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Satate of the game

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> @"Sara Flame of Kryta.2170" said:

> Hello. As a lång term Guild Wars fan from way back in 2005 i resent heard a rumor that the game wasn’t as we sometimes belive? As i heard the future of the game could be thretend. Can any one share some light on this?


> As a fan i have two qestions for the devs.


Given how their revenue is higher than during Heart of Thorns and is about the same levels as during Season 2 (back in 2015) I must say that rumor you heard is unfounded.

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At first I was going to say to improve your grammar, but the more important thing is that you didn't specify your two questions for the developers.


If you're talking about the state that Guild Wars 2 is in, it's excellent. Yes, it is vastly different than what it was when it launched, but every online game goes through those kinds of changes.

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I think you need to make your question clearer. Different people believe the game to be in all sorts of states, from one of the best and most successful MMOs ever made to barely hanging on to already "dead" and about to be shut down. They can't all be right, so I think it's safe to say that at any given time the game is not in the state some players believe it is.


However a lot of that is based on nothing more than their personal preferences and/or how they want other people to feel. Often "GW2 is dead!" topics come from people who have already made the decision to switch to another game for personal reasons and they're basically looking for validation - other people telling them they've made the right decision or agreeing to swap with them. It can also be because the narrow area of the game they like best does not appear to be a priority at the moment - someone who only plays sPvP and who considers that to be the most important part of the game and the thing which keeps everyone else playing will probably think the game is in a much worse state than someone who mainly plays PvE.


Just like anything else I think you need to look/ask for evidence to back up their claims. If their proof that the game is in trouble is nothing more than "the 5 friends I played with at launch have left" or something entirely subjective (like people claiming combat does not work when what they mean is their favourite profession is not top of the meta for their favourite game mode) then you can safely ignore it. If they have evidence like NCSoft's financial reports saying ANet has made a lot less profit than usual, or lots of people being let go from Anet then you could take it more seriously.

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Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Sry couldn't resist.You forgot the questions you're about to ask. Also, don't get your hopes up for an answer of the devs here on the forum, not being mean, just stating a fact. If you're asking if GW2 is a dead game by now, the answer is no, at least in my opinion. Most maps feel populated enough to complete meta events and kill champs. Larger group events still get organized through the lfg tool, fractals have an active community, raids are a thing for some players and I think most ppl come back and stay for a month when something new is released. I don't think GW2 will go to maintainance mode in the near future.

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