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[Suggestion] Amusing idea about contested waypoints.

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I just had an amusing idea about contested waypoints. Instead of preventing players from using them; have the game client give a dialog saying:


"The waypoint is contested and using it may result in damage or worse. Refunds are not available for contested waypoints. Are you sure you want to use it? (Yes or Use alternate Waypoint)."


If someone uses it they get a 40% chance to appear with no issues, 20% chance of appearing laying on the ground with amour damage, 20% chance for a downstate, or 20% chance of a defeated state.


It's just a thought. I doubt it would be implemented but it's amusing to think about.

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First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.


More importantly, this would be fun once or twice, but then (like a bumper sticker you can't remove from your car), it would get old fast. Why would anyone take a waypoint with only a 40% chance of working, when they can use a nearby WP and run/mount over?

Maybe if it were 40% chance of working, 35% chance of spawning in the downstate, and 25% of spawning with superspeed, regeneration, & 25 stacks of might.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.


> More importantly, this would be fun once or twice, but then (like a bumper sticker you can't remove from your car), it would get old fast. Why would anyone take a waypoint with only a 40% chance of working, when they can use a nearby WP and run/mount over?

> Maybe if it were 40% chance of working, 35% chance of spawning in the downstate, and 25% of spawning with superspeed, regeneration, & 25 stacks of might.


That last one would be the a record breaking gold sink.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.

> >

> > More importantly, this would be fun once or twice, but then (like a bumper sticker you can't remove from your car), it would get old fast. Why would anyone take a waypoint with only a 40% chance of working, when they can use a nearby WP and run/mount over?

> > Maybe if it were 40% chance of working, 35% chance of spawning in the downstate, and 25% of spawning with superspeed, regeneration, & 25 stacks of might.


> That last one would be the a record breaking gold sink.


Good point. I mostly meant it as silly illustration of a positive benefit to risking a bad WP. Perhaps a more realistic one would be just superspeed or maybe proc'-ing a "Lesser Signet of Inspiration."

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It would be problematic for people that care about death counts. And for the extra cost if the wp fails.


Also this:

> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.



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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.


That's an easy fix. All they would have to do is decide which map instance you are going to be put on before leaving your current map then see if it's contested and do the prompt. They could add an option to abort the jump before leaving the current map.


> More importantly, this would be fun once or twice, but then (like a bumper sticker you can't remove from your car), it would get old fast.


I think more people would take the chance than you think. People seem to like to gamble so why not let them play Russian Roulette w/contested waypoints.


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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> I just had an amusing idea about contested waypoints. Instead of preventing players from using them; have the game client give a dialog saying:


> "The waypoint is contested and using it may result in damage or worse. Refunds are not available for contested waypoints. Are you sure you want to use it? (Yes or Use alternate Waypoint)."


> If someone uses it they get a 40% chance to appear with no issues, 20% chance of appearing laying on the ground with amour damage, 20% chance for a downstate, or 20% chance of a defeated state.


> It's just a thought. I doubt it would be implemented but it's amusing to think about.


Or if we consider contested waypoints for broken and out of sync. Then when a character tries to use them:

20% porting to the waypoint.

80% porting to a random spot in tyria (in the air, underwater or even dead in a rock).

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I don't see contested waypoints giving boons. But more teleport you within a range of 50 around the waypoint, spawn defeated or not, why not 50% no issues, 30% downed and random place, 20% defeated? Would be fun and never boring for me, you don't have any additionnal fees, repairing armor is free.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.


> More importantly, this would be fun once or twice, but then (like a bumper sticker you can't remove from your car), it would get old fast. Why would anyone take a waypoint with only a 40% chance of working, when they can use a nearby WP and run/mount over?

> Maybe if it were 40% chance of working, 35% chance of spawning in the downstate, and 25% of spawning with superspeed, regeneration, & 25 stacks of might.


Wallace/LeMay '68

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I dunno. The main point of the contested waypoints is to “force” players to do the unlock events. In order to not create even more annoying situations where stuff gets locked out because nobody does that (Orr temples, provisioner tokens in HoT etc) I don’t think these waypoints should in any way be useable.

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" The waypoint you are teleporting to is contested: the leyline markers of the device are going wild. Do you want to try landing there anyway?"

" No" You get teleported into the closer available waypoint as always.

"Yes "

5% you get there.

10% you get there with damage and on the ground.

20% you get there in downstate.

50% you get teleported to the closer waypoint anyway.

10% you get teleported to a random place on tyria.

5% you get into the mystlock sanctuary. In downstate.


It would be a joy simply trying.

As the message appears when you are already on the new location, there would be no problem on offering this choice instead of not letting you do anything, like now.

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> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.


> That's an easy fix.

If it was an easy fix, they would have done it already. And they've said they don't have an easy way to determine the state of the map until someone loads into it.


> > More importantly, this would be fun once or twice, but then (like a bumper sticker you can't remove from your car), it would get old fast.


> I think more people would take the chance than you think. People seem to like to gamble so why not let them play Russian Roulette w/contested waypoints.

I'm not saying no one would ever do it. I'm saying that the novelty would wear off, if all that happened was that it could fail. In the past, people have complained loudly about those types of mechanics. That's why, for example, there are no "critical failures" for crafting or gathering in this game, as there are in other games.




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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > First, the main issue with contested waypoints is trying to use them from outside of the instance. And currently, the game has no way to show the status until you're in the instance.

> >

> > That's an easy fix.

> If it was an easy fix, they would have done it already. And they've said they don't have an easy way to determine the state of the map until someone loads into it.


I can't see why it would be that difficult. It's just a matter of deciding which map>instance>WP in advance of leaving the current map rather than after leaving it then polling the server instance running the destination map>instance for current WP state. It's just a matter of timing for existing code. They would run the risk of the WP state changing during map load but they could just do a second state check on entering the map>instance. If the WP became contested after leaving the old map then the do the existing method of automatically putting the player at a non-contested WP. If the WP became normal state then don't run the RNG routine and let the player hit the WP as normal.


FYI I did say in the original post I didn't think they would ever implement something like this and posted it as something to be amusing. Please take the original post in the spirit it was intended.

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