum team. Arena.net thinks plat players with silver in same team vs team of gold is balanced. So now we have games where good players carry useless noobs to top. He wins who has less noobs in his team.

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Are you a rev player (looking at your icon)? I'm just curious what class you're playing to have this experience, I've seen terrible players everywhere on both sides of the game and generally find that I can't kill and decap fast enough to keep up with my team's wiping in 5v3s from the few placements I did before I stopped playing again. The final straw was when I went home at start and after giving everyone basi and ran out the gate the guardian followed me to home... like what

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Do you know why do you need to play a certain number of matches to be placed on leaderboard? Because if you just played a little matches, you might be carried by good players all time, or pulled down by bad players all time, which is not accurate. So play enough matches enough to get to the leaderboard before the thread.

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Plat is indeed the new silver. You don’t even need to know what you are doing to get there. I rarely drop out of plat 1 and I only play random not meta builds that I don’t really know how to play. It’s pretty sad tbh because I know I should not be plat when I play anything other than my main, but I am. Plat should mean something but it really doesn’t. You could be a top tier player or a random who got lucky, or just a really bad player who grinded it out and no one would ever know by looking at your badge. Maybe they need to put plat back up to 1650, but honestly everything I just said also applies to 1650+.

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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> Plat is indeed the new silver. You don’t even need to know what you are doing to get there. I rarely drop out of plat 1 and I only play random not meta builds that I don’t really know how to play. It’s pretty sad tbh because I know I should not be plat when I play anything other than my main, but I am. Plat should mean something but it really doesn’t. You could be a top tier player or a random who got lucky, or just a really bad player who grinded it out and no one would ever know by looking at your badge. Maybe they need to put plat back up to 1650, but honestly everything I just said also applies to 1650+.


That's because you still have common sense with capture point map, and that's how the progression should be. Lately, gold/plat are full of players who climbed with scourges/spellbreakers/mesmer, and are good at fighting, but do not know basic capture map stuff.

The question is more likely to know if you can learn map basics anymore

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In response to OP, i just want to want to say that i also was a WvW player before becoming more into spvp. And I don't know what you do in WvW, but I was always a solo roamer and I feel like solo roamers are without a doubt the best players in the game. Just for the record, any class can solo roam. Solo roaming teaching you to react quickly and teaches you how to juggle multiple enemies. You can find yourself in the most disadvantageous of situations as a solo roamer wvw, but you try to survive and take a few or all enemies down nonetheless. So if you were a solo roamer, it makes sense that you would be capable in Spvp.


On the other hand, I find Zerg players to be some of the worst players in the game. But there is also a middle ground. In any case, i wouldn't insult everyone in platinum because you feel like you are doing well in spvp. Your initial post have the inclination that you wasn't playing the game at all and recently came back and started to dominate with very little experience. But you've been playing pvp, just in WvW, so it's not a surprise to me that there are WvW players who dominate in Spvp. It makes sense it is all just pvp anyway.

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Op, I have been going though the same path on core guardian. I am currently 8/3 wins/losses with 1552 rating. Realistically speaking though, if you play the game regularly, how many people playing your class will be better than you? 200-300 hundred tops? That will put you in in the top 5%, which my guess is platinum 2 and above.


I actually think it is good that the game quickly determines your rating based on your skill level versus spending 100+ games farming less skilled players.

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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> In response to OP, i just want to want to say that i also was a WvW player before becoming more into spvp. And I don't know what you do in WvW, but I was always a solo roamer and I feel like solo roamers are without a doubt the best players in the game. Just for the record, any class can solo roam. Solo roaming teaching you to react quickly and teaches you how to juggle multiple enemies. You can find yourself in the most disadvantageous of situations as a solo roamer wvw, but you try to survive and take a few or all enemies down nonetheless. So if you were a solo roamer, it makes sense that you would be capable in Spvp.


> On the other hand, I find Zerg players to be some of the worst players in the game. But there is also a middle ground. In any case, i wouldn't insult everyone in platinum because you feel like you are doing well in spvp. Your initial post have the inclination that you wasn't playing the game at all and recently came back and started to dominate with very little experience. But you've been playing pvp, just in WvW, so it's not a surprise to me that there are WvW players who dominate in Spvp. It makes sense it is all just pvp anyway.


In my experience half the roamers think they'er amazing but then they're hard stuck in high gold / low plat because they can dodge and know the other skills but are too busy trying to outplay to grasp PvP. They're also too used to "must win duel" and insanely unfair situations to fight in which makes them struggle with 5v5. In my experience wvw guild players are far above most roamers.


The reason I dislike roaming is exactly the reason I like PvP better. PvP is balanced, small scale PvP revolving around objectives. You get matches against more or less your quality of players; which on EU prime is a selection of the elite. Roaming 99% of the time you get matched against unskilled players with random builds in an uneven playing field; there's a good amount of kiting, hit and run and some extent of decent fights.


Smashing the average players you encounter while roaming isn't exactly something that makes you super duper good. Most "roamer" condi mirages in both WvW and when going into PvP are far from skilled.

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No need to change your mind, you're just wrong.


Plat is still plat, silver is still silver. If you're trying to imply there's been a dip in overall skill... duh. The game has bled players with skill like an open funnel, but I'm sure most PvP games do. They are replaced with people who will slowly learn, take their place, then also quit. That's how video games work.


The last thing I'll say is that there are a TON of skilled people who just aren't playing ranked anymore. Either due to matchmaking (or lack thereof) or due to boredom.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"suffish.4150" said:

> > Plat is indeed the new silver. You don’t even need to know what you are doing to get there. I rarely drop out of plat 1 and I only play random not meta builds that I don’t really know how to play. It’s pretty sad tbh because I know I should not be plat when I play anything other than my main, but I am. Plat should mean something but it really doesn’t. You could be a top tier player or a random who got lucky, or just a really bad player who grinded it out and no one would ever know by looking at your badge. Maybe they need to put plat back up to 1650, but honestly everything I just said also applies to 1650+.


> That's because you still have common sense with capture point map, and that's how the progression should be. Lately, gold/plat are full of players who climbed with scourges/spellbreakers/mesmer, and are good at fighting, but do not know basic capture map stuff.

> The question is more likely to know if you can learn map basics anymore


But that's how it goes with any meta. Through the history of this game you will and have had people bandwagon to the next best class, get carried through high ranks each season. Then when they are put into a losing team it is every one elses fault.

This is kinda why people think Spvp is a toxic environment sometimes.

And to your last question no, I don't think people currently could learn map basics anymore, as long as we have power creep like we have been having since HoT.

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