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Queens gauntlet achievement category

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The best approach I see is the one they used in Diablo III: When retiring old achievements, they no longer give AP. They become 'feats of strength'. But DIII has a fixed count of AP, while GW2's is accumulative.


In the case of GW2, since AP is accumulative, then the AP earned would remain, but as part of the daily or monthly AP counts, up to the cap. But since there's people who would have over that and already has the 15K cap. Then what would solve that problem is the introduction of Quarterly achievements.

Quarterly achievements would have their own cap of 15K, and they would be a vastly improved versions of the ancient Monthly achievements.

Instead requiring people to do something over and over, which allowed players to do them in a day or two, they would require individual tasks, being mostly 'repeats' of one time 'do everything' achievements. They would be a way to encourage people to keep doing all sorts of stuff all over the world. Different stuff. Stuff like:


* Defeat each world boss.

* Complete 20 different non-world boss meta events.

* Complete each HoT meta-event.

* Complete each PoF meta-event.

* Complete every fractal.

* Complete 10 different fractals with a challenge mote active.

* Complete every story dungeon path... Without skipping the cinematics!

* Complete every explorable dungeon path.

* Complete 25 different jumping puzzles without teleporting.

* Defeat 3 different raid bosses.

* Defeat a player of each profession 10 times in rated games.

* Win a match 3 times on each arena available in rated games.

* Fight in a tournament as each different profession.

* Conquer 10 different locations in the Mist War.

* Conquer 10 different locations in the Edge of the Mists.

* Defend 10 different locations in the mist war.

* Defend 10 different locations in the Edge of the Mists.

* Defeat a champion of 30 different types of creatures.


Since they would be quarterly instead monthly, there would be plenty of time to do enough of them to earn the Quarterly reward, which could be something like a few mystic coins.


Once that's done, the the past earned AP could be moved to the monthly AP, old achievements would be stripped of AP and considered truly 'historical'. Festival events would be moved to a "Recurring" section while out of season instead of the Historical section. And there won't be any more 'missed or missable' AP.


Nobody loses AP, yet everyone can finally have the potential to earn the same AP.


It's the most fair solution I could come up with.

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> The achievements aren't the same. Much has changed (the achievement mechanics infrastructure probably isn't the same either). it's consistent with how ANet has handled similar things in the past: prior to a year or so ago, each year brought new achievements for returned content. More recently, they've changed it so that annual festivals have some annual achievements and some lifetime ones.



I dont see it. The achievements are the same. Same rewards, same wording. So even if you argue some bosses are easier now, Anet did not reduce the reward to make up for it.

SAB achievements also did not get reset despite the changes (and some like tribu getting easier) you mentioned. Anet just pulled this out of nowhere for no good reason.


> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> There's other precedent too: when minis were removed from material storage and moved to the wardrobe, they added new, identical achievements and retired the old ones. Those who only unlocked for the wardrobe didn't get retroactive credit for the older achievement; those who collected prior to the change but didn't wardrobe-unlock only got credit for the old one and not the new.


That is not even compareable since those achievement you mentioned got a completly new unlock criteria. First just send to material storage, new one required you to unlock them to the account. Plus their was warning from Anet about this. I helped several people with my minis to get those material storage AP before they are gone.


> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> >after all the years of waiting for the event to return, it did with this nasty suprise and I will miss out of 20 AP forever.


> You lose 20 AP forever...


> But you just gained 184 AP (I just counted, there's 204 AP and only one new achievement which gives 20 AP). The cost being doing the old bosses you've already managed to beat again. Which isn't very hard to do.


> Seriously, why complain about the AP? **It's a net gain for veterans.** The same people who moan and whine about the lack of new AP. Thanks to not recycling the old AP (not just in Gauntlet but Boss Blitz and Cliffs too) **this update adds 541 AP!**


> If it had been as you and OP asked for, we'd only be gaining around 280 AP.


> So thanks to this little "horrid" thing, veterans gain about double the extra AP.


> So why the hell are veterans complaining about it?


It is correct we gain some AP, but I bet it is a one time thing and next time the event happens they will not be reset again.


And the problem is these 20 historic AP are the only ones I miss from the historical category, which I would have needed to beat a certain account sharer who is usually infront me. Guess he will keep that advantage now, since Anet never punishes people like him (he also had someone else do the achievement for him when it came out). Guess it is my fault that I did not break the rules and spent 100g on someone else to do it for me lol.

Golden rules of GW2: 1. Never trust that ANet will be consistent and/or keep their world; 2. break whatever rules you feel like, even if you get caught punishments are usually miniscule


It is also strange that out of all the new T4 bosses only Turai Ossa gives an achievement. If the goal was to give new AP to people they could just have given 20 AP for each of the T4 bosses. Maybe some extra ones for T4 + gambits activated. Gambits are pointless now anyway with gauntlet no longer giving loot (what a fail!)



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> > The achievements aren't the same. Much has changed (the achievement mechanics infrastructure probably isn't the same either). it's consistent with how ANet has handled similar things in the past: prior to a year or so ago, each year brought new achievements for returned content. More recently, they've changed it so that annual festivals have some annual achievements and some lifetime ones.


> I dont see it. The achievements are the same. Same rewards, same wording. So even if you argue some bosses are easier now, Anet did not reduce the reward to make up for it.

> SAB achievements also did not get reset despite the changes (and some like tribu getting easier) you mentioned. Anet just pulled this out of nowhere for no good reason.


OK, you don't see it, but that doesn't change the fact that mechanically, these aren't the same achievements. And, as others have noted, there was a good reason. You just don't happen to agree with it.



> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > There's other precedent too: when minis were removed from material storage and moved to the wardrobe, they added new, identical achievements and retired the old ones. Those who only unlocked for the wardrobe didn't get retroactive credit for the older achievement; those who collected prior to the change but didn't wardrobe-unlock only got credit for the old one and not the new.


> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> That is not even compareable since those achievement you mentioned got a completly new unlock criteria. First just send to material storage, new one required you to unlock them to the account. Plus their was warning from Anet about this. I helped several people with my minis to get those material storage AP before they are gone.


The point is that they created new mechanics which changed how they have to handle the achievement. They could have just as easily turned the original miniature collection into a historical achievement and not replaced it with anything else.



Surely you're at least pleased that there's a lot more AP added to the game this time around. Or maybe not.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > The achievements aren't the same. Much has changed (the achievement mechanics infrastructure probably isn't the same either). it's consistent with how ANet has handled similar things in the past: prior to a year or so ago, each year brought new achievements for returned content. More recently, they've changed it so that annual festivals have some annual achievements and some lifetime ones.

> >

> > I dont see it. The achievements are the same. Same rewards, same wording. So even if you argue some bosses are easier now, Anet did not reduce the reward to make up for it.

> > SAB achievements also did not get reset despite the changes (and some like tribu getting easier) you mentioned. Anet just pulled this out of nowhere for no good reason.


> OK, you don't see it, but that doesn't change the fact that mechanically, these aren't the same achievements. And, as others have noted, there was a good reason. You just don't happen to agree with it.


The only fact is that they mechanically have a different id in the database. That is all they changed mechanically about this.


> >

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > There's other precedent too: when minis were removed from material storage and moved to the wardrobe, they added new, identical achievements and retired the old ones. Those who only unlocked for the wardrobe didn't get retroactive credit for the older achievement; those who collected prior to the change but didn't wardrobe-unlock only got credit for the old one and not the new.


> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > That is not even compareable since those achievement you mentioned got a completly new unlock criteria. First just send to material storage, new one required you to unlock them to the account. Plus their was warning from Anet about this. I helped several people with my minis to get those material storage AP before they are gone.


> The point is that they created new mechanics which changed how they have to handle the achievement. They could have just as easily turned the original miniature collection into a historical achievement and not replaced it with anything else.


As you said they completly changed how those miniature achievement work, changing the requirement completly. Nothing of this kind happened here.

Where are the new mechanics for queens gauntlet achievements? There are none. All they did was copy pasting all the old stuff to new database entries, essentially just having different database ids.

They did not do this for SAB, so there was no reason to do it here.


> ****

> Surely you're at least pleased that there's a lot more AP added to the game this time around. Or maybe not.


Personally I always disliked "resetting" festival achievements just to artificially give something to do. If they wanted to give new AP there would have been plenty of opportunities to do so. Like of all the new bosses only Turai Ossa even gives any reward at all. I could easily think of dozens of new challenges with the existing queens gauntlet system, so there are no excuses there. Anet just chose the lazy option as always.



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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> It is correct we gain some AP, but I bet it is a one time thing and next time the event happens they will not be reset again.


That we will have to wait and see. However, it would make the gauntlet *more* redundant as an annual festival if these achievements weren’t ‘reinstated’ (reset would mean losing previously gained AP, think of it as 2018 gets retired and an identical set is introduced for 2019, much like how Halloween and Wintersday works now, there’s more recycled achievements than one-time ones)


> And the problem is these 20 historic AP are the only ones I miss from the historical category, which I would have needed to beat a certain account sharer who is usually infront me. Guess he will keep that advantage now, since Anet never punishes people like him (he also had someone else do the achievement for him when it came out). Guess it is my fault that I did not break the rules and spent 100g on someone else to do it for me lol.


Oh woe is you. It’s bizarre how obsessed people are with a little number attached to an account.

Unless you can prove he didn’t do that achievement himself, it’s just slander borne of jealousy. Js.


>Gambits are pointless now anyway with gauntlet no longer giving loot (what a fail!)


This, I agree with. I was looking forward to earning Gauntlet Chances this year, and was gutted they weren’t even going to be obtainable. Anet should have daily capped what could be earned if they felt endless farming of them would have been too much.


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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > And the problem is these 20 historic AP are the only ones I miss from the historical category, which I would have needed to beat a certain account sharer who is usually infront me. Guess he will keep that advantage now, since Anet never punishes people like him (he also had someone else do the achievement for him when it came out). Guess it is my fault that I did not break the rules and spent 100g on someone else to do it for me lol.


> Oh woe is you. It’s bizarre how obsessed people are with a little number attached to an account.

> Unless you can prove he didn’t do that achievement himself, it’s just slander borne of jealousy. Js.



It is a well known fact about this person, everyone who knows him knows about it, because he does not hesitate to admit it on TeamSpeak. Proving it is of course impossible since recording voice is against German law if the recorded people do not provide consent. But Anet could easily confirm this using digital fingerprints if they would care about account sharing. Hint: They do not unless other rules get broken at the same time, despite the ToS clearly forbidding it.

That same person is also in Anets partner program, despite not being a content creator. Just because he is friend with the german community manager.

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I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.


Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?


Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.


> That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)


Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.

> >

> > That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)


> Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.


The fact that these give AP probably means they will not reset again, so this was an one time AP boost for people


> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.


> Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?


> Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.


I did not see anyone asking something to be deleted from people, being able to continue them like the SAB achievements would have been the right thing to do. You know just like when this event was rereleased last time? This is the 3rd time the queen's gauntlet is available.

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Don't see the problem.. those who've done the achievements getting new ones to do rather than getting shafted because they already completed them years ago seems fair to me.

It's not like it's exactly the same festival either.. both in real and in game time this is current timeline festival not a just a simple rehashed event.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> Probably because they had to do a lot of changes to the event. It's not the same festival you played last time.


Not really, i mean when i went in to fight, instead of starting me over, it put me straight vs Liadri, so it remembers where we left off.


The real answer is that, just like Halloween, Wintersday and SAB, they've been resetting achievements yearly up until this year where they created the new categories with the repeatable stuff separated from the one-time stuff. So next year it should carry over, since it's adhering to the new Festival Achievement template. Previously it wasn't, so it didn't carry over.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.

> > >

> > > That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)

> >

> > Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.


> The fact that these give AP probably means they will not reset again, so this was an one time AP boost for people


> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.

> >

> > Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?

> >

> > Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.


> I did not see anyone asking something to be deleted from people, being able to continue them like the SAB achievements would have been the right thing to do. You know just like when this event was rereleased last time? This is the 3rd time the queen's gauntlet is available.


I never said all the APs would reset.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> The real answer is that, just like Halloween, Wintersday and SAB, they've been resetting achievements yearly up until this year where they created the new categories with the repeatable stuff separated from the one-time stuff. So next year it should carry over, since it's adhering to the new Festival Achievement template. Previously it wasn't, so it didn't carry over.



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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > Probably because they had to do a lot of changes to the event. It's not the same festival you played last time.


> Not really, i mean when i went in to fight, instead of starting me over, it put me straight vs Liadri, so it remembers where we left off.


> The real answer is that, just like Halloween, Wintersday and SAB, they've been resetting achievements yearly up until this year where they created the new categories with the repeatable stuff separated from the one-time stuff. So next year it should carry over, since it's adhering to the new Festival Achievement template. Previously it wasn't, so it didn't carry over.


SAB was never reset so far, despite big changes that happened to it. Only 5 AP were removed because they removed the djin part.

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> @"Einsof.1457" said:

> Can I ask since the achievements reset from the original queens gauntlet will they also reset next year?


They didn't reset. The old achievements were *retired* and new ones with the same name/requirement were added. Chances are, no, they will not be retired/reinstated again, now that they are on the new formatting (However, they are showing as "Historical" On Gw2efficiency already). But we will get the annual set of achievements, and an aditional one here and there like we do with Wintersday, Lunar New Year and super Adventure Box.


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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > @"Einsof.1457" said:

> > Can I ask since the achievements reset from the original queens gauntlet will they also reset next year?


> They didn't reset. The old achievements were *retired* and new ones with the same name/requirement were added. Chances are, no, they will not be retired/reinstated again, now that they are on the new formatting (However, they are showing as "Historical" On Gw2efficiency already). But we will get the annual set of achievements, and an aditional one here and there like we do with Wintersday, Lunar New Year and super Adventure Box.



Thanks. The only reason I ask is because I highly doubt I will be able to beat Turai Ossa this year and I don't want to miss out on the 20AP if its missable. If I will be able to do it next year for the same 20AP then I kind of want to save the frustration since it is driving me insane trying to get it.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.

> > >

> > > That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)

> >

> > Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.


> The fact that these give AP probably means they will not reset again, so this was an one time AP boost for people


> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.

> >

> > Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?

> >

> > Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.


> I did not see anyone asking something to be deleted from people, being able to continue them like the SAB achievements would have been the right thing to do. You know just like when this event was rereleased last time? This is the 3rd time the queen's gauntlet is available.


I do see people purposefully misunderstanding the point here.

Theres several things speaking for this:

- The last time gauntlet was a thing there was no elite specs. Now there are and, the experience is different because of it. They may be the exact same achievements but with many more different tools available.

- Breakbars were added.

- People cant redo historical achievements, even if they were reruns previously. (theres at least 3 years of wintersday and halloween reruns full of achievements, not all were, sure but still)


So, if you think they should reruns of avhievements 4 years ago, then everyone should at least get a chance to get those other 4 year old historical achievements as well for the same reasons.


The way I see it, you didnt do the achievement then, you shouldnt be able to catch up now just because of those reasons you stated.

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.

> > > >

> > > > That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)

> > >

> > > Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.

> >

> > The fact that these give AP probably means they will not reset again, so this was an one time AP boost for people

> >

> > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.

> > >

> > > Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?

> > >

> > > Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.

> >

> > I did not see anyone asking something to be deleted from people, being able to continue them like the SAB achievements would have been the right thing to do. You know just like when this event was rereleased last time? This is the 3rd time the queen's gauntlet is available.


> I do see people purposefully misunderstanding the point here.

> Theres several things speaking for this:

> - The last time gauntlet was a thing there was no elite specs. Now there are and, the experience is different because of it. They may be the exact same achievements but with many more different tools available.

> - Breakbars were added.

> - People cant redo historical achievements, even if they were reruns previously. (theres at least 3 years of wintersday and halloween reruns full of achievements, not all were, sure but still)


> So, if you think they should reruns of avhievements 4 years ago, then everyone should at least get a chance to get those other 4 year old historical achievements as well for the same reasons.


> The way I see it, you didnt do the achievement then, you shouldnt be able to catch up now just because of those reasons you stated.

Oh please, your arguments are useless. SAB didnt get an achievement reset despite tribulation mode being much easier nowadays. And I know for a fact that Liadri's difficulty for example is pretty much unchanged except maybe some outlier specs. I did not notice any break bars on the old bosses.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > > @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> > > > > > @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> > > > > > Festivals have all achievements reset each year so that you can do them again and get more APs. Its how they get retention from players who want the big AP since new content doesn't give hardly any.

> > > > >

> > > > > That is simply not true, they started giving 0 AP for all achievements that reset every year. (Started like a year or more ago?)

> > > >

> > > > Name a festival that does that other than this one that is coming back for the first time.

> > >

> > > The fact that these give AP probably means they will not reset again, so this was an one time AP boost for people

> > >

> > > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > > I missed lots of historic achievements because the time alotted for it was not enough to go through the experience of complete boredom.

> > > >

> > > > Especially when they were pretty much the same ones returning for years. But suddenly now this is unfair and a problem. There's enough others who got that achievement legitimately, should they get rectified too because one person has gotten it supposedly illegitimately?

> > > >

> > > > Theres no logic beyond personal issues here.

> > >

> > > I did not see anyone asking something to be deleted from people, being able to continue them like the SAB achievements would have been the right thing to do. You know just like when this event was rereleased last time? This is the 3rd time the queen's gauntlet is available.

> >

> > I do see people purposefully misunderstanding the point here.

> > Theres several things speaking for this:

> > - The last time gauntlet was a thing there was no elite specs. Now there are and, the experience is different because of it. They may be the exact same achievements but with many more different tools available.

> > - Breakbars were added.

> > - People cant redo historical achievements, even if they were reruns previously. (theres at least 3 years of wintersday and halloween reruns full of achievements, not all were, sure but still)

> >

> > So, if you think they should reruns of avhievements 4 years ago, then everyone should at least get a chance to get those other 4 year old historical achievements as well for the same reasons.

> >

> > The way I see it, you didnt do the achievement then, you shouldnt be able to catch up now just because of those reasons you stated.

> Oh please, your arguments are useless. SAB didnt get an achievement reset despite tribulation mode being much easier nowadays. And I know for a fact that Liadri's difficulty for example is pretty much unchanged except maybe some outlier specs. I did not notice any break bars on the old bosses.


I didnt know all elite specs are now outlier specs.

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