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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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I don't know if you noticed, Anet, but Taimi's outfit on a norn has a serious flaw. (Yes, somebody was bound to try an asura's outfit on a norn.)


The outfit has a massive left shoulder-pad, which looks awesome. It really does ..........until you go into combat mode and your toon looks left... straight through the shoulder pad. It's blocking the toon's view.


I tell myself that the bits of the shoulder pad that look like translucent perspex are some kind of viewing slits and that's how he sees through there... but we both know that's a lie. If you look at the shoulder pad from behind it's all black. He ain't seeing nothing. I haven't tried the outfit on other classes to see if they're exhibiting the same problem.


I don't know what I'm suggesting here. It's too late the change the outfit I guess, and put the shoulder-pad on the other shoulder.


Maybe my suggestion is... when creating an outfit, try combat mode in each class and make sure it doesn't look ridiculous. /shrug

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It would be nice if the TP Delivery NPC was updated so that any player could interact with it, regardless of server. Or, if the technology won't allow an upgrade, to get a new version that worked for everyone. Then the old version could be phased out or exchanged to a merchant like other outdated items.


Actually, I think the BL Merchant suffers from the same limitation.

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**A jumping puzzle hub (or a teleport to puzzle item).**


A convenience item that would take you to the entrance of any jumping puzzle by letting you select it from a list. You could go to the clocktower, winter wonderland, or any of the open world (and WvW!) JPs . This item would function year-round and the puzzles would have their normal rewards (or none for the seasonals if that bugs you) and daily loot limits. Should be sold in the gemstore.


A [comparable item](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Boss_Portal_Device "comparable item") with similar loot capability is already sold in the store for 400 gems, but 500-700 would also be fair for something like this, since it'd let you practice seasonal puzzles whenever you wanted.

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- Springer Mount left behind!

Ok so I am playing quite a lot and therefore I notice everyday small things that in my opinion could be better, and that's why i am posting often.

This isn't really an improvement in terms of making the game more fluid or enjoiable but still is important and it regards mounts. I feel that after the release of the skyscale the poor springer mount has been left quite behind compared to the other mounts and it's a shame because the initial idea was nice. And ok that you don't start right away with the skyscale, but once you have it you'll most likely go for it instead of using the bunny if you have to climb a wall. Also people purchased skins aswell, and im not saying that one can't use it anymore, but most of the people I know and I see naturally play the skyscale instead of the bunny to reach high places because it's more convenient. Now I've got an aside: I am not a fan of the mounts in GW2 at all to be honest, altho they are cool and whatever, but I personally would have preferred that they never implemented them; but this is not the place to talk about it. What is done is done and anyway the way they implemented it , letting us play with different mounts, having different skills is a good idea and works. But now what about the springer? So I suggest to boost it a bit, giving it a small deserved upgrade. Because all the other mounts still have a sort of meaning i think.. The raptor is the fastest, the jackal can substitute the raptor on irregular terrains and has portals mechanics, the skimmer is still fun and pretty fast on the water, and the beetle is great to cover long distances quickly, plus it's super fun, and the griffon is the fast way to move in the air. But the springer now doesn't compete with skyscale in terms of climbing. it's only usefull for the CC. So i don't know exactly how, but perhaps give him some quick long leaps? like a leper? Not necessarily making it more usefull but at least more fun. I hope you'll work on it.


Here instead I have another suggestion still about mounts, regarding the skyscale. So it's a nice mount but it's still very limited and i can understand that. But sometimes it's just super clumsy and can get a bit annoying when it gets stuck to the walls. Which is wanted and ok, but can't you make the skyscale automatically finishing climbing a wall when it's super close to the edge? For example, you are super close to the edge of a wall while climbing, perhaps you are out of endurance , not even having the leap skill, and you are just stuck there, 1 millimiter away from reaching border, with your skyscale hugging the wall not being able to move.. I mean, it's still a drake sort of and it's quite ridiculous in my opinion xD I don't mean covering big distances but when it's reasonably close to reaching a border it should automatically climb to make it much more fluid.


Hope we'll see this changes in the future.

Cheers =)



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I dont know if it has been suggested but it would be great if we could differentiate guildies and subgroups from squads with different colors on name.


Most of the time, we have a flood of people into meta events and WvW and it is easy to lose your guildies or your subsquad into the full squad.


It would be great if we could see the sub group as green and guildies as orange even when we are in the same squad.

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> @"Mamma il Dio.2074" said:

> - Springer Mount left behind!



You're right - the springer is somewhat obsoleted by the skyscale, but making it leap distances isn't the solution. That's the raptor's thing. I don't know what could be done for the springer. Poor bunny.


> Skyscale should climb ledges.... snip


This is a fantastic suggestion! I've had the same experience many times. It'd be awesome if it could scale that ledge.

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1.) Revamp LFG to allow people to pin Open World groups under the Achievements tab, and vice versa! LFG is ridiculously under-utilized by the community, largely because there's too much going on (with Open World alone). Let's make it easier for people to play GW2 open world with each other.


2.) Release a new batch of 5 to 10 Central Tyria mastery points that are not locked behind five or ten person content! Seriously. I have 233 mastery points under my belt, but still haven't been able to make it to 49 in Central Tyria. Many of us play consistently, but don't have the time to gear up "properly" for Fractals and Raids. I'd like a few more opportunities to wrap the CT masteries up.

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Daily Completionist needs a tweak, it's very frustrating for new players.


First, it rolls to a higher level too soon - my level 52 character got event completer in a 50-60 zone, it should stay with lower level until the character is solidly above the highest level of the zone. It's very frustrating to keep getting killed, and miss event completion because you were dead when it happened.


Second, there should be some way to see upcoming events with a distance and time to start indicator - it's frustrating to learn about an event after it starts, teleport near by, and run the rest of the way only to have it end just before you get there - over and over again!


Third, allow lower level characters to access the lower level "which zone to complete options" for daily event completer. Now it just gives you one option, the one set for your highest character, but if I want to finish on a lower level character, the level appropriate zone shouldn't be locked out just because I have a higher level character. Don't give credit for both on the same day, obviously, but allow either.


Overall the mechanism is good, it does encourage play, but it really needs some adjustment for new/lower level characters.


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Adding this here, from the original post, since someone mentioned this being the master QoL post.


Going through and working on old achievements and getting tired of spending 5-10 minutes going through stuff I already know to try and murder a plant dragon minion.




To whom it may concern on the development team:


Any chance we can get fast bypass added for fluff in the older living world story episodes that have achievements? I'm specifically working on "One Path Ends" and the "World Summit" episode involves spending about 10-15 minutes to get to the point where the achievements can actually happen. I know this exists with some of the newer stuff, but it would be nice if you all combed through some of the older material and gave it the same treatment.


Thanks for your consideration.


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In no particular order


- Separate volume slider in the audio settings for story cinematic scenes.


- Option to automatically disable miniatures during story instances and cinematics.


- Option to turn off the auto completion of puzzles after x amount of failures during story instances.


- Separate minis for land and underwater.


- Where applicable,include the name of the attribute combination in the item tooltips.


- Option to disable dismount warnings. Visible borders in the map/mini map for areas where mounts are not allowed(like in WvWvW). Include height when defining no mount areas in the world.


- Disable item tooltips while in dyes mode.


- Advanced player markers and notes function for the world map.


- Option to disable the audible notification upon entering a unfinished heart area.


- More than one situational ability button / Or include the arrow menu selector on top of the button to enable the player to override the automatic skill selection.


- Option to reset all buffs (except food/boosters/utilities) and skill cooldowns in the training areas.


- Direct bindable key shortcuts for all the Hero Panel sub windows.


- Bindable key toggles for interactable objects and name plates.


- Reduce the brightness intensity of the UI flashing for unselected traits and skills.


- Include previews for all the available skills in game. Reorganise the skills preview window accordingly. If necessary separate the weapon

skills unlock/previews from the builds window since weapon skills are not selectable via that UI.


- Make all active mount abilities visible in the mount action bar.


- Option for slim XP bar with dimmer brightness.


- Option for a smaller font for the scrolling combat text independent of the general UI size settings.


- Change the skill count recharge from white to bright yellow.


- Icon over collectable Ranger pets for players that prefer to play with nameplates off.


- Normalise the completion time requirements across all heart quests. Neither too fast nor too slow as is the case with many of those atm.


- Reduce aggro range for enemies in post S3 maps.


- Reduce the abundance and the attack range of anti mount projectile attacks in post S3 maps.







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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > @"Mamma il Dio.2074" said:

> > - Springer Mount left behind!

> >snip


> You're right - the springer is somewhat obsoleted by the skyscale, but making it leap distances isn't the solution. That's the raptor's thing. I don't know what could be done for the springer. Poor bunny.


> > Skyscale should climb ledges.... snip


> This is a fantastic suggestion! I've had the same experience many times. It'd be awesome if it could scale that ledge.


Let's hope man! For both mounts, but the skyscale thing is really necessary in my opinion, i always get stuck somewhere, even on super tiny steps.. really xD

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So ive been thinking a lot lately about some QoL updates that would be nice if anet decided to do.

**First** is player housing, I know its not gona happen but maybe if it gets mentioned enough anet will give us proper player housing like most mmos have.

**Second** As enjoyable as fractals are it would be nice if anet revisited dungeons and maybe fixed them so they are actually worth doing these days bring back some of the old daily rewards for them, maybe add a new path once in a while would be nice again most likely not happen as anet has no team for this but again if it gets mentioned enough who knows may very well happen one day.

**Third** being in a guild isn't as cool as it was when the game first came out and we had all these guild missions to do , im sure lots of players would be very grateful and encouraged to start doing GMs again if new ones were added and if we had some specific for each xpac. I personally would love to be running in a guild again doing GMs in Verdant brink or even domain of vabbi and I think others would as well.

**Fourth** while still on the guild topic I think some new guild hall upgrade buildings for new things would be kinda cool maybe get some cool things like a raid training building or fractal AR training area for practising your rotations and what not for the two. Maybe a Dungeon vendor inside the guild hall as a market place upgrade or even a laurel vendor just something to freshen up guild halls a bit add some new guild halls I mean it would be kinda cool if we got a fallen norn city or fort as a guild hall as we are headed into the far shiverpeaks with living world now. Maybe give us Gunner's Hold to fix up and use as a base of operations for our guilds?

**Fifth** The roller beetle races we got last December in Tyria were very fun and cool it would be nice to see some more race tracks added to other maps in game maybe one in Orr or possibly Auric basin?? Either way would be nice to see more races and some more race events happen.

So these are my 5 immediate things I think would be cool to see added to gw2 alota the stuff I have said yes most likely isn't gona happen but I thought id put it out there for all to see including anet. Cheers guys :) :)

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Player housing is not a QoL upgrade

Dungeons have already been pushed aside for Fractals

There hasn't been a team to focus on guilds and guild-related content for some time

While some might enjoy the beetle races, I believe most would prefer actual content instead.



Still, one can dream about these things. Hope springs eternal, or so it's said.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"Eme.2018" said:

> > > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > > All the more reason to minimize instances of it that we can.

> >

> > Not necessarily, this ambient type of game-play is a big part of the overall RPG experience. But lets get to the point.

> >

> It's a part I can do without. Some others too, witness this topic. Making it a gem store purchase would let all of us tailor the game to our preferences. Besides, a colorful implementation could add to the RPG experience. An NPC in the instance who works for us might actually make us feel like a "commander", which would be nice after hearing ourselves be called "commander" hundreds of times without any real merit to the title at all.


Anet pls add Underworld open map somewhere so we can travel there and do stuff, also add new weapons (new options), maybe Greataxe, or Spear (on land), maybe some sort of a Cannon, Chain Scythe, maybe dual shield spec, etc we have most of those as skins but it would be nice to have them as actual weapons, its been long time and we just have same old stuff

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