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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > Why aren't these types of announcements on the homepage instead of somewhere in a hidden forum topic?


> It's hardly hidden when it's on the front page of the most visited subforum, and with dev replies, in the carousel at the top of the main page. This has had nearly 2,100 views, and more than 70 comments. I don't think anyone is missing it. ;)


> But for your info, there are a few reasons that we went forum post instead of a blog for this one:

> * A forum post, by its very nature, encourages conversation.

> * The _forum_ post leads to a _forum_ conversation, in the August AFC. That seemed to lend it a natural synergy.

> * Blog posts take longer to get from composition to publication, due to a variety of reasons.

> * It just felt right here. :)


Question for ya. Sorry. I am beginning to feel illiterate.

WHICH subforum is the most visited? I start on the home page, hit the Forums button on the top, and then see what I THOUGHT was the carousel. Is there some sub-forum I should be looking at instead? (BTW, that "Latest ArenaNet Posts" section is now up to six again.) Which leads us back to this weekends discussion on the Dev Tracker faults....

I know.. you know.. Sorry again.. Its beginning to feel like we made another full circle.

Or course, the announcements are also in the launcher, while you are logging in..

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> > @"alberte.2685" said:

> > I very much agree with the above point that the Chinese server even has several players entering PVP for pure reward. They use AI to participate in PVP. Although each one will lose, they will still get rewards. Their contribution is 0%, and 100% defeat. . A lot of PVP players complained.


> This matter is something that only Kongzhong would be able to address directly. Arenanet is not responsible for addressing the use of bots, or purchasable items and pricing policies, on the Chinese servers; I believe this is due to the terms of their contract.


No, No, No, this is the mechanism of game design, not the issue of publishers, let alone ANET chose one of the worst publishers in China.

Some players tried to contact KZW. The staff of KZW said: "I don't care about this."

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > Why aren't these types of announcements on the homepage instead of somewhere in a hidden forum topic?


> It's hardly hidden when it's on the front page of the most visited subforum, and with dev replies, in the carousel at the top of the main page. This has had nearly 2,100 views, and more than 70 comments. I don't think anyone is missing it. ;)


> But for your info, there are a few reasons that we went forum post instead of a blog for this one:

> * A forum post, by its very nature, encourages conversation.

> * The _forum_ post leads to a _forum_ conversation, in the August AFC. That seemed to lend it a natural synergy.

> * Blog posts take longer to get from composition to publication, due to a variety of reasons.

> * It just felt right here. :)


It is a matter of relevance. When there is a sale of mount skins, the home page is full with it. When the community created some nice drawings of a charr or a sylvari the homepage is full with it. But when an important change in the setup of the dev team is happening you use a forumpost for it. It gives people a certain image of the (wrong) priorities of Anet and a bad representation.


Besides, when I want to be up-to-date with for example the status of PvP, I go to the PvP forums, and not to the general forum where people ask every random question that comes to their mind.


And 2100 views you consider as a lot compared to the whole game population?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > > > Why aren't these types of announcements on the homepage instead of somewhere in a hidden forum topic?

> > >

> > > It's hardly hidden when it's on the front page of the most visited subforum, **and with dev replies, in the carousel at the top of every page**.

> >

> > [Looks like the carousel ate most of the posts again by the way](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/653731/#Comment_653731 "Looks like the carousel ate most of the posts again by the way"). It's only showing 4 posts at the moment. Maybe it is my browser or ad blocker but the carousel also only shows for me at the top of the main forum page and not every page.


> On for goodness sake! Thanks for letting me know, I've relayed the note to Vanilla. We were supposed to have some improvements in early July, and I did expand the number displayed, but clearly more work is required.


> And yes, the carousel is not on every page. I actually paused as I was writing that but forgot to amend. Corrected in my post now. Thanks.


Don't know if this is already in the works but adding the carousel to the mobile site would also be great!

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> @"Ben K.6238" said:

> Last I checked, GW2 is an MMO and the Systems Team are all working on it.


Yes. And yes. :)


> @"GoodWithGravy.8019" said:


> Don't know if this is already in the works but adding the carousel to the mobile site would also be great!


I don't believe that's in the works, but I certainly can ask about it.


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A change has been needed for a long time, so I'm excited to see it happen. A couple of questions/thoughts I have surrounding the balancing paradigms -


there's been a lot of power creep in the game with virtually no improvements to active or passive defense. I think most of the culprit revolves around the gradual buffing of conditions and boon sharing. IMO, it's too easy/reliable to get 25 stacks of might and 100% uptime on boons like fury and alacrity. Defensive boons as well as defensive stats and/or baseline health need to be improved, or offensive buffs and damage needs to be nerfed.


conditions being given longer duration was IMO the wrong way to balance them. With GW2's active combat system, they really should have short durations and just do less base damage considering a.) they are improved dramatically by a single attribute, and b.) they ignore armor. I think that the game is too dependent on condi cleanse due to conditions being overbuffed, and it makes the whole balance feel sort of unstable.

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Hopefully we will see better changes ahead, and thanks for letting the community know about this. A step in the right direction, even if as many before me we got sometimes surprised or disappointed by some balance patches (especially since there’s quite long delays between them).

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Can something be done to stop the alienation and refusal of the community of certain professions from certain areas of the game ie WvW, just because they aren't in the current meta? It is getting very frustrating.


How...... are they refusing people in the community?


Just because you aren't in a squad doesn't mean you aren't on a map..?


I mean, if you are suggesting commanders can actually kick you from a WvW map like a raid/fractal/dungeon instance I would have to agree that there are some serious shenanigans going on..


But short of that?

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Being in a community is not the same as being in a map. If a profession is rejected by the community, it will be felt by the rejected person, even if he/she can follow the commander anywhere all the time. I'm very resilient to social pressure, but I still don't like playing in a team that doesn't want me there. I have to imagine it must be really disheartening for more social focused people.

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> @"Ardid.7203" said:

> Being in a community is not the same as being in a map. If a profession is rejected by the community, it will be felt by the rejected person, even if he/she can follow the commander anywhere all the time. I'm very resilient to social pressure, but I still don't like playing in a team that doesn't want me there. I have to imagine it must be really disheartening for more social focused people.


Likely it is. That being said, like raids/fractals/dungeons find like minded players to work with.


Forcing others to play with you is no way to make it better. It will only drive more people out.


Making all professions maximize their usefulness in ALL modes is a pipe dream.


Each profession has its area it shines at. If you truly want to be 'accepted' in a mode, consider a profession that is considered vital or useful IN that mode.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Can something be done to stop the alienation and refusal of the community of certain professions from certain areas of the game ie WvW, just because they aren't in the current meta? It is getting very frustrating.


Nope. Also becoming standard for fractals and raids. Horray!

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