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If Anet would have to make a New Game, what would You like them to make?

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Sad we can't pick more options...

For Jump n Run I'd have suggested SAB outside of GW2 as an own existing game (Even if this would be my joke option it'd still be cool)

The reason for another MMO/RPG is because I have a bunch of ideas for such game and I always had thought of that Anet would be able to make such game.

A card game would be the third option as I'd imagine a MTG like game very well with the characters of Tyria.

An option that wasn't here would be a pen&paper but this can also be organized without Anet but it'd be still awesome.

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I'd really like them to make a single-player RPG set during the last time the dragons rose. Players could choose to play as a mursaat, seer, forgotten, dwarf or jotun and play through that races attempt to stop the dragons or survive them. I'd love to see what Tyria was like back then (completely different obviously, but how?) and to actually experience their efforts against the dragons instead of just hearing about it from fragmented sources.


Of course it'd be pretty dark, knowing the best you can hope for is some fragment of your characters civilisation making it through, but I still think it would be an interesting game.

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I voted for a different new franchise MMORPG, because I just want to see Anet getting creative again with somethign new and different and I think the company is in need for something new and different ;)


I#d like them to make a completely new Franchise, but one, which stands kind of in a parallel connection to the Guild Wars Franchise, like a game, which basically would exists in a parallele universe to Tyria, but with a game and a Story, that is presented under a completely different design and theme.


Guild Wars and its sequel are presented as the classical medieval fantasy world MMO.

But what I would love to see Anet making next as a complete new Franchise would be a MMORPG Game, that is not the classical typical medieval fantasy world setting, but more like a high tech fantasy mixture, which plays in the future - as a game that combines multiple diversive genres together.


I'd love to see them making a Space MMORPG , which plays in a different world several thousands of years in the future.

A Space game, that would completely different, than the usual ones, people would expect, like Eve online, No Mans Sky, Star Citizen.

One that isn't feeling too realistic, but offers also fun elements and fantasy elements.

It should be a Game, which shoold give the player at the end the impression, of basically playing a MMORPG, which feels practically like a mixture of generes as if games like Star Ocean, Mass Effect, No Mans Sky, Star Citizen, Eve Online, Ratchet & Clank and Phantasy Star Online and Wild Star basically would have been mixed together, but a a more serious, less cartooney way, that was Wild Star


Kind of like a Sandbox Space MMORPG that you can play in alot of different ways of careers you can follow with your created character of on of various different playable races, that the player should be free to decide, how you want to play it, in regard of which role you want to take over in the huge freely explorable world as either an Explorer, or as a Space Pirate, or as travelign Merchant, or in the military somwhere hunting down Space Pirates.


Most space based mmos out there so far focus themself only in the aspect of space battles, but not the exploration like for example No Mans Sky does than, while not being a real MMO game at all. Then there are naturall


I think, if Anet would ever make a new game, and it would be a different game franchise not being set and themed after a classical medieval fantasy MMORPG, I think they should try out a high tech fantasy based space MMORPG, which combines the positive things from the games I listed up in a new unique way , so that the result should feel like playing an online space game, with a high quality story like playing a star ocean, mass effec,t or phantasy star game, but together with the massive gameplay design freedom for features like to explore the game and do in it what you want like in a sandbox game like in NMS, or Star Citizen in a way, thats not too realistic, but also not too cartoonish, like Wild Star, more into the direction of Ratchet & Clank, when it comes down to funny innovative high tech weapons that are just creative and could basically come just out of the mind of an Asura ^^ cause asuran technology kind of already has a bit of this spacey design style, if you ask me, that already fits well :D ..cause just look at Asura Gates...

The very moment I saw them for the first time, they screamed at me basically Stargate SG1 *gg* and I hope, I'd see some kind of slipstream effect for the loading screen or so, when jumping through one of them as animation to see how the character warps from spot A to B ^^

Thats the moment where I was already sold for it, that if ANet ever makes an other game, it should be a high tech fantasy based space game MMORPG, which should be focused on a high quality story and the sandbox gameplay aspect similar to NMS, that you can freely explore lots of planets either, ior try to hunt as a space piret down some merchant players to steal their goods ect. if your not at all interested in the story to follow your own career as you like - if not best the story changes completely based on your self made career choises, and decisions and consequences like in a Mass Effect game rise up, that would be perfect :D.

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I would love to see a Guild Wars fighting game! A lot of the existing skills would carry over well to a two-dimensional space, and I think it would be fun as hell. It may not exactly be in their wheelhouse to do it themselves, but it would make a great partner project.

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> @"Gulesave.5073" said:

> I would love to see a Guild Wars fighting game! A lot of the existing skills would carry over well to a two-dimensional space, and I think it would be fun as hell. It may not exactly be in their wheelhouse to do it themselves, but it would make a great partner project.


Guildwars; Battle Offline?


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A guild wars 3 would be my choice, new storyline, new characters.... in the same world of course but..... elsewhere within that world (a place we haven't seen yet). This would give ANET the opportunity to catch up with other MMO's in relation to fully utilizing graphics, sound effects & a new game engine that would allow them to tinker more easily with new content. It would be a big undertaking, but GW2/ANET I truly believe has the resources to do it. =)

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> @"Orpheal.8263" said:


> But what I would love to see Anet making next as a complete new Franchise would be a MMORPG Game, that is not the classical typical medieval fantasy world setting, but more like a high tech fantasy mixture, which plays in the future - as a game that combines multiple diversive genres together.



Wildstar tried that, and failed miserably.


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Curious about what ANet could do if they skipped all the rpg mechanics, and focused on an exploration action game. And might as well make it a singleplayer game consider what most of the fans wants. Basically play to their strengths.


You know... that sounds like Skyrim, that wasn't intended.


For story they should either focus on comedy, or on a more indirect story telling, where you get all the story "hinted" through things that happen instead of trying to directly narrate it. (Think more like Myst, Ico etc)

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1. A chess game in which all the pieces can move any number of spaces forward, backward, left, right, and diagonally across the board.


2. A game set on Edgar Rice Burroughs' Barsoom with15' tall green guys with four arms quad-wielding swords. See also: dual longbows.


3. DOOLO -- Days Of Our Lives Online! Somebody needs to do it. Might as well be Anet.

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> @"kurfu.5623" said:

> > @"Orpheal.8263" said:


> > But what I would love to see Anet making next as a complete new Franchise would be a MMORPG Game, that is not the classical typical medieval fantasy world setting, but more like a high tech fantasy mixture, which plays in the future - as a game that combines multiple diversive genres together.



> Wildstar tried that, and failed miserably.



To be fair, Wildstar failed for a lot of reasons, RNG effects on Raid Loot, and trying to cater to a "Hardcore" population are among it's top two screw ups, the setting was not.

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