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Veterans vs. New Players

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I know the game has changed a lot since its inception 6 years ago, but there are quite a few things that have remained the same. I won't even try to make a list of either.


It seems like the vets are always trying to get rid of things they don't need in their inventory because they have plenty or have found a way around them. What I see we are forgetting is that there are always new players who may not have the dozens or hundreds of transmutation charges, armor-fixing canisters, or bank/merchant/trading post packages. While we may not use them anymore doesn't mean the new players don't enjoy them or need them.


As long as they are not keeping new content from being rolled out, I don't see the problem deleting what I don't need and keeping the rest.

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I think you may have misunderstood some of the suggestions. When people talk about getting rid of transmutation charges for example they're not saying they shouldn't drop any more because the poster assumes everyone has more than they will ever need. They're saying transmutation should be free, so charges are no longer required and can be removed from the game. Which would actually benefit new players who don't have many charges more than those who have hundreds.


Same with armour repair - as far as I remember the suggestion has always been to get rid of armour damage so repair canisters (and anvils) are no longer required, not to simply stop dropping repair canisters and leave everyone having to go back to town to repair their armour.


I have seen people saying bank/merchant/TP items should stop dropping, but generally only for people who already have the permanent version or only from specific sources like Black Lion Chests (which don't drop them currently but have done in the past) which would mean they are still available but those players would get a lot less of them.

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They should stop dropping because they are useless. Bank is nearly instant access from anywhere via PVP lobby. Same with TP. And merchants. And repair. Only exception is instances, and they have anvils in them already. Whenever I get one of those things I just use it immediately to get it out of my inventory because it's faster then typing out the entire name to delete.

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Yeah, I think i get what you mean, there is always that guy that says transmutation charges should be replaced in black lion chests, or something else from another source? if that is what you mean, I do agree, a repair canister vet scoff at, but can be really useful when you first start(or at least feels like it)

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> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> Vs? So what do new players delete that could be useful to vets?


I would really love to know the numbers here, but only ANet has those andI doubt they will provide.

Do you ever think about a boosted LvL80 char, going to TD, doing the meta and then vendoring or deleting [that stupid amulet with the useless stats](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charged_Quartz_Orichalcum_Amulet_of_the_Chak "that stupid amulet with the useless stats")? I believe my guild would have at least a silver Teq trophy by now if all the decoration pieces had been handed in but newer players don't recognize these items, they can't tp them, it's not an equipment or a consumable, they can't vendor it so it gets deleted for the inventory space. I sometimes wonder, how many precursors have been thrown into the MF in an attempt to get a legionaires skin or got salvaged for the rune.

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I always wonder what the delineation line is between 'Vets' and 'New Players'. Is it at 1 month? Is it at L80? Is it at 100 Gold? Is it self-determined?


Maybe there could be a charity mechanic where 'New Players' could receive donated items. Then again, what would determine 'New Player' or 'Vet' status.


Something to ponder...

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I always wonder what the delineation line is between 'Vets' and 'New Players'. Is it at 1 month? Is it at L80? Is it at 100 Gold? Is it self-determined?


> Maybe there could be a charity mechanic where 'New Players' could receive donated items. Then again, what would determine 'New Player' or 'Vet' status.


> Something to ponder...


I don't think that there is an easy answer to this question. Self-determined would be my best guess, but ANet can't work with self-determined statuses(ppl will chose whatever is more profitable). Any boundary Anet would implement, linked to time played, account value, AP or whatever will always be artificial and will not say anything about veteranism of a given account. There's not a good value to measure veteranity of a player. Time played can be time idled or time played high end content, account value can be earned by plaing the game or by being a credit card warrior, AP have lost their meaning aynway.

Usually the term veteran refers to person doing a certain thing longer than others, so a measure by playtime would best accomodate the term but again, time played says nothing about the quality of the time played and if quality is the value you are actually after, veteran is a bad term, you're looking for terms like pro. In the problem the OP raises it's an issue of "stuff". Having lots of itmes to a point where receiving more feels more like a choir to delete than a reward, makes a "veteran" in the OPs issue. This could be measured in account value or by tracking certain items(spirit shards might actually be a good item to measure this turn on veteranity).

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I agree with the OP. A lot of complaints are based on assuming that everyone has the same issues, when in fact a lot of time newer players are far from having too much of these things.


Well, to be fair, if they don't have those issues now, they will soon... It's not like in the past there was an extra source of repair canisters, transmutation charges, etc that isn't available today. More like the opposite, in fact.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I always wonder what the delineation line is between 'Vets' and 'New Players'. Is it at 1 month? Is it at L80? Is it at 100 Gold? Is it self-determined?


If it was _just_ L80, then the first veteran would have appeared no later than 8 days after the game opened. (Opening was 6am CEST on Saturday 25 August 2012. I saw a level 80 in DR in the late afternoon on Sunday 2 September 2012, 200 hours or so later.)

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> ...A lot of complaints are based on assuming that everyone has the same issues...


Isn't this true for like 80% of the threads here?

To come back to the OP. I'd rather give away my accountbound stuff I rarely use than delete it. And if any newer player could make some use out of it it would be great. I doubt that any player who wants transmutation charges or repair canisters removed from certain loot tables is doing so out of spite for newer players.

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