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Which profession are players most hostile towards?


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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> In PvE it's definitely ranger. They attract the worst kind of players, ignoring mechanics and just using longbow/bear and press skills on cooldown. It's horrible. I can't count the times when such an idiotic yolo-ranger kicks an enemy out of dozens of AoE-fields with the stupid knockback lb4 skill. It clearly shows ignorance towards mechanic. Also a typical ranger picture I see almost daily: camping LB and the stupid useless bear (mostly). Even if the enemy is one millimeter in front of their face they camp their longbow instead of switching ONCE to a melee weapon. It's the horror.




... it's not 2013 anymore, fam. It's a cold day in hell when you see someone unironically use a bear.

You sound like you have some past truama with this, because unless they're beginners rangers dont really tend to camp longbow in melee anymore lol. Especially with GS being a decent choice.

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In Instanced PvE: Necro - People just don’t want them in their groups

In PvP: Thief - people either rage against stealth mechanics when playing against them or blame the thief for not capping every point on the map instantly when they’re on their team.


Mesmer is just getting hate right now because it’s strong, but historically, it’s not been such a big deal.

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Mesmer because there is effectually no real feed back that you hit the real one or not often it as if it has full hp all the time and the simply lack of tells due to both stealth and limitation of web loading in attks because of the mass effects going on from more then one version of player. It takes adages of online play if you could some how play vs one offline it would not be as bad.

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Technically, the most rage inducing classes in this game are Thief and Mesmer due to the nature of hate around stealth.

Necromancer also wins some hate due to their "almost-unfair-looking" damage.


That said, after playing 1000 hours of Thief I don't give a dam about stealth anymore. And after learning Necromancers glaring flaws in the survive department I see then more as a "overnerfed" class than a threat.


That said, my rage doesn't go to condi mesmer but to Power Rangers.

I know how to deal with it, I know its coming. But the [Point Blank Shot] + [Rapid Fire] combo for me is the most rage inducing skill combination in the game, for me.

And heaven, I hate meeting Druids on duels on Spvp, even knowing that Duelist Mesmer and SpellBreakers are, meta wise, better.

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I personally dislike how over compensated mesmer is for no real reason its generally the first to get some of the new and still "Loved" mechanics of the gam like "alacrity"

Its always going to be relevant in the game in all areas of the game because they have designed it to be so.

Mesmer will never not be relevant or even close to questionable in relevance like some other profession often hover on


I think its just over done in general and often too rewarded. My first experience with Mesmer was "Why does it have so many good trait options" It was the first and only profession to make me scream that in my head when building it in game

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> In PvE it's definitely ranger. They attract the worst kind of players, ignoring mechanics and just using longbow/bear and press skills on cooldown. It's horrible. I can't count the times when such an idiotic yolo-ranger kicks an enemy out of dozens of AoE-fields with the stupid knockback lb4 skill. It clearly shows ignorance towards mechanic. Also a typical ranger picture I see almost daily: camping LB and the stupid useless bear (mostly). Even if the enemy is one millimeter in front of their face they camp their longbow instead of switching ONCE to a melee weapon. It's the horror.



I don't think anyone has ever thought to teach these rangers not to do that. I had to learn the mechanics of ranger for a good six months before doing any group content. And I learned quickly that I needed to control my pet and not let it tank for me. I learned that longbow is a weapon made for players who rely on the pets tanking for them. I learned that our melee weapons were mostly power/hybrid weapons best used for utility than straight up damage (except of course, maul on GS). I learned so many things by playing by myself, but I know that the process would have been faster and likely more enjoyable with a person teaching me.


That said, I haven't witnessed the hate directed at myself, but I have seen it directed toward many other rangers. And it's sad, really, that people have to resort to insulting people for "not playing the profession properly". I believe that ranger is easy to learn, but difficult to master. Give people the time to master it and teach them along the way.



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> @"malisivo.5264" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > In PvE it's definitely ranger. They attract the worst kind of players, ignoring mechanics and just using longbow/bear and press skills on cooldown. It's horrible. I can't count the times when such an idiotic yolo-ranger kicks an enemy out of dozens of AoE-fields with the stupid knockback lb4 skill. It clearly shows ignorance towards mechanic. Also a typical ranger picture I see almost daily: camping LB and the stupid useless bear (mostly). Even if the enemy is one millimeter in front of their face they camp their longbow instead of switching ONCE to a melee weapon. It's the horror.

> >

> >

> I don't think anyone has ever thought to teach these rangers not to do that. I had to learn the mechanics of ranger for a good six months before doing any group content. And I learned quickly that I needed to control my pet and not let it tank for me. I learned that longbow is a weapon made for players who rely on the pets tanking for them. I learned that our melee weapons were mostly power/hybrid weapons best used for utility than straight up damage (except of course, maul on GS). I learned so many things by playing by myself, but I know that the process would have been faster and likely more enjoyable with a person teaching me.


> That said, I haven't witnessed the hate directed at myself, but I have seen it directed toward many other rangers. And it's sad, really, that people have to resort to insulting people for "not playing the profession properly". I believe that ranger is easy to learn, but difficult to master. Give people the time to master it and teach them along the way.




Thats good to hear! I think you didn't witness hate towards your profession is that you were eager and willing to learn the mechanics and learned how to use them properly. I played ranger myself a lot and I ofc there are also many people who know how to play it. Also most druids I see in Fractals T4 are very good players.

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