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And again, everything ends in farming gold

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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> you want the fifth mount? Go get some items only from a vendor for 250g.

Indeed, if you want something special you will have to invest time and in-game currency on it, same is true for basically all 'special' items in this game, or any game for that matter.


> you want your ascending profession weapons? Well have luck to get the right one ... or guess what? Spend 50g on Marketplace each.


No luck needed, I am not entirely sure what collection it was again (or perhaps story completion) but you can unlock a weapon cache from which you can choose your desired weapon (which are the ones needed for your class specific collection)

> why changing the system from HoT? Why again everything has to end in farming gold?

HoT wasn't about Gold Farming, people wanted gold to get their legendaries faster, but you didn't need to farm that much gold if you took the time

> Let us play the maps to achieve something to buy/get stuff from a vendor with map currencies to finish the collections.

You prabably haven't played Pof for to long after the story, it all becomes about contract farming and Legendary Bounty farming (if it is collections you are after).

> i know the answers. gems, gold, creditcard.

Such is always the answer in a Free to play game that has Real Money -> In-game currency conversion for people that are lazy and want things fast


> and yeah. you want some bigger bags, because we throw thousand items in your inventory? ... guess what ...

They actually made it more convenient on inventory space required by giving you the option to mass salvage stacks of unidentified equipment.

Not only that, but they made almost all trophies/collectable unlocks usable items, you not needing to hold on to them


> Sad to reduce everything in this game to gold farming.

Completely disagree



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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> you want the fifth mount? Go get some items only from a vendor for 250g.

> you want your ascending profession weapons? Well have luck to get the right one ... or guess what? Spend 50g on Marketplace each.

> why changing the system from HoT? Why again everything has to end in farming gold?

> Let us play the maps to achieve something to buy/get stuff from a vendor with map currencies to finish the collections.

> i know the answers. gems, gold, creditcard.


> and yeah. you want some bigger bags, because we throw thousand items in your inventory? ... guess what ...


> Sad to reduce everything in this game to gold farming.


I can tell you never played gw1... Life is gold in guild wars series.

Personally, I love farming gold in this game and even more so in gw1 (i did it alot). Gives me a reason to return to play set myself a goal or 2 be it needing gold or grinding achievements.

250g pfft, isn't as much as you make it out to be. I'm 72/90 done with "The emperor" title no credit card used started on it about 2 months ago and only playing game about 2hrs a day. Mainly just doing my dailies and logging out. That is about 140g give or take per race. You worried about 250g.......

Learn on how to make money craft a mystic staff or any the mystic weapons worth more than 55g each sell couple them (take bout 1-2 days to sell drop price by bout 3 gold nobody else willing drop under exploit other peoples greed) you have 250g pretty quickly even buying the coins you can profit.....

I find making gold in this game pretty easy, but I'm used to guild wars 1 lol.


To be honest sounds to me you maybe type of gw2 player that says "I want it now, because I can't wait or because i don't want to work for something." 2 months from now nobody gonna care what mount you are riding or not riding. Don't fall into the fashion wars trap or it's new i need it now trap and you'll enjoy the game much more.

I mean what's the rush?

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At this point if you have been playing the game for any amount of time longer than a few months you likely have a butt load of laurels. Buy those 1 laurel t6 material bags and just sell them. That's quite a bit of money that can be made just doing that. Also mystic coin value has gone down a bit; but I personally have like 130 of them. Making gold is not hard in this game.

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Interesting that everybody writes how to make gold. I never wrote in my first post that the amount of gold is the problem. i wrote that the collection has to many "bring gold to get the collection". It's boring and uninspiring, because you do not have to play the new content. You go to another, old, content to run in circles to buy something from the new content. That is in my opinion bad/dull game design.


Yes some of the trophies are from the new content. But not the part that takes long. run here buy something, run there buy something, run to this point an click an item.

looks like someone designed this in his breakfast break.

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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> you want the fifth mount? Go get some items only from a vendor for 250g.

> you want your ascending profession weapons? Well have luck to get the right one ... or guess what? Spend 50g on Marketplace each.

> why changing the system from HoT? **Why again everything has to end in farming gold?**


Simple: acquiring gold requires you to spend more time in the game. Do I need to explain more?

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Using gold as the currency allows all players to play the type of content they enjoy playing to work towards acquiring the rewards.


If you use a map currency or achievements, you force all players to play a specific type of content that they may not enjoy.


Guild Wars 2 was founded on the principle of letting people play how they want, and having gold as the main currency for acquiring rewards works towards that goal.


Obviously, they have rewards that are restricted to certain currencies or achievements, and having a few of those isn't bad, but if your expectation was that gold wouldn't be the way most players acquire most rewards, it's because you intentionally ignored everything about this game since before it's release up through now, and you'll find very little sympathy from those of us who love the "play how you want" style that this game heavily advertised.

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> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I'd say this ends everything since you yourself said "under very specific situations provides a better choise of transportation".


> @Shirlias.8104 said:

> I'd say this ends everything since you yourself said "under very specific situations provides a better choise of transportation".


He also said that other options were better or faster except under those specific circumstances.


If option A (Griffon) is superior 30% of the time but options B and C are superior the remaining 70% of the time, then A's situational superiority is negated, and then some.

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Lets be honest.. everything in every MMO has some kind of grind requirement, just that some we see as more acceptable than others.

XP is a grind and is key to pretty much every MMO/SP game ever made.. so its an excepted norm, made easier as you progress with the inclusion of insta level tokens, xp pots etc etc.

Many games use gear trains so you farm gear or farm gold to get gear to keep BiS or like GW2 to be the best looking BiS with a luxury to change stats at will if you want to farm some more.

Bottom line we are attuned to farming / grinding and/or buying what we need. But here's the catch.. your not in anyway forced to do it if you don't want to, but everyone tends to want the next best thing so we choose to and then complain about it after we start.

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> @Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

> you want the fifth mount? Go get some items only from a vendor for 250g.

> you want your ascending profession weapons? Well have luck to get the right one ... or guess what? Spend 50g on Marketplace each.

> why changing the system from HoT? Why again everything has to end in farming gold?

> Let us play the maps to achieve something to buy/get stuff from a vendor with map currencies to finish the collections.

> i know the answers. gems, gold, creditcard.


> and yeah. you want some bigger bags, because we throw thousand items in your inventory? ... guess what ...


> Sad to reduce everything in this game to gold farming.


This is a petty complaint. What's the alternative? Of course things are always going to cost money. Did you expect them to release an expansion that does away with money and has no connection to the pre-existing economy?

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Anecdotal story.


I lust for ghastly shield. I have no gold. When memory boxes came out I tried being a TP baron by scrounging gold to get jetpack( I wrongly thought it would be ghastly2.0 if anyone remembers)...


Did fractals, league farm...sold ALL mats....


Bought jetpack and every sckerite skin...


Now I look at my failed baron attempt and sit back for a few min...


Then I say....


"How the fuck did I have 2k gold to get all this shit?"


TL:DR; you have gold. You just don't know it OR are unwilling to liquidate for it.

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