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If you can arrange non-Rev weapons in order from least desirable for ES


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Hi, just collecting more information. I was wondering among the remaining weapons that Revs cant use currently or different configurations of weapons the Rev has as single hand weapons that can be dual wield,


how would you arrange the list of available non Rev weapons in order from Least desirable (being number 1) to most desirable (13th on the list)?


Here is a list of current weapons that Rev dont use right now:


*Main Hand Axe

*Off Hand Mace


*Pistol (either hand)

* Scepter

* Focus

* Torch

* Warhorn

* Great Sword

* Long Bow

* Rifle

-----Also Possible new weapon uses----

*Land Spear

*Or some brand new weapon type not currently playable in the game.

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Scepter Focus on rev would be pretty amazing although I agreed with whoever first started saying it, focus really should have been a core offhand for rev.


The only weapon revs are truly missing at this time is a mid range hybrid weapon that can be paired with offhand and the first thing that comes to mind is scepter. Sadly though such weapons are generally used so they can be paired with a defensive offhand as the compromise. And that can only be found on herald.


That is why I suggested a special weapon that could be melee and it's skills get an extended function when at certain energy thresholds as a mechanic.



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Well, considering rev did just get a whole new core weapon, I'd say it's not completely out of the realm of possibilities to get more. Highly unlikely though. I think rev getting access to trident was the first additional core weapon to be introduced for a profession since launch, which is actually pretty remarkable.

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* ~~Main Hand Axe ~~--- not sure on why another axe user would be happening

* **Off Hand Mace** --- not really hyped about this prospect but likelihood is high

* ~~Dagger ~~-- not really hyped about this whatsoever

* ~~Pistol (either hand)~~ --- I never understood why a magic class like a Mesmer needs to use a pistol , same applies here : I would expect next Warrior or Ranger elite spec to use it

* **Scepter** --- maybe

* **Focus** --- not really but likelihood is medium due to number of classes using it

* Torch --- this would be a good weapon thematically if it had burning , to go with mace mainhand but focus is more likely

* **Warhorn** --- maybe

* ~~Great Sword ~~--- no , too many classes using it already

* ~~Long Bow ~~--- they have shortbows already and hammer is 1200 range

* ~~Rifle ~~--- thematically doesn't seem right


Before renegade came out I guessed it would be shortbow. A ranged condi weapon would only seem likely on scepter / shortbow.


For me, top choice for next weapon would be warhorn as support weapon for Ventari legend users (maybe dwarf legend if it incorporates retaliation). Maybe some quickness + stability or superspeed buff on there. Revs not running glint or shiro need mobility. Also minor energy management skills to maximize utility skill potential would be nice.


i.e. sword + warhorn to buff offense ; mace + warhorn to buff offense


example: warhorn 4 on 15 energy 20 cooldown = 3s stability + 3s superspeed for party in range , remove chill/burn & heal for small amount ala staff

warhorn 5 on 10 energy 15+ cooldown = 2 second quickness for party in range , fury 3s + 5s vigor

warhorn 5 (alt) stunbreak all allies in 240 radius, remove blind/weakness/vulnerability/fear/confusion


(mobility + offensive buff)


Focus I would give some sort of range , maybe 450-600 in an arc and make it offensive support i.e. reflects , blind, 5+ stacks vulnerability, and daze. Could give it taunt + reveal perhaps.


i.e. power build sword + focus for some support (reveal + blind/daze) , mace + focus for support


example: focus 4 arc 600 range pull with damage coefficient of 1.5 over 2 hits + blind and daze attacking foes (like offhand sword arc but with pull)

focus 4 (alt) arc with reflect + retaliation for 10 energy and 12 cooldown

focus 5 damage coefficient 1.0 at 450 PBAOE+ 1200 range PBAOE reveal + pulsing 3x blind + 1x daze , giving non-heralds a way to fight mirages + thieves better


(punishing attackers from stealth and those at range)


No matter if it is offhand mace or warhorn , I'd expect some CC in there (daze/stun or launch / pull / knockdown/knockback) if it isn't a support weapon. some more short duration slow tossed in could make it more utilitarian. Offhand mace would need some retaliation or daze/stun/taunt type effects.


i.e. for a power build with sword+ offhand mace for CC, mace x2 condi with taunt/daze/stun effects


example skill mace 4 = 600 range leap with moderate 1.2 -1.3ish damage coefficient , 5x vulnerability stacks vs stationary target, and daze/slow for 10 energy on 12 cooldown (single target gap closer)

mace 5 = stun non attacking and knockdown 3-5 attacking foes in your 130/180 melee range on 20 cooldown + 15 energy (functions as CC)

---> skill effect smashing mace into ground (see hammer 5 but with less delay)


(reliable hard CCs for melee range with effect varying dependent on attacker status)




New weapon needs to have reveal or some PBAOE to deal with stealth classes because only Glint legend has that utility.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Hi, just collecting more information. I was wondering among the remaining weapons that Revs cant use currently or different configurations of weapons the Rev has as single hand weapons that can be dual wield,


> how would you arrange the list of available non Rev weapons in order from Least desirable (being number 1) to most desirable (13th on the list)?


> Here is a list of current weapons that Rev dont use right now:


> *Main Hand Axe

> *Off Hand Mace

> *Dagger

> *Pistol (either hand)

> * Scepter

> * Focus

> * Torch

> * Warhorn

> * Great Sword

> * Long Bow

> * Rifle

> -----Also Possible new weapon uses----

> *Land Spear

> *Or some brand new weapon type not currently playable in the game.


I know this isn’t exactly what you’ve asked for, but there’s only one weapon I want for Rev this next expansion which is the Greatsword. I have absolutely no interest in any of the other choices. Since I spend 99% of my time in WvW and mostly as a Rev, I would probably even go as far as saying that if Rev doesn’t get GS next, I highly doubt I would even buy the expansion.


Also, there was a similar poll made a few months back that may interest you:


Guess what the #1 answer was in that poll? ?

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From least to most desirable:


1. Rifle

2. Pistols

3. Longbow

4. Off-hand Mace

5. Greatsword

6. Torch

7. Main hand Axe

8. Daggers

9. Warhorn

10. Focus

11. Scepter


Firearms are the obvious no-no for Revenant, GS we don't need as we have swords and staff, scepter and focus I want the most for that caster gameplay.



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I've always really liked the idea of Rev with a torch for offhand, with the lore being that the torch serves as a beacon to rally spirits or something. Warhorn could also fit in this description, but I'd prefer torch because torches are cool.

Focus is second on my list, because I was bewildered to learn Rev didn't have access to it in the first place.

Firearms just seem so out of place for the class that I can't think of an actual lore reason for them to be an option.

Everything else I have no strong feelings about.


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So I would like something not even in game yet.



Dual Chakram





**Skill type:**

Similar to Binding Rituals and Weapon Spells from the Ritualist in GW1

[skills] (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_ritualist_skills)


Also. I would like to have Anet add 1-2 utilities and make changes to all the weapons to function more like the trident. So each legend effects each weapon differently.

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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> From least to most desirable:


> 1. Rifle

> 2. Pistols

> 3. Longbow

> 4. Off-hand Mace

> 5. Greatsword

> 6. Torch

> 7. Main hand Axe

> 8. Daggers

> 9. Warhorn

> 10. Focus

> 11. Scepter


> Firearms are the obvious no-no for Revenant, GS we don't need as we have swords and staff, scepter and focus I want the most for that caster gameplay.




My list would be quite similar to your one here. For me pistols rank slightly higher than longbow just for coolness factor, even if they're still completely ill-fitting. After that, even if it would be a flavourful addition I just can't see the skills they'd add for torch being particularly interesting to me. In contrast, I'd really like to see what they could do with warhorn skills for revenant so it ranks quite highly. I'm not particularly against greatsword (although I am particularly against it being balthazar like some people seem to want, unless that's an obvious joke I'm just not in the loop for) but I'd much prefer dual daggers, especially if they could design the skills so as to pair well with any of the potential weapon combos. I agree with focus being added to core revenant if at all possible. Without that, I just don't see scepter/sword or scepter/axe being particularly aesthetically interesting choices when they're the only options.


1. Rifle

2. Longbow

3. Torch

4. Pistols

5. Offhand mace

6. Greatsword

7. Scepter

8. Mainhand axe

9. Warhorn

10. Focus

11. Dual daggers


But really, as long as the choice fits the legend I don't mind too much. Aesgir Dragonrender would be a fine choice though personally I'd much prefer Owl. Razah doesn't really interest me that much, I never found him that interesting in GW1. Maybe a tengu leader could be a fun addition. Or another villain of some kind (ideally non-human). Or Yakkington.

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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> So I would like something not even in game yet.


> **Weapon:**

> Dual Chakram


> **Legend:**

> Razah


> **Skill type:**

> Similar to Binding Rituals and Weapon Spells from the Ritualist in GW1

> [skills] (https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/List_of_ritualist_skills)


> Also. I would like to have Anet add 1-2 utilities and make changes to all the weapons to function more like the trident. So each legend effects each weapon differently.


Dual focus wielding would be cool. Add some chakram skins for them ya.

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