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Rare Infusions in BLTC?

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The issue isn't drop rates (it could be 0.00001% or 10% for all I care), it's about devaluing what you can earn ingame.


Why would you put INGAME REWARDS in lootboxes?? First it started with crafting materials, then map currencies and now rare infusions.....


Please remove them and let players earn these by playing this game itself.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> The issue isn't drop rates (it could be 0.00001% or 10% for all I care), it's about devaluing what you can earn ingame.


> Why would you put INGAME REWARDS in lootboxes?? First it started with crafting materials, then map currencies and now rare infusions.....


> Please remove them and let players earn these by playing this game itself.


Outside of the trading post some of those items will never drop for players. Just like pres, i do however agree they shouldnt be in the chests, but at least they keep the rarity of the drop.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> The issue isn't drop rates (it could be 0.00001% or 10% for all I care), it's about devaluing what you can earn ingame.


> Why would you put INGAME REWARDS in lootboxes?? First it started with crafting materials, then map currencies and now rare infusions.....


> Please remove them and let players earn these by playing this game itself.


And how are you earning these rewards ingame? I'd hardly classify get a 1-in-a-million drop as "earning it". If you mean farming for the 10k+ gold and buying ultra-rare infusions outright, well you could have just as easily bought gems and used those for keys to get BL chest drops.


Besides, there basically already are legendaries in the black lion chests. They're called permanent contracts. Depending on which one you get the money you'd get from selling it would be able to buy a legendary outright, or at least buy all the non-account-bound stuff you'd need to build one on the TP.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> Why would you put ingame rewards like infusions in BL chest instead of adjusting their drop rates? What's next? Legendary weapons/armors in BL chests as well?


> This is really disappointing.


Why wouldn't they put them in a set of BL chests that will be out for 4-6 weeks, as well as festival chests available temporarily? It's not as if most of these are going to become commonly available.


The problem with adjust the drop rate for e.g. the Chak Egg Sac from the TD meta is... there is no happy medium. If they adjust it just a little, we won't notice. If they adjust it a lot, it will become 'rare' rather than exclusive, and people will lose interest (I ignore speculators who over-spent on it). If they adjust it just enough so that we notice, then people will flock to the event in greater numbers, and it will become 'rare' rather than exclusive.


There's only a theoretical middle ground in which they adjust it just right, so it's trading for 7-8k, instead of 15-20k.


Accordingly, the best way to change the market (and our expectations) is to make it available as a super rare drop _temporarily_. This introduces a small amount into the economy, it gets us to rethink our willingness-to-spend, and it reminds us that ANet can (and will) upend markets whenever they feel it's appropriate.


tl;dr this is a good way to temporarily disrupt the market, without reducing the long-term, "actual" exclusiveness of these items.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> The issue isn't drop rates (it could be 0.00001% or 10% for all I care), it's about devaluing what you can earn ingame.


> Why would you put INGAME REWARDS in lootboxes?? First it started with crafting materials, then map currencies and now rare infusions.....


> Please remove them and let players earn these by playing this game itself.


Don't worry the drop rates will be far less than 0.0001% try more along the lines of 0.00000000001% there are people on reddit who have opened 15k-100k boxes with no super rares, its just another ploy to pull mats out of the game and try and fix the economy.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> I love all this "devaluing my effort" crap. You got it by chance.

Yeah, that's a red herring critique.



I think the real one is that some people are bothered by anything available from _playing the game_ to also be made available in a gem store purchase. The rarity, the randomness... those aren't the true concern. It's about the feeling that someone can just use a credit card to have the same opportunity.


Mind you, I disagree with that critique, too: if it can be traded on the TP, then one can still use a credit card to acquire it, directly via gems→gold→TP purchase, or indirectly, via gems→gem shop rng→lucky drop→TP purchase with profits.



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For things that cost upwards of 10k gold it's worse in my opinion. It's so much easier for somebody willing to buy with CC to get those than people grinding gold or playing normally. If it's not account bound, can it truly be "prestige" if you can buy it at all? There's no way to tell if anyone who has one has "earned" it, or if they just earned money at their day job.

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Check the Zephyrite chests at the Cliffs. I mean the vendors who will buy your mats with said chests. You can preview the chests and things like the Chak and Queen Bee infusions and the invisible boot box are in the super rare drop category.


I think I opened maybe 100 chests thanks to having so much mithril and silk I was choking on it, fanciest drop I got was a Zephyrite Rune worth 20 silver on TP, but one person claimed to have gotten the invisible box and sold the shoes for 2K gold. I won't drain my mats bare trying, but hey -- it's available in game as people are asking!

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The drop rate is so low, it isn’t to give everyone these and ruin their point - it’s just to get a tiny number up on the TP, because right now, someone of them are so rare they aren’t even available. They’re TOO rare right now, and it’s a slight adjustment

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> @"Limodriver.4106" said:

> dont use blacklion key !!!! goto the Labyrinthine cliff's Bazaar Dock and trade in ur bank material for the Zephyrite Supply Box they have samething inside.


I did that, but I would have been much better off just selling all of those materials on the TP. The drop rates from those boxes are crazy stupid low. Like lower than winning the lottery **and** getting mauled by a bear in the same day.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> Why would you put ingame rewards like infusions in BL chest instead of adjusting their drop rates? What's next? Legendary weapons/armors in BL chests as well?


> This is really disappointing.


Lol? If someone wanted to spend enough money on gems to buy black lions keys to have a TINY chance to get a super rare infusion, they could've done it before even cheaper buy trading gems for gold and purchasing off the trading post.


> @"ProverbsofHell.2307" said:

> I'm really disgusted you did this, Arena Net. Feels like a betrayal of us who have went to extreme lengths to get these items, now you hand them out from cheap material boxes?


What is the extreme length you went to for an infusion? Showing up for a meta and essentially winning the RNG lottery? Farming all the gold necessary to purchase it off the trading post? Do you have any idea how many boxes you'd have to buy to get any of the super rare infusions? People are opening these 10k at a time and getting nothing worthwhile. That's roughly 2.6k gold in mats, off the top of my head. 2.6k *gambling* for a *chance* and still not getting anything. You do the math. The cost is just as much as the trading post if not more.


People could already buy these infusions with their credit card before this. The sky isn't falling.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > The issue isn't drop rates (it could be 0.00001% or 10% for all I care), it's about devaluing what you can earn ingame.

> >

> > Why would you put INGAME REWARDS in lootboxes?? First it started with crafting materials, then map currencies and now rare infusions.....

> >

> > Please remove them and let players earn these by playing this game itself.


> Outside of the trading post some of those items will never drop for players.

And that's the main problem with these items, there should be a realistic way to acquire them from the game if one puts enough effort into it. The drop rates for the egg sac, the aurillium and the confetti infusions are way too low and they should be added to the map specific vendors for a sufficient amount of map currency like they did with ghostly infusions for raids. People never asked for these items to be infinitely "harder" to get (through gameplay) than the legendary stuff and people are certainly not happy about it. The playerbase just called BS on it and stopped caring about them a long time ago. The point of unique map rewards is to keep the map "alive" but if not for the materials required for legendary crafting TD would be dead by now. If making them more accessible means that these items lose their ridiculous value then I'm totally fine with it, they should've never been this rare in the first place.

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