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Hai everyone.


Dont think anyone remember me but Im a oldtimer, just got back into the game after 4 y away. used to make builds like "Shatter Cat" and some others.


So far love it. will make a few videos and experement with al the different runes and builds and se what I like. Atm I testing a nightmare rune blind focused hybrid build.


Also made a Video.


Hope you enjoy:




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**Hello everyone**.


Sorry to not answer Before. Im at work now (still work in the amblance) and as I posted the vid last night I have not had time to answer. Tbh I was planning do a more lurking appoach... :)


First of all,** thank you **for al the positive mails and messages, was absolutley not expecting this. I warms alot.


To answer some questions:

- Yes I plan to stick around

- Yes I most likeley will experement with builds etc but as I sure it nowdays are alot skilled theorycrafters who are acctive I prob wont come with a new guilde in some time.

- Yes I love the game and how the class developed sens I played, the mirage amush and mobility especialy.

- No I do not have any acctive community nowdays with any A-net workers etc.



About the video I just posted: I took a bit of a risk when I edited it quite hard (**as Odik.4587 and Justine.6351 highlighted**, Thank you ftwo or the feedback, I will have a thought about it).


Why I did this is because partly I was experementing and learning a new video editing program and partly as its not a Guide or a pure gameplay Video. Its aimed as more of a promo video with some sPVP who end with (trying to make it so ) me portaling into WvWvW.


When i make something more guide/gameplay focused later I will have less editing/cuting. Se it as a promo trailer or a fun way of me to say hello again :)




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> @"Osicat.4139" said:

> Hai everyone.


> Dont think anyone remember me but Im a oldtimer, just got back into the game after 4 y away. used to make builds like "Shatter Cat" and some others.


> So far love it. will make a few videos and experement with al the different runes and builds and se what I like. Atm I testing a nightmare rune blind focused hybrid build.


> Also made a Video.


> Hope you enjoy:




> /Osicat


I remember you. I just came back after 4+yr away as well.

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Welcome back Osi!

I'm really happy to see you again. You was a great inspiration for my playstyle! =)


Btw the current state of the game is quite different from what you left. Imho it's far longer worse today than before (unbalancing, overperforming skills, mechanics ecc.)

Let me know your thought and... enjoy! ;)

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@"Fearscream.4057" Cheers, about balance in game I yet not tested everyting long enought to be secure in my own opinions. What I do notice is that people still are wery social and its easy to make new friends. I got to know so many new people by just not stop em after a good wvwvw fight but istead done /salute or /bow and let them res. Alot of wery fun fights vs some rifle thiefs aswell, they wery bursty and good stealth uptime. My favorite class to kill is still necros but the new class who ahve a dragon head is aloso wery rewarding targets, noticed they handle first burst of condis wery well but if u do soft burst and wait 7 sec and come back for the real burst 9/10 used their condi cd,s on the soft burst and just melt.


@"EnderzShadow.2506" Hai, so happy you felt my attitude was good, even if I probobly annoyed somone sometime I generaly try to se from the others perspectice and if I can help I do. I done ALOT of motorcykle traveling last years yes. Accualy got a side jobb in the military now as a motorcykle offroad rider, its great but mean I be offline a week at the time some month.


@"Dallandra.8563" 3" Huray, wc back from lurking :D Mabye you like my new video I posted other day. Its more a bulshittery vid with social aspects of wvwvw but I play in my new build I experemening with, viper is cool and dint exist back when I was last acctive :)



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I’m kinda sad you’re not on NA so I can brain storm and test stuff with you and Curunen.


P.S. @"Curunen.8729" Are you still derping on that other game? Log on, I’m off all day tomorrow and Thursday and I finished my PvP achievements. We got a bandwagon link :wink:


Edit: Why on earth is de.rping censored?

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> I’m kinda sad you’re not on NA so I can brain storm and test stuff with you and Curunen.


> P.S. @"Curunen.8729" Are you still kitten on that other game? Log on, I’m off all day tomorrow and Thursday and I finished my PvP achievements. We got a bandwagon link :wink:


> Edit: Why on earth is de.rping censored?


Yeah sorry I'm totally addicted to warframe the last couple of weeks. I wish mesmer had something like Nyx's Chaos ability in pve, and something like how radiation proc works... Eg would be cool if confusion actually turned on friendly fire in pvp (of course drastically limit the uptime) and enemies to fight each other in pve. Getting close to finishing the story quests and the star map at least. Hopefully my muscle memory for gw2 is still there because I've been using Q and E for bullet jumping which is heal and skill 3 here so you might catch me spamming those after! xD

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