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@Systems Team... Community Top 5 WvW Wishlist 2018


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I would like to start a community thread that provides constructive suggestions for the new Systems Team https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52153/introducing-the-systems-team that is now formed. I’m going to share my top 5 items for the devs to think about, and I’d like the community to join in and share their suggestions as well…


I would like to encourage everyone to limit their ideas to 1 page, and to be concise with your thoughts. Let's be mindful of the devs time when reading. Let's also keep this thread "clean" and avoid arguing. If you are not sure what a poster is trying to communicate then ask for clarification. Let's focus more on getting our personal ideas out there, as opposed to knocking or arguing over any ideas, so the devs have a easier time going through the thread without having to filter out a bunch of unnecessary "stuff".


My list...


*Addressing Lag*


IIRC, from an old dev post, one of the reasons for lag is the amount of input and calculations that the server has to process… Sorry, not a comp tech geek so I can’t impress you with my knowledge or wording here, but my suggestions are as follows… These also happen to be multipurpose items, not only for lag issues…


- https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/44028/ideas-to-tone-down-offensive-aoes (Not only does this address the known issue with the amount of aoes in wvw, the change also reduces the amount of targets the server has to account for)


- Longer Boon duration and standardizing times. (There is a lot of high damage being flung around in wvw and I think that support skills should play a bit more of a role in combat for balance. Could be completely wrong, but my mind thinks longer duration buffs, that are coupled with some standardized times, would reduce the amount of short term calculations needed to be made… Am I off base here?)


- https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/29999/let-s-also-fix-up-the-condi-system-before-we-neuter-professions-more (I feel this would be a great change for the entire game, and to cut back some on the flow of info the server has to process... Maybe?)


*A Balancing Factor For Power Creep*




Increasing player health will be a great balancing tool against the high damage power creep that has occurred over time and expansions. The way my thread lays it out also seems like a good start to help buy some “buffer” time while other balance changes, profession reworks, skill changes... are made. Maybe the dev team wants spvp to be super low ttk, and that’s fine, but wvw is a whole new ball game because of the sheer amount of players fighting against each other sometimes. I, personally, feel all size fights should feel more “epic”, not opponents running around squashing each other in under 10 seconds most of the time.


*Roaming and Havoc Build Diversity For All*




Having access to movement based skills is one of the hallmarks of any decent roaming or small scale havoc build. The suggestion in the above thread creates pools of “Slot Skills” https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skill that are available to ALL professions. Excess https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#WXP_upgrades (world ability points) could be used as sinks to unlock these skills for inside of wvw only.


*Giant Steps For Build Diversity*


There are lots of missing weapon sets for various professions… https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/21472/missing-weapon-sets-for-professions-and-some-suggestions, and I feel like there are a bunch of weapons that need TLC and updates too, but I think a couple of things would be great steps to improving profession and build diversity… I’d argue that these suggestions would be great game wide, not just in wvw.


- Unbind weapons from elite specializations.


- Secondary Professions System that allows access to weapons normally not allowed. Only weapons. Could be a great sink for those extra 403/404 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hero_point available in-game.


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I'm going to say something "mean" "rude" "evil" but it needs to be said.


Your problem statements are OK to some extent in terms of where issues lie. Increasing time to kill? sure. Reducing powercreep? Sure.


Your actual suggestions to improve these problem statements are... completely out of wack. Honestly so wacky nobody should even consider this stuff...

30k hp ele, 40k hp warrior base? What? Is this some kind of joke? I get that many players struggling to L2P would have a great time being alive longer than 2 seconds - but hey you'll still die bois.


Except where no single player can appropriately spike you at 30-40k hp. Yet nothing stops you from running full zerk. So we still get coordinated bombs to 100-0 targets; which people will still walk into AND complain about.


Also improving balance and powercreep by adding ... all the missing weapon options in the game. Genius plan? Definitely will increase build diversity looking at current balance states :trollface:


No honestly - I get that you mean well but these ideas are all bad. This isn't a top 5 wishlist, none of these things are even on my wishlist. They're on my "questionable stuff posted on the forums" list.

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i have 2 isp for games.


1 fiber

2 lte prepaid phone connection


1 does not function properly to play gw2.

2 no lag no matter the blobs.


maybe contact anet and your isp to work somethings out. my guess the no. of jumps the data does before it reachers anet and back to you may be an issue.


as for the other issues, my concern has more to do with wanting wvw events. throw us a bone anet. weekend events.

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1. the invisible walls and uneven ground at alot places need a rework. Just saying examples like trebuchets in danelon cannot be hit by any treb from langor because somebody had the great idea to put a wall there. Attacking camps like pangloss ,coming in from oger-side, is always blocking all arrows of a bow, because uneven ground.

2. the 3rd-party users needs to be hunt down. wvw is no fighting anymore, its dieing within 0,0001 sec from 10 skills loaded on you. macro user should be taken down. theres also no option to report them.

3. contested-swords for the main-keeps are to tiny to see without zooming fully in (not the waypoint one).

4. balancing. wvw is no **zerg vs zerg fight** anymore. only _lay the most fields so zergs instant die_...nothing else exists atm.

5. the bags in bags of bags is horrible in wvw. to much loot in dozens of slots after a few minutes and nothing worthy at all. to many bags, to many trash-items.

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“none of these things are even on my wishlist.”


Ok, so post your own personal wishlist for the new Systems Team to see... That was the entire point of the thread. Did you somehow miss this sentence (and the entire second paragraph)? “I’d like the community to join in and share their suggestions as well…”


Edit- I already provided a link in the op about the Systems Team, but here is a quote from Gaile in that thread...


“The Systems team mashes together the Skills and Balance, Player versus Player, World versus World, and Rewards Teams. Combining these teams will help to us create more cohesive content and make the most logical changes to Guild Wars 2 while reducing the chances that any particular part of the game will be negatively impacted when there are game-wide changes”

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> @"Xillllix.3485" said:

> I would bet that their systems team is 1 programmer stuck on some other tasks.


> I mean you have supposedly programmers working on systems improvement and they have nothing to show for it in years? Not a very good business model.


Really not the point of this thread Xill. There are several threads where that would be welcome.


My 5, in no particular order. I also don't view these as 'game saving' by any means:


1- Avoid 'winning' meaning significantly more in the new alliances. It has a great potential to create one of the potentially true game changing imbalances if it is worth enough. Tweaking them, maybe letting tickets tick a little faster, something relatively small would be good.


2- Bring combos back: Yes you can combo things. But one of the big items on release was the effectiveness of combos. I would love to see them scale up from where they are. Not sure how much, but coordinating blasts/leaps/any finishers on a large scale should give more group healing and be to a level that encourages people to shift back to this focus. It won't make thinks perfect, but would strengthen coordination benefits.


3- improve general loot: give something worthwhile for repaeting diamond chests: like repeat the mystic coins, or add 1/2 th tickets, or add

Actual gold To the repeatable end chests. AND GIVE LESS BAGS IN BAGS...


4- I might be in the minority here (and Likely am) but don't start to balance WvW around 1v1 Encounters. I am afraid it will Effect too many areas of the game.


5- lastly: PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF PETE, do more skill Splits between modes. I think this has some potential to really bring some needed love to WvW without killing PvE or vice versa.

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My list:


1- Reward guild contribution in WvW and the future alliance. Please give guilds a special something to worth their time playing hours a day, 3 days a week, every weeks for years. They need to be lucrative enough to encourage (new) players to join these WvW specialized guilds and make winning a weekly match worthy to commit to the mode. A prestigious title, badge, or special colored portrait trim for the victors, monetary rewards or extra tickets over the weekly cap, special guild hall, etc.


2- Skill split from PvE/PvP and balance from a perspective of 20 vs 20 (or 15 vs 15). I don't ask for every class to become meta in the zerg scene; like if holo and mirage are super good at roaming, they shouldn't be essential in zerg, but I like to see if a certain skill spam becomes too effective at a large scale, its numbers should be re-adjusted. For example: reduce the affected numbers of Winds of the Enchantments, mesmer's portal and veil.


3- Discourage mono-blob k-training. Give a longer RI if taken by a smaller group, and shorter RI by a blob. Also lower the amount of supply required and cooldowns of the supply trap.


4- Make defending objectives meaningful and worthwhile. It's gonna be a stretch of imagination but for example, every two hours that a T3 objective lasts, a chest will spawn in the lord room for 10 minutes to give defenders a small material reward.


5- More WvW maps. I used to think Desert BL isn't bad until BG finally got it as our home BL: it's a horrible home borderland. The distances from spawn to garrison, home towers and home camp are too far away to respond and defend. It's supposed to be the home borderland for the weakest server (red) but the worst to their advantage. Both Green and Blue has super fast access and shortcut to inner Fire Keep and Air Keep, respectively, in comparison to Bay and Hill in the Alpine Borderland. Here's hoping for the future WvW maps with this consideration.

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1. Adjust balancing philosophy and class metas - Classes should not be able to deal massive damage while having high access to defense and mobility skills. Balance class roles, support is always important and shouldn't just be handed out to classes that already bring a lot to group play.

2. Balance skills - Get rid of one shot skills, tone down one shot combos. Tone down or give every class access to immunity skills to deal with one shots if it won't be removed and power creep won't be looked at.

3. Balance stealth - It's activation, it's duration, it's cooldowns, it's counterplays.

4. Balance armor sets - Certain armor sets are not even allowed in spvp for a reason, they should also have the same restrictions in wvw.

5. Balance the force.


This is my own top five list, not the community, it is copyrighted under the law of Idontreallycare.

I'm not going into deep explanations of these as I'm sure many would not agree with it, anet is not going to read it, or bother changing anything.

The activation of the systems team was just something to post in a slow news month, don't get over hyped or read too much into it.

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> @"Loosmaster.8263" said:

> Ha, apparently it was for a limited time, lol


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/52991/thank-you-players-and-systems-team#latest


The thread was open for 6 days.


No other thread in the forum chat section was open longer than 3 days.


For what it's purpose was, it was beyond any other they have done.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9804/idea-wvw-only-movement-skills


> Having access to movement based skills is one of the hallmarks of any decent roaming or small scale havoc build. The suggestion in the above thread creates pools of “Slot Skills” https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skill that are available to ALL professions. Excess https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#WXP_upgrades (world ability points) could be used as sinks to unlock these skills for inside of wvw only.


So basically the idea here is to create "build diversity" by giving every class access to the same pool of skills?


There are a LOT of bad ideas attached to your post, but this one stands out as an idea so bad that it serves as caution for developers actively listening to their player base.

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my top 5 things to be fixed in wvw:


* Officially decide if WvW is Casual or Competitive


After all the years of playing, I still don't know if ANet wants this game to be a competitive mode or a PvP version of Open World Tyria. It keeps flirting with both sides, and accomplishing neither. Some of the fundamental designs (servers, 24/7) seems to strongly point toward "casual", but other systems doesn't (Builds, action combat in general, organization, group comp etc).


* Balance (fun)


In any PvP mode, the two largest sources of "content" is Balance + Enemies. Power-creep, elite specs that blot out everything else for specific areas of the game, the sheer amount of damage possible to stack on top of each others, etc. I'll be blunt, I haven't liked the balance in the game since before the 2015 summer patch, and that removes most of my "fun" from playing WvW. Probably a complete re-do at this point.


Also take a look at all the things that kind of breaks in WvW, AoE's and cleaving for example, and the whole safe-in-number-5+ mechanic etc. There really needs to be some compelling reasons (both rewards and mechanical) to split people up and play groups of different sizes than 50+.


* Coverage (points)


Because honestly, as long as coverage wins matches, we might as well not have matches. EotM 2 hours and then reset would actually work better. So, if you want to keep the 24/7 match-up format, something needs to be done about coverage/point gain.


* Fair-weather (fun/motivation)


I guess some others might call this point "population", personally I find the largest problem isn't population, but the fact that the entire population of 2/3 servers logs out at reset, and doesn't bother playing for the rest of the week because "we're losing anyways".


If ANet could motivate these so called "Fair-Weathers" to stand by, fight the good fight, and even die a few times and come back, well it would probably be the single largest thing they could do to save the game mode. But heck if I know how they should accomplish something like that short of a miracle.


* Reward active-play/good-gameplay (motivation)


This is "probably" the best starting point to start changing the previous point. If you can give rewards for actively fighting (even if dying), and good rewards at that, so players are willing to even throw themselves into death, because they will get much better rewards for dying fighting than running away. Well, it might be a start. Anyways, would like to see a reward system that doesn't reward passive play.


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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/9804/idea-wvw-only-movement-skills

> >

> > Having access to movement based skills is one of the hallmarks of any decent roaming or small scale havoc build. The suggestion in the above thread creates pools of “Slot Skills” https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Skill that are available to ALL professions. Excess https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#WXP_upgrades (world ability points) could be used as sinks to unlock these skills for inside of wvw only.

> >

> So basically the idea here is to create "build diversity" by giving every class access to the same pool of skills?


> There are a LOT of bad ideas attached to your post, but this one stands out as an idea so bad that it serves as caution for developers actively listening to their player base.


I appreciate your feedback! So what are your top 5 good ideas?

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