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The experiment has failed. Bring back DuoQ.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> The PvP playerbase keeps shrinking and shrinking. If you care about the leaderboard you shouldnt play ranked matches in any non-peak hour or during any AT. You'll get stuck with players who are far below your skill level, which makes a lot of matches impossible to win. Ranked Q's got more and more boring. People deliberately lose matches to stay under the 1600 MMR hurdle so that they can at least have fun with a friend in a DuoQ. I have to admit that I wasn't against the idea to remove DuoQ for ppl who are above 1600 rating, but it turns out that this plan didn't make the game or pvp experience better. This can be partially explained by the shrinking playerbase. Maybe if we remove this SoloQ-only limitation, we might get some players back. It might improve the fun for the last remaining PvP players as well. It should be worth the try, because doing nothing won't make things better for sure.


Here's the issue, 1600 plus can only solo queue but the queue system often puts those solo queues vs the duos which is inherently an issue. In my opinion all ranked should be solo only, just like we had the solo arena for a while and boy was that fun no duos running around with cheese comps or zerging points.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> You are missing the third option. The only option:


> * Remove duo altogether at all tiers, and adjust the pace of the game and balance to make it fun for more players, not only for the higher tiers used to fast paced combat.


> That way all the people who enter PvP only to be killed so fast they can't even learn what went wrong will not leave so often anymore, there will be more people.


> Returning duoQ would only exacerbate the problem. It would allow players of more skill to stay together, and with coordination kill other players even faster, and they get even more fed up, and leave even more often. Until PvP gets depopulated beyond salvation.


> For as long as anyone can be killed in under 3 seconds, the problem will only get worse. Nothing will ever change that other than adjusting the pace of the game. Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation.


You realize duo queue is only unavailable for plat 2 and higher? No one at that skill level is leaving PvP because they come up against good duos. They leave because the RNG of playing such a competitive game mode with 4 strangers isn’t fun.


Seriously, go play a single player game if you have no interest in playing with people. You still end up in a match with nine other live people, all you are voting for is that they can’t specifically play with friends but rather only strangers.


I bet half the people voting down duo queue have never even seen plat 2. So lame that they can anonymously have a voice in something that does not affect them at all whatsoever and it’s ironic that by voting against team play they are driving the nails further in the coffin of the game mode they claim to be trying to protect.

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> @"Cougre.6543" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > - You cant play with ur friends. In unranked you can, but if you both have a reasonable skill level you often get 500-0 matches.

> That happens in unranked and ranked, with our without premades. Anecdotal evidence at best.

> > - In soloQ nowadays you get a lot of teammates who are below your skill level. Playing with a friend reduces this chance of getting such teammates.

> You're giving the predominant populous of videogames more credit than you should. Calling strangers who are part of a negative experience worse than yourself is a common and predictable result of egocentric bias.

> My point is, people think and say a lot of nonsense that falls flat the moment you filter anything without empirical evidence and consider the consequences of emotionally charged behavior.


I get your response but it is a FACT that there exists a high-rated section in every ladder-based videogame where most of these players are always playing with lesser skilled teammates. That's the nature of being a top tier player; there aren't many who are better. Now for GW2; the population is very lopsided towards the "pretty awful at the game" section. Queueing above 1600 or 1700 does mean you're on average better than your teammates. There are not many games rated 1700 on average except during EU prime. Instead there are 1600 rated games with occasional 1700+ players in them.


That said; that's also the exact reason why duoQ is a problem. Two capable players can carry a lot harder than one; and as bad as it feels matchmaking does need to balance matchmaking. And balancing a good duo during off-hours is incredibly difficult.


@"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> You are missing the third option. The only option:


> * Remove duo altogether at all tiers, and adjust the pace of the game and balance to make it fun for more players, not only for the higher tiers used to fast paced combat.


> That way all the people who enter PvP only to be killed so fast they can't even learn what went wrong will not leave so often anymore, there will be more people.


> Returning duoQ would only exacerbate the problem. It would allow players of more skill to stay together, and with coordination kill other players even faster, and they get even more fed up, and leave even more often. Until PvP gets depopulated beyond salvation.


> For as long as anyone can be killed in under 3 seconds, the problem will only get worse. Nothing will ever change that other than adjusting the pace of the game. Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation.


There is no way to make PvP more "appealing" or "rewarding" or "fun" for very lowly skilled players. The game is complex and has always been. I agree the pace of teh game is higher; but these same players would get farmed just as hard in slower meta's. The issue is PvE has continuously been made simpler and most players who wanted challenges / pvp / wvw / ... have been bullied out of the game. The issue is the absolutely massive skill difference between these players. The skill difference will stay and means that yes; often these players will get farmed.


Catering pvp to casual players was the worst decision they made. Catering the entire game towards casual players is the reason both PvP and WvW are struggling.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> The PvP playerbase keeps shrinking and shrinking.


To be fair that is the long term trend of MMORPG populations in general, especially PvP in themepark MMORPGs, regardless of what changes they make, I mean people go on about queuing as team as if that would magically save the game despite the reality that the PvP playerbase was also shrinking back when there was team queue, the only two things that actually appeared to give a signifcant boost to population were the addition of "F2P" and them adding the whole league/seasons thing, but they've played those cards now, so well.


People simply need to get their head around the reality that PvP in themepark MMORPGs is horribly compromised and is always going to die off regardless.



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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> [...]

> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > You are missing the third option. The only option:

> >

> > * Remove duo altogether at all tiers, and adjust the pace of the game and balance to make it fun for more players, not only for the higher tiers used to fast paced combat.

> >

> > That way all the people who enter PvP only to be killed so fast they can't even learn what went wrong will not leave so often anymore, there will be more people.

> >

> > Returning duoQ would only exacerbate the problem. It would allow players of more skill to stay together, and with coordination kill other players even faster, and they get even more fed up, and leave even more often. Until PvP gets depopulated beyond salvation.

> >

> > For as long as anyone can be killed in under 3 seconds, the problem will only get worse. Nothing will ever change that other than adjusting the pace of the game. Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation.


> There is no way to make PvP more "appealing" or "rewarding" or "fun" for very lowly skilled players. The game is complex and has always been. I agree the pace of teh game is higher; but these same players would get farmed just as hard in slower meta's. The issue is PvE has continuously been made simpler and most players who wanted challenges / pvp / wvw / ... have been bullied out of the game. The issue is the absolutely massive skill difference between these players. The skill difference will stay and means that yes; often these players will get farmed.


> Catering pvp to casual players was the worst decision they made. Catering the entire game towards casual players is the reason both PvP and WvW are struggling.


There are not "High skill" and "Very low skill" players. There's a whole range of player skills, and a whole range of learning curves for combinations of players, professions and elite specialziations. A player who could get really good at one particular playstile may suck at another.


There is only one thing all players have in common: Without players, there's no game.


You don't have to cater to the lower of the low to keep the game alive. You have to make the **entry** fun so they don't leave at the door. You have to make the **learning** fun and possible so they don't get discouraged before they start grasping how things work. And you have to **prevent gimmicks** that make the game too unfun at any tier to avoid losing players at all ratings.

Player attraction and retention is paramount.


Because this is something that is inevitable: Without players, there's no game.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > [...]

> > @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> > > You are missing the third option. The only option:

> > >

> > > * Remove duo altogether at all tiers, and adjust the pace of the game and balance to make it fun for more players, not only for the higher tiers used to fast paced combat.

> > >

> > > That way all the people who enter PvP only to be killed so fast they can't even learn what went wrong will not leave so often anymore, there will be more people.

> > >

> > > Returning duoQ would only exacerbate the problem. It would allow players of more skill to stay together, and with coordination kill other players even faster, and they get even more fed up, and leave even more often. Until PvP gets depopulated beyond salvation.

> > >

> > > For as long as anyone can be killed in under 3 seconds, the problem will only get worse. Nothing will ever change that other than adjusting the pace of the game. Like it or not, that's the reality of the situation.

> >

> > There is no way to make PvP more "appealing" or "rewarding" or "fun" for very lowly skilled players. The game is complex and has always been. I agree the pace of teh game is higher; but these same players would get farmed just as hard in slower meta's. The issue is PvE has continuously been made simpler and most players who wanted challenges / pvp / wvw / ... have been bullied out of the game. The issue is the absolutely massive skill difference between these players. The skill difference will stay and means that yes; often these players will get farmed.

> >

> > Catering pvp to casual players was the worst decision they made. Catering the entire game towards casual players is the reason both PvP and WvW are struggling.


> There are not "High skill" and "Very low skill" players. There's a whole range of player skills, and a whole range of learning curves for combinations of players, professions and elite specialziations. A player who could get really good at one particular playstile may suck at another.


> There is only one thing all players have in common: Without players, there's no game.


> You don't have to cater to the lower of the low to keep the game alive. You have to make the **entry** fun so they don't leave at the door. You have to make the **learning** fun and possible so they don't get discouraged before they start grasping how things work. And you have to **prevent gimmicks** that make the game too unfun at any tier to avoid losing players at all ratings.

> Player attraction and retention is paramount.


> Because this is something that is inevitable: Without players, there's no game.


I agree; the game needs the players. Not just players playing; but players willing to play and improve. If you want to make "entry" fun, the first thing you need to do is get rid of the thousands of players who play for malicious motives. PvE players playing PvP with no motivation to actually play PvP for what it is is a major component to ruining PvP for low end players. Afking for pips and grinding for backpacks without regard of fellow players is more harmful to the game than any spike-type builds.


Player retention... We're talking about PvP and WvW; they've lost the vast majority of their playerbase and you can lure in casuals from PvE to pretend they didn't; but that only makes the issues with PvP and WvW worse. For one; the original issues were never fixed. On top of that, the new playerbase that has been lured in doesn't particularly like these modes and progressively makes the situation worse.


I know you think making the game "slower" improves player retention; but the truth is you don't have a clue what you're on about. You can't avoid bad players from getting spiked (SORRY!) because they don't know what to dodge or how to react appropriately. Don't tell me it's BS; even in plat players regularly kill themselves to torment and confusion. Players regularly fail to dodge very telegraphed moves. And the moment you don't punish these type of mistakes; players who do actually use their cooldowns, LoS and kite appropriately especially on builds dedicated to this will quite literally be immortal. Yay for more bunker meta's.


So slowing down the play is what... drastically reducing the strong CD's players can use back to pre-HoT levels? Yeah I agree powercreep since HoT has had an awful impact on pvp and wvw and completely nerfing this is in order. Yet players will still get burst in no time pretty frequently.


PS. 2 dodges allows you to survive 1.5s :)

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> They need to implement a way to track people's rating on the forums.


> I don't care if its hidden or not but people below the 1600 threshold should NOT be allowed to vote. This topic doesn't concern them.


I saw the other thread so now I am going to respond here as well.


What makes you think a silver or gold player will never be matched against a plat duo?


The voting is about 1600 and above but you don't have to be in a duo yourself to play against a duo, it's not unreasonable to think 1600 players might drop to gold for various reasons, and you don't have to be in plat to be matched up against a plat duo.


Your question itself tends to a lack of understanding of how the mm works, ironically while you are criticising others for being supposedly ignorant.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> I say make less than 1600 rating soloQ also


> I really hate having duoQs in my team


Pretty sure your team also hates it having someone in their team who is just there to farm achievementpoints and is absolutly terrible at pvp. They hate having a PvE player in their team who alrdy played the game for like 20k hours but is still worse than the average gold player

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > I say make less than 1600 rating soloQ also

> >

> > I really hate having duoQs in my team


> Pretty sure your team also hates it having someone in their team who is just there to farm achievementpoints and is absolutly terrible at pvp. They hate having a PvE player in their team who alrdy played the game for like 20k hours but is still worse than the average gold player

It does not make sense. How can I be worse than the average gold player if I finish at least in high gold division (3 seasons finished in plat) every season.

I think it is a good result considering how much I dislike how PvP developed after the HoT release

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Solo so low.


If we had higher population, a complete split would be cool. Now duoQ just breaks the already struggling matchmaker. I doubt simply bringing back duoQ is the way, there has to be another solution - be it pips in unranked, different reward system altogether or whatever. But that requires too much effort, I guess, so we'll have to live with the current system... :cry:

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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > The PvP playerbase keeps shrinking and shrinking.


> To be fair that is the long term trend of MMORPG populations in general, especially PvP in themepark MMORPGs, regardless of what changes they make, I mean people go on about queuing as team as if that would magically save the game despite the reality that the PvP playerbase was also shrinking back when there was team queue, the only two things that actually appeared to give a signifcant boost to population were the addition of "F2P" and them adding the whole league/seasons thing, but they've played those cards now, so well.


> People simply need to get their head around the reality that PvP in themepark MMORPGs is horribly compromised and is always going to die off regardless.




Except that GW2 PvP is still one of the best options on the market, which given its current state isn’t saying much. The population shouldn’t be declining so hard, it’s not like there are better things to play luring people away. It’s bad design choice driving them off.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > They need to implement a way to track people's rating on the forums.

> >

> > I don't care if its hidden or not but people below the 1600 threshold should NOT be allowed to vote. This topic doesn't concern them.


> I saw the other thread so now I am going to respond here as well.


> What makes you think a silver or gold player will never be matched against a plat duo?


> The voting is about 1600 and above but you don't have to be in a duo yourself to play against a duo, it's not unreasonable to think 1600 players might drop to gold for various reasons, and you don't have to be in plat to be matched up against a plat duo.


> Your question itself tends to a lack of understanding of how the mm works, ironically while you are criticising others for being supposedly ignorant.


For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only. It has nothing to do with wanting to be carried or a lack of skill. The current Conquest system is just not fun to play solo, as you have very little impact on the course of a match unless you're running a side node monkey or high mobility/damage roamer. Bringing duo que back will result in an influx of higher tier players returning, which, not only makes the game more fun at higher tiers, but also reduces the chance lower tier players in gold and silver have of getting matched up against us.


Not to mention that most of the players in 1600+ don't actually mind going solo vs. duos. It's fun and challenging, rewarding if you win, still rewarding if you lose.


So, while I'm not saying it won't happen currently, bringing duo back for 1600+ will lessen the chance of silvers/golds getting matched up against plats. This would result in a higher amount of high tier players returning, create more interesting/fun/streamable games at higher tiers, and improve the healthiness of sPvP.


But the point still stands, people who aren't directly affected by this (1600+) should not be allowed to vote. It simply doesn't concern them. I don't want a gold/silver/bronze player to have any impact on the game at higher tier levels, especially when it's demonstrated that they don't have the best understanding of the it in the first place. That's like asking a bronze player for balance advice rather than a pro league player.

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only.

> Is there any evidence backing this up? For example, I love it, and that's what made me come back to spvp


> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only.

> Is there any evidence backing this up? For example, I love it, and that's what made me come back to spvp


> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only.

> Is there any evidence backing this up? For example, I love it, and that's what made me come back to spvp


No evidence, it's the contrary for certain because most of the people who vote yes to duo queue don't are 1600+, a official pool with high rating players would probably be no for duo Q.

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> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > They need to implement a way to track people's rating on the forums.

> > >

> > > I don't care if its hidden or not but people below the 1600 threshold should NOT be allowed to vote. This topic doesn't concern them.

> >

> > I saw the other thread so now I am going to respond here as well.

> >

> > What makes you think a silver or gold player will never be matched against a plat duo?

> >

> > The voting is about 1600 and above but you don't have to be in a duo yourself to play against a duo, it's not unreasonable to think 1600 players might drop to gold for various reasons, and you don't have to be in plat to be matched up against a plat duo.

> >

> > Your question itself tends to a lack of understanding of how the mm works, ironically while you are criticising others for being supposedly ignorant.


> For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only. It has nothing to do with wanting to be carried or a lack of skill. The current Conquest system is just not fun to play solo, as you have very little impact on the course of a match unless you're running a side node monkey or high mobility/damage roamer. Bringing duo que back will result in an influx of higher tier players returning, which, not only makes the game more fun at higher tiers, but also reduces the chance lower tier players in gold and silver have of getting matched up against us.


> Not to mention that most of the players in 1600+ don't actually mind going solo vs. duos. It's fun and challenging, rewarding if you win, still rewarding if you lose.


> So, while I'm not saying it won't happen currently, bringing duo back for 1600+ will lessen the chance of silvers/golds getting matched up against plats. This would result in a higher amount of high tier players returning, create more interesting/fun/streamable games at higher tiers, and improve the healthiness of sPvP.


> But the point still stands, people who aren't directly affected by this (1600+) should not be allowed to vote. It simply doesn't concern them. I don't want a gold/silver/bronze player to have any impact on the game at higher tier levels, especially when it's demonstrated that they don't have the best understanding of the it in the first place. That's like asking a bronze player for balance advice rather than a pro league player.


Again, being less than 1600 does not mean you don't get matched against 1600 teams. These people have the right to vote on things that DO affect them. I've been paired against the number two player after coming out of placements before into gold, there's a thread about it somewhere here.


And your idea that duos of 1600 makes it somehow less likely to have matches against 1600s for silvers and bronzes is just not correct, it only increases the minimum number of 1600s on your team. Everything else is unchanged.


Look man I feel you on wanting to be able to play ranked with your friends but that's just not going to lead to balanced games.

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I believe having DuoQ increases the chances for having more competitive matches, assuming that being in DuoQ would automatically match against other DuoQs.

When Two players (as in multiple of two players) Aim for Legendary as to get more competitive matches, then those DuoS will eventually end up there more reliable than alone even though their individual skill matches the higher spots as well, which will increase concentration of good players in one division.

This way more skilled players will end up in higher Divisions instead of being scattered around by the sheer volatility of Random teams.

Players who DuoQ for random fun or rewards would likely not reach there. And if they did even in face of good Duos, then obviously, they are good enough to make up for competitive play even while playing for fun.

It's very possible to carry pug to at least Plat as well just to spoil it, but that is not what I'm interested in and is also not what most competitive players would aim for.


Yes, DuoQ is exploitable by Wintraders, but that is something Anet needs to monitor and look in to, not implementing a good feature should not be the fix to a problem that **might** occure.



**In my opinion DuoQ without restriction, increases the chances for competitive play for those who seek it, which is what Rank should be, while at the same time preventing farmers from flooding high divisions by reducing their "luck" or impact of "op builds"**

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> @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > For one, the majority of players above 1600 rating actually hate solo que only.

> Is there any evidence backing this up? For example, I love it, and that's what made me come back to spvp


I mean for one, you could go to any top level PvP streams and ask them what they think about solo que only. They will probably say something along the lines of, "Completely garbage."


Second, you can try to get an invite to rar discord. Almost all of the good players who were/are on NA frequent it. You can ask them yourself.

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> @"Alatar.7364" said:

> I believe having DuoQ increases the chances for having more competitive matches, assuming that being in DuoQ would automatically match against other DuoQs.

> When Two players (as in multiple of two players) Aim for Legendary as to get more competitive matches, then those DuoS will eventually end up there more reliable than alone even though their individual skill matches the higher spots as well, which will increase concentration of good players in one division.

> This way more skilled players will end up in higher Divisions instead of being scattered around by the sheer volatility of Random teams.

> Players who DuoQ for random fun or rewards would likely not reach there. And if they did even in face of good Duos, then obviously, they are good enough to make up for competitive play even while playing for fun.

> It's very possible to carry pug to at least Plat as well just to spoil it, but that is not what I'm interested in and is also not what most competitive players would aim for.


> Yes, DuoQ is exploitable by Wintraders, but that is something Anet needs to monitor and look in to, not implementing a good feature should not be the fix to a problem that **might** occure.


> **Tl;dr**

> **In my opinion DuoQ without restriction, increases the chances for competitive play for those who seek it, which is what Rank should be, while at the same time preventing farmers from flooding high divisions by reducing their "luck" or impact of "op builds"**


*Might* occur, rofl, it's not like wintrade weekend is a well known concept or anything


Duo queue leading to more competitive matches is a funny joke. Pick one:

1. single player can control the game better than two players

2. two players can control the game better than one player


So, if a duo can control a game better than one player, how the hell does having duo queue make matches MORE competitive? It's very clearly and obviously going to make them more lopsided, this isn't even a debate it's an obvious fact.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > I believe having DuoQ increases the chances for having more competitive matches, assuming that being in DuoQ would automatically match against other DuoQs.

> > When Two players (as in multiple of two players) Aim for Legendary as to get more competitive matches, then those DuoS will eventually end up there more reliable than alone even though their individual skill matches the higher spots as well, which will increase concentration of good players in one division.

> > This way more skilled players will end up in higher Divisions instead of being scattered around by the sheer volatility of Random teams.

> > Players who DuoQ for random fun or rewards would likely not reach there. And if they did even in face of good Duos, then obviously, they are good enough to make up for competitive play even while playing for fun.

> > It's very possible to carry pug to at least Plat as well just to spoil it, but that is not what I'm interested in and is also not what most competitive players would aim for.

> >

> > Yes, DuoQ is exploitable by Wintraders, but that is something Anet needs to monitor and look in to, not implementing a good feature should not be the fix to a problem that **might** occure.

> >

> > **Tl;dr**

> > **In my opinion DuoQ without restriction, increases the chances for competitive play for those who seek it, which is what Rank should be, while at the same time preventing farmers from flooding high divisions by reducing their "luck" or impact of "op builds"**


> *Might* occur, rofl, it's not like wintrade weekend is a well known concept or anything


> Duo queue leading to more competitive matches is a funny joke. Pick one:

> 1. single player can control the game better than two players

> 2. two players can control the game better than one player


> So, if a duo can control a game better than one player, how the hell does having duo queue make matches MORE competitive? It's very clearly and obviously going to make them more lopsided, this isn't even a debate it's an obvious fact.


Your logic is flawed. The MMR would never refuse players a queue no matter what ratings are available. Within 4-10 minutes a game will pop for better or worse - you know what happens? The game makes due with what is available and turns lemons into lemonade. This makes for a pretty unbalanced match because when it dips low to bring players together the skill levels vary widely. Populations have declined to the point where you'll see the same players match after match. Often times getting the same team mate or enemy from the previous game causing your rating to artificially spike or drop simply because there aren't enough people in queue for the MMR to work with.


What caused that? A number of poor design choices, to be sure. One of which was restricting people from queuing with their friends. If we wanted to play a single player game with shitty A.I. (random strangers who don't communicate) there's a number of titles already out there that do the job better. Probably find a lot of the people there instead of in queue with the remnants of the sPvP population.



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There's a lot of assumptions about how duo Q will adversely affect newer players which is total crap.


Im a newer player, and i can tell you that lack of being able to play with friends is a giant buzz kill. Ever since i first hit 1600 with my buddy and learning about this solo q restriction in plat 2 and higher, he has basically quit, and I've been logging in a lot less. The only reason i still play is because the spvp game itself is pretty damn fun, but i doubt that ill ever invest the required effort/time into improving my game to get to plat 3 purely because i have to play the ranked mode alone.


The only argument that i see people posting against team play is that those who group up have a potential advantage against players that don't. Well no shit, But that's a terrible argument for not allowing it. That arguement holds as much weight as suggesting to not allow players to use gaming mouses in ranked because the extra buttons give them an unfair advantage.


If you don't want to team up with someone and play the game then that's on you. There's nothing wrong with wanting to play solo but there's definitely something wrong with forcing everyone to play solo.


I've played several RTS and MMO pvp games at high competitive levels and while they all have their own individual problems, i can say without a doubt that this solo q restriction is pretty near the top on the list of stupid shit.


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DuoQ is necessary in a PvP game. That one person that you know in your team and know you can rely on, makes a huge difference in how fun you find the game.


Also I didnt realise how bad plat is these days until I saw some streamer that started the game a few weeks ago and is still obviously bad at this game, hit plat.


Now I do not want some dude to have God of PvP just because he duo queued with someone better........... But guess we gotta make some sacrifices and god of PvP lost its value after some wintraders already got it.


Actually I think Duo Queue will solve following problems:

- People tanking below 1600 to queue with their friends

- Less afks, because people won't afk at start of the game if they queued with a friend

- Streamers will be harder to snipe due to the matchmaking and 2 people can carry 1 thrower better than the streamer solo.

- High level pvp streams being reliant on ATs

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