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Are you satisfied? In GW2

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I'm not satisfied with GW2..


i could list up now a huge litany of reasons for why this is a case, but it won't change anything on that situation and within the last 6 years I've received as player also not the impression from Anet, that they even care at all to do somethign about those things... but impressions can naturally be deceptive

But to name just a very few key points that are reasons, why I'm not satisfied:


* Completely unbalanced Combat System whose Main Mechanics have been ignored since release, while Skills and Traits have had always only their attention

* Dead Dungeons

* Yet no reimplementation of Season 1 to make this a complete again for everybody

* Dead and uninspired WvW practically more or less since 2014

* Elitist Raids - a full game mode just only for a tiny minority of a player base ..rolleyes. well done, what a waste of ressources, that would have been better spen on reworking Dungeons into better content, or into PvP7WvW, to make it better instead.

* Total boring and uninspired depthless PvP since Game release, absolutely no innovations heres. Stronghold flopped and has been instantly abandoned, ridiculous!!

What a wasted time, that is is just better to erase that stuff completely out of the game again better and PvP right with it too, if they just don't finally do something about this game mode, to make it more interestign and worthy again for the ESL to consider taking GW2 back into their program for ESports, cause GW2 kind of lived also from the sponsoring money that ANet received for Esports surely - but for this needs GW2 better PvP modes and naturalyl a significantly better balanced game, what will happen only, of the Combat System's key elements get finally reworked and rebalanced to the current state of the game, than to keep those mechanicers forever under their outdated old 2012er state designs.

These don't work properly balanced anymore at all together now with Elite Specs, the Rev, new Boons and Conditions beign in the game now ect.

All things, which need to get reconsidered and rebalanced in all Combat System related gameplay mechanics - from Health System, to Upgrades, to Attributes, to Skills and Traits as well as like too Boons and Conditions - all of this is the full extent of the Combat System of GW2, not just only Skills and Traits, like it seems, that this is the limited scope of competence to work on, which Anet has since 6 years over their own game ...sadly, or wants to work on only, because for everything else they miss on the ressources to do so, but if that would be really the case here now, then I think ANet would never be so honest with us to admit this, if it would be true what I''m assuming here, cause 6 years have been already more than enough time to admit something like that, if the ressources that Anet has simply aren't enough to give this game the full scaled balance patches, that this game of this caliber would require, to bring it back on track correctly and properly with all of the combat system mechanics.


Thats basically the reasons, why I'm only playing this game still for the time, when a living story episode got releasef, because the games story is basically currently the only thing left over in what I'm still interested on in this game..everything else has been destroyed for me by Anet over the time with their bad design decisions and their inability to balance this games combat system mechanics properly.

Doing permanently only number changes on skills and traits is POINTLESS, its no solution, it moves the problems only from one side to another to change the favor of the 3 months builds eventually only...

But aside of living story, I'm inactive.. play no pvp, especialyl no WvW at all anymore, because this unbalanced crap with all its 1hit kill builds, the condi/effect spam ect. has become just intollerateable and unbearable to the point, that playing this game in any competitive way makes absolutely no fun at all anymore to me.


I definetely hope, that this game reaches somewhen again the point, where I want to play its PvP/WvW, because of these elements making in a competitive way again fun and are balanced, due to Anet having updated finalyl all of its outdated combat system elements to the fact, that the game isn#t by far anymore the same, how it was 6 years ago, and that too much things have been changed, to constantly keep these too old 2012er mechanics which can't handle this games current powercreep at all.

Thats when I will likely become again an active player... but before this is happening, I#ve likely become until then already rather an active FF14 player either, or some kind of other new and better MMORPG will likely drawn my attention in to rarther play that actively,if I see by this time it as not worthy anymore to keep on waiting on Anet, that they get their game#s combat system again properly balanced in all of its aspects.

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Unsatisfied, with the game itself, its a synkretism of many different games on the planet, copied and adapted, and filled with promises in the beginning (i.e. "GW2 will never be free 2 play"), which turned out as lies today, and something must be really wrong in the business and the companies if such cases happen like the JP-PF thing in the past weeks, or jump ship like at bungie or other studios. If such kind of developers (JP / PF) are involved in the design / making of that game, i do not wonder why it feels such bad today to play it, years ago what i felt was not more then an intuition, now after those years i have proof that there is something really wrong with not only that game.


a player today is some sort of an unpaid employee of arenanet, to fill their servers with live, so new people will buy this game each year, and in the end they dont play the game occasionly, the "players" do their daily routine, just like a boring job because they need to, to get some items or gold or AP or titles or ranks, you want proof -> https://de-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/3659/euer-gw2-alltag#latest - it reads like a working schedule in each case....


and if someone like me want to leave this "battlefield of illusions" they keep their (my) accounts open, so they count for the investors as a worth, i am pretty disappointed like i would come back from such mass-tourism voyage, more exhausted then before the trip began, exhausted from those animators who keep us busy with different courses of exercise but we dont really see the land we visit, the people who live there, just haste rallies through "PoI"s to capture some pics, proofing that we are there ... just industrial, no individualism - you wanne raid, drop all your individual gear and skill and equip like the raid needs, uniformity oppresive rules, i'm so endless tired of this what the community calls "fun" or at least entertainment, its a unpaid job or even worse, you have to pay to play this job!


and we can do shopping each day, trading goods, gather cool items or even gems 33% of the playtime we spend in shops, its like one of those luxury cruisers on the atlantic, filled with multiple shopping malls "in the back plays the music title [money](



and lately some devs just openly hate players, rando ... whatever they call us, we the players just have to consume and shut up!... they call us dumb and unexperienced!

remember which kind of narrative JP and PF have created in RL with thier actions, ok, its also a "design process" and they think we have to consume that too and have to shut up also...


However it feels like [MMOs are dead](

"MMOs are dead") but we the players, the customers have always the choice and the decision to leave behind what we dont like! I dont excuse my words here because they are the honest answer to Tps question which i could give.


Ban? Who cares! the support-ticket for the deletion of my gw2 acc is more then two weeks old with no response!


concluding with the wise words "War never changes"

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It was good before HoT and it fell off after raids just do not fit in this game nor dose a 3 class system. Most of the effects and skills do not do any thing of significant in pve other then dmg and support any thing out side of that is pontless for balancing. In pvp the added effects are significantly more important then the dmg and support. What the problem is the game is being balanced off of pve more then pvp. So pure dmg and pure heal effects are taking more out of balancing then added effects such as unblockables and boon strips. The game was going for a split balances but it keeps getting done and then undone over and over to a madding level.


So this game is good for a time but once you get into the deep part of the games combat you start to see how easy the balance unravels and the whim of the devs. has much more to do with what and how you are going to play the game then your own player chose.


The best question now to ask the devs about any class or any game type is "how do you want us to play this game?" as players cant tell any more and the chose is gone.

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I only just started this game, but so far, I'm loving this game. I love the graphics. I love how convenient it is to travel. I love how many skills you get even early game. I know some people don't like the gem store, but I like it. Since so many rewards are not tied to specific activities that I don't want to do, I can simply earn gold doing what I enjoy doing, then use that gold to buy stuff from the gem store. And not being a subscription based game, I don't mind spending real money on this at times, if I can afford it.

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No not really. I play it out of habit. As soon as Monster Hunter World drops for PC on the 9th im probably more or less out. Have 5700 hours in the game, I think that's probably enough for me. That and BFA launches soon with a TON of content, so can't pass that up. It's been good GW2.

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2 games I played longer then 2 years (WoW and Gw2) so the game must be GOOD - 7/10.

Satisfied is a big word, still play from time to time in the last couple of months just to kill time, PvP and WvW don't care, it's not exiting like WoW battlegrounds for example.

Fractals is okay but can't do it for more then 1 hour, raids don't care .. there is nothing in there worth the tox.. effort to do them, not even for legy armor.

Still Gw2 is a good game, if only the loot system would improve meaning.. get rid of trophy, junk, sigils, runes, bags within bags click click click click.. you know what im talking about.. the pointless stuff that frustrates the %^$#$^ out of you while playing meta 's for example.

While i'm at it, if the WvW would improve, like WoW battlegrounds I would play that, but the way it's played now.. huge zerg blob isn't fun, changing the mechanics for this would be a good thing.

I remember having great fights with about 4-8 players just capping and holding a tower in WoW, where skill and cooperation would be a factor, zerg spam isn't skill or fun.

Anyway satisfied, no.. will gw2 do for the moment, yes.



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of course not.

* Personal housing in "instanced village communities" (if wvw exists so can this!)--Hello!

* more Underwater combat please!

* hidden scavenger hunts! combine this with underwater combat and BIG SCARY MONSTERS THAT ATTACK YOU FROM BEHIND :D so you don't see it coming :D when searching sea caves. Oh this could be fun fun!

* Mount jps!

* Mount combat!

* Mounts in wvw! hehe

* Farming outside of personal instance



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