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Feedback: 8/28/2018 build

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I don't own any toys or chairs so for me that excitement passed me by


Did you note that you can grab a free toy from the gem store? Presumably limited time only, so if it's something that interests you, might want to grab it.


Also, you can get a chair now from a fairly easy achievement.


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> @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > I don't own any toys or chairs so for me that excitement passed me by. I was interested in the class changes and I play guardian mostly. So I like the fact that signet of courage pulses more often now (every 3 seconds instead of 10) and I get that you lowered the health gain in accordance with that, but I have to say that all in all, I'm not sure whether I like it better or not. With the 10 seconds it was a useful heal but it didn't happen that often in a fight so it wasn't always that useful but in longer fights when I get hit after using my normal heal I could do a tactical retreat for some seconds and jump back into the fight. It was useful that way.

> >

> > Now it feels less useful to me because, well, we do take big hits in boss fights and in the above situation I still have to get away and come back except I heal in shorter increments but as after 9 seconds (3x3 heal pulses) it actually heals less than the pulse every 10 seconds I have to wait a bit longer to get back into it.

> >

> > I mean I'm not a pro-player here. I just do stories and open world basically and that's where I experience such things. I get that the heal also extends to nearby allies but to be honest, I prefer a better heal over time that works just for me. Since in the content I do people are generally running around dodging circles and the group heal is less effective anyway.

> >

> > For me the pulses in the current way of working should heal more for me to feel this is really an improvement. In the end, I still need to focus on doing damage and having some survivability at the same time. The thing is that we don't take damage slowly, there's a lot of spike damage and the way the signet works now in the passive mode, doesn't really work well for that. I think between how it works now and how it used to work I actually prefer it they way it used to work because at least the heal was significant enough to off set spike damage when it hit. And I effectively have to wait 12 seconds now instead of 10 to get at least the amount I used to get. It'd be great if we took less spike damage but let's be honest, this game mostly does spike damage when it comes to boss fights.

> >

> > Just my thoughts on the matter.

> >


> Well, I think you misunderstand the use of this skill. It is not for direct personal sustain, at least not the passive, especially not the skill on it's own.

> 1) It's an aoe regen, but not the boon, so it stacks with regen.

> 2) Guard has easy access to regen, aoe regen to be specific.

> 3) Guard can make virtue of resolve aoe via trait. Another regen effect, stacking with actual regen (the boon).

> I think you get where I am going. You can stack 3 passive regenerations without even interrupting your attacking. Sure, it may not be that much healing but it helps a lot to fight of small damage and even spike damage if you and your group members avoid getting hit. And guard has so many blocks, aegis, invuln etc... that is no problem at all. So, it actually does what you want it to do but only if you are not taking every hit you could take and that is never a thing you should do. And if the kitten goes down real hard you can use the active to heal 5 people to full in a 1200 radius. That's more than enough for any "oh kitten" situation I think. Works even better with quickness of course but you group should have that covered. It's a multiplayer game after all.

> And if you really want to view the skill in a vacuum: The active is the strongest aoe heal (and a massive in radius at that) in the game if used right. I think you can't get more from 1 skill slot.

> If this skill would be as strong as you want it to be... oh boy, bunker guard all over again.


Thanks that's helpful. I don't really like how the trait system is done here so I never really went into depth. All this stacking of this and that is just not a very exciting system to me. But this will help me in the right direction.


Still, I was not asking for healing to be ridiculous but let's say that the original version gave just over 1000 health every 10 seconds and now it's 290 every 3 seconds. That's roughly where it's at for me if I remember right. So with such numbers I would like it to do 350 health instead of the 290. I wasn't asking for 1000 every 3 seconds. I just feel they toned it down just a bit too much and so it seems that in about the same time span there is less healing done.


In any case, I don't expect ArenaNet to change something just cause I find it convenient, so I'll look into my character and see what I can do with your helpful comments.


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I know endless tonics are coming soon to the novelties tab, which is great. However, I believe the consumable tonics also need a tab of their own. It could be under novelties, or it's own tab, I don't care. But they take up too much space. Consumable tonics should work just like finishers. Where you can either have endless/permanent ones, or x many of it until it runs out. You right click on the tonic and it adds it to your tonics tab at a 1:1 ratio. This could also apply to other consumable such as the choir bell (the breakable one). The system is already there in the finishers, it just needs to be adapted for other consumable goods.


On a related note. Things like the birthday blaster, and other gizmo's should also have a section. While most of those things are per character there is no reason the majority (like the Nuhoch's Horn) can't be account based. If you have it, you clearly have done the story. Other gizmo's such as Levvi's Anomaly detector, the bloodstone sensor, and various other tools should also fall under this category. There is no reason we should have to swap these tools between characters all the time to use them when they could easily be equipped via a button like the novelties.

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> @"Tails.9372" said:

> > @"Aerinndis.2730" said:

> > I am looking forward to when the tonics get added!

> Normal tonics sure but combat tonics should be converted into outfits like they did with the town clothing.


That would make for some strange outfits as they would change looks depending on your armor and character. Yes, thinking of embiggening and miniature tonics.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> The novelty chest is great as was the free Black Lion Chest + Key.


> That said, despite it being free, I'm pretty disappointed that one of the rewards I got was crafting materials. I got this out of 2 chests actually (had 6 keys in my bank). I respect that BL chests need tiers of rewards but, to open a BL chest and get materials that are easily farmable (and I have 500/500 of each in storage) is pretty lame. While I'm not a fan of revive orbs or self style kits, at least those don't drop out of loot bags.


> This is honestly why you will never see me spend a single Gem, purchased either with gold or real money, on a BL key. If you want more players to buy them (which of course you do), you have to make the minimum possible rewards better than they are. And no, BL statuettes don't really count, given anything worth anything costs about 60 statuettes.


Yes, free stuff is free stuff but felt bad for people that were buying keys and got that. It seems to be a high drop because I got it with both my accounts.

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> @"notebene.3190" said:

> It's a great addition.


> Hopefully they add to it:

> 1. brawler toys/weapons

> 2. tonics


I am waiting for the tonics! At least 3 shared inventory slots will open up.


I thought it odd the witch's broom was not added since the flying carpet was in the novelty box.


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> Still, I was not asking for healing to be ridiculous but let's say that the original version gave just over 1000 health every 10 seconds and now it's 290 every 3 seconds. That's roughly where it's at for me if I remember right. So with such numbers I would like it to do 350 health instead of the 290. I wasn't asking for 1000 every 3 seconds. I just feel they toned it down just a bit too much and so it seems that in about the same time span there is less healing done.


> In any case, I don't expect ArenaNet to change something just cause I find it convenient, so I'll look into my character and see what I can do with your helpful comments.



Something to keep in mind is that 290 health per 3 seconds is only approximately 3 health per second less than 1000 health every 10 seconds. A difference of three health per second seems unlikely to have a noticeable impact on character survivability.

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> @"Menadena.7482" said:

> > @"Tails.9372" said:

> > > @"Aerinndis.2730" said:

> > > I am looking forward to when the tonics get added!

> > Normal tonics sure but combat tonics should be converted into outfits like they did with the town clothing.


> That would make for some strange outfits as they would change looks depending on your armor and character. Yes, thinking of embiggening and miniature tonics.

We already have outfits which change the base height of the character like the Raiment of the Lich and these tonics are basically just reskinned character models anyway. Some of the glider skins are also vastly different from the base one so thats nothing new either. Just auto deactivate the embiggening / miniature one for sPvP / WvW. /done


Them being turned into outfits would have multiple advantages like the ability to use mounts which is something people have asked for many times.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > Still, I was not asking for healing to be ridiculous but let's say that the original version gave just over 1000 health every 10 seconds and now it's 290 every 3 seconds. That's roughly where it's at for me if I remember right. So with such numbers I would like it to do 350 health instead of the 290. I wasn't asking for 1000 every 3 seconds. I just feel they toned it down just a bit too much and so it seems that in about the same time span there is less healing done.

> >

> > In any case, I don't expect ArenaNet to change something just cause I find it convenient, so I'll look into my character and see what I can do with your helpful comments.

> >


> Something to keep in mind is that 290 health per 3 seconds is only approximately 3 health per second less than 1000 health every 10 seconds. A difference of three health per second seems unlikely to have a noticeable impact on character survivability.



I know that and I detailed above that my issue with this change are more than just about the heals per second. You'll forgive me for not repeating myself here.


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HAPPY Anniversary Guild Wars 2!! And to at least 14 more!

First, I am extremely pleased with the directions Guild Wars 2 has taken since HoT! It's as if the game has taken a turn to being vastly more like our beloved Guild Wars (1) experience.

Secondly and of **MOST** importance is a very huge **THANK YOU** for all the tiny and sweeping changes made to make this game true top notch 10/10.


I do have a quest though I think it just needs some clarification. You mentioned "Toys

This category encompasses fun items that defy easy classification, like the Zephyr Sanctum Model, Bobblehead Laboratory, and Riding Broom. If you’re tired of being told to clean your room, sweep them all into your wardrobe." ~[ The Guild Wars 2 Team](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/novelties-its-about-fun/ " The Guild Wars 2 Team") does this mean it will only cover toys from the list of ["Toys"](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Toy ""Toys"") or will it also include "Toys" from the [Costume Brawl Toys?](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Costume_brawl_toy "Costume Brawl Toys?") Maybe the "Sixth" Novalties tab?


I can't what for the Sun's Refugee and some Tonic "Add to Wardrobe" buttons :D

Thanks again for a great update, happy anniversary and Enjoy!

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I love this addition, but would like to see more than just the endless tonics included - i have tons of the single use versions that I'd love to get out of my bank.... and I'll also ditto the many comments about adding the costume/brawl toy weapons. There aren't that many, so surely it wouldn't be a big deal to include them with the other novelties.

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In WvW, when you switch to party view in a squad the ranks of people do not line up for some players. The (FULL) ranks clip over the player names. Sure this can be fixed with simple party views - I just thought you might want to be aware of the fact that the names and ranks do not line up at all when this option is not checked in the settings box.

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