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Wondering ! Are people happy now, with the one shot meta (No Mesmer No Cry)

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I'm Just wondering how the pvp community feels about the new 1 shot meta with rare mesmer's, at least in EU even me the 'Mesmer defender' swapped to Core Gard in ranked and tournaments cos i feel mesmer got a 75% less burst capability if u play condi with the torch nerfs , and for power it's gucci but core gard is much much better , rev's are meta now , pew pew rangers are meta too and the lovely thief sniper,even reaper is back .

so u happy guys or no?

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No option for ‘there is no oneshot meta’.


Sorry but I have to disagree. Spellbreaker, holo, druid, scourge, firebrand, weaver. All of these things are good for ranked and have absolutely no oneshot capability and are more focused on sustain damage. Moreover they are not going to GET oneshot either by anything in this meta because of how tanky they can be. Sure. If you run a comp like 2 rev 2 core guard mantra mes you will feel like it’s a oneshot meta, but is that comp meta at all? Of course not.


And let’s be real here. Which kind of meta requires more skill to play in: a oneshot meta or a bunker tank meta? I think we all know the answer to this. I personally think the amount of damage in the meta right now is excellent- it combines the correct amount of sustain for most classes with a high ability to be punished for making mistakes/overcommitting to fights.


I just don’t understand all these complaints about oneshot meta. The only times I see people getting oneshotted all game is when there is a huge skill difference between teams, which is to be expected.

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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> No option for ‘there is no oneshot meta’.


> Sorry but I have to disagree. Spellbreaker, holo, druid, scourge, firebrand, weaver. All of these things are good for ranked and have absolutely no oneshot capability and are more focused on sustain damage. Moreover they are not going to GET oneshot either by anything in this meta because of how tanky they can be. Sure. If you run a comp like 2 rev 2 core guard mantra mes you will feel like it’s a oneshot meta, but is that comp meta at all? Of course not.


> And let’s be real here. Which kind of meta requires more skill to play in: a oneshot meta or a bunker tank meta? I think we all know the answer to this. I personally think the amount of damage in the meta right now is excellent- it combines the correct amount of sustain for most classes with a high ability to be punished for making mistakes/overcommitting to fights.


> I just don’t understand all these complaints about oneshot meta. The only times I see people getting oneshotted all game is when there is a huge skill difference between teams, which is to be expected.


If u ask me personally i prefer more build diversity and now i see a lot of high burst classes like core gard so maybe a fake nerf to them from Anet so less band wagoners play them will be more healthy to the game, and i say it again a" fake nerf "and Anet is a professional in that , and about what u said i agree especially the last paragraph .

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Only voted as its closest to what i want.


I want a versetaile meta. Not a condi meta. Not a tank meta not a bunker meta.


I want high damage spike builds to actually have to worry about sustain.


Core guard, power mirage,a well built power soulbeast, freshweaver while low on the sustain side has enough mobililty and active defences in compairison to his absurd damage.


Damagr in general needs a nerf still.



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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"suffish.4150" said:

> > No option for ‘there is no oneshot meta’.

> >

> > Sorry but I have to disagree. Spellbreaker, holo, druid, scourge, firebrand, weaver. All of these things are good for ranked and have absolutely no oneshot capability and are more focused on sustain damage. Moreover they are not going to GET oneshot either by anything in this meta because of how tanky they can be. Sure. If you run a comp like 2 rev 2 core guard mantra mes you will feel like it’s a oneshot meta, but is that comp meta at all? Of course not.

> >

> > And let’s be real here. Which kind of meta requires more skill to play in: a oneshot meta or a bunker tank meta? I think we all know the answer to this. I personally think the amount of damage in the meta right now is excellent- it combines the correct amount of sustain for most classes with a high ability to be punished for making mistakes/overcommitting to fights.

> >

> > I just don’t understand all these complaints about oneshot meta. The only times I see people getting oneshotted all game is when there is a huge skill difference between teams, which is to be expected.


> If u ask me personally i prefer more build diversity and now i see a lot of high burst classes like core gard so maybe a fake nerf to them from Anet so less band wagoners play them will be more healthy to the game, and i say it again a" fake nerf "and Anet is a professional in that , and about what u said i agree especially the last paragraph .


Uhh thats a good Idea.

Historically speaking a 10% dmg nerf always meant "Ohmagawd unplayable! Thanks ANET for absolutely destroying the spec!!11!".

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> @"Cronoz.7695" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > I vote for 'no oneshot meta' too. Only bad players get oneshotted and that's not literally oneshot either.


> He`s calling people bad and its on gold 3... lul

I'm plat T3, currently sitting on 1707 rating. 2/10 for attempt. The thing you see is most likely decay :)


And my point is true regardless :)

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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> No option for ‘there is no oneshot meta’.


> Sorry but I have to disagree. Spellbreaker, holo, druid, scourge, firebrand, weaver. All of these things are good for ranked and have absolutely no oneshot capability and are more focused on sustain damage. Moreover they are not going to GET oneshot either by anything in this meta because of how tanky they can be. Sure. If you run a comp like 2 rev 2 core guard mantra mes you will feel like it’s a oneshot meta, but is that comp meta at all? Of course not.


> And let’s be real here. Which kind of meta requires more skill to play in: a oneshot meta or a bunker tank meta? I think we all know the answer to this. I personally think the amount of damage in the meta right now is excellent- it combines the correct amount of sustain for most classes with a high ability to be punished for making mistakes/overcommitting to fights.


> I just don’t understand all these complaints about oneshot meta. The only times I see people getting oneshotted all game is when there is a huge skill difference between teams, which is to be expected.


I just want to echo this. If somebody is bursty enough to one-shot you, then it's easy to neutralize that person if you've got the right skill. I see an average of two condi players each game I play, still, so I disagree that one-shot is a meta.


I do think people just want to cry against whatever is "in" right now, and it definitely is a power meta, which I recall the majority of people wanted.

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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> No option for ‘there is no oneshot meta’.


> Sorry but I have to disagree. Spellbreaker, holo, druid, scourge, firebrand, weaver. All of these things are good for ranked and have absolutely no oneshot capability and are more focused on sustain damage. Moreover they are not going to GET oneshot either by anything in this meta because of how tanky they can be. Sure. If you run a comp like 2 rev 2 core guard mantra mes you will feel like it’s a oneshot meta, but is that comp meta at all? Of course not.


> And let’s be real here. Which kind of meta requires more skill to play in: a oneshot meta or a bunker tank meta? I think we all know the answer to this. I personally think the amount of damage in the meta right now is excellent- it combines the correct amount of sustain for most classes with a high ability to be punished for making mistakes/overcommitting to fights.


> I just don’t understand all these complaints about oneshot meta. The only times I see people getting oneshotted all game is when there is a huge skill difference between teams, which is to be expected.


This. The so called one shot meta is fabricated, only game I played vs a meme build we all died to the guy several times but we killed him more and won the game in the end. I've played probably 15 total since returning so that's at least 1 in 15 games

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I voted against the "one shot" meta.


Not that I think its particularly over powered or anything. I just prefer a slightly higher time to kill. Eating a 30+k crit from a dead eye because someone failed to notice the mark is definitely the fault of the targeted player. However a single error ending a fight presumably before one person even knows it began seems more indicative of a twitch shooter rather then an mmo.


To me a adrenaline pumping fight is fun, screaming boom headshot while seal clubbing is not.


This is only personal preference, and not suggesting a balance change is needed.

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When people say one shot they are usually talking about high proc'ing and high damaging skills that have little or no cast time that are bound to one key that can down anyone if caught unprepared in about 1-2secs. If those skills also have combinations of immobilise, cc, daze, buffing, debuffing and AoE the better. Burn guard is the perfect example, but not the only ones. They have several teleports that work very well with is. Pretty much all burn guards do this.

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Though I voted for this option, it's not entirely what I want. (*Not to mention, one-shot meta is just not true, lol*)

There should be a versatile meta, No ridiculous sustain, no ridiculous damage, certainly not both of it in one package.

There has to be variety. A Power Thief or Power Mesmer should by their nature, always have high burst (*but they lose sustained damage*). A Necro playing into Condi through Scourge should have have damage worth being afraid of, but it should take a while to ramp up.

We need a clear scenario where you can't have one thing, without losing the other.

Make Build Choices actually relevant to a role... If you trait for extra Healing, that same trait should reduce the Damage you do for example. That's how I'd like to see things.

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