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PvP Season 13 Starts August 28

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

> >

> > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

> >

> > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


> Any chance in hell you're considering bringing team queue back? It sucks that my two brothers and I can't farm pips on the few nights we can play together...


I never say never, but it's pretty unlikely. Our plan for supporting full teams is AT's. The main problem, as many point out, is that the dailies only happen 4 times per day. Our hope is that once On-Demand tournaments are released, teams will have a variety of ways to play together.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

> > >

> > > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

> > >

> > > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.

> >

> > Any chance in hell you're considering bringing team queue back? It sucks that my two brothers and I can't farm pips on the few nights we can play together...


> I never say never, but it's pretty unlikely. Our plan for supporting full teams is AT's. The main problem, as many point out, is that the dailies only happen 4 times per day. Our hope is that once On-Demand tournaments are released, teams will have a variety of ways to play together.


Don't bring back team queue. ATs are fantastic. What people have been saying about team queue and non-team queue splitting the population is entirely true; the current AT + non-team queue solution is the best solution. Whether or not 4 ATs per day is enough is up for debate.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

> >

> > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

> >

> > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


> Any chance in hell you're considering bringing team queue back? It sucks that my two brothers and I can't farm pips on the few nights we can play together...


In a ranked competitive game there shouldnt be anything to farm except your rank and wins. This mentality of "needing rewards to enjoy something" 100% ruins any competive mentality.

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Since you mentioned the glory days of PvP with Guild wars 1.


We desperately need GvG in Guildwars 2. It's in the name and I think we are way over due for a new PvP game mode.


In fact, I'm convinced this is the only way to save what's left of the PvP community into playing and enjoying this game. 8vs8 or 10vs10 would be incredible and give a real reason for guilds to start PvPing together again.


This could be the game mode with separate Guild Vs Guild ranking system where 5 vs 5 could exist and remain separate from the Conquest ladder.


Imagine how much fun it would be playing both solo /duo que ladder and also competing on a different GvsG ladder system.


Having a GvG game mode will not divide the PvP community, it will only allow it to grow and become competitive again. Guild rank used to mean something in Guild Wars 1.

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> Don't bring back team queue. ATs are fantastic. What people have been saying about team queue and non-team queue splitting the population is entirely true; the current AT + non-team queue solution is the best solution. Whether or not 4 ATs per day is enough is up for debate.


ATs are fantastic once they add money. Otherwise it will continue to be useless.

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You might as well just revert the ranked system prior to S5 while you're at it.

Hit Legendary this season? Get a title. Btw, ranked should be solo queue, what are ATs and unranked for come season play? Not much.

Okay so how could we fix this? A couple of things;

The re-introductory of the pip loss, for BOTH reward pips and ranking points (or pips if you'd care to revert so far back)

Solo queue queue for ranked play ONLY. Unranked and ATs are left as is, BUT, unranked (be it with a team of many or little, or solo) can EARN reward pips (not ranked pips), ATs can also acquire reward pips (not as much as solo ranked but slightly more than unranked).


What this will inevitably do is spread out the queues from ranked surely, but I implore you not to see it as such, more or less the goal of this sort of change is to entice the people who have sideline stances about SPvP.



Make ranked solo, with a leaderboard and bring back the respective titles. (if you want something done right, do it yourself, make these 'top tier' instances of ranked queues viewable by anet staff only, it makes for great enjoyment on coffee breaks and you can easily weed out those damn wintraders)

Bring pip loss to rewards (cap loss at the given chest)

Allow pips to be earned by unranked and ATs only during seasonal PvP events. (unranked yielding the lowest, ATs medium and ranked higher)


- Xloya.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

> > >

> > > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

> > >

> > > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.

> >

> > Any chance in hell you're considering bringing team queue back? It sucks that my two brothers and I can't farm pips on the few nights we can play together...


> In a ranked competitive game there shouldnt be anything to farm except your rank and wins. This mentality of "needing rewards to enjoy something" 100% ruins any competive mentality.


So you approve and advocate moving PIPS to unranked?

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


> My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


> The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


How is reaching a tier an improvement? Would just make you no life at the start of the season when it is the easiest to get a good ranking.


Also add new ways to earn those old titles. We only had a few seasons to earn them now (I think 8 at most?) and there was not even one season in advance warning that you are removing them.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


> My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


> The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


I disagree with the decision to remove titles but i can understand and respect your reason for doing it.


But wouldn't it be better to wait on removing the titles until you have something to replace it with? It seems like that would be the better middle ground since it's quite apparent that a lot of players are upset about it.


Also, waiting to remove the titles will give the players who still want one a chance to get one before they're removed. You kind of caught us off guard by broadcasting this decison at the end of the last season where titles were being offered versus the beginning. There was no warning.


I am lucky that i got my title this last season but i feel bad for the others who didn't.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


> My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


> The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


Willl the trial period for bringing back Duo queue be as long as the trial period for removing Duo?

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > Hey folks!

> >

> > As you may have heard, we have several changes coming for Season 13. We’re doing a trial of the return of duo queue for all levels. We’ll reevaluate the effect this had on the season near the end of the season to see if this is something that should come back permanently.

> >

> > In addition to this, we’re retiring the old leaderboard titles.

> >

> > We’re looking forward to an interesting season!


> Please, oh please, look @ the Guardian forum for suggestions on how to buff DH properly...


go ahead and ask for my daredevil buffs as well please.

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i don't like the removal of titles to be honest. the point of titles is for the rest of players to push forward so they can get in top 250 or more for the pretigious titles.

although once you already there, i do agree that peeps just play bare minimum to keep it till the end of the season.

because you know what? your matchmaking throw people all over the place. low/mid plat sometimes get matched with gold, and even worse silver. you wouldn't think people notice because those ones that get matched against can hold themselves alright until you get to the lobby and see their big block of an icon. that they don't belong in your division. and it just hurts everyone else involved.


i'd also like to see 5 man queue back in rank. sure, duo queue in rank is fun. but when you pass 1600 point, it's solo queue. so why even make duo queue?

and 5 man queue is only for unranked, which is ok. but what if guildies want to practice and go together as a team?

you'd say queue for tournaments but honestly tournament hours are pretty odd, especially for NA time. you have one at like 4am in the morning? like come on now. luckily i'm usually up at those hours but i don't have enough peeps to come as a team of 5 because everybody else is sleep and sound in bed. and pugs are literally crushed hard by a full premade.


i do hope the new incentives are good enough for the removal of titles. as i agree with someone above since i used to work in marketing. it looks like your team doesn't know what they're doing. keep removing one and adding something garbage that take the joy of the majority of players away. the more you keep doing this, the more the spvp playerbase is hurting. not like they're not getting crushed already.

i'd also like to see win-trading players and those afk or throwing out matches on purpose get heavy punishment. you don't just let them fly around and do their things and "await further investigation" from you which i'm pretty sure your hands are full to do anything. so in the end nothing is done. i remember previous two seasons i have 7 afk matches in my placement matches and that wasn't fun at all.

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So I've just hit rank 1 and the season ended. My name will be on the leaderboards for 2 weeks then removed next season.

How is the player able to show that they have reached a certain milestone in PvP if you remove the titles and their name on the leaderboards is only temporary?

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> @"LUST.7241" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > Removing titles is pretty weird. That means people who got away with wintrading have some of the most exclusive titles in the game.

> >

> > Not to mention I'm still kicking myself for quing into wintraders the day before season ended and going from r2 to r19. I didn't realize the top spots were all going to get removed so I tried quing to beat them and got screwed over in the end 2 seasons ago. RIP my legendary demigod title.

> >

> > I really think investigations should be conducted throughout the season to prevent scenarios like that from happening. It doesn't make sense to let wintraders run rampant, hurting people for weeks, only to remove them AFTER the damage has been done.


> That's why I rather push to make the titles just more accessible to everyone. Wintraders no longer get the "prestige" of having a title earned dishonorably and now exclusively that it's retired completely. If people can just buy them with their excess amount shards or whatever, we hit two Risen Chickens with one stone.


I don't agree.


The top titles should be reserved for the top players. If you make them grindable and accessible to everyone, they lose all of their prestige.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Make a title for those that cross into legendary that says "I was a legend once..."

I like that better than the current title system, glad to see that go.


3 arguments against the former title system:

1. I got high warlord in the original wow honor system. It required a massive amount of time, an annoying amount of politics and backstabbing. Actual skill was at least 3rd on the list. Even with agreements in place to keep time requirements humane, it still required about 40 hours a week. It affected my work and personal life. I swore I'd never let that happen again. But without committing more time than I do now, never, ever going to get a legend title in one of my favorite activities in the game. Frustrating.

2. It's the exact same players getting the same reward over and over again. You can see from this thread there are players falling for the taunt that they can just "get gud" and they will get their title. The system is designed to lie to them this way. But really the top players know the tricks, have the time, and are just better. Yeah maybe one of them will quit and a spot will open up. But more likely the exact same 250 will grab the exact same rewards again. It would be more honest to award those guys the prize for 13 wins up front and shut the whole thing down, it won't change.

3. Yeah thats just griping. How do we fix the problem? Let me at least try to state the problem more clearly. Every other system in the game, when I spend 5 straight hours working towards a goal, I see some freakin progress. With these titles, I can actually get much, much further from my goal. Bad goal, totally agree with ditching it. As long as its there I will want it. And as long as large chunks of my time can actually move me further away, I'm gonna be frustrated. Don't need that in the game I play for fun.


As to duo queues, I think they should be removed entirely. As a solo queuer, you *need* me to make the matches happen. Unfair that I should get screwed over in a match that would never have happened if I wasn't solo queuing. But you know what, if the title achievement isn't in my face annoying me, I don't really care. Happy to max my pips, collect the marks and shards towards my legendary pvp armor, get my dailies and show my plat badge.


Huh, when I wrote it out, guess I like both the removal of titles, and keeping duo queue at all levels.

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> @"pah.4931" said:

> > @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > > @"pah.4931" said:

> > > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

> > > >

> > > > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

> > > >

> > > > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.

> > >

> > > Any chance in hell you're considering bringing team queue back? It sucks that my two brothers and I can't farm pips on the few nights we can play together...

> >

> > In a ranked competitive game there shouldnt be anything to farm except your rank and wins. This mentality of "needing rewards to enjoy something" 100% ruins any competive mentality.


> So you approve and advocate moving PIPS to unranked?


Sure, Why not? It might make ranked less popular, or it could allow farmers to farm without ruining the game for the people who are there to actually communicate and be a team.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


> My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.


> The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


Omg that's brilliant ty man! Your idea more closely reflect the random nature of soloq ranked and I hope it get implemented fast, it's similar to the old system which I preferred

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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.

> >

> > My future desire (not happening this season) is to replace leaderboards rewards with rewards for reaching a tier. Then you're not punished for continuing to play ranked PvP. This does bring up the question of what motivates you once you hit the tier you feel you can reasonably obtain, but that should be up to making sure the pip rewards feel good enough to motivate you to keep playing.

> >

> > The duo-queue change is something we've been somewhat hesitant to bring back. It makes matchmaking at the high and low ends of the skill rating spectrum more difficult. Ultimately, it came down to the fact that most players have more fun queuing up with a friend. Regardless of the effect it has on competitiveness. So we're bringing it back and we'll see how it goes for the season.


> I do understand your thinking behind the removal of titles, however your logic seems flawed in a couple of areas and one particular thing stood out to me immediately. You say that the removal of titles will stop people from camping spots on the leaderboard to stop them from losing rating. However, the only reason removing titles will stop this behaviour is because the players no longer care about their rating. Look at it this way- WHY are the people in the top 10 camping their spots? Because they care about their rating and do not want to lose it. The only reason these players would stop this behaviour is if they do NOT care about their rating and do not care if they lose it and we both know this is a terrible mentality to have in an environment that is supposed to be competitive.

> The problem lies in the rating system itself, not the behaviour of the players. I do agre with you that camping a spot on the leaderboard is absolutely not something that should be encouraged, but is removing the rewards from both people who camp spots and people who play actively the best solution? Or is the best solution to make playing actively more rewarding in terms of keeping leaderboard positions? I don’t know how you would do this but I do know that simply removing the reason to tryhard for rating is a very lazy fix to the problem of spot-camping.


> That said I am very happy that duo is returning, but I can’t help but feel disappointed that I will never be able to get the titles for top 3 and higher.


I can very much relate to what you say here. The problem with camping spots is always going to be a thing if people care for LB spots in the way the system is currently designed.

Making people not care is a bad solution. People don’t care now only because they already have them or because of wintraders.


I’m pretty sure I brought up this idea before but I’ll do it again. The idea is to allow people to play more without hurting their ratings, thus they can play without camping.


What I suggest is a daily reset mechanic on daily volatility. Meaning every day the first games you play will give you a higher +/- rating, but once you cross a certain threshold of games (I’m sure some testings can help figuring out good scaling) their rating impact becomes relatively minimal.


This allows you to enjoy competitive games (unlike unranked) because it still affects your rating and you should still care, but no dramatic rating changes that will make you drop 10+ LB spots each loss.

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While you're removing titles, would you also please consider removing the requirement of "Win X matches with Y Profession" achievements in the Year of the Ascension line?


It was semi-tolerable when you could switch to another profession once the match was well in-hand. But now, you have to dedicate the match to that profession. So that leaves a person in the dilemma of playing selfishly by choosing a profession in Ranked that would be detrimental to the team (whether by composition or by lack of skill), or simply not completing the achievement no matter how much they may be winning with their chosen profession(s). The latter is annoying enough to the player in question, but the numerous others who fall into the former category get really, really aggravating to the players who do not play selfishly.


Please at least add alternative achievements... even if you have to win two, three, or four times as many matches as a single profession. Or if you can complete the profession achievements in Unranked.


Thank you! :-)

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Is it possible to see in a match in the same team double duos?

For example I am playing with a friend, we are a duo.

Another guy is playing with his friend too, so another duo matched with me, and the last guy is a soloq.

And the enemy team are all soloqs?


If this happens the rating of the leaderboard will have even less sense.


I could be easily a platinum skill level guy, but if I constantly get matched with duos in the other team, probably I wont go over silver/gold ever, while instead those duos could be silver level and achieve platinum this way.


Duo will have fun playing with their friends, true, but I bet the majority of players are soloq, and won't that much fun for them.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Is it possible to see in a match in the same team double duos?

> For example I am playing with a friend, we are a duo.

> Another guy is playing with his friend too, so another duo matched with me, and the last guy is a soloq.

> And the enemy team are all soloqs?


> If this happens the rating of the leaderboard will have even less sense.


> I could be easily a platinum skill level guy, but if I constantly get matched with duos in the other team, probably I wont go over silver/gold ever, while instead those duos could be silver level and achieve platinum this way.


> Duo will have fun playing with their friends, true, but I bet the majority of players are soloq, and won't that much fun for them.


Everyone below plat 2 couldd duoq before

The only difference would be that some plat1 player get to plat2 or plat3

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