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Policing Macros


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I've heard from some players recently that macros are commonly used in NA, especially by mesmers. [From what I understand](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/352/policy-third-party-programs-multi-boxing-macros#latest "From what I understand"), this is not allowed. I've had some encounters in ATs recently that make me doubt if the macro policy is **actually** being enforced; can anybody shed any light on that? Should we report match manipulation if we see it? Send it to exploits@arena.net? This is a simple problem to eliminate compared to 3rd party programs, I would really like to see some progress on it.

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some macros cant really be detected, there is mouses with macro options and i highly doubt that anet has any way to scan for this. also i find it hard that they would "ban" a mouse for being used , so i think that this is a very hard if not impossible task to accomplish. i also see macros once and then but to be honest could be a good palyer with very low ping and fast fingers... dunno

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> @"Dicey Garlics.3918" said:

> some macros cant really be detected, there is mouses with macro options and i highly doubt that anet has any way to scan for this. also i find it hard that they would "ban" a mouse for being used , so i think that this is a very hard if not impossible task to accomplish. i also see macros once and then but to be honest could be a good palyer with very low ping and fast fingers... dunno


You can detect a macro by simply measuring how much time there is between skill activations. Also I believe the GW2 client can detect which button is pressed when, if the number of skill activations is disproportionate to the number of buttons pressed, that's a macro. It's not technologically complicated.

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> @"Huskyboy.1053" said:

> > @"Dicey Garlics.3918" said:

> > some macros cant really be detected, there is mouses with macro options and i highly doubt that anet has any way to scan for this. also i find it hard that they would "ban" a mouse for being used , so i think that this is a very hard if not impossible task to accomplish. i also see macros once and then but to be honest could be a good palyer with very low ping and fast fingers... dunno


> You can detect a macro by simply measuring how much time there is between skill activations. Also I believe the GW2 client can detect which button is pressed when, if the number of skill activations is disproportionate to the number of buttons pressed, that's a macro. It's not technologically complicated.


But it is complicated because of the countless false positives you’ll get from such a setup.


This is why anticheat software doesn’t check macros per se but rather changes in memory.


Just how this game plays, macros aren’t necessarily needed and believe it to be massively overblown. Some people just don’t or won’t accept that people can do extraordinary things.



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GW2 is much less macro-friendly than people make it out to be. It doesn't even take a competitive setting to have your preset combo be completely whacked by a measly dodge boi or simply fail to execute due to lack of profession specific energy or anything like that. Learning circumstantial use of skills is much better and, is probably what most people claiming hack are being victim to. I say this much more so regarding Mesmer that is a testament to how much difference it makes in skill from a spamming player to one that is mindfully casting cooldowns.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> Honestly if we are going to start prosecuting macro users, I'd rather go after all the dodge-jump macro'ers.


Because laying your thumb across "Spacebar" and "V" is a macro?


Besides instruments, I can't think of a single combination that would actually be reliably useful.

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Pretty sure anyone using also takes measures to mask it. It wouldn't be hard to make the press trigger at different millisecond intervals, or just setting another macro to do so.

There are a few people I've dueled many times who have openly confessed to using macros on discord, the problem being that it yields about the same results as the video linked.


Some with macros are easier to fight than others, mesmers who double down on insta combos using macros carreid by the macro pretty hard and tend to NEED to land that to get a kill, otherwise they aren't skilled enough to win, and it gets really easy to read, one doge and they've wasted it.

Any medium class, and guards I find much more difficult to fight when their combos are macro-ed.


I have on multiple occasions reported them for "botting" (like I do with anyone who openly admits to me about buying gold, reporting them as "selling gold")


Not shocked with A-nets system that these people have yet to be punished, I'm starting to think it's just not enforceable.

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