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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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The Number 1 thing I would like to see is skins for Necromancer Minions. I personally don't play necromancer all that much but I have at least 1 of each character and every time I do end up using my necro i just cringe at the minions. I would easily spend gems on the ability to reskin them to different undead or something else entirely. I would also enjoy seeing alternate skins other players choose for them in groups. Some examples you could have are a golem necro minions (for asura roll players) because why couldn't you make a corpse into a golem? Or you could have Ghosts of some type as you are just simply calling them from the realm of undeath with all sorts of different skins. Or even just go the route of dinosaurs, different tamed animals (like ranger pets already found on maps), Snowmen (wintersday theme), Icemonsters, firemonsters... you name it and the best part is the skins already exist so just conform them to minion size etc and let people open their wallets. Just saying the possibilities are endless even if you are trying to keep to the lore. (Which honestly isn't an issue I mean most mounts and other things are supernova sparkles, not exactly realistic for the genre)


I would also like to see an Endless Metabolic Primer/Utility Primer. Even if food needed to be renewed every 12 hours I'm fine with that, it would just (at least for me) make me feel its worth making ascended food etc because at this point 1 gold for an hour of "good" food just isn't worth it for casual play unless you are doing a raid or guild event.


Finally I would love to see **Account Bound** ways to get infusion skins such the Chak infusion/Festival etc. I don't care if the final cost is 5,000 Gold+ or even upwards of 10,000 Gold if you must, I just want some way to work towards them. If I want a Chak skin right now I can't even buy one on the trading post, I need to go to a third party site find someone to pay more then 10,000 Gold and hope the trade works out for even a CHANCE at getting one. I'm totally fine with things being expensive but at least giving us a way to work towards having it if we like the effect would be awesome.

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A really simple fix that would really improve the leveling experience: increase the respawn timer.


It's really frustrating fighting a group of mobs, when by the time the next one dies, the previous one already respawns. I have this problem all the time while leveling a character. Trying to get the HP in the labyrinth in the cursed shore or getting the one piece for the collection on the lowest floor in the dwarven ruins in the desert highlands that is surrounded by 3 vet jins is just frustrating. It should be possible to clear out an area and have a few minutes of peace before they respawn to do what you went there for, without an optimized endgame DPS build with 500 trillion DPS. The way it is currently it causes nothing but frustration. The timer should be increased by at least a factor of 5, or there should be a dynamic timer that depends on the number of people in the immediate surrounding.


And these 2 places are by far not the only places where it causes problems, it is something that is a constant annoyance throughout the leveling process and even in certain situations at max level. How did a thing like that even get past QC in the first place?

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Are you sure everything is supposed to be done solo anyways? Just get another dude to take aggro while you poke the mastery points in peace :D?


Consumable bundle stealth kits work too if finding another person is too difficult in an MMO :3


I have to also point out that I've never bumped into your problem and I've been wearing healing gear for years and have had no problems dispatching mobs quickly and long enough to grab any point I ever needed.


Also, I see my buddies who wear dps gear and they pretty much just remove the veterans from existence, it seems like such ezmode that it must be boring if you don't get satisfaction from seeing big numbers splash on your screen.

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> @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

> Are you sure everything is supposed to be done solo anyways? Just get another dude to take aggro while you poke the mastery points in peace :D?


> Consumable bundle stealth kits work too if finding another person is too difficult in an MMO :3


> I have to also point out that I've never bumped into your problem and I've been wearing healing gear for years and have had no problems dispatching mobs quickly and long enough to grab any point I ever needed.


> Also, I see my buddies who wear dps gear and they pretty much just remove the veterans from existence, it seems like such ezmode that it must be boring if you don't get satisfaction from seeing big numbers splash on your screen.


I was on a thief at lvl79 (so no elite specs) trying to do the HP in Winterknell Isle in the Cursed Shore, with random fine-rare lvl30-70 gear and a few exotics with garbage stats that I got as lvlup rewards, and it was impossible. On first attempt I removed all the mobs before activating the HP boss, and by the time I brought the boss down to about 70%, first the non-vet mob, then the plant catapult thingy, then the vet mob respawned in short succession (I did try to make sure that they died quickly one after the other anticipating exactly this problem), so now I had to deal with a boss + 3 mobs in a tight space. On all following attempts whenever I attacked the plant thingy, somehow the whole labyrinth got pulled, so there was no chance and I just waited around until someone else came to do the same HP. I don't see how a stealth kit would have helped there, because there is no way to kill a boss when I'm not actually damaging it.


I also had the same issue with the HP in I think it was Dredgehaunt Cliffs, the one near a dungeon entrance with a bunch of veteran mobs near it. And I wasn't even alone there (though we were both like 5-6 levels below the mobs in that place).


And I can accept the argument for having a multiplayer boss, but then the difficulty should be part of the boss design, and the additional unrelated trash around it should not interfere with the fight if I (or my group) put in the effort to clear out the area beforehand. The respawn timer denies a legitimate tactic, and only leaves the AoE "removal from existence" as you put it as the only option. The same is true for a lot of HPs in HoT areas too, most notably Tangled Depths.


As for stealth kits, I didn't know such a thing existed, but yeah, it would have helped getting the collection in the dwarven ruins (was there with a ranger, so stealth wasn't really an option), but it should still be possible to do it by just killing stuff, if I'm capable of killing it at all. In that place I just felt like I was being trolled, because going there resulted in 3 vet jins being pulled, and by the time I was down to the last one, the first one already respawned, and they kept respawning in a loop before I could kill off all of them.


But all these examples are just the extremes, where progress was flat out blocked by this ultra short respawn timer. There are much more cases when it's just annoying. I clear out an area, get a gear drop from something, open bags to compare it to what I already have equipped, and before I even find the item, I already get attacked by a mob that just respawned. This is really the biggest problem when leveling, nothing else annoyed me nearly as much.

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So wait, do you only have this problem when wearing subpar equipment or being underleveled for the content?

Because I seriously can't remember a single time when I would have had such troubles when doing content that I was appropriately geared and leveled for, if not trying to do group content solo.


There's a lot more consumable bundles that make soloing open world stuff very easy, like termite shovels and dredge rifles for example.


I'm here on the opposite end hoping for FASTER respawns tbh, I'm running out of mobs while aoe farming.. :D

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> @"Tiilimon.6094" said:

> So wait, do you only have this problem when wearing subpar equipment or being underleveled for the content?

> Because I seriously can't remember a single time when I would have had such troubles when doing content that I was appropriately geared and leveled for, if not trying to do group content solo.


> There's a lot more consumable bundles that make soloing open world stuff very easy, like termite shovels and dredge rifles for example.


> I'm here on the opposite end hoping for FASTER respawns tbh, I'm running out of mobs while aoe farming.. :D


What gear am I supposed to wear while leveling, and how is being lvl79 in a base game 80 zone "underleveled"? And Dredgehaunt Cliffs is a 40-50 zone, so my understanding is, it should be appropriate for mid 40 levels, and be a bit of a challenge at low 40s. And because we were 2 people, we wanted a bit of a challenge, but the respawn timer isn't a challenge, it's just an "FU". A defensive playstyle with low dps should be just as valid of an option for solo content, but with that respawn timer it's not. We were also doing dungeons as a duo as the story modes unlocked, and while individual pulls were tougher than overland, we did have the option to kite and take our time taking out the bosses and the elite mobs a few at a time. That is not possible overland with such a short respawn timer. A pity, because the dungeons were great fun that way.


And in regards to the dwarven ruins, I was in an all exotic soldier set (the gear I got from using the lvl80 boost). It may not have been perfect, but I don't think that counts as "subpar" for what I was doing.


And yeah, I rarely have this problem on my engineer any more now that he's in proper exotic/ascended berserker gear and I spent a few hours in the training area beating up the golem to practice the rotation, which is why I talked about being able to do these things not on an optimized end game DPS build, because people don't just spawn at lvl80 with ascended gear and all the knowledge of how to play the class.


And when you talk about AoE farming - what are you even farming? Random mobs in an overland area? Aren't there diminishing returns for doing that? Or is it rather event mobs? Because I never had a problem with event mobs, they are usually spawned at an appropriate rate, and are appropriately strong (sometimes even a bit too weak) for what the event is advertised as.

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I have a simple request that I'm thinking should be easy to add. Simply, I want an option to mute all unique weapon sounds. Currently, there's an option to mute for projectiles only or just simply mute all unique item sounds. There's some weapons I really like but the sound effects associated with them can annoy me at times and the only way I can do away with the sound effects they make is to mute all item sound effects, which includes gathering tools and gliders, which I actually still want to hear. So please add a "Mute Weapons Only" option that mutes all sound effects from weapons, including their projectiles.

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Is this thread even being reviewed anymore by Anet?

Anyway, we should be able to donate to our guild hall multiple tactics and improvements from the WvW skirmish chests at a time. Currently you can only donate one at a time by double clicking and you cannot spam click it to donate or you will get red text saying "Upgrade has been used recently. You must wait to activate it again." If I donate a Dragon Banner to the my guild, it will say in the history, "'name' deposited Dragon Banner Tacticx1 into Dragon Banner." Why does it state I've donated x1 if you cannot donate anymore than one at a time? We should be able to donate a stack and that way the guild history isn't filled with someone like me who only opens their skirmish chests when they have 250. This way you don't have someone donating 20 Dragon Banners and having a separate donation log for each occurrence. Instead it would say "'name' deposited Dragon Banner Tacticx20 into Dragon Banner." We need a consume all button for many more options in this game, not only for each of the tactics and improvements but also for things like raid decor that can be donated to the guild hall.

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So Dragon Ball can be fun, but it's broken easy for a team to stay ahead because if they outnumber you and have your team all killed recently, they can out hog all the power ups, out range you from anywhere on the map, and start murdering you as soon as you poke your head from your spawn before you can even get in range to attack or reach anything, so I'd like a spawn stealth power up to not be equivalently spawn killed and get a fair chance leeway. would allow more moving into place and breaking up enemy ranks and catching back up in the fight.


I think would also be neat to be able to peak at equipped gear or inventory of your characters in the character select, to save character swap time when you're trying to find a specific item on one of say 20. Would keep people from juggling map instances on some too many characters and loading screens just to find out which one just had a birthday level scroll or something for another.

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For maps that have chests that require keys, it would be nice if that was shown in the inventory window (which currently will show amount of map currency). In that way, I can more easily see how many keys, if I need to buy more, etc. Going into the wallet and finding the right key for the map can be a bit of a pain.


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- Add information tab 'Amount In bag' for items ( Current system has information about how many items we have 'in bank' and 'in material storage.' But most important one 'in bag' is missing. When you gather resources they go in bag, not in bank or material storage. To know how many of, for example, Elder Wood you gathered, you need to open backpack. If 'in bag' info will be present on items, we can simply hower over gathered item in loot scroll UI to know how many have been gathrered )

- Option to override Helm Skin on Outfits ( Ability to make Outfit's helm to be invisible exist, that means Outfit helm can be overwritten with skin of current Helm equipped in gear template. Leave everything with outfits as it is, but allow us to atleast use Helms from Wardrobe. Most of the Outfit helms are not pleasant to wear. )

- Non-interactable(Non-clickable) User Interface elements ( It was very good addition to remove certain User Interface element in\out of combat. But most of the time, removing them completely also removes certain information provided by those UI Elements. Bigger problem here is accidental click on those UI Elements, option to make ceratin UI Element to be Non-interactable(Non-clickable) in\out of combat will be better than fully removing it. )

- Add Gathering Tools into Equipement templates ( Infinite Gathering Tools act like any legendary gear or weapon, we can freely remove or change Glyphs. Legendary items are able to hold different runes or sigils in two different Equipement templates, without returning sigil\rune to inventory on template switch. Allow Infinite Gathering Tools to have same functionality. Simple example: I have character with PvE and WvW build. For PvE i have 'additional maths' glyphs. They do not work that well in WvW, so i have Industry Glyphs for WvW. But only way to switch them - manual. Infinite Gathering Tools in Equipement templates can allow us to hold different set of Glyphs, same way as Legendary items do, and remove necessity of manually changing Glyphs )

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I would like to suggest a Infusion preview NPC if it would be possible to have one. Things like winters gift and the nightfury are preview able from the wardrobe, but none of the others can be previewed. It would be nice to see what the effect is going to do to my armor and if the colors will clash with the choices. I don't believe you have in game codes that allow you to see what a cosmetic infusion does in the preview screen. This could also show to other and newer players what to look for if they decided to hunt or purchase said cosmetic items.

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In PvP, there are a lot of un-sportsman like players who shout terrible things (and sometimes hate speech) at their team, harrass players after the games, behave badly, ragequitters, and so on. In fact, people ragequitting during game / going afk is so bad right now that at least one of my friends have been going thru many, many matches with people afk in a row. The bad behavior of toxic players (whose only exposure to sportsmanship is competitive games without proper discipline system- normally teaching good sportsmanship is up to the coaches in the team sport and the game system, in this case it is up to the games itself.). The matches are only 15 minutes. Many, many players I know outright refuse to play pvp because of the awful attitudes or have gotten burned by them. I suggest that Anet implement a similar discipline system as to League of Legends, which previously had horrible toxic players with similar behavior but now when I play, players learn to keep rage out of the game and not be horrible to teammates, and also players do not ragequit. It's fun now, I can recommend it to non-moba players who are not used to rage. (AKA their system *actually* worked much to my surprise- given that I was familiar with the terrible behavior of toxic players there.) From what I know, League of Legends' current system is that if a person does something Riot has outlined as no good- such as hate speech, being generally toxic, ragequitting repeatedly (here I think something that doesn't based on d/c but based on player reports with chat logs would be more helpful. A lot of players tend to have wonky connections, and I do not think it is fair to necessarily report them for it, especially when they come right back in and play. But the ragequitters and intentional afkers- most of them explicitly say in team chat or map chat they are ragequitting. Or say something like 'I'm going afk now LOL' at the start of the match, or something equally obvious reviewing the chat logs. ) - the player gets banned temporarily for the first offense. Then they get banned longer. So the first offense, would be banned for a short time, like (in this case) the length of a match or something. The second offense would be for maybe a few hours, then as it repeats day, then 3 days, then extending to a week or even a month+months and then permaban from the pvp mode if they don't wise up. (I'm not extremely clear on the details but this is from what I gathered from players complaining about being banned for repeated bad behavior and so on). This is a game with paying customers, so perhaps you will want to adjust the bans accordingly, but most of the people who are nasty seem to be the same people over again, and with actually enforced penalties, it should get rid of most match manipulation and so on. If you do implement a similar system, I would be extremely transparent about guidelines, rollout, and what people are banned for. I do know that they have people looking over the chat logs, I do not know if it is still real players volunteering like the way it was before. This type of system would be very effective. Preferably there would be a way to get the word out that there are penalties for people behaving badly and that (when the behavior of pvpers improve), the behavior has improved.


Again, I do not think this would be good to use against players who have honestly d/ced (which used to happen with Riot's old system), or even players who have to go for real life reasons. It's pretty obvious to tell who has ragequit-- they tend to sound angry in teamchat or say something to that effect (sometimes even at the start) and then there is chat evidence of people getting frustrated that they are gone for the whole game. And I would suggest that the bans would be for the PvP game mode *only* not the entire game. The PvP rewards *is* effective in getting a lot more players to enjoy and play PvP, but I know that toxic players' less than stellar-attitude is why a lot of the playerbase avoids touching it with a 10-foot pole. Heck, the constant ragequitting are affecting even the pvpers who dont mind braving the toxic sea to enjoy it. You've created a very fun minigame MOBA within an MMORPG here. :).


I would also prefer it if you guys brought back the pvp build default template , which really helped me when just starting pvp to simply deep dive right in rather than getting stomped and killed all the time because not enough stunbreak/condicleanse etc, and isolated the pvp build template from the rest of Tyria the way it was before (so that there isn't confusion for newbies). In a nutshell: the same setup as PvP was before. In the case you do implement this system, the experience of being destroyed because of a build of not knowing what one is doing and then getting the build screwed up from PvE would make the benefits of implementing this 'actual penalties for behaving poorly' system vanish, because a newbie going straight in with no experience in PvP whatsoever would find their first experience having no clue what they're doing and getting stomped really unfun regardless. Ideally, I think that if you bring back the pvp default build, segregate it again from PvE (which is a great design decision) and people aren't toxic or quitting all the time anymore, a lot more people would be into playing the game mode. (the good rewards are a great carrot, but not usually to the point that people want to brave verbal abuse and frustration from their team intentionally quitting at the beginning and laughing at their teammates in chat for no good reason at all.)




- please bring back default pvp builds for newbs and people who just want to dive in and fight, not tinker so that new people don't get stomped repeatedly as their first experience, people have somewhere to start when they make a build, or people outright give up on pvp every time there is a balance update [as of now, without the segregation + default build, even if the player base improved it still would be unpopular].

- please unsync pvp from pve so we can't mess up pvp builds by accident and it is simpler and more accessible to newbies like before (and clearer to the rest of us)

- implement system as suggested with real enforced penalties for explicit ragequitting/quitting at the start to anger people, toxic bad behavior, and so on. It *has* been effective in other games to actually stop this type of bad behavior.

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Dear devs, I'm so fed up. I can't finish the achievements "Dark Tools for Dark Times" to reassemble the unique fabulous staff of Palawa Ignicious Joko. I miss "Palawa Joko's Staff Ornament" that require me to kill the legendary wyverns of Jahai Bluffs. Indeed, while I'm typing, we are currently Jahai Bluffs Dailies day. BUT there is nobody on LFG, nobody in map, no commanders or mentor in map. I just have enough. I tried everything. It's infuriating. I even managed to gather 10 peoples to do it, it's just a joke seriously, who thought it would be better to have not 1 but 2 legendaries to kill in a so little amount of time? crazy and aberrant.


I ask you to change the achievement to make that item drops on a elite/veteran enemy of the map, or to add it available at a vendor for 10g I don't care! It has been now 2 months I'm trying to kill that annoying wyvern and there is simply nobody to help! Last time I asked we were 3, 3 for legendary!!! We were all killed. EU serv, Jade Sea. This is a critical issue of the game! Stop doing that; stop adding to collection objectives like killing a bounty or whatever requiring mass players. It works at release, but 4 episodes after it's already empty.

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What about an item to **combine tomes from season 3, 4 and Icebrood Saga** and all their teleportation scrolls.

For example name is simply

**"(Combined) Season Portal Tomes ".**


Once you open it you can add the other tomes inside it (like the pages inside the tomes).

From there on you can open it and choose

"Open Season 3 Portal Tome"

"Open Season 4 Portal Tome"

"Open Icebrood Saga Portal Tome"


And then you pick the location, like always.

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Obviously, everyone's focused on the new Saga chapter, but I'd like to see ArenaNet phase in a greater variety of daily achievements for the LW S3 and S4 maps.


It's great to see the maps more populated, and the one map per season focus for dailies has helped. But more options - more ~daily~ variety - would help even more.



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