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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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I just bought a "look" on black lion, and it turned into 6 pieces of gear (skins), instead of an outfit. How about if different skins are consumed, put in your wardrobe and given a transmutation charge if they can not go into the outfit section. I made an entire character whose last name is skins to hold all my items.

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So, I've been playing Guild wars 2 for ages, and over that time I've accumulated over 5,179 Spirit Shards, I know because there's definitely some I've spent and I currently have this much, and I must say that I'm getting rather sick of Spirit Shards (Yes, I know that there's a process for turning these into money, but that process is a bit of a pain). More to the point though, getting experience after you've got your masteries just doesn't feel satisfying, I barely notice when I get shards from experience, and don't bother using food at 80 for the experience, only using it if It's got stats I want (like Magic Find in open world).


So, here's my suggestion for how to fix this: PvE Reward Tracks. Get experience to fill them out, and suddenly experience feels like it has great milestones again and exciting points in it. It feels really good progressing through the PvP and WvW Reward tracks, and I'd love to have something like that be present for PvE players as well. This could allow for players to more directly target materials they're after too by having reward tracks based around different kinds of crafting materials, and for those that enjoy the current spirit shards being given, just have a spirit shard reward track that keeps a minimum of the same rate for them.

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The promised DirectX11 ? ... :) Well, we are at DirectX12 now and GW2 still running DirectX9.

I've red a lot about it and the most likely opinion on forums is, that it won't be possible for you to do so, since the code is to old or stuff like this (to many reasons to repeat). But there is one guy who made some kind of translation from DirectX9 to 12 on his own.... Buy it... Or buy him and let him work for you xD I know there are bugs but he is only 1 guy, maybe if he had a team...?

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Give us the option to apply dye to weapon skins.

There are sooo many beautiful weapon skins out there but they just dont go very well with different armor colors so if we are able to change the color of our weapon skins that would be AMAZING!

for example the Equinox weapon skins imo are by far the best looking non legendary skins and i would love to change their blue-ish color to something else like red to match my red armor. Right now i have to stick with eaither white/black or white/dark blue to match my weapons.

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Have some ideas which i do not know if possible to do or if this is even the right forum to put this in but...


1. When partying up with friends and/or family to share exp such as map completion and completing hearts at the same time.

2. Too make range weapons a meta. Would love to play with range weapons in fractals and/or raids.

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gw2 is like what? 8 y/o? during this long ass time,lots of people downloaded the game,logged in,made a new character and then quit after an hour/day/week/month/year.

Now,here we are in 2020 struggeling to find a name to our newly created character because every single word in english (and not english) is already taken in 10 or 20 different combinations (and special characters).


**We** need **YOU** Anet to come up with a way to rename (or delete) every single inactive (2-3 years+) player in the game to some random stuff so we can have new names to choose from.

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> @"Adir.4093" said:

> Give us the option to apply dye to weapon skins.

> There are sooo many beautiful weapon skins out there but they just dont go very well with different armor colors so if we are able to change the color of our weapon skins that would be AMAZING!

> for example the Equinox weapon skins imo are by far the best looking non legendary skins and i would love to change their blue-ish color to something else like red to match my red armor. Right now i have to stick with eaither white/black or white/dark blue to match my weapons.


100% This. Please.

Also, **skill effect colors** of each profession's skills to be dyable (or even just having a few preset colors would be good enough for me!) would be great. I love the Necromancer class, but I just really do not like the green color on the skills, especially when I want a Necro character with pastel purple color scheme (and don't want to play Mesmer). :( I imagine for necro that there must also be many people who want red color scheme but not want to look like a Christmas decoration from the green skills on it, and many other such color clashes for other professions (I've seen complaints about Mesmer's pink-purple scheme for example).


If the reason to not do it is because of PVP or WVW, maybe just have it only affect PVE, or make it an option (defaulted to off) in PVP/WVW to disable the custom color.


Also, I'd love it if the armor/wardrobe headgears could be shown with the Outfit costume when the outfit's headgear is disabled.

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Those "Djinn Teleportation Device" decortations , Please make it so they also can be linked with a "specific" partner, the current system - is almost impossible to have several portals "pairs" on the map, as all entrances prefer to pick only one exit to link to. Also please add the forgotten portals as decorations (those that require specific light sequences to initiate)

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Hopes there is devs still reading this thread. I'm suggesting to upgrade Scribe to have 500 crafting:

-That journey from 400 to 500 would be racial crafting, Charr/Asura/Sylvari/Norn/Human

-400-425 your learn to do furniture: Racial beds, chairs and tables that you can see while doing the chair of the world achievement...

-425-450 you start to specialize: Lightning, sylvari plant lights, road marker for asura, black citadel streetlamp (ashford gate ones), high big brazier (front of spirits hallows)..

-450-475 you almost end your specialization with plants: Holographic flowers, cherry trees, giant ferns, swamp trees, bushes...

-475-500 you end the leveling with architecture: Houses and camps (Homestead, norn camps, charr house, asura house, sylvari house, human house).....

Consoles, pods, svanir totems, garden plot, walls and floors... charr metal floor, paved road....

-500 unlock NPCS. They aren't dubbed, only say basic dialogues. And you can craft kinda anyhting: Animals, allies and baddies to populate gh.


Link to a more detailed version [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/User:Inquest_Overseer_Ezrielia/Scribing_500).

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Thanks, quality of life is important! I have one solid suggestion, and a few general remarks, most of which apply to us older or disabled players. The first is that the "friends" option is a nice gesture, but I have no way to remember someone I friended. Is it possible to add a comments space next to each so I can do what I do in real life and note date and where I met them? This would help relationship building a lot.


The second is that there seems to be a trend towards more and more time spent doing repetitious "not fun" activities. Some examples....repair spots not close to WPs, having to repeat hearts to talk to vendors, few WPs requiring LOTS of running back and forth for those of us who struggle very hard to get through the game.


Third, I don't want it to be made easy just for me, but I fall a lot, from aging hands and brain tissue...that is one reason I play the game, to keep these sharp. The maps do keep getting harder and harder...many players like this for fashion exclusivity, and that is ok...they have many game options I do not, but some of us are not here for the skins (most are far too "rococco" for this general designer). We are here for story, travel, and adventure through your magnificent exotic landscapes. My husband and I saved for 10 years to travel now, but are locked down because one of us is immune compromised...what a life saver you have been!


I don't play pvp, strikes, raids, jps etc. because I am arthritic, and just a tad slower. I am doing my best and someone insults me or tries to "whip" me into going faster. The maps are becoming more "die while trying to harvest a node", "don't stop to look around or you will die", or "if you want to see it you better like JPs". I don't claim to be a great player, but have been loyal and very supportive since GW1 because the sense of movement in the game gives me great joy. I can't even run in RL. I may actually get the skyscale (I think I can, I think I can), because the mounts are SO much fun.


There is a bewildering amount of things to do and places to see. But because I am a "clumsy" player, most guilds get very impatient with me, so I am looking for places I can solo or play with my husband (who is 73 and loves the game too). Please don't forget about players like me unless you want the small percentage of folks attired in legendaries and the rest of us to drop away in frustration. The loss of the game as an option of something to do with my physical and mental "down time" would cause me considerable grief. Players like me are the group who want to come to the game and have some relaxing places, not just in Kryta.


Another thought (I have lost count, sorry): I think "flow" is very important...the game did this very well in its first few years...now I feel like the game is more "road-block". Maybe there could be more solo-able events? I am the kind of person who hates letting a team down...and I will leave the team if I cannot contribute, or if I feel like there is a whole group waiting on me to catch up. When you have a job, one of the best things you can do if you are incompetent at it is to leave it, especially if you are getting in other's way.


Finally, Discord is becoming more and more a requirement, and this is sad, because anonymity is important for some of us. I like getting to know a toon, and don't really want to bore others with my own (boring) backstory Also, I find it very difficult to listen to a lot of people talking at once, much less trying to survive while doing that. Fun becomes stress...not eustress (which much of the game is), but distress, which then becomes a negative impact on my health. You can write me off as lame, I know a lot of people will. But many of us who cannot participate much in real life for one reason or another are here...and they are often the wonderful people who will stop playing to answer helpfully when one calls out for help on the maps, because they are not in such an acquisitive hurry to get the latest skin.


There are many good nimble fingered ones who are great players...but there are also many who collect from the node you are fighting beasties off of, who will tell you you are not "good enough" to raid or fractal or whatever. You can buy a commander tag, or kill lot of players, but that does not make you a good leader.


I love you, and the game very much...it is my solace when I can't keep control of the litter outside, or the forest I grew up with is dying outside. It is a non-stop 24 hour masquerade party when I cannot sleep. I know you cannot please everyone. But if a broader player base is what you are after, please give some thought to some of the above...I want you to be here a long time.


One final suggestion is to make changes in the world that exists...I love some of the things the NPCs say, but maybe change the comments they make in the heavily used areas (like vendors and crafting stations) from time to time to keep it from getting old. I would imagine that would not be too expensive to do?


Anyway, sorry about the monolog...I thought it would be better to speak before I get too frustrated and give up all the time and stuff I have gotten in the game.

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There are a few things bothering me lately. In no particular order:


Please add a sink for hatched chilis. And with that I mean a sink for the chilis, not a gold or karma sink that happens to take a few chilis with it. Something that only or at least mostly costs chilis. The result should either be actually usable or at least feel better than just throwing them away. LS3 and LS4 currencies were good, because they could be consumed to give their respective season's magic. Since IBS doesn't have a season currency like that maybe allow consuming its currencies for a bit of karma? Doesn't need to be much, especially not to make it worth farming. I'd just like to have a better option than to just delete them.


There should be in-game hints, no, an actual guide, that tells me where I can get which items. In both ways. If I see a rare item, especially in a collection, I'd like to know where I can get it from. The wiki usually has this information and fills this gap if the collection doesn't provide a hint itself. But more important is the opposite question, where the wiki sometimes doesn't have the answer either: why should I do certain content? There are a lot of events and other activities that have a chance of getting a super rare item, that I probably don't even know about. And if I put in some effort a few times and only get the proverbial 2 blues and a green I wonder why I should do this. Especially if it is difficult or takes a while. Well, because there is a 0.1% chance to get something worthwile. But how am I supposed to know that if I don't stumble upon it in the wiki or similar external source?


And the usual: big rework of the LFG tool. There is enough discussion of "don't ask for LI for easy content" vs. "my group, my rules" elsewhere. I don't have a good idea for a solution either. But most of the time when I open the LFG tool and see the entries, I quickly lose interest in doing content with random groups. The other big problem is full maps. I haven't even tested with the new map. My experience with pretty much all previous content was that 95+% of the advertised groups were on maps that I could not join. And relying on these commanders to voluntary remove their pointless listing is obviously not working.


Last but not least, especially with the EU server problems at the end of SAB in mind: the weekly festival vendor should stay after the end of the festival. While I'd personally like to be able to spend tokens year round, all I'm asking for here is that the vendor should be available for a few more days. I think GW1 did this already. A good and simple to understand rule would be until their next weekly reset. This would take the pressure to buy within the limited window between reset (monday morning?) and end of the festival (tuesday evening). Having to shut down the servers for most of that time should be an extremely rare event, sure, but it would give all players more freedom to chose when to visit the vendor in the last week.


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There is always a trouble for salvaging or not salvaging items.

My proposition is about WARNING before salvaging.

When that message pops for exotic things "You are sure you want to salvage?" you can add a RED warning message exactly down saying "tThis item is probably needed for another collection or upgratting" bla bla.

That way will be clear what items will be important to not be salvaged.

Thanks in advance, will save you much time from supporting also.



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For vb meta, I would suggest some kinda token reward for t2 and t3 meta tier - like 1 token and 3-4 tokens respectively. (t4 continues to have the selectable chest, unchanged)


These tokens will be traded for bladed chests from vendor at varying amounts of tokens


I am aware that the non-chest parts are already available for 500 airship parts and 1g.


The reason for this is to give players (esp esp esp new players) the sense that there is a point to playing vb meta on a spontaneous map even if there's no chance of an organised t4 attempt (either due to starting late, low numbers, not knowing how to spread)


These tokens would provide a sense of tangible reward. It gives a bad impression to new players who first enter hot start in vb, in a meta that people usually won't bother with unless there's a critical mass of willing players who start early enough. The tokens will still remain only as a consolation prize, but they could provide a more tangible feeling of getting usable loot (more than just getting airship parts to buy the pcs), especially for t3 maps



(I completed my bladed collection a long time ago, and have spare bladed chests. This is just for newer players)

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1. [optional] don't show infinity achi in "nearly completed" if they don't give AP.

1.2 do something with new achi

![](https://i.ibb.co/tzHCfBf/image.png "")


- "map full" indication.

- emotions \ actions menu. to don't write command for dance.

- More checkpoint in [old] story missions. Some unskippable cutscenes takes more time than achi itself.


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As a Skyscale addicted I'd like to ask if would be possibile to reduce a little all the no-fly zones in the maps (mainly in the edges) so to reach interesting high peaks usually scattered there. Main rule could be: "if there's a high place it should be reachable". Skyscale flying/climbing is a fantastic way to spend some chill time in GW2, just for relaxing with no need to fight something/someone.

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Thought about an easy solution to help RP without having to create instances:

-> Option to hide all players outside your group.


The players wouldn't be shown and their messages too. The group would only have to disable whispers.

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We think there should be a new race of GW2 called the Watervari. The Watervari are mermaid like creatures who live in the waters just south of the Grove. They begin life as fish that glow black. But then sooner or later the fish dies and one of the Watervari brings them to the Light Coral, a very powerful organism. They are left there for a little while and soon they transform into Watervari. Then at L10 they discover something. Just after the personal story chapter 2 one of their best known heroes (like the Sylvari Firstborn) brings them to the shore of the land north of where they're transformed. The Watervari character then realizes that they can travel between the ocean and the land at will. When they go onto land their tail turns into feet and legs and when they go back into the water their tail returns. No rebreather needed.

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Some legendary trinkets have pretty ugly effects. like that horrendous silver disco ball from Conflux. The visuals also pile up when you get several items and they can look pretty gaudy and annoyingly excessive. Of course this is a matter of personal taste, and people should like or dislike the visuals according to personal preference.


So perhaps adding a visual effects checkmark to the trinket selection boxes like the ones for weapons or the helmet, so we could turn legendary trinket visuals off, would be good?

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