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Boss Rush - Health seems overtuned

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If it's the same as last time, they're most manageable when you're in smaller groups. However, nobody wants to go back to the middle once they finish their boss, so everybody rushes to one of the others, scaling them way up. That way it gets harder and harder as you kill more. A lot of the events in LS1 had harshly scaling HP like that. At least they let you keep going instead of having it fail outright when the time's up.

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Considering you get 7 or 8 minutes to get the gold reward for Boss Blitz, what people are actually supposed to do is split up between the bosses and kill them simultaneously. There's no way of even getting a silver reward by all going to the same boss and killing them off one by one. I don't know about others, but I'm going to put my money on LFG again. There will likely be organized maps doing this much faster than the single zerg tactic you find in random maps.

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It's OK. Last time the festival was around, after the first week people learnt the mechanics and almost every boss rush yielded gold reward.

A fairly reasonable strategy is to tweak your build to fight a particular boss and simply return to the middle to not upscale the others once yours is killed. Boss rush is also much easier if you finish the bosses off simultaneously, which can be done with a little bit of player coordination.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> What even is the reward for Gold? Doesn't seem worth the time.


You get x8-x10 assorted champion loot bags instead of x6-x8 (silver) or x2-x4 (bronze) plus a few more shit items. They really nerfed the drop rate to oblivion.

But gold rewards are still easily possible. I was in a map instance last evening that was recruiting for organized gold runs and after a bad starting round (missed it by 25 seconds) we managed to get gold 6 times in a row.


[edit: no team speak or anything, just lots of salt and yelling in map chat until it works required]

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> What even is the reward for Gold? Doesn't seem worth the time.


It’s not even worth it.




* 20 Festival Tokens

* 7-10 Queens Guantlet Entrance Tickets

* 1 piece of green or better equipment

* 2 champ bags


That’s all that you would get for the effort to get gold.


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