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Option to hide shield?


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  • 4 months later...

I really wish our backpack would take priority over the shield. We have an option to show or hide our backpack, if someone wanted to see the shield instead they'd hide the backpack. Right now I've got all sorts of expensive backpack style customizations I've bought (*and* numerous matching gliders I bought to go with them) but I'm using a shield and so never get to see my backpacks when out of combat, backpacks I spent all this money getting.


If you *must* always have our weapon sets displayable, simply make it so we can toggle if the shield stays on our arm or gets put on our back (if on the back our backpack would hide, otherwise it would stay on our arm and show our backpacks). That would work out perfectly: if you didn't want us to be able to hide our weapon set just let us toggle keeping the shields on our arms even when out of combat. That would work wouldn't it?

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Hmm, I forget what game it was but I once played a game that had 3 different options for back... In that game you had your ranged weapon slots, your mainhand/offhand slots and then a cape/back slot and a checkbox in options on which to display. I feel that when the two clash, there should be in options on what the preferred display would be.

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You could always change weapon and holster your other weapon set while out of combat if all you want to do is show your back pack.


personally I love the way shield hides backpacks and other effects, someone attacks me then realizes once it's too late they just attacked someone with The Ascension and Sublime Armor (looking at all those thieves who poked me once then tried run away)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

This bothers me too, as a Greatsword and Shield user. There's nothing I can do that isn't clipping with a backpack and I'd love to show off a pack sometime without it looking a mess. When a lot of the gem store is about selling cosmetic backpacks, this is a problem...

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I'd like an option to see both my weapon sets when I have them sheathed instead of having them disappear into the mist.


ie Bow on the back, daggers in hand.


I realize the issues with having multiple 2h or 1h sets, but you could just have this be a small check box like the hide helmet/shoulders in the character window.


This could be a feature to implement with some things mentioned here. Hiding weapons, etc.


I'd love some system that allows you to adjust sheath positions, like shields on arms, daggers on back, swords on back, etc. But that's never gonna happen I'm sure, but a simple show/hide option could be feasible.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Can this suggestion be seriously looked after please? The shield hide your character face/hair, a big part of the outfit and also the backpack. It render aesthetic purchases irrelevant for the most part as 1/2 of what you see on 3rd person is the shield itself blocking everything else.

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  • 6 months later...

I would like to bump this. Not only does the shield hide my wings, unless I use the Shield of the Wing transmutation the shield hides my entire character. I feel like I'm a shield with legs most of the time. I know someone has mentioned that we can swap weapons for appearance, but that's not easy when you're playing Engineer. I get that the shield should be visible during combat, but when out of combat it serves no purpose, not to mention that most shields are ugly looking.


Anyway, I hope this bump (July 12, 2018 - January 12, 2019) wasn't too annoying or necro-ee. I found the thread via google search after I tried to search for options that could help me hide the bloody thing. Found nothing yet, btw.

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> @"Robin Skyshroud.1863" said:

> I dont think such a thing would ever happen. Guild Wars 1 hardly had any requirements or reason to carry a shield other than for a few skills and some armor. Yet everyone still wore a shield even when it was not used in such a manner.


> I dont have faith in Anet adding such a request.


I don't understand how those are related

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