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Arenanet vs PvP


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> @"Redead.3016" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > @"Redead.3016" said:

> > > 4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.

> >

> > I had liked your post, but gave up after read this 4th topic.

> > What the kitten you trying to say there? "Stop focusing on competitiveness and make pvp casual"? It simply contradicted the rest of the post.


> Very few games ever had a primary focus on E-Sports and became the biggest E-Sports. If a developer has E-Sports in mind they lose focus on the actual game and lack on the creative abilities. Guild Wars 1 had 0 focus on E-Sports but the GvG became their primary E-Sports because it was fun not because they wanted it to become some sort of E-Sports phenomenon.


You can't compare both since it was a totally different period. 15 years back then, you didn't have a lot of games with an " esport " objective and you didn't have that many games that could be played on the internet.


Today, that's quite the opposite and most games can provide a competitive part. That being said, there are lot of similarities between games. Implementing GW1 features could be a risk considering people " seem " to appreciate having a cash shop , a casual competitive mode and a " top players " level. Sure it would attract veterans and GW1 players, but is that population big ?

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>Sure it would attract veterans and GW1 players, but is that population big ?

Some people are still playing it. Check the steam reviews of people that re-purchased it through steam years later.

If Guild Wars 1 was remade in the current engine, without any mechanical changes, for just the PvP maps, and no story maps ;

I personally have a friend's list of about 100 people that would dump their bank accounts on it.

It would be a guarantee's e-sport, and would be worth its weight in gold.


Arenanet, just remake Guild Wars 1 and tie some achievements between the two. You would print your own money.


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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"Redead.3016" said:

> > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > > @"Redead.3016" said:

> > > > 4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.

> > >

> > > I had liked your post, but gave up after read this 4th topic.

> > > What the kitten you trying to say there? "Stop focusing on competitiveness and make pvp casual"? It simply contradicted the rest of the post.

> >

> > Very few games ever had a primary focus on E-Sports and became the biggest E-Sports. If a developer has E-Sports in mind they lose focus on the actual game and lack on the creative abilities. Guild Wars 1 had 0 focus on E-Sports but the GvG became their primary E-Sports because it was fun not because they wanted it to become some sort of E-Sports phenomenon.


> You can't compare both since it was a totally different period. 15 years back then, you didn't have a lot of games with an " esport " objective and you didn't have that many games that could be played on the internet.


> Today, that's quite the opposite and most games can provide a competitive part. That being said, there are lot of similarities between games. Implementing GW1 features could be a risk considering people " seem " to appreciate having a cash shop , a casual competitive mode and a " top players " level. Sure it would attract veterans and GW1 players, but is that population big ?


Considering Guild Wars 1 was the 2nd biggest selling MMO competing with the WoW release. I think there is a great chance it would boost sales and revive the dying PvP we see today. Its an easy port to get these game modes in the game and also can tie into the story already. Also your cash shop argument does not apply to making competitive PvP options. You do realize that GW1 had a cash shop?

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I totally agree with the OP. Sadly it's not 5 years since release, it's 6 years, and there are no signs of PvP improvement for all this time. PvP is not focused on eSports (because there is no eSports scene and no real balance) and it's not focused on casual fun either (because you can't spend an evening playing ranked with a team of friends in some favorite game modes), PvP is... nothing... with no development purpose and no focus towards entertainment. I personally use it just for daily achievements.

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E-sports? What? Who? Where? They all left since ages with the game being too unbalanced overall. Didn’t get better with PoF bringing Mirage, Deadeye and some other sweet cheesy builds.


Why bother with PvP here when other games do it way better? Is Capture-Points game mode that amazing since 2012..?


Imo to start having healthy PvP there should be no downstate mode. Similar to the WvW event. Downstate should have been banned since day 1 and left for PvE only.

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> @"Redead.3016" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > > @"Redead.3016" said:

> > > > @"breno.5423" said:

> > > > > @"Redead.3016" said:

> > > > > 4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.

> > > >

> > > > I had liked your post, but gave up after read this 4th topic.

> > > > What the kitten you trying to say there? "Stop focusing on competitiveness and make pvp casual"? It simply contradicted the rest of the post.

> > >

> > > Very few games ever had a primary focus on E-Sports and became the biggest E-Sports. If a developer has E-Sports in mind they lose focus on the actual game and lack on the creative abilities. Guild Wars 1 had 0 focus on E-Sports but the GvG became their primary E-Sports because it was fun not because they wanted it to become some sort of E-Sports phenomenon.

> >

> > You can't compare both since it was a totally different period. 15 years back then, you didn't have a lot of games with an " esport " objective and you didn't have that many games that could be played on the internet.

> >

> > Today, that's quite the opposite and most games can provide a competitive part. That being said, there are lot of similarities between games. Implementing GW1 features could be a risk considering people " seem " to appreciate having a cash shop , a casual competitive mode and a " top players " level. Sure it would attract veterans and GW1 players, but is that population big ?


> Considering Guild Wars 1 was the 2nd biggest selling MMO competing with the WoW release. I think there is a great chance it would boost sales and revive the dying PvP we see today. Its an easy port to get these game modes in the game and also can tie into the story already. Also your cash shop argument does not apply to making competitive PvP options. You do realize that GW1 had a cash shop?


That's not what i meant actually. For sure i would like having GW1 back, but the point is more likely : would it be worth it in terms of population ?

GW1 was 2nd or 3rd competing with WoW or EQ2, but it was 15 years ago when there were very few alternatives. Today you have a lot of games, most of them being based on a cosmetic cash shop ( GW1 didn't have a true cash shop properly said ), and a competitive mode clearly separating top level and the rest. Quite similar to GW2 model so far.


For sure it would attract veterans and old GW1 players, but would it work on the new generation of gamers ? That would that would be a big risk and take a lot of development, and considering the time it takes to bring features such as swiss style rounds ( that existed in GW1), i doubt this could happen.


I'd rather have actually GW1 features developped ( i.e turn Stronghold into GvG and swiss rounds AT's) instead of having GW1 ' remastered '

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> @"Redead.3016" said:

> 4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.


They need to not do that because if you read half of the topics on this subforum you'll see how ridiculous the changes people want to see in GW2. And they're well beyond trying to be an e-sport. It seems like they're trying to clean up the mess the previous leadership left but it takes time.



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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> That's not what i meant actually. For sure i would like having GW1 back, but the point is more likely : would it be worth it in terms of population ?

> For sure it would attract veterans and old GW1 players, but would it work on the new generation of gamers ? That would that would be a big risk and take a lot of development, and considering the time it takes to bring features such as swiss style rounds ( that existed in GW1), i doubt this could happen.


> I'd rather have actually GW1 features developped ( i.e turn Stronghold into GvG and swiss rounds AT's) instead of having GW1 ' remastered '


Why struggle with so much development or modifications when everybody can sit back, relax, and do almost nothing for PvP?!


Look at us now: 6 years from release, and we are still playing the same game and the same maps and the same mechanics, enjoying like crazy alone and without teams and without PvP guilds. We are having so much fun that any modification to PvP scares the hell out of us. Now tell me this game is not awesome. Why modify it when people can't get enough of it, while playing alone?!


My opinion: there is no issue, there is nothing to be developed or modified, because players alone love it as it is. If someone dares to modify PvP, community will jump at designers throats complaining and whining about balance, map issues, exploits, bots, leaderboard, premade teams demolishing players without teams, eSports, MMR, overpowered professions, rewards, titles, and so on. So why ever change PvP when it can be left great as it is?!


"If it works, don't fix it!"

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> My list of fixes:

> 1.) Offer server wide rewards for WvW.

> 2.) Bring back GvG. Honestly it has been over 5 years with tons of outcry. Why have you not done this yet?

> 3.) More variety. Lets face it 2 PvP options get old.

> 4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.


> I am not here to bash Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2 have been my primary game for over 10+ years. I am just offering constructive criticism in the hopes of improvement.


1) Y why not, wvw rewards are ridiculous.

2) Y

3) + some new maps, i mean the game world is one of the largest (quoting a youtube vid ... sec ....

) - cut some space out and give us more MAPS!

4) lol - i have NEVER seen e-sport and gw2 in one sentence. A cat playing the piano has more views than all gw2 content vids, no idea where point 4.) comes from.


o/ have fun


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> @"breno.5423" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > Why bother with PvP here when other games do it way better?


> Why play GW2 if theres better games?

> Non sense uh?



Just playing WvW to get the backpiece skin, which takes a lot of time. After that yes it’s bye bye and back to PvE.

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  • 1 year later...

The pvp in this game has gone from good to pure utter garbage which is sad because it could have been great but unfortunately the devs let it go to long and haven't put any where near the time into balance let alone keeping gameplay fresh as the focused on pve. It's to far gone and unless the overhaul it at this point it's not gonna flourish and I highly doubt that there invested in this game enough at this point to invest the work into pvp as most of their resources will be put towards pve if I were a betting man and more skins lol. Best bet is not take the pvp seriously and just mess around in it and have fun cuz if u take it to seriously ull just get frustrated and rage quit due to the horrible balance that's only met by a lazy substandard rank system.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > That's not what i meant actually. For sure i would like having GW1 back, but the point is more likely : would it be worth it in terms of population ?

> > For sure it would attract veterans and old GW1 players, but would it work on the new generation of gamers ? That would that would be a big risk and take a lot of development, and considering the time it takes to bring features such as swiss style rounds ( that existed in GW1), i doubt this could happen.

> >

> > I'd rather have actually GW1 features developped ( i.e turn Stronghold into GvG and swiss rounds AT's) instead of having GW1 ' remastered '


> Why struggle with so much development or modifications when everybody can sit back, relax, and do almost nothing for PvP?!


> Look at us now: 6 years from release, and we are still playing the same game and the same maps and the same mechanics, enjoying like crazy alone and without teams and without PvP guilds. We are having so much fun that any modification to PvP scares the hell out of us. Now tell me this game is not awesome. Why modify it when people can't get enough of it, while playing alone?!


> My opinion: there is no issue, there is nothing to be developed or modified, because players alone love it as it is. If someone dares to modify PvP, community will jump at designers throats complaining and whining about balance, map issues, exploits, bots, leaderboard, premade teams demolishing players without teams, eSports, MMR, overpowered professions, rewards, titles, and so on. So why ever change PvP when it can be left great as it is?!


> "If it works, don't fix it!"


fun? i have a debt of 100 gold with a guild mate, i just barely log in, 3 to 4 times a week, play a pvp match to get 2 gold from dailies, and if i don't get it from first match i complete it either in pve or wvw just so i can be quick and dc again, and i can't wait to finish farming those 100 gold so i can uninstall this mess of a game


pof was the most braindead and retarded expansion we could ever ask for, specs are a complete mess, either with tons of everything, or completely bland and useless, all the new mechanics are auto played it's starting to feel like an android mmo


mounts and class unbalance killed wvw, really fast, and instead of finding fixes they keep screwing us up making the most weird nerfs... sorry they call them "reworks" (chrono/druid)


and anet drifted into a full "cash cow" vision, now only focusing on selling crap in the gem store, the game is so bad right now even the crap in the gem store is blandly made, and they put more effort into advertising or banners than the actual product some idiots are buying (look at the new charr chair for example)


and i've been playing since like 4 years now, the game right before hot release was excellent, hot release was hard, specially cus i played as a f2p, yet when they finished balancing core and hot classes the game was great again, after pof i thought it would be the same, a few months of a mess and then they would fix all, it's been 2 years since they don't even care anymore about class balance, fair mechanics and engaging battles, they left it all like that beeing a complete mess, with uncalled or strictly stupid changes every few months so we can still be hooked waiting for some miracle


Thats not fun and it's the worst state i've seen this game since i started

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> > @"Redead.3016" said:

> > 4.) Listen to your player base and stop trying to be the the next E-Sports. More focus on fun and less focus on E-Sports would improve the game.


> I had liked your post, but gave up after read this 4th topic.

> What the kitten you trying to say there? "Stop focusing on competitiveness and make pvp casual"? It simply contradicted the rest of the post.


Yea I was for everything until I got here as well.

Arenanet should take most feedback from players with a grain of salt in regards to balancing decisions.

Because everyone has an agenda, and everything that people don't like they complain about it. It's why pvp balance is in this garbage state now.

Yes they should focus on Esports, or at least balance like they are still in it. Making things accessible to the lowest rank of pvp doesnt promote it. It makes things worse.

Like every time they launch a new E-spec. Those changes weren't made with pvp in mind, and they certainly weren't made to make pvp competitive or fun.

Then we have the post launch crybabies.

How many times has a class seen nerfs in all the wrong places?

You can thank the "Knowledgeable Community" for those.

Arena-net needs to play the game, balance like they are trying to make a *Competitive* pvp environment ( not this casual cryfest we have now where people go " Whaaaa, the thief hit me with condi it OP" or " WHaaaaAAa the mesmer has clones my head hurts it OP" or "WHAAAaAA I got hit by a skill that is countered by me not spamming one" and then Anet nerfs based on those cry post) and stop balancing based on the lowest and most casual denominator of skill.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> why bring esports back tho? PvP is toxic as it is, esports made it 10x worse. I couldn't even stand Helseth back when.


EHHHHHHHHHH !!!! dont make me smack you !


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> The pvp in this game has gone from good to pure utter garbage which is sad because it could have been great but unfortunately the devs let it go to long and haven't put any where near the time into balance let alone keeping gameplay fresh as the focused on pve. It's to far gone and unless the overhaul it at this point it's not gonna flourish and I highly doubt that there invested in this game enough at this point to invest the work into pvp as most of their resources will be put towards pve if I were a betting man and more skins lol. Best bet is not take the pvp seriously and just mess around in it and have fun cuz if u take it to seriously ull just get frustrated and rage quit due to the horrible balance that's only met by a lazy substandard rank system.





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> @"Killthehealersffs.8940" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > why bring esports back tho? PvP is toxic as it is, esports made it 10x worse. I couldn't even stand Helseth back when.


> EHHHHHHHHHH !!!! dont make me smack you !


Calls it how I sees it. Big whoop, ya wanna fight about it? :trollface:

Meet me in PvP in 2 mins,lol....j/k


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"Winning WvW holds 0 meaning and 0 rewards for the server."


Kinda agree with that. Adding a reward once a week for the winning server,a special kind of reward ( Gear only available for the winning server,special kind of finishers, a 20 - 50g reward etc,adding in craft only sigils/runes,expensive dyes, a black lion chest key,be creative ) not 3 bags that hold 3 gold gears... Would maybe push servers to actually try harder to win aswell. Although speaking for myself i dont play for loot,but im not blobbing or raiding either,im either soloing or doing small scale stuff in wvw but i know many people do play for loot. Atm theres too much usual junk rewards clutting up your inventory.


Rather give some proper reward at the end of the week and cut down the useless junk rewards youl get even for being afk at spawn. Boxes in boxes with bags that gives 2 green, Yawn. When it comes to GvG,thats on the people and not so much on Anet. Although current balance issues might be an issue when it comes to guilds not doing GvG as much as before anymore. Since its build wars,not skill wars.


Also i used to be an avid pvper in the past. But stopped due to balance issues and doing the same thing over and over..and over on the same maps just got old since the playstyle is usually also the same in every match. I think ive done around 6k matches in the past total,i know many have reached way over 10k already, i dont know how you guys still enjoy it. Adding in higher rewards as they currently have compared to when i was still active wasn't a way of getting me back either. For Pvp we need new gamemodes,i cannot stress this enough.


One game mode with a few maps just doesnt cut it to keep this active and engaging,every match is the exact same,you either steamroll or you get steamrolled. Add in game modes like deathmatch,king of the hill,capture the flag to make the fights you can have are different in all these modes compared to doing the same thing everytime and dedicate devs to creating maps for these modes,and watch your playerbase instantly rise.

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> @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > Arenet won as I literally just uninstalled the game lol. well played well played anet


> Obligatory "cAn I hAz YoUr StUfFz?"


Lol knew that was coming:) of course I decide to quite gw2 and jump over to AA unchained and the queue times are rough lol sitting at 5200 in my server and I purposely picked the least popular. I know all mmo releases are like this but sure makes gw2 queue times seem not so long lol.

I'd give u my crap but u probably have more of a collection than I do.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > > Arenet won as I literally just uninstalled the game lol. well played well played anet

> >

> > Obligatory "cAn I hAz YoUr StUfFz?"


> Lol knew that was coming:) of course I decide to quite gw2 and jump over to AA unchained and the queue times are rough lol sitting at 5200 in my server and I purposely picked the least popular. I know all mmo releases are like this but sure makes gw2 queue times seem not so long lol.

> I'd give u my kitten but u probably have more of a collection than I do.


I challenge that notion that I may have more lol...i is a poor filthy casual who WvW's (that should prove my poorness). Darn fashion wars

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