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[Question] Seeing maps beyond their event time period

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> All maps would immediately be different.... most wouldn't be interesting, since we (presumably) resolved all those conflicts as we passed through.


Resolving one conflict doesn't mean it resolves all conflicts. Often times when you remove one thing that controls an area others fill the power vacuum. For example in the Orr maps; there could be dragons left who were minions of Zhaitan. They could attempt to fill the void and move themselves higher on the dragon pecking order. It's been years since Zhaitan was defeated so a current version of the map would look much greener now. The coastal areas might be overrun with Karka since they are a fairly aggressive fast reproducing creature. Pirates could have a significant presence on the maps. Even pocket raptors might have been able to make their way to the area. I just think it's interesting to speculate on how the maps would have changed over the years.

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> @"Moonyeti.3296" said:

> Probably poor Kessex Hills, just because it is in such a nightmare state of being kinda during the PS, but also after season 1. Not really fond of that map, but if anyone got a clean modern treatment I think poor ol' Kessex deserves it.


I agree. I'm not really fond of that map. I like the topography but the events never really gripped me into spending much time on that map.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > All maps would immediately be different.... most wouldn't be interesting, since we (presumably) resolved all those conflicts as we passed through.


> Resolving one conflict doesn't mean it resolves all conflicts. Often times when you remove one thing that controls an area others fill the power vacuum. For example in the Orr maps; there could be dragons left who were minions of Zhaitan. They could attempt to fill the void and move themselves higher on the dragon pecking order. It's been years since Zhaitan was defeated so a current version of the map would look much greener now. The coastal areas might be overrun with Karka since they are a fairly aggressive fast reproducing creature. Pirates could have a significant presence on the maps. Even pocket raptors might have been able to make their way to the area. I just think it's interesting to speculate on how the maps would have changed over the years.


They have done that in a few maps during LS1...... it didn't pan out as good as they hoped. Not to mention a bunch of people still miss old Lion's arch, and want to go back.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> The maps in the game all have a time period that they are set in. Which maps would you like to see what they would be in the current time period of the game? How much do you think the maps would have changed?


I can't think of any change to an existing map that I would like as much as seeing newer areas to explore. To me, Siren's Landing already is Orr in the modern age: similar in tone & features, and yet a new place to explore with new mechanics. A lot of the zones already get "current events" which is a way of helping the map feel "modern" without taking the time to overhaul it completely.


Since the cost of revamping a map will be similar to starting a new one (somewhat less artwork, somewhat more QA), I'd rather they mostly leave the old stuff alone.


Besides which, all of the old maps are new for new players.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> I can't think of any change to an existing map that I would like as much as seeing newer areas to explore. To me, Siren's Landing already is Orr in the modern age: similar in tone & features, and yet a new place to explore with new mechanics. A lot of the zones already get "current events" which is a way of helping the map feel "modern" without taking the time to overhaul it completely.


> Since the cost of revamping a map will be similar to starting a new one (somewhat less artwork, somewhat more QA), I'd rather they mostly leave the old stuff alone.


I didn't think they would change the maps nor did I post it as a suggestion but rather I posted a question on what people think they would look like in a current time frame if they could be seen.


I have posted in the past that I would like to see them adapt existing core maps to make it so that people see different graphics based on which story is active but that is not the subject of this post. I think it's fun to speculate on what the maps would look like if they were more current.


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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > All maps would immediately be different.... most wouldn't be interesting, since we (presumably) resolved all those conflicts as we passed through.

> >

> > Resolving one conflict doesn't mean it resolves all conflicts. Often times when you remove one thing that controls an area others fill the power vacuum. For example in the Orr maps; there could be dragons left who were minions of Zhaitan. They could attempt to fill the void and move themselves higher on the dragon pecking order. It's been years since Zhaitan was defeated so a current version of the map would look much greener now. The coastal areas might be overrun with Karka since they are a fairly aggressive fast reproducing creature. Pirates could have a significant presence on the maps. Even pocket raptors might have been able to make their way to the area. I just think it's interesting to speculate on how the maps would have changed over the years.


> They have done that in a few maps during LS1...... it didn't pan out as good as they hoped. Not to mention a bunch of people still miss old Lion's arch, and want to go back.


I want to go back there, but even more I want the old building site back in DR, where the Crown Pavilion is.

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I'd like to see the rest of Orr slowly recovering the way we do with Siren's Landing. I kind-of want to say I'd like it if we got to help with the process of clearing out the risen and replanting/restoring Orr...but then I start wondering if that would be a good idea for me. I work for a wildlife conservation charity, so it might be a bit like doing work during the day and fantasy-work in the evening. But then I do like my job and I'd love to see Orr restored. Of course it can't go back to exactly what it was, even if they rebuilt things to match how they were as much as possible and humans with Orrian ancestry came forward to live there. But I'd like to see what it will become. (Maybe one for GW3?)


I'd really like to see Kessex Hills cleaned up a bit. Even if it was just the rubble of the tower taken away and some of the trees growing back. It seems weird (lore-wise) that other places have been rebuilt but Kessex has just been left, even though a lot of people live there and it's not really that far from Divinity's Reach.


This one isn't tied to a specific map, and I suspect we will get it eventually but I'd like a resolution to the unbound magic/ley anomaly 'issues'. What is the Ley Anomaly? Is it actually related to the Vale Guardian and whatever the Fractal version is? Did the Burden of Choice quest fix our condition and are there any side-effects to either choice? Are there any other consequences of our continued collection of raw (unbound/volatile) magic and use of bloodstone?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I'd like to see the rest of Orr slowly recovering the way we do with Siren's Landing. I kind-of want to say I'd like it if we got to help with the process of clearing out the risen and replanting/restoring Orr...but then I start wondering if that would be a good idea for me. I work for a wildlife conservation charity, so it might be a bit like doing work during the day and fantasy-work in the evening. But then I do like my job and I'd love to see Orr restored. Of course it can't go back to exactly what it was, even if they rebuilt things to match how they were as much as possible and humans with Orrian ancestry came forward to live there. But I'd like to see what it will become. (Maybe one for GW3?)


As much as I'd like to see Orr restored I think it would be overly complicated given the personal story links to the maps. It would be better if they tried something easier like index the graphics, NPCs and creatures based on where the player character is at in their active story like the arrow in the dragon's tooth. It'd be easy to match up the behavior of risen to living creatures of the same type and throw in some greenery visible to players who have later stories active.


I think current time Orr would be greener on the fringes and near water but as someone who has spent time in swampy areas in real life I know land that spends a lot of time underwater then dries out tends to be crusty. It would take plants years to break the ground up. With one crisis after another I don't think the people of Tyria would be able to make a huge effort to restore Orr. However farmers breaking it up with plows would be able to turn it into rich farm land. There would be a large number of historians and plunders looking for lost artifacts from Orr. It'd be ripe for a new dungeon; at least a new adventure or two.


I really wish they would at least implement more weather effects on maps. From LA south to Orr should have rain, storms and periods of fog. The engine supports them.



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In a current time I think the Grove would be more open on the water sides with those Sylvari style huts and boat docks sitting on a beach wrapping around the city. Also have a way to get to Southsun Cove.


I'm not sure Rata Sum would have changed much beyond having guarded pathways linking it to HoT maps and Rata Novus.


Hopefully someone would have made a path through the mountain range from Hoelbrak to Snowden Drifts and Lornar's Pass.

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