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Help On An Achievement: Light Up The Darkness

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Unsure if this should go in general, or players helping players category but whatever.


I've been working on this achievement for two days. Arguably one of the two hardest achievements for Queens Gauntlet. (The other being Turai Ossa.) I'm not advocating for making the achievement easier. I like hard content that challenges players and keeps them coming back after being smashed in the face. Anyways... since I haven't really seen any post on this subject. Have you beaten Liadri the Concealing Dark with 8 orbs. If so what was your tactic? Any advice for players attempting this achievement?


Currently i'm using Daredevil thief, with Power/Precision/Condi/Toughness gear. Utilities include shadowstep, 25% speed signet, and scorpion wire. But even with that I seem to be out maneuvered by all the ads and aoe.


Any advice for upcoming players that need it would be helpful.



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I am trying with FB...the boss itself is not really hard, but being forced to hit her with the 8 orbs is really painful...i am thinking to switch to Thief, all those evades shoud make things easier or maybe Weaver...also not sure if SB can use Counter on those AoE attacks, cause if it can, should be really easy to deal with her.

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> @"Alimar.8760" said:

> Unsure if this should go in general, or players helping players category but whatever.


> I've been working on this achievement for two days. Arguably one of the two hardest achievements for Queens Gauntlet. (The other being Turai Ossa.) I'm not advocating for making the achievement easier. I like hard content that challenges players and keeps them coming back after being smashed in the face. Anyways... since I haven't really seen any post on this subject. Have you beaten Liadri the Concealing Dark with 8 orbs. If so what was your tactic? Any advice for players attempting this achievement?


> Currently i'm using Daredevil thief, with Power/Precision/Condi/Toughness gear. Utilities include shadowstep, 25% speed signet, and scorpion wire. But even with that I seem to be out maneuvered by all the ads and aoe.


> Any advice for upcoming players that need it would be helpful.


> Thanks!


I did it this morning. Basically, just understand that this is not a DPS race. You need to keep Liadri alive until you can hit her with 8 orbs. So get rid of DPS on your bar, wear tanky gear, and load up on mobility options because all that matters is that you and Liadri don't die until just about the last possible second (because you'll probably need most of the timer to get enough orbs thrown!).

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> @"Alimar.8760" said:

> Have you beaten Liadri the Concealing Dark with 8 orbs.


No, just the initial 3 required.


> If so what was your tactic?




Just keeping my distance, avoiding getting hit by her, the visions or the AoE fields. This worked extremely well. All my previous attempts, especially with my Thief, were close fails and took too long. This, however, finished things off quickly.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Alimar.8760" said:

> > Unsure if this should go in general, or players helping players category but whatever.

> >

> > I've been working on this achievement for two days. Arguably one of the two hardest achievements for Queens Gauntlet. (The other being Turai Ossa.) I'm not advocating for making the achievement easier. I like hard content that challenges players and keeps them coming back after being smashed in the face. Anyways... since I haven't really seen any post on this subject. Have you beaten Liadri the Concealing Dark with 8 orbs. If so what was your tactic? Any advice for players attempting this achievement?

> >

> > Currently i'm using Daredevil thief, with Power/Precision/Condi/Toughness gear. Utilities include shadowstep, 25% speed signet, and scorpion wire. But even with that I seem to be out maneuvered by all the ads and aoe.

> >

> > Any advice for upcoming players that need it would be helpful.

> >

> > Thanks!


> I did it this morning. Basically, just understand that this is not a DPS race. You need to keep Liadri alive until you can hit her with 8 orbs. So get rid of DPS on your bar, wear tanky gear, and load up on mobility options because all that matters is that you and Liadri don't die until just about the last possible second (because you'll probably need most of the timer to get enough orbs thrown!).


If you hit her with the 8º and last orb does she die or something or you still need to DPS her down?

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> If you hit her with the 8º and last orb does she die or something or you still need to DPS her down?


You need to hit her with 8 orbs and then DPS her down. It's a balancing act between DPS and avoiding damage while kiting mobs to get the orbs.


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A few maybe obvious but easily missed points about liadri.


1. You can rally off the cosmic rifts. Use this to your advantage.

2. Remember middle school geometry. The further away you are from the center, the further you have to travel to move out of the quarter circle slices. Stay as close to the center as combat will permit to shorten the distance you need to travel.

3. When evading out of the quarter circle slices, make sure to stay as close to the edge of the orange aoe as possible because once that aoe hits, thats going to be your next safe zone. I see a lot of people who fail liadri over dodge way too much and end up in the center of the non aoe zone only to get caught with no dodges because now the dead center of the safe zone is now orange aoe covered. Again, minimize the distance you need to travel to get to your NEXT safe zone.

4. Cc works on liadri during phase 2.

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Here's what i did ages ago on core warrior when QG was out


1) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bowl_of_Orrian_Truffle_and_Meat_Stew

2) You're going to want to take https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Signet_of_Stamina mostly used for the extra endurance gain to dodge more frequently so you can pick up, dodge and throw.

3) For heal almost anything is fine but at the time i used then Healing Surge, now To the Limit. Virtually the same if not better now.

4) Since you dont have pulls you'll want condition damage (not required, you can do it with power) to manipulate the clone movement with things like Throw Bolas to lock them down so you dont get surrounded to much

5) At this point you can run either core condi warrior or berserker it really wont matter much. S/S (for that nice torment on sword 4, just dont rip it out) and Longbow.


It should be fairly obvious that time is crucial so the first thing you need to know is that you barely have leeway to miss picking up a shard here or you probably will not make it in time if you miss more than 1.

Learn the rooms rotation, its always clockwise while she has < 3 stacks and after that the highlighted segments will rotate between N/S and E/W.

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Also another thing I forgot to mention. With Minstrel/zerker mesmer this achievement was pretty easy. The thing about rifts is that they can convert multiple mortalitys if you focus pull them in. This means you can turn 4 adds surrounding you into a huge advantage because you can now spawn 4 orbs in a single spot. You can also safely throw all 4 orbs with a 3 clone shatter distort. This gives you a ton of time to whittle her down with phantasms.

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You can pull more than one add to the light to get the throwing item you need.

I wait for 4 to spawn at first, kite and pull them all to get 4 blazing lights to throw. Then look as you're moving around where you can pull multiples onto the light. I did 2 at a time and got her killed with 16seconds to spare.

(I did this on a full berserker power reaper btw)

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Completed it as a zerker DH using:


shelter, test of faith, smite condition, retreat and renewed focus


Shield was great for knocking visions away from orb drops and smite condition when I couldn't be bothered targeting cosmic rifts (even though it was really brought to clear cripple)


Also, energy sigils on both off-hands >:)

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> @"Hollowbound.8952" said:

> @"Haleydawn.3764" I am trying to do it on my Power Reaper too, but I guess I should wait for the 4 to spawn. Good tip! What build did you use? Also, do you have to throw 3 orbs to get her out of darkness, and THEN another 8 before you can dps her down?


Waiting for 4 to spawn and pull onto the light trap also means that 4 then respawn at the same time, so no waiting. No it’s 8 in total, 3 to make her vulnerable, then a further 5 for the achievement.

I use my own build, It's a Bruiser Shout build. I know, It looks like poop on paper, but I've been using this for openworld since HoT released and it's always been a lot of fun and effective!

I even use this build with a few tweaks for WvW roaming.


("Rise" can be swapped out for anything else you want really, Spectral Walk is a good choice if you want the swiftness/teleport)

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I did it on Spellbreaker with GS+Rifle and Endure Pain/Bull Charge/Shake it off(+ auto proc balanced stance with the trait). GS gives good mobility and an extra evade, Rifle has a knockback that can keep the boss away and 4 is an immobilize+evade. Full Counter can block the AoEs and Endure Pain can be used in emergencies when endurance is empty and all evades are on CD, which shouldnt happen though. Since this build has no pulls its important to really focus on guiding the mobs into the circles quickly to not run out of time and an occasional pull orb clear.

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Did this on Spellbreaker as well, using GS Axe/Shield full berserks (wouldn't recommend full berserks, mix it up if you need to). At the start of the fight (the first 3 orbs) try to jiggle your character left/right with Warrior's Sprint trait as you travel to the next location, as most of her projectiles won't be able to hit you since they're not homing. Use GS3 as an evade, GS5 to move around (remember to untarget). F2 is a great block and you should try to use it to damage Liadri with. Use Shield 5 to facetank some of the clones if you need to, this helped me out a lot because half of the time I struggled to pick the orb up without touching the clones. As for Utility skills, bull rush (an extra evade/escape skill, once again remember to untarget), Signet of stamina (faster endurance regen = more evades, pretty useful) and the 3rd is up to you (I used dolyak signet to reduce some incoming damage). Healing Signet gives you a lot of sustain in combination with dolyak signet. As for elite, signet of rage (pretty obvious). Hope this helps out!

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Few years ago I did that on my thief with a lot of evasion traits and zerker burst. I suspect daredevil might work good now and be even easier.


But this year I did it on my lazy-ranger custom build which I often use when I want to farm stuff around in PvE. It's a Wilderness Survival - Skirmishing - Druid build with focus on Shortbow condi damage, heavy use of Survival skills and some keep-alive boost from druid. In this build the problem of running out of time does not exist and you dont even have to focus on damaging Liadri or aim at her. Just run around and she will simply die from your Shortbow auto-attack spam and bleed damage (in fact you need to be careful to not kill her before 8 orbs and most likely turn your autoattack off at some point). With 4 Survival skills and Celestial Avatar you have a spam of condition cleanse at your disposal (to get rid of cripple) and with Natural Stride you move faster around (33%) which is helpful when avoiding shades. Stuck in a kill-zone? You have faster endurance regen from Wilderness Survival tree, evade skill on shortbow and Lightning Reflexes. All with low cooldowns. Quickening Zephyr also gives you superspeed which coupled with its innate condi cleanse is yet another out-of-jail card. Your shortbow is also great at killing those pulling orbs quickly and from safe range. Add two bear tanks to stay alive as long as possible and distract Liadri (she will lunge at them from time to time instead of you) and this build is incredibly easy compared to other ideas to beat her (though I am not sure, mesmer might be better but I never was a mesmer expert). It took me some tries but I was at 6+ orbs fairly often before I finally killed her. You just need to get a bit of luck with crystal timing and placement. I even forgot to eat food boost lol.

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If you're good at the class, I find a mirage with a focus to be the easiest. Have lots of endurance regen, so regen food, and preferably sigils of energy on weapon swap. Make sure blink and jaunt ore on your bar for escapes if you run out of dodges. I also spec into reflect on evade which helps to keep your health from going down too fast.


With a well placed focus pull, you can get all of the shades in one go. Then you can stand there and pick up the orbs and throw them at her. That's 4. So, one at the start, kite a bit, then 3 or 4 on the next. You're already half way there. If you miss, no big deal, but it's a great way to clear the shades as well and releave that pressure. Meanwhile, just pew pew with your great sword until you get another opportunity. She has plenty of health, so just focus on staying alive and converting the shades to orbs.

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I did Light up the Darkness on my Dragonhunter. I used Scepter/Shield and Greatsword, although I didn't swap to the Greatsword during that fight. Remember that Liadri (after the first 3 orbs) can be crippled and chilled making her slower, also she can be interrupted with daze and stun. Bring condition removal to remove cripple and weakness. Keep in mind that when her shadow fall hits it covers half the room, then that half will be a safe area for a while, I see many run around her and dodge multiple shadow falls while there is no reason to. Finally the little orb that pulls you can rally you, use it to your advantage.


Good luck.


PS: Since you play Thief, it's sad that they nerfed Unhindered Combatant, that trait pre-nerf would've made Liadri a joke. Maybe it's still good though, you can try it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Which is indeed the easiest way to cheese this difficult challenge.


Personally, I did it on a zerker reaper and...


Prior to throwing the 3rd orb, get 3 clones into the rift, which is easily done using the greatsword pull. Now you're already at 5 orbs. Circle around the room to get 3 more clones close together and pull them again to a rift. Depending on what Liadri is doing, drop the greatsword's AoE blind for cover and throw the orbs, which makes 8 total. Finishing up is easy - there's no clones nearby (or blind and ignore) and killing her is almost as simple as reaper shroud iceblock and spinning.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> Personally, I did it on a zerker reaper and...


> Prior to throwing the 3rd orb, get 3 clones into the rift, which is easily done using the greatsword pull. Now you're already at 5 orbs. Circle around the room to get 3 more clones close together and pull them again to a rift.


That sounds to stressful to me, since the orbs vanish into thin air quickly after spawning.


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  • 2 years later...

stressful achievement, that not compared whit chill and friendly other parts. It not maked by guildwars spirit I think.

As for me it should be have saved progress. First times 3, and you have 3/8, next time one more 3, and you have 6/8 .. and on 3th wil be done.


Now the achiv looks not good. Hope it will be fixed.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> stressful achievement, that not compared whit chill and friendly other parts. It not maked by guildwars spirit I think.

> As for me it should be have saved progress. First times 3, and you have 3/8, next time one more 3, and you have 6/8 .. and on 3th wil be done.


> Now the achiv looks not good. Hope it will be fixed.


That would defeat the entire point of the achievement as someone can just kamikaze the orbs until they have eight, restart the fight, and just focus her the entire time.


It's not a difficult achievement. You just need to learn the pattern.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> stressful achievement, that not compared whit chill and friendly other parts. It not maked by guildwars spirit I think.

> As for me it should be have saved progress. First times 3, and you have 3/8, next time one more 3, and you have 6/8 .. and on 3th wil be done.


> Now the achiv looks not good. Hope it will be fixed.


The achievement has remained the same all the way back to vanilla, where given the lack of power creep of HoT and PoF, it was by far the hardest.


There is nothing to "fix". The achievement works as intended.


You can now:

A. Get gud and finish it now.

B. Hope for more power creep with a future expansion and try again.

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