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Aurenes poisoned meal


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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> It's a very old magical principle that "you are what you eat." That's why the hunter eats the heart of a lion or deer.... to take the power of the victim into themselves.


> When Aurene ate Joko... I'm reasonably sure she absorbed his power, ( and personality?)



But there is also the deal with predators specialized in eating venomous/toxic prey have evolved to be almost entirely immune to it.


Elder Dragons that eat exclusively magic would naturally have “evolved” to likewise not be affected by their meal.



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Her increased agression after eating balthy is likely just the change from cuddly baby to angsty teen.


It would be a bit weird if elder dragons were effected by what they ate, then again elder dragons ARE old and powerful creatures.

and lets not kid ourselves, aurene is not an elder dragon in any sense of the word, her mommy was a champion of kralky, aka a minion until she was freed from his/her/its/shims control. At best you could claim she was a half-breed in the sense that aurenes egg was "fertilised" by the dying energy of modremoth and potentially zhaitan.

Then again the distinction of elder dragon isnt really a genetic thing but more power thing, the dragons that held a monopoly over a vast aspect of the worlds magic, and their consumption of this magic has come to equilibrium in the current system.


If we take the logic that like energy, magic cannot be created or destroyed merly transformed. Then the elder dragons each have a fairly even portion of this magic in the apropriate cycle. With a constant exchange of releasing energy over periods of hundreds of years in slumber, then waking and recycling this energy back into the system again. Elder dragons could then be likened to parts of the machine, like one would recyled water or oxygen. This calamity due to killing these dragons are then because either A) during the process of the dragon consuming and releasing this magic it is in someway stabalised or purifised keeping it "safe" B) Each dragons have their limits, there is only so much each one could do to balance the scales so to speak. C) Killing these dragons releases a previously regulated quantities of magic, just like with electrical surges, without proper protections (Elder dragons) this leads to ther frying the equipment (tyria)


Oh ops I went on a bit of a tangent lol, anyways it is possible for her to be affected by "what she eats" you could say that unlike actual elder dragons she lacks the power and maturity that they do, meaning that she is "easily impressionable" because she is young and inexperienced but also she lacks the power and control that the elders do.

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That still seems highly improbable. They eat nothing but magic, so surely they are well-suited to it with immense innate magical resistance.


If anything, I’d be more worried about her eating the thousand years old beef jerky that was Joko’s physical body. No doubt it is saturated with embalming fluids and the like which are bad enough for creatures evolved to eat carrion, and Elder Dragons didn’t so she’d possibly be at even more risk. :persevere:

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> That still seems highly improbable. They eat nothing but magic, so surely they are well-suited to it with immense innate magical resistance.


> If anything, I’d be more worried about her eating the thousand years old beef jerky that was Joko’s physical body. No doubt it is saturated with embalming fluids and the like which are bad enough for creatures evolved to eat carrion, and Elder Dragons didn’t so she’d possibly be at even more risk. :persevere:


News just in Aurene aquired an STD from eating joko.

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> @"Kodokuna Akuma.9570" said:

> News just in Aurene aquired an STD from eating joko.


well this can be grounded in lore.


Joko seems to have a great sexual appetite, and how can I say? "diverse," he manages to love even a Choya.


>_ Forbidden Vault is a secret chamber in which Palawa Joko keeps the women and men—of various races—betrothed to him. Some of them are volunteers, but many were offered as a sacrifice by their villages to secure protection._




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Dawww what an adorable elementally unstable little dragon~ who's a tiny little Alatreon? Yess you are!!!


I loved how applauded half of them were by it, but honesty given the opportunity I'd have lead with that.

Even more so after the "YOU BROUGHT A DRAGON THAT'S CHEATING!" line.


We don't really know how much of joko's magic she got, nor how truly dead he is. He was locked up in the domain of the lost so for all we know he is just back in that cage. (need to put a giant *DO NOT HELP* sign next time we die... Assuming that is even how he got out.)


Thing is Joko isn't explicitly using "Dragon" magic, and possibility debatable if he is using "God" magic, unless magic broken down to it's base forum is all the same? Idk I don't think we understand magic enough to be able to tell. That said, I think it is far more likely a change in her nature and a change in aggression could just be the fact she is a dragon in puberty. Sure she may become aggressive and gain some level of hubris cuz "Dragon" but I think that is why we imprinted on her and enforced a compassion for humans and such early on.


Unless she gets to strong, becomes some sort of God Dragon thing, and becomes the true final boss!!!!!! But this isn't a Jrpg so I don't think so. lol

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> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> We don't really know how much of joko's magic she got, nor how truly dead he is. He was locked up in the domain of the lost so for all we know he is just back in that cage. (need to put a giant *DO NOT HELP* sign next time we die... Assuming that is even how he got out.)

His prison was powered by Balthazar's will, as was explicitly told to us about five times in the mission I'm sure. With Balthazar's death, it's unsurprising he got free.


> @"Daishi.6027" said:

> Thing is Joko isn't explicitly using "Dragon" magic, and possibility debatable if he is using "God" magic, unless magic broken down to it's base forum is all the same? Idk I don't think we understand magic enough to be able to tell.

Anet is constantly going back and forth on that, particularly the similarity / difference between dragon magic and mortal magic. I don't think they can really decide which it is they want to go with, or different writers have different ideas and they haven't settled on which to go with, or something. Because in the core game and Season 1, we're told they're different but some aspects (namely chaos magic) is similar, while in Season 3 we're told by Taimi they're the same, yet in Path of Fire it's again said they're different...

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The thought did strike me that Joko might have had access to Forgotten magic and could have made himself immune to draconic digestion...


Assuming that he was completely digested, though, Aurene having picked up Joko's control over the Awakened could be an interesting plot development. Yes, the Awakened are people, but there's probably going to be variance in how they respond to Joko's defeat. Some will probably want to integrate, some might react violently. Aurene having control over them would allow her to restrain the latter, while possibly making people more willing to trust the former (since Aurene can command them to, well, not be evil). We see that even under Joko the Awakened do have free will except that they can't disobey orders (although they can interpret them creatively): Aurene controlling them with a light touch might be more of a matter of setting laws that are enforced by magic rather than denying them free will.

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