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Tornado VS Rampage : Why the huge difference?

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They keep saying that **Personal Bias** doesn't exist in the development office and yet this example here is so undoubtedly clear with no chance of rebate , unless somebody here can come here with a real logic explanation on this particular case.


1- They both transform the user

2- They both have reduction CD traits on meta traitlines

3- They have same base CD


And here the similarities end.....now


1- **Rampage** has: reduced direct dmg and condition dmg / swiftness + stab / 3-4x the dmg

2- **Tornado** has only stability...no direct or condi dmg reduction ....no reflect.....no swiftness...the elite has not been used seriously **since launch** from 6 years ago. I am planning to release this gem of discrepancy to the rest of the MMO w0rld out there ....really how can people say that personal bias doesn't exist in the balance process?

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> At least tornado got it's cd reduced. My necro is still sitting here with 180 second cooldown lich form.


I would probably compare the old Plague to tornado and rampage, not lich. I guess that's not a transform anymore though.

90 sec CD lich would be so dumb

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Comparing skills across classes in this manner is not a good idea: Each is balanced around entire profession's kit.

Each profession has strong/weak points, it's logical (for me) to have diversity - so skills that have similar mechanic or function should vary greatly across professions.

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because eles aren't allowed a decent elite,

tornado? junk (was once useful when it boosted stats)

FGS? junk (was useful when you could get multiple ticks from the rush)

elemental? no comment...


i actually use tornado because it is the least terrible option that eles have.

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> @"Arioch.4810" said:

> Comparing skills across classes in this manner is not a good idea: Each is balanced around entire profession's kit.

> Each profession has strong/weak points, it's logical (for me) to have diversity - so skills that have similar mechanic or function should vary greatly across professions.


Explain engineer.

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It HAD a use back in the day for decaps, like if you get Tornado on Engi, you can improvise, knock back the guy with Rifle, then switch out of Tornado and land a bunch of grenades. For Elementalist? Sadly fiery greatsword was always better because it allowed you and one team mate to rotate faster. Now, the game has to have burst and Tornado just gets hard bursted.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> At least tornado got it's cd reduced. My necro is still sitting here with 180 second cooldown lich form.


Someone finally said it. But personally I think all the transforms should be back at 180 seconds, 60 seconds effective cd on rampage just makes it a crutch for awful warriors. Can't count the amount of bad warriors in pvp these days who have no idea how to dps or kill someone without rampage up, it's literally gotten to the point where I'm solo on a cap point and a warrior will rampage at me, or even in a 1v2 like why are you ulting in a fight you outnumber me in...


Tldr nerf the transforms back to 180, too many awful players not learning how to really play because dumb crutch skills. Same goes for all this 1 shotting shit.

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