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Ventari build help


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Ok....So basically I'm trying to be similar to my paragon from gw1.


My damage will not be the highest I am aware of this however I like going in with staff and ventari. I like the self sustain along with really helping others out in the open. So I'm looking for a build that can actually provide enough damage mixed with support though so while I'm out solo I can actually still do half decent.


Any suggestions?

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For fractals/raids I use Ventari+Kala with a mix of herald & magi stats. Tablet burst heals are insane + Soulcleave provides great damage boost&heal to your group. I also swap invocation/devastation lines & Renegade's Lasting Legacy/Righteous Rebel depending on party comp..


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Just a heads up when trying to use a support Revenant in the open world and in PUGs: your support potential will be next to nothing outside of providing buffs. If you're looking to play the healer role, you'll be sorely disappointed as you try to sic your Ventari Tablet on clueless players that run around like headless chickens, only to have your 10k healing fizzle as the person you were trying to save wanders out of the tiny 240 radius effect. In other words, the efficacy of Ventari healing is reliant on the game knowledge of the _other_ players, rather than your own.

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> @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

>If you're looking to play the healer role, you'll be sorely disappointed as you try to sic your Ventari Tablet on clueless players that run around like headless chickens, only to have your 10k healing fizzle as the person you were trying to save wanders out of the tiny 240 radius effect. In other words, the efficacy of Ventari healing is reliant on the game knowledge of the _other_ players, rather than your own.


This is so true. And yes, PUGs can be frustrating.

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> @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> Just a heads up when trying to use a support Revenant in the open world and in PUGs: your support potential will be next to nothing outside of providing buffs. If you're looking to play the healer role, you'll be sorely disappointed as you try to sic your Ventari Tablet on clueless players that run around like headless chickens, only to have your 10k healing fizzle as the person you were trying to save wanders out of the tiny 240 radius effect. In other words, the efficacy of Ventari healing is reliant on the game knowledge of the _other_ players, rather than your own.


This is kind of why I like it so much, honestly. It's such a unique mechanic and you get all the fun of fighting both the AI and your fellow idiotic players. The best is when they actively dodge away from it in PvE. Also, I'd suggest Renegade over Herald. You can provide perma alacrity, and you can come close to 100% crit chance with pretty much no precision investment. Kalla is kind of dog shit, and the shortbow is still garbage, but the traitline has enough non awful things in it to be okay.

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