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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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People from arena net, i make this plea again :anguished:

Can you do something with Soulbeast Beatmode mode and Mount Attacking abilities?


I am doing alot of PvE stuff on Soulbeast with a build that rarely depends on disengaged bestmode ( i.e. permanent beastmode on )

Mount's offensive abilities makes Soulbeast to lose beastmode, and puts it in cooldown. If you can't add some form of Beasmode auto activation in options for PvE, consider to add trait or maybe brand new pve-only signet that will perma-lock beastmode in active state. It's really annoying to randomly reactivate it on dismount


P.s. not every offensive or regular dismount makes you lose Beastmode :anguished:

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@"Jason Wolford.7841" @"Joseph Clark II.3425" @"Cal Cohen.3527" @"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" @"Karl McLain.5604" @"Robert Gee.9246" Here are a few suggestions I have, one in regard to Balance Patch releases and PvP, the other regarding audio and marketing team. Not sure if I am tagging the right devs, but please pass it along to the appropriate ones! Thanks :) !


First- I have requested this quite a few times, and I'm not sure if has to do with the development process....but I'd like ArenaNet to sync Balance patches with the END of the PvP seasons. One of the most frustrating parts of PvP is to have the meta completely shift mid-season. This allows people who are much less talented to climb leaderboards playing classes that have become suddenly a bit overpowered due to the balance patch....for example CI mirage this past season. If balance patches for the entire game are synced with the END of a PvP season, this allows the entire off season for people to tweak with classes or for ArenaNet to make small fixes to classes that have become a bit too powerful.


Second- I have always appreciated the ambiance of Guildwars2, audio always brings a great dynamic to the game. Your trailers have been absolutely phenomenal lately and really hyping up the game and players! However, I think the trailer music would be improved by integrating a style similar to the Halo 2 Soundtrack. It combined hardcore rock that would pump up and energize any player with orchestral music. I would LOVE to see GuildWars2 combine something of a similar fashion in a trailer or even something like a world boss fight.


Thank you again for the consideration!

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A custom arena gametype where players can design, share, and use arenas with a fair few free decorations for use with 5 or 6 map pallets to choose from, but guild influence to allow guild decorations be used also, and even custom arena match type options like prop hunt or juggernaught or something which team/vitality/toughness percentages and constant/reoccurring boons/buffs. (This would promote guilds, guild development, and use of scribe as a crafting profession.)


Guild Auras to squads for more potent effects by guild development/guild members present (Probably at least 5 for maximum effect) within a squad. Guild specializations could become a means to keep other players up and afloat in mannerisms they otherwise weren't as fit for running through by a tiny margin and lessen the scenario pickiness of players by influencing a social leniency curve that makes guilds matter more in content also outside of WvW. I think it should have improved effect through upgrades and see something like a chosen Guild Aura effect that cannot be changed within 2 hours, so people don't rely on just 1 guild always to call shots. So to explain what I mean, you could have a squad here that has vitality +30, a squad there with Toughness +30, then a squad there less developed guild toughness +15, maybe a bigger squad with +20% magic find, and the aura would take effect by the rep'd guild of the commanding player. Maybe in guilds there could be a Commanding Guild Aura permission for player role, so someone newer doesn't try to host their own party without any proper experience or trust.


An alternative Guild Aura idea I've had. On more event important/meta maps for guilds to make territory claims which can make holding out portions easy/more beneficial and just the push portions the more difficult aspect.



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A nice gem store Quality of Life improvement would be having a lot more skins permanently available.

Especially glasses and similar cheap accessories. Having to wait up to a year to buy an item worth 150 gems is super annoying :I

That's an impulse buy "oh look, it might look good on my char, it's cheap so i'll just get it". But noooooooooo, it might be in the store in a few months. With a fat maybe on top >>




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Mount Adoption Licenses are a problem, but probably not the problem you think. Whenever they are in the store, *I ignore them* because it is too much of a bother to figure out whether I have skins from that mount skin set or not. I don't remember which set my mount skins came from, and I don't keep track of which set the mount skins I might want are from.

If a gemstore sale doesn't display which mount skins in that set I don't have, then Anet has no chance of making a sale.

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A minor QoL more tied to uniformity for all the maps within the world map:

Could the map corresponding to the white mantle hideout in Living Season 3 Episode "One Path Ends" be added on the world map? Since Farahnur is on the map, why not the previous ls story instances too?


Bonus: Dungeons could be added too, at least Arah once explored or Honor of the waves.

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Can we have a fix for the bug, atleast i think this is a bug, with Mistlock Sanctuary and World Map? If someone links a waypoint or POI to you while you reside in Mistlock Sanctuary, World Map bugs, doesn't move and doesn't want to show you World Map position for linked waypoint or POI. Won't be bad to have auto-adjust for World Map's height levels to match height levels of linked(and then clicked =) ) POI or Waypoint.

![](https://i.imgur.com/iDrYSzY.jpg "")

This is example of how it's behaving. I've tried to find Champion Rush vendor.


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With ascended food there also be deserts and cakes to pass out of the sort.

Some minor food suggestions that I want to see be added in general:

* Colorful ice cream (crafted with pigments crafted into clusters with the colors Red, Yellow, and Blue)

* Chocolate milk

* Strawberry milk

* Crispy rice snacks

* Mochi (powdered rice dough around ice cream balls)

* Green tea

* Tea in general

* Green tea ice cream

* Marshmallows

* Smores

* Marshmallow crackers (it's basically like half smores that you make in the oven with a tiny bit of butter on top with the oven on a broil and easy to serve to groups and uses crackers like the saltine or like those original Club crackers you get.)

* Pudding

* Jello


A shortbow skin made with cooking profession that's just a pie being pitched at your enemies. Save Tyria with pie!

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Two separate suggestions:


1) I noticed that the QoL thread was no longer stuck on the front page and was replaced with the Library thread. That is all fine and good, but now that thread is no longer stuck. There are a lot of people still out there who do not know that searching works with the new forums and it would help prevent multiple similar threads if at least the library thread was stuck again.


2) It would be awesome if we could get an exchange vendor for all of the Black Lion items that users get as monthly login rewards, or BLC drops but wouldn't actually need or want to use. Items like the BL Salvage kit, teleport to friend, merchant express, trading post express, bank access express, revive orb, upgrade extractor, total makeover kit, self-style hair kit, instant repair canister, etc... If we could get a black lion statuette it gives a lot of options that would be useful for a lot if not most users. If nothing else, you can get a coin to exchange for 1 gold.

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I changed the colors of a outfit i bought in the Gem Store. To my horror, all other outfits has automatically changed according to the dye channels in the last outfit i dyed.


I would like to have this option independently for every outfit you can buy. Just the same as with the mounts. You can give every ride his own colors. So why not the outfits?

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This is one of the main things which puts me off buying more outfits. I use them as a quick switch from armour when I'm in towns or places where my armour looks out of place. If I have to change the dyes each time it ruins the convenience of switching and makes me less likely to use them, but trying to find one dye scheme which works across multiple outfits is difficult and gets harder with each new one, so I'm reluctant to buy many.


I'm not sure if it's possible to change or why it's set up the way it is, but if it could be changed I'd be very happy and much more likely to buy more outfits.

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> @"jpsholland.2786" said:

> I changed the colors of a outfit i bought in the Gem Store. To my horror, all other outfits has automatically changed according to the dye channels in the last outfit i dyed.


> I would like to have this option independently for every outfit you can buy. Just the same as with the mounts. You can give every ride his own colors. So why not the outfits?


Actually, though, every skin (Mountfit) for each different Mount shares the dye choices.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"jpsholland.2786" said:

> > I changed the colors of a outfit i bought in the Gem Store. To my horror, all other outfits has automatically changed according to the dye channels in the last outfit i dyed.

> >

> > I would like to have this option independently for every outfit you can buy. Just the same as with the mounts. You can give every ride his own colors. So why not the outfits?


> Actually, though, every skin (Mountfit) for each different Mount shares the dye choices.


Are you sure?

I have 4 mounts so far. The raptor, the springer, the skimmer and the jackal. Except for the jackal, al the others have a different skin. Al my mounts have a different color.

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> @"jpsholland.2786" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"jpsholland.2786" said:

> > > I changed the colors of a outfit i bought in the Gem Store. To my horror, all other outfits has automatically changed according to the dye channels in the last outfit i dyed.

> > >

> > > I would like to have this option independently for every outfit you can buy. Just the same as with the mounts. You can give every ride his own colors. So why not the outfits?

> >

> > Actually, though, every skin (Mountfit) for each different Mount shares the dye choices.


> Are you sure?

> I have 4 mounts so far. The raptor, the springer, the skimmer and the jackal. Except for the jackal, al the others have a different skin. Al my mounts have a different color.


It might help you understand if you separated the mounts in your mind. They aren't "mounts" as a single cohesive unit. They are the springer, raptor, griffon, skimmer, skyscale, and sand jackal. The same way your individual armour pieces are separated when it comes to dyes, (dyeing your chest piece doesn't change the colour of your boots) so are the mounts. But if the skins for the raptor will always use the same dyes you applied to raptor even if you change the skin, like how outfits are.

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"jpsholland.2786" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > @"jpsholland.2786" said:

> > > > I changed the colors of a outfit i bought in the Gem Store. To my horror, all other outfits has automatically changed according to the dye channels in the last outfit i dyed.

> > > >

> > > > I would like to have this option independently for every outfit you can buy. Just the same as with the mounts. You can give every ride his own colors. So why not the outfits?

> > >

> > > Actually, though, every skin (Mountfit) for each different Mount shares the dye choices.

> >

> > Are you sure?

> > I have 4 mounts so far. The raptor, the springer, the skimmer and the jackal. Except for the jackal, al the others have a different skin. Al my mounts have a different color.


> It might help you understand if you separated the mounts in your mind. They aren't "mounts" as a single cohesive unit. They are the springer, raptor, griffon, skimmer, skyscale, and sand jackal. The same way your individual armour pieces are separated when it comes to dyes, (dyeing your chest piece doesn't change the colour of your boots) so are the mounts. But if the skins for the raptor will always use the same dyes you applied to raptor even if you change the skin, like how outfits are.


Ok. I did not experienced that yet, as my raptor, skimmer and springer each only have one skin.

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