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Long Hair/ Curly Hair/ Better Beards & New Body Types Pls

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I feel we are long overdue new body types for gw2. We most likely will never get these changes, since it would involve recoding armors/ outfits to fit a larger scale figure. So, I'm being realistic but still can hope. There is no reason for human females to be so perfectly perky and hardly even muscular.


**More muscular frames**- Our commanders are moving around/ throwing daggers/ spinning swords/ jumping long distances and crushing with massive oversized hammers. We would be VERY muscular. Humans that is.

**Heavier Body Frames** - Maybe our commander when not working, sits in bars and eats/ drinks non-stop. Maybe they're a mesmer who has an insatiable sweet tooth and hangs out at bakery's all day?


**Human Tattoos** - Our commander is loyal to the Priory/ Vigil/ Whispers so they've decided to show a glimmer of their loyalty by getting some ink. Or, they're a pirate and have a full krait witch sleeve. Or have been branded because they are a thief? Whatever your reasoning, we want tattoos.


**Long/ curly European style-Hair Styles**. - Please, _for the love of Lyssa;_ give us longer hair/ curly hair. Maybe aim for more Game of Thrones type hairstyles for females? Here ARE the examples I'm speaking of -> [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ByxD3IdMHQ/maxresdefault.jpg](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ByxD3IdMHQ/maxresdefault.jpg "https://i.ytimg.com/vi/3ByxD3IdMHQ/maxresdefault.jpg")


**Better Beards/ Mustaches for Human Males**. - Braids/ clasps/ wax/ Curls... That's right, curls. I'm talking curled mustaches, even the tips of beards with a small curl forward from the application of beard wax. Beautiful beards. Pointy muskateer goatee's accompanied with curled mustaches. Maybe you're Elonian descent so you won't have a whispy beard, it will be more coarse looking, but you have golden rings in it to show your bloodline/ royalty/ status. Or maybe you want to look like Henry Cavill with his facial hair? Maybe, you want to cosplay hagrid from Harry Potter or just look like a mangy wizard. Regardless, we need better beards.


**Scar Application** - You're going to bruise and scar with everything your commander has gone through. Placement is everything, and we lack in customization in GW2.


**Better & more customizable faces** With ALL of the faces GW2 has to offer you cannot, absolutely _CANNOT_ look entirely different from anyone else who has chosen the same face option. I don't care to know I have 300,000 copies of my main character, knowing no matter how much I alter her face, she will still look related to hundreds of other commanders. Her backstory: She is an only child and no relatives. Let's start with the initial face, just with the ability to change it drastically, similar to what Black Desert has to offer.


**Heterochromia Iridis** - Two different color of Eyes. Green and Hazel/ Gold and Brown/ Blue and Green- whatever you like, you should be able to choose if your commander has this genetic mutation. So what if everyone chooses it at 1st? It's okay because it's something NEW. It will wear itself out and you won't see it as often as the 1st few months. But, it's an option we do need. This goes for _all _Tyrian & Non-tyrian Races.


**Intimidating/ more appealing Charr Faces** - Recently, the charr race has suffered from a lack of intimidating or great looking faces. From poofy cheeks, spiked teeth to cute adorable wolf-kitten hybrid- the most you'll ever see these days are a pure white female charr with the cutest face possible and a bouffant hairstyle or an all black charr in masterwork gear. Maybe even a siberian tiger look, but regardless. The reason is imo, there aren't alot of options that make people say *wow! my charr looks scary/ old/ young/ sleek* That and a lack of creativity among players. Regardless, Charr need something that isn't a reskin. Something new with customizable Fangs. There are some faces that lack fangs. There should always be an option to have saber-tooth fangs or to be a toothless wonder.


**Charr Braided Manes/ Feathered Manes/ Spikey Manes/ Manes with bones/ Manes with Rings/ Clasps. **- I've always wanted a secure styled ridge-braid for my charr. Something that isn't falling everywhere or could get caught. I'm practical when it comes to Charr. But knowing what we know now of Charr, there could certainly be more out there and maybe our Charr commanders have adapted to their tribes/ followings. That being said, hairstyles with feathers/ more updo's with bones/ bird head skulls that sit atop the charr's head.


_For Sylvari _ - ...

**We need Caithe's Face**. There are NPC's that are not Caithe, and have her face preset. No, we do not have it. It may be the bones of her face, but it is a terrible reskin. I'm talking about -> this Face [tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg](http://tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg "tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg")

Caithe's Face -> [tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/LewisB_Caithe.jpg](http://tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/LewisB_Caithe.jpg "tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/LewisB_Caithe.jpg")


**Long, pretty Sylvari Hair.** Example- Take this one, and turn the locks into Spider Plant leaves and the braid into roots. Boom -> [https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZrmm4znJuiQMFYhXtGzNbjK8_LGTMsJpsFayr1n7MZGVW5WtBWA](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZrmm4znJuiQMFYhXtGzNbjK8_LGTMsJpsFayr1n7MZGVW5WtBWA "https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQZrmm4znJuiQMFYhXtGzNbjK8_LGTMsJpsFayr1n7MZGVW5WtBWA")


**More Fae-like options**. Dragon-fly winged ears. Flower Petal Ears. Actual beards for sylvari males, like leaves or a 'Green-Man' Where is beard was supposedly Moss.

Butterfly Wings growing out of Sylvari Cheeks.


**Norn NEED MORE NORDIC HAIR**. -> [https://immodell.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Nordic-Hairstyles-hairstyles-fancy-lMgW.jpg](https://immodell.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Nordic-Hairstyles-hairstyles-fancy-lMgW.jpg "https://immodell.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/Nordic-Hairstyles-hairstyles-fancy-lMgW.jpg")

And THIS- > [https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8037/8040182562_0e8fd7e0fd_b.jpg](https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8037/8040182562_0e8fd7e0fd_b.jpg "https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8037/8040182562_0e8fd7e0fd_b.jpg")

Long, Curly Hair too -> [https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/c7/be/90c7be6c82920421beb8dfcb0802937c--s-hairstyles-thick-hairstyles.jpg](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/c7/be/90c7be6c82920421beb8dfcb0802937c--s-hairstyles-thick-hairstyles.jpg "https://i.pinimg.com/736x/90/c7/be/90c7be6c82920421beb8dfcb0802937c--s-hairstyles-thick-hairstyles.jpg")


**Male Norn need Long Hair too** -> [https://menhairstylesworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Side-braided-Viking-Hairstyles.jpg](https://menhairstylesworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Side-braided-Viking-Hairstyles.jpg "https://menhairstylesworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Side-braided-Viking-Hairstyles.jpg")


**Better Beards/ Mustache's for Male Norns**. Give us something we won't laugh at. We need something that looks classy and something that looks like a warrior who has seen hundreds of battles.


**Norn - mix and match their tattoos.** They have an array of body tattoos and body/ face paints. Why can't We have both? Wear a red stripe across your face AND have a body tattoo?


Ombre Hair.


**Asurans- Longer Hair Please. Curly Updo's as well **-> [https://img.allw.mn/content/pg/fu/r700t_hair_clothing_hairstyle_jacket_outerwear.jpg](https://img.allw.mn/content/pg/fu/r700t_hair_clothing_hairstyle_jacket_outerwear.jpg "https://img.allw.mn/content/pg/fu/r700t_hair_clothing_hairstyle_jacket_outerwear.jpg")

I think it's okay as well for male asuran and female asuran to share some hairstyles. I'd also like to see Double Bun styled Hairs -> [1.bp.blogspot.com/-cZre5AgTkl0/UijAALmsgbI/AAAAAAAAA80/JvJ0f8hiFp0/s1600/doublebun.jpg](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cZre5AgTkl0/UijAALmsgbI/AAAAAAAAA80/JvJ0f8hiFp0/s1600/doublebun.jpg "1.bp.blogspot.com/-cZre5AgTkl0/UijAALmsgbI/AAAAAAAAA80/JvJ0f8hiFp0/s1600/doublebun.jpg")


Asurans can't grow beards


**New Asuran Ears**


Just my idea for what I'd like to see in GW2.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Norns need new beards, too. The only thing that has been added since launch is that moronic “joke mustache” option.


> Furthermore tattoos are a pointless without the option to hide more gear - chest in particular.


I agree with the norn beards. I added it in.

It's not pointless at all. The fact is; you know it's there. There are plenty of over exaggerated skimpy armors that players often wear more than something practical.

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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Norns need new beards, too. The only thing that has been added since launch is that moronic “joke mustache” option.

> >

> > Furthermore tattoos are a pointless without the option to hide more gear - chest in particular.


> I agree with the norn beards. I added it in.

> It's not pointless at all. The fact is; you know it's there. There are plenty of over exaggerated skimpy armors that players often wear more than something practical.



On females yes. Males not so much. The only skimpy male armour look like trash because they’re old as dirt and Anet have not been adding a new ones.


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> @"Chasind.3128" said:

> _For Sylvari _ - ...

> **We need Caithe's Face**. There are NPC's that are not Caithe, and have her face preset. No, we do not have it. It may be the bones of her face, but it is a terrible reskin. I'm talking about -> this Face [tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg](http://tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg "tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg")


I don't think you linked to the right picture. That's the first face on the list in the character creator for sylvari: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Sylvari_female_faces.jpg


It's also not quite the same as Caithe's face, which has a 'dash' pattern (like repeating eyebrows) on the forehead and no visible leaves. Which I think is because they'd shown concept art for Caithe before the sylvari were re-designed to look more plant-like and less human, and I guess they wanted to keep her looking similar so players would recognise her.


> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Long hair = clipping issues. Other than that, I agree with most. I also want new skin patterns for Sylvari that affect the face as well... It's so weird that the patterns stop at the neck. Asura patterns affect the face too. :(


But surely it wouldn't be worse than the long hair already in the game? Human and norn females can have hair down to their waist and several styles which reach to below their shoulders at least. Do you think making it wavy or curly would make the clipping worse?

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> You keep mentioning *human* and *norn* for those better beards. Thats rascist.


> I want my asura female to have a fluffy beard thats *not* forcing her to cut it off some dead norn and superglue to the face while the blood is still varm.


I didnt say asura bc they cannot grow facial hair. its not racist >:P

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > _For Sylvari _ - ...

> > **We need Caithe's Face**. There are NPC's that are not Caithe, and have her face preset. No, we do not have it. It may be the bones of her face, but it is a terrible reskin. I'm talking about -> this Face [tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg](http://tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg "tap-repeatedly.com/wp-content/uploads/strikingr/images/16613_LewisB_GW2-628x200.jpg")


> I don't think you linked to the right picture. That's the first face on the list in the character creator for sylvari: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Sylvari_female_faces.jpg


> It's also not quite the same as Caithe's face, which has a 'dash' pattern (like repeating eyebrows) on the forehead and no visible leaves. Which I think is because they'd shown concept art for Caithe before the sylvari were re-designed to look more plant-like and less human, and I guess they wanted to keep her looking similar so players would recognise her.


> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > Long hair = clipping issues. Other than that, I agree with most. I also want new skin patterns for Sylvari that affect the face as well... It's so weird that the patterns stop at the neck. Asura patterns affect the face too. :(


> But surely it wouldn't be worse than the long hair already in the game? Human and norn females can have hair down to their waist and several styles which reach to below their shoulders at least. Do you think making it wavy or curly would make the clipping worse?


i think you misunderstood, i linked the ugly face- not caithes face, and i added caithes face but it wasnt showing for some reason? But i fixed it

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Long hair = clipping issues. Other than that, I agree with most. I also want new skin patterns for Sylvari that affect the face as well... It's so weird that the patterns stop at the neck. Asura patterns affect the face too. :(


About clipping - there are ton of other issues with clipping with weapons/ backpieces etc

so anet clearly doesnt care about clipping issues

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"Chasind.3128" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > Norns need new beards, too. The only thing that has been added since launch is that moronic “joke mustache” option.

> > >

> > > Furthermore tattoos are a pointless without the option to hide more gear - chest in particular.

> >

> > I agree with the norn beards. I added it in.

> > It's not pointless at all. The fact is; you know it's there. There are plenty of over exaggerated skimpy armors that players often wear more than something practical.



> On females yes. Males not so much. The only skimpy male armour look like trash because they’re old as dirt and Anet have not been adding a new ones.



I agree, but it doesn't mean we won't get it in the future.

I still 100% want more tattoos

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> You keep mentioning *human* and *norn* for those better beards. Thats rascist.


> I want my asura female to have a fluffy beard thats *not* forcing her to cut it off some dead norn and superglue to the face while the blood is still varm.


Get your "I want to speak to a manager" wig on.

They're not dwarves. I mean, they're more akin to gnomes or goblins. dwarves do exist in the world of GW, however they all died out in gw1 due to the destroyer crabs and Primordis.

Asura cannot grow facial hair.

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we seriously need more beards, both the long and decorated ones.






with the choices we have now we can barely get anything done, more beards is always good.

oh, and since we're talking beards, i really want some old faces, we only have doll faces or faces of a 40 year old man, what about someone in hes 60-70s.

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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> we seriously need more beards, both the long and decorated ones.

> https://i.pinimg.com/originals/15/31/2a/15312aa6a7baedb39c3c600068272cfc.jpg

> https://i.pinimg.com/736x/8f/33/55/8f33550a8f100559e6bc75c1ccd89bb3.jpg

> https://i.imgur.com/RaOrmKM.jpg

> https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/p__/images/7/7d/Hobbit-concept-art-simple-background-gandalf-grey-1920x1200-wallpaper.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20170731013829&path-prefix=protagonist


> with the choices we have now we can barely get anything done, more beards is always good.

> oh, and since we're talking beards, i really want some old faces, we only have doll faces or faces of a 40 year old man, what about someone in hes 60-70s.


Yes! thank you for sharing these

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I'd definitely like to see some added models. Like you - the OP - refer to: Some that look representative of their actually lifestyle, i.e. structure relating to function. Human female bodies are _especially_ awful in this regard. Norn female bodies would do well with some muscular/barbaric options, and male norn bodies... things would be greatly improved if we could have some options where the hideous upper body mass is reduced and it's added to their skinny legs.


What I'd really like is for them to introduce sliders for the body beyond the simple height adjustment we already have.


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> @"Reverielle.3972" said:

> I'd definitely like to see some added models. Like you - the OP - refer to: Some that look representative of their actually lifestyle, i.e. structure relating to function. Human female bodies are _especially_ awful in this regard. Norn female bodies would do well with some muscular/barbaric options, and male norn bodies... things would be greatly improved if we could have some options where the hideous upper body mass is reduced and it's added to their skinny legs.


> What I'd really like is for them to introduce sliders for the body beyond the simple height adjustment we already have.



In the Beta, we had more slider options. You could choose hair/ beard length. Not sure why it was taken away except that anet didn't want people to focus on character design too much, yet it's one of the consistently top 5 things people ask for. Character customization options that is.

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Can we get some THICC female body types. Different communities have different definitions of thicc. Let me be clear, I'd like my female humans and sylvari to have a little waist, small shoulders, big thighs and big hips. Something along the lines of Nikki Minaj. That's all. I also have a lot of ideas for new "elonian" hairstyles. Hit me up anet. I'll show the good styles that will help you sell more makeover kits.

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I dunno, if I need to hit a fly ten times to kill it, I don't think our characters would be very muscular. It's more aerobic than strength since it's all about repeating moves rather than having really strong moves. Also our bows don't shoot very far, so no need for all those muscles either.


Beards and hairstyles though are always welcome. I also agree that different body shapes are not likely to happen because of the need to recode all the armour sets in the game to those again. I think that'd be asking too much by now.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I dunno, if I need to hit a fly ten times to kill it, I don't think our characters would be very muscular. It's more aerobic than strength since it's all about repeating moves rather than having really strong moves. Also our bows don't shoot very far, so no need for all those muscles either.


> Beards and hairstyles though are always welcome. I also agree that different body shapes are not likely to happen because of the need to recode all the armour sets in the game to those again. I think that'd be asking too much by now.


Our body types are thin, but not athletic (females that is)

shooting a bow isn't easy and you would have upper arm strength.

Elves would be very toned/ muscular (not huge hulky, but you'd actually see their muscles) instead of being super thin

Archers were buff

regardless of the distance we shoot with a bow, the size of some of the weapons is rediculous and it would take alot of strength to pull/ swing a giant sword/ hammer.

So yes, we'd be athletic and muscular


also, unless all you do is kill ambient creatures with a stick, sure your character would not be muscular at all. But swing around a 40 lb+ sword, you would be. And the Greatswords of GW2, wouldn't actually be able to sit on the commanders back. That has never been a thing but it's a fantasy mmo so anything practial and realistic is unusual.

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