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What were you doing during the crash ?

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Waiting for the fix https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/49074/login-servers-down/p1,


it can be funny to list the funny situations during the crash.


For me, it was fun in /m in ranked :

* game start 5v5

* mid game 7 dc, 1v2 during 1 min (message in /m : "that's wintrade etc.")

* then 1v1 during 30 sec

* then lose the connexion (btw we were winning :) .)

(Maybe too much mesmers on the map caused the crash B) .)


(I read on other post that somes where puzzle jump/ tequalt/ events ...)

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Dismantling, cleaning and reassembling my computer. Mostly trying to get the stupid heat sink back on because it's stupid clips are too big for the stupid holes. I got there eventually, and with all the dust out the way and fresh gel applied my CPU run temperature has gone from 73 Celsius to 52 and my FPS has gone up in both GW2 and Elder Scrolls Online!


I only found out about the login issues when I was on Twitter taking a break from kneeling on the floor.

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