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Dungeons are dead


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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> Dungeons are still available right?


Yes. Windows 95 is also available.


> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> If instance servers have issues (to which dungeons and other instanced content count) there are fixes right?


Of course they are fixed. If instancing is not working then half the game is broken and other half is unstable mess.


> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> If you have an issue with dungeons and contact customer support, they will likely help you out right?


No. Customer support will not help you get past progress locking bugs. They might give you a dungeon reward because "at least you tried" tho.




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Well, frankly, good.


It's not that I don't like 5-man instances content in my MMORPGs (though I prefer the dev time spent on open world content, after all I want to play MMO, not a Diablo, I already got games for that), but the way dungeons were done in GW2 I think we're better off without them.


Sure, the selectable paths were kinda cool. But the amount of bugs, empty areas, half-done implementations and the often-unintended-skippable-mobs balancing out the absurd amounts of trash mobs placed in there... yeah, they would have needed **way** too much dev time to be salvaged. Nevermind new ones.

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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > Dungeons are still available right?


> Yes. Windows 95 is also available.


Windows 95 has no more customer support, 0, none, nada. It also has no official support forums and any type of information you desire has to come from other users.


> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > If instance servers have issues (to which dungeons and other instanced content count) there are fixes right?


> Of course they are fixed. If instancing is not working then half the game is broken and other half is unstable mess.


Thanks for agreeing.


> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > If you have an issue with dungeons and contact customer support, they will likely help you out right?


> No. Customer support will not help you get past progress locking bugs. They might give you a dungeon reward because "at least you tried" tho.


Again, thanks for agreeing. Dungeons, while having some mechanical hickups, are fully doable and have been for years. Customer support will answer questions and provide basic support to resolve issues.


Back to my original question: Which part of not active developement but still supported was missunderstandable?

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Well people love fractals. They are very active and are basically mini dungeons.


Leave the old dungeons as is. They just need some better rewards is all. More gold would be a simple way to go about it. Oh and add the ability to generate ascended gear from the tokens. The problem is that they just give exotic which is cheap to buy now. They need to be able to reward with ascended.

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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > Back to my original question: Which part of not active developement but still supported was missunderstandable?


> The part where supported content has no support and bug fixing for the last 4 years. Being able to bypass progress locking bugs by bugging scripts and using exploits is not support.


I've finished all the dungeons multiple times without issues or having to resort to bug abuse in any kind of way. You're doing it wrong.

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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > Back to my original question: Which part of not active developement but still supported was missunderstandable?

> >

> > The part where supported content has no support and bug fixing for the last 4 years. Being able to bypass progress locking bugs by bugging scripts and using exploits is not support.


> I've finished all the dungeons multiple times without issues or having to resort to bug abuse in any kind of way. You're doing it wrong.


Congratulations. I finished batman arkham knight few years ago without a single hickup. Right before it was pulled from all stores for being broken trash.

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Let's be realistic here. No dev time will be spent on creating new paths or maps for the existing dungeons. The best you can hope to get is some reward improvements, currency changes or a challenge mote or 2.


Ran some AC yesterday after months. It's really hard to get people that are 80. Most people that join are newbies that don't have any expansion purchased, that's fine but it doesn't really help for fast clears.


I'd love either dungeons becoming more appealing so that it isn't a complete PITA to get the Gifts, or that they give us a different way to acquire them, in case dungeons are done for good.

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> @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > @TheRandomGuy.7246 said:

> > > > @Cyninja.2954 said:

> > > > Back to my original question: Which part of not active developement but still supported was missunderstandable?

> > >

> > > The part where supported content has no support and bug fixing for the last 4 years. Being able to bypass progress locking bugs by bugging scripts and using exploits is not support.

> >

> > I've finished all the dungeons multiple times without issues or having to resort to bug abuse in any kind of way. You're doing it wrong.


> Congratulations. I finished batman arkham knight few years ago without a single hickup. Right before it was pulled from all stores for being broken trash.


Good for you. Back on topic though, you still have not brought any valuable argument why content which is in the game and still available and active should not receive a venue for disscussion on the games forums. Which the naming policy of this subforum is related to.



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> @Cyninja.2954 said:

> Good for you. Back on topic though, you still have not brought any valuable argument why content which is in the game and still available and active should not receive a venue for disscussion on the games forums. Which the naming policy of this subforum is related to.


I personally don't care if the word "dungeons" stays in the name of the subforum or not. All I am saying is that dungeons are abandoned long time ago.

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Forced cutscenes with terrible dialogue, which have to be collectively skipped by all members of the party, and the inability to enter unless someone has completed the awful "story" path **on that character**...i can't understand how this was considered a good idea at the time, let alone why its still ongoing to this day.

They're painful to run. Then you have lengthy sections of trash mobs where the only logical choice is to keep running, or sections with eye-bleedingly slow progression (Catacombs "defend the ghost collectors", SE "defend the guy while he grabs a boulder", CoF "defend against the Legion assassins").

It's horriffic.

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Not all dungeons. The dungeons where it's hardest to find a group is Arah, Sorrow's Embrace and Twilight Arbor (aetherpath), in my experience. Honor of the Waves are somewhat more popular, but there's still quite a waiting time if you want a group of five. Crucible of Eternity and Citadel of Flame seems to be the most popular among the high level dungeons. Caudecus's Manor and Ascalonian Catacombs are the easiest to find a group for, because most of those joining are new players. I do dungeons quite often, my favourites being CM, AC and HOTW.

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Dungeons aren't completely dead and they still get updates, but they are really minor. Specifically to Arah, P1 and P2 had an update so that now has the Illusionist spawns next to the Berserker after the trash mob with the Hunter in it. Prior to this, the Berserker spawned 99.9% of the time with the Illusionist being a random spawn and it spawned at lvl 84. This was patched a couple months ago. On P2, Belka, the first boss, would often bug prior to spawning the cutscene making the path impossible to continue, and you would be forced to restart the instance (and if you were lucky, you only had to do one restart). Now she's always active, so you don't need to activate the cutscene to start her. There were a couple other really minor fixes too, like the Elite Aboms before Lupi used to get stuck on a corner, but now they don't. Belka could also be bugged to make soloing her easier, but they patched that, and there's few other not worthy of mentioning things.


So they are still getting updates and aren't completely abandoned, but they are slow. The rewards should be updated though in order to get people to come back. Maybe not directly through doing the paths, but indirectly by maybe making ascended gear possible by having a large number of tokens. They could even have stats equivalent to the exotic armor provided by each dungeon. I'd be down for that.

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> @"Egrimm Van Horstmann.7921" said:

> Dungeons are annoying, not because of the gameplay more because they are neglected content. I would like to see a few changes implemented. Story Mode either needs to reward the same amount of dungeon currency as explorable or a solo option so players can get into groups. This is a major barrier to players. I see soo many first timers unable to get into a dungeon because of this obstacle. Second a challenge or raid mode would be awesome, maybe where they reward ascended materials for playing far more difficult versions of the dungeons


Dungeons are dead? They just stopped bothering with old vanilla dungeons, but we still have dungeons they just renamed them "Fractals" and made the content harder like you and many thousands before you wanted. What's really the point of making harder dungeons? just make more fractals!(its the same thing. Harder content was wanted, correct? Well then, time for you to get agony resistance!) :)

Optional solo story paths are a good idea, for those actually following along with story, but anet's idea is to get your feet wet and group with other people. If u list in LFG noobs/ first timers/Everyone welcome, you'll find groups for beginners. However if you don't do that, or don't read a listing, you might get kicked from a group. (many people choose not to read listings and join anyways and roll the rice and hope they don't get kicked) while others who didn't read the listing don't understand why they were kicked).

We were all first timers once, and we all went through this. So much easier with guildies, but you learn as you go.

Challenge or raid mode? Fractals already has harder mote mode :D Do you play GW2? not sure you do. And yes T4, fractals rewards ascended materials as well as ascended gear and trinkets.

Just think of Fractals as a dungeon and it already has everything you want. Problem solved.

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> @LSD.4673 said:

> Forced cutscenes with terrible dialogue, which have to be collectively skipped by all members of the party, and the inability to enter unless someone has completed the awful "story" path **on that character**...i can't understand how this was considered a good idea at the time, let alone why its still ongoing to this day.

> They're painful to run. Then you have lengthy sections of trash mobs where the only logical choice is to keep running, or sections with eye-bleedingly slow progression (Catacombs "defend the ghost collectors", SE "defend the guy while he grabs a boulder", CoF "defend against the Legion assassins").

> It's horriffic.


Well I love trash mobs. First, they're fun to kill with my guardian, then, they give tons of crafting mats. Skipping them is a mistake too many people tend to do, so i sometimes "accidentally" engage trash mobs. B) Of course not all dungeons provide valuable crafting mats so in AC I rarely do that, I don't need that much low level dusts, but Caudecus or CoE are really good candidates for full clears, and you get a much better gold/hour ratio doing so. Of course citadel of flame is awesome for that, it's really unfortunate it's much harder to have people clearing everything because skips are trivial. Also, some slower pacing is fine between two more intense fights. Newer content kind of lacks that.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> > @LSD.4673 said:

> > Forced cutscenes with terrible dialogue, which have to be collectively skipped by all members of the party, and the inability to enter unless someone has completed the awful "story" path **on that character**...i can't understand how this was considered a good idea at the time, let alone why its still ongoing to this day.

> > They're painful to run. Then you have lengthy sections of trash mobs where the only logical choice is to keep running, or sections with eye-bleedingly slow progression (Catacombs "defend the ghost collectors", SE "defend the guy while he grabs a boulder", CoF "defend against the Legion assassins").

> > It's horriffic.


> Well I love trash mobs. First, they're fun to kill with my guardian, then, they give tons of crafting mats. Skipping them is a mistake too many people tend to do, so i sometimes "accidentally" engage trash mobs. B) Of course not all dungeons provide valuable crafting mats so in AC I rarely do that, I don't need that much low level dusts, but Caudecus or CoE are really good candidates for full clears, and you get a much better gold/hour ratio doing so. Of course citadel of flame is awesome for that, it's really unfortunate it's much harder to have people clearing everything because skips are trivial. Also, some slower pacing is fine between two more intense fights. Newer content kind of lacks that.


All other dungeon's trash mobs are ok, but Arah's trash mobs are way too annoying.

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> @Slowpokeking.8720 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > > @LSD.4673 said:

> > > Forced cutscenes with terrible dialogue, which have to be collectively skipped by all members of the party, and the inability to enter unless someone has completed the awful "story" path **on that character**...i can't understand how this was considered a good idea at the time, let alone why its still ongoing to this day.

> > > They're painful to run. Then you have lengthy sections of trash mobs where the only logical choice is to keep running, or sections with eye-bleedingly slow progression (Catacombs "defend the ghost collectors", SE "defend the guy while he grabs a boulder", CoF "defend against the Legion assassins").

> > > It's horriffic.

> >

> > Well I love trash mobs. First, they're fun to kill with my guardian, then, they give tons of crafting mats. Skipping them is a mistake too many people tend to do, so i sometimes "accidentally" engage trash mobs. B) Of course not all dungeons provide valuable crafting mats so in AC I rarely do that, I don't need that much low level dusts, but Caudecus or CoE are really good candidates for full clears, and you get a much better gold/hour ratio doing so. Of course citadel of flame is awesome for that, it's really unfortunate it's much harder to have people clearing everything because skips are trivial. Also, some slower pacing is fine between two more intense fights. Newer content kind of lacks that.


> All other dungeon's trash mobs are ok, but Arah's trash mobs are way too annoying.


All of the trash mobs that cause issues in Arah are either projectile based so you need reflects or some sort of anti projectile stuff, or puke on your face, so you need to stay behind. I never had any issue killing trash in Arah; Arah's trash is in fact easier than Caudecus' trash, at least there's no constant hard CC spam, and if you're clearing, soft CC isn't an issue at all. What I'm having issues with is the Lupi boss, this thing will start spreading condi zones hitting for 10k per tick and starts doing damage the very second the aoe appears, which is blatantly unfair. I very rarely go past this dude for that reason and have more or less given up on Arah.

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> All of the trash mobs that cause issues in Arah are either projectile based so you need reflects or some sort of anti projectile stuff, or puke on your face, so you need to stay behind. I never had any issue killing trash in Arah; Arah's trash is in fact easier than Caudecus' trash, at least there's no constant hard CC spam, and if you're clearing, soft CC isn't an issue at all. What I'm having issues with is the Lupi boss, this thing will start spreading condi zones hitting for 10k per tick and starts doing damage the very second the aoe appears, which is blatantly unfair. I very rarely go past this dude for that reason and have more or less given up on Arah.


Lupi only does the bubble on ranged Players. He is one of the last bosses you can't yolo down if you don't know what he does. Even with power creep he was faceroll with at least some damage in the group.

There is still a one finger solo somewhere on YouTube. He becomes much easier if you know what to dodge.


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