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Dungeons are dead


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Why even include this in the title?

The only reason that dungeons still get any sort of play, is due to series 1 legendary weapon tokens.

Please rework all of the existing dungeons to be more up-to-date, or just get rid of this in the title altogether if no work plans to be done on them.

Or, please let a dev surprise me with a relevant post concerning dungeon reworks.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Dungeons aren't dead, they just have heavier competition now. Even before ANet officially said they weren't doing more work, they had done very, very little work with dungeons. The current status quo isn't all that much different from how it was 18 months before HoT launched.


Let's not forget that ArenaNet binned the entire dungeon team a few weeks after launch; they weren't destined for much from the release of the game. However, it would be nice to see a comeback.

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Dungeons are annoying, not because of the gameplay more because they are neglected content. I would like to see a few changes implemented. Story Mode either needs to reward the same amount of dungeon currency as explorable or a solo option so players can get into groups. This is a major barrier to players. I see soo many first timers unable to get into a dungeon because of this obstacle. Second a challenge or raid mode would be awesome, maybe where they reward ascended materials for playing far more difficult versions of the dungeons.

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There's just little point to dungeons these days. At launch they were vital to hearing for anything not spvp. Now? Not so much. Free exotic set with an 80 boost, cheap on to, eve, etc. Not that you should be forced into stale dungeon runs for hearing alts or new players, but with so many other options, why bother?


I like the idea the last poster had about making more challenging versions for greater reward. It's hard to get pvers out of fractals though. Not that I've left wvw all week...

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Dungeons are still fun to run, give decent loot and aren't as boring as fractals (to me anyway). Plus, it's instanced 5 man content so it's the same category.


Regarding what Egrimm said - story mode is a ton easier than explorable, which is why you can run story mode as soon as it unlocks (gives decent xp). Most dungeon paths were soloable since forever, so why do you need a "solo option"?

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> @Raguel.9402 said:

>Most dungeon paths were soloable since forever, so why do you need a "solo option"?

Solo as in "intended as solo content". The average player can't solo a dungeon by themselves, even now.


Turning story modes into solo instances is something they should do, and a thing we know they _can_ do because they did it to Arah's.

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> @Raguel.9402 said:

> Story mode is essentially a solo mode because you have npcs to help. Explorable is a different story. But you can easily do story modes solo. Just don't rush :)


I think the endboss of HotW (the warhorn #4 hits really hard iirc my last time there) and the whole CoE story may give real trouble to an average player since he won't benefit much from the upscale and mobs are not that easy.


I think dungeons are in a good spot at the moment. It's something you can do without really effort and with a not-that-shady gold income that you can do when you are bored from whatever you are doing. The only problem is that most pug are unaware of usual skips and you /facepalm when seeing a 10kAP+ 193 mastery guy going out your SR and rushing into a elite pack in Arah and rq just after but that's life and it's part of the "fun".

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This post is as useless as the countless posts begging for lesser sigils and runes to be removed from the game. This part of the game gives new players a chance to learn simple combat mechanics assuming they can find a welcoming group in the LFG/Map Chat. Just because you are done and sick with the content and frustrated about the legendary gift rewards, run PvP or WvW.

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Dungeons are not dead. They may have slowed down a bit, which I'm sure no one will deny. Many of us still enjoy doing dungeons and so do many new players.

I run a lot of AC and Cm and I see many new players trying to do these dungeons. Some of these players are very new, they either don't know about or don't know how to use the lfg system.

I often try to help as many people as I can while doing daily runs. Many of these players tell me horror stories about how high level players kicked them out because of whatever reason. The point I'm trying to make is while many of us may be unhappy with some aspects of the dungeons there are people running them for the first time that would like to enjoy them.

I know people have the right to post specific lfg's, but try to remember these are new players in OUR game. Try to be supportive if you can, because the more players we have the better. While I understand many of us just wanna do our runs and move on, there are people that could use a hand in learning the game.

So the next time you post a lfg especially in a low level dungeon, consider posting "new players welcome" or "all welcome" instead of " 80's only ". This alone will put quiet a few new players into dungeons.

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@Luna.1508: Thank you. People like you are a huge boon to the often hostile community. I don't do instanced content because of those horror stories, but for those who'd like to, it's great that there are people who are actively welcoming to inexperienced people or simply those who'll be never perfect or just particularly good players.

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> @Chadramar.8156 said:

> @Luna.1508: Thank you. People like you are a huge boon to the often hostile community. I don't do instanced content because of those horror stories, but for those who'd like to, it's great that there are people who are actively welcoming to inexperienced people or simply those who'll be never perfect or just particularly good players.


Thank you for your kind words, but I'm not the only one in the community who tries to help new players. I think its just more often people tend to remember their bad experiences over their good ones. This makes it seem as though most of the community are negative.



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I love dungeons however the rewards aren't there anymore. The amount of coin you get from completing a dungeon is nerf so badly you might as well do fractals, pvp, wvw, silver waste, raids to get better loot. It's also really not require to do anymore other then the achievements as the rewards for the armors and weapons can simply got by finishing a dungeon track on pvp and wvw.

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They nerfed dungeons and it doesn't matter if they undid it or not the damage is done the speed runners bailed


This is a product and all it takes is one instance to drive away consumers for good all you have today are people working torwards legendaries but the core running bracket is dead moved on to greener pastures. Hence where the statement originates in addition to the game not getting any new dungeons in years as no runner in their right mind would be alright with running the same tired material for years on end. Unlike in other games old dungeons aren't kept alive through solo runners because this game lacks power creep.

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> @Doam.8305 said:

> They nerfed dungeons and it doesn't matter if they undid it or not the damage is done the speed runners bailed


> Hence where the statement originates in addition to the game not getting any new dungeons in years as no runner in their right mind would be alright with running the same tired material for years on end.


Yet we are forced to do so for all the series 1 legendary token gifts. Apparently we are all not in our right minds.


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> @Cyprien.4208 said:

> I love dungeons however the rewards aren't there anymore. The amount of coin you get from completing a dungeon is nerf so badly you might as well do fractals, pvp, wvw, silver waste, raids to get better loot. It's also really not require to do anymore other then the achievements as the rewards for the armors and weapons can simply got by finishing a dungeon track on pvp and wvw.


The rewards are in the dungeon tokens itself; the liquid reward was nerfed but there was a buff to the amount of tokens received. It is actually one of the better farms if you speed run w/o hitting DR. I believe there's spreadsheet that was posted on reddit. I'm really not sure about how much the rewards are, I've been speed running dungeons since launch, it's always been my endgame content.

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While players can do them under level 80, not that many people actually do them that frequently until it's their corresponding daily. And people still concentrate in fractals for dungeon content.

If I had a wish-granting djinn, I'd go with a reuse of the assets for the good stuff we already know that works: story, fractals, small maps.


1. Move the story mode to personal story like Arah's.

* Like Victory or death, they would become a required part of the story, and scale to party size. When you get the mail from your friend of Destiny's Edge, you'll have to go to that dungeon and do the story for it. This way players would familiarize themselves more with destiny's edge and when they reach Victory or Death they are less likely to have forgotten about them and are more invested with them.

* The one time rewards for each dungeon story mission would be changed to a choice between an armor or weapon with that dungeon's skin set and at the level of that story step. Masterwork at level 30, rare at levels 40 and 50, and exotic levels 60 and above.

* Unlike the rest of the personal story, these stories will still be repeatable, so it would be possible to give them achievements and challenge modes, and they would still count for daily dungeon achievements, but only completing them during the personal story step would give the one time reward.

* They would become learning milestones. Each of the dungeon stories would have a final boss encounter that requires the use of a game mechanic to complete, and environmental weapons nearby that have that mechanic in case none of the professions of the players in the instance have that mechanic. For example, against King Adelbern you will be required to learn to break defiance bars by making him invulnerable unless you break the defiance bar, and if you do not have CC in your skills, you can use the boulders that would keep falling from the ceiling within the encounter.

2. Move the explorable paths to Fractals.

* Rather than using up slots of fractal levels, dungeons in fractals would start with their own alternate list of levels in fractal Map Selection panel. You click a button to put the fractal level section panel in "dungeon mode", and the 25 levels are filled with the 25 dungeon paths (7 dungeons * 3 paths = 21, +4 Arah paths = 25). Look at that, the same amount as fractal levels per tier! Plus the 26th 'random' entry.

* Like fractal levels, fractal dungeons will be repeated in 4 tiers. So the first path of each tier will always be Ascalon Catacombs Hodgin's path, the last will always be Arah's Seer path.

* Like fractals levels, enemies in fractal dungeons will get gradually tougher as tiers go up and there will be Agony. But the agony effect will start appearing from the 26th (first path in T2) instead from the 20th.

* Elite enemies would be turned into normal and veteran enemies. Because of this, the T1 enemies would be a bit easier than the current dungeon enemies, but T2 would more or less just as hard. T3 would introduce additional enemy mechanics, and T4 will introduce additional boss mechanics and smarter enemy AI.

* The rewards will be both fractal relics and dungeon tokens, but not pristine fractal tokens. Pristine fractal relics would remain exclusive to the fractal levels.

* The fractal daily category would get a "Daily dungeon" daily achievement.

* The original 16 shops available from the dungeon vendor would not change and dungeon tokens alone will be usable to get the same gear and items just like always.

* The vendor would get an additional shop were you can use Dungeon Tokens, Gold, and marks to purchase choice boxes containing ascended versions of the dungeon gear and alternate versions of the skins.

* Ascalonian Weapons skins that are always day and always night.

* Ascalonian armors that look ghostly, and AC armors that change between the normal and the ghostly appearance.

* Golden Wing weapons that actually look golden.

* Council armor that looks polished instead tattered.

* Toxic Nightmare weapons with a yellowish appearance (normal are magenta, aetherized are cyan).

* Aetherized Nightmare armors, and Toxic Nightmare armors.

* Asuran weapons with a green glow (instead blue or red)

* Holographic forgeman armors.

* Flame legion armors with dyable flames.

* Molten weapons with alternate fire colors

* Frosty Koda armors

* Defrosted Kodan weapons.

* Green inquest/mystic weapons

* Magitech inquest armor with dyable glows.

* "Purified" versions of Arah armors with the tattered and bone-like parts replaced with fine cloth, good leathers and smooth plates.

* Alternate color Dragon's Deep weapons.

3. Turn the dungeon maps themselves into small open world areas that happen after each dungeon's story mode. Finishing jumping puzzles in them, each one getting 2-4 repeatable hearts depending on the size of the map, and several events scattered over the map. And in some of them a meta-event in a 1 or 2-hour cycle.


Now I only need to find me one of those wish-granting djinns...

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