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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Can we have the ability to turn off Account Augmentations (such as Mist Attunement)?


I would like to help newer players with what my son-in-law calls "baby fracs", but having the augmentations gives me a huge advantage over them, so I'm basically carrying the group. It would be nice if I could temporarily turn them off for teaching others.

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How about a bag that blocks materials from being deposited?


Sometimes you want to clear your bags (in an emergency, like in the middle of a meta) but without breaking your neatly-arranged bags, or depositing items that you specifically don't want to deposit when I hit the "deposit all" button.

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I would love to have an offline version accesible from the Launcher to Fractals and or the "Golem" (Special Force Training Area) for DPS training and all that. Ive been in GW2 for many years since the beginnings and it's a feature that some of us would very much pretiate ...specially for those who, like me, are playing the End-game content. Even including Raids. 0 Rewareds and 0 achievements of course, but a thing like that would be so nice to have.(context: Iv been traveling a lot for my work and work in very "away from civilization" places, so internet access is a big thing for me)



I think both, Fractals and Raids make sense to be an online only feature even considering no achievements involved ...but the Golem? look so disconected form it that it should be accesible in a very contained offline mode.

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It's probably already in the Thread, but I am going to mention it:

Character-Based Hotkeys instead of Account-Based ones.

Ability to Link Equipment Tabs together with Trait Tabs.

Seperate PvP Tabs from Equipment Tabs


Remove/Replace some of the Laurel Vendor offerings that are not going to be used anyway, such as Class Specific Gear Boxes, instead a option for Stat-Selectable Exotic Boxes based on Armor (Heavy,Medium,Light) could see more use and offer new Player's a better entrance into the world of otherwise hardly available Stat Combinations.

(Maybe also add a wider variety of Boosters, maybe even 2h long Boosters for 3-5 Laurels.)


Change Map Currency Nodes to always at least give 1 Map Specific Currency.

Recipe for Stat Combinations such as Diviner should not cost Laurels, but Map Currency + Magic Instead.


Maybe a New Vendor that target's Achievement Point farmers, that could include new Rewards for them, only available once per 500 Achievement Points.

Remove Blueprints from Achievement Reward Boxes

Give the option to opt out from the Skin Rewards (Weapons and Armors) and receive a different Reward such as additional Booster, or something small.


Change the Daily Login Luck Rewards for people who reached the 300% to something different, maybe randomized T3-6 Material Coffers in amount based on Week.


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Split the Promotions tab (in the Black Lion Trading Company). In one tab, include anything that's on sale (i.e. for a price cheaper than normal). For the other, include items that are not always available.


Possible names might be "Price Reduced" and "Now Available", or something like that.

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Please please please rework the blocking feature ingame and make blocking available for the forum as there are still people from the old forums who did send me death threats harassing me and reporting didn't seem to do anything. I don't feel safe here, ingame or or on reddit (I know it's beyond your control as nobody of the staff is active there) anymore. :(

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I don't know how you'll detect if there are multi real users on same ip or one user with multi accounts but, limit time gated ascended crafting 1 per IP or person. not just account please or give us a simpler way to transfer our right to craft a day so a guild can easily help a member to craft their timegated things.

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Possibility to see our character on mount while previewing mount skin. Sometimes I can't decide to buy the mount skin because I don't see my character on it while previewing the skin through gemstore /wardrobe / chat code.

Also the possibility in same time, while previewing a mount skin to be able to preview mount skin dyes.

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I really wish there was an outfit template, so that you can choose what outfit/skins your toon is wearing no matter what gear you're using, and swap between different presets like you'd swap between equipment templates. Had it in a previous game and it made everything so much more convenient because you didn't have to reskin something everytime you changed a piece of gear.

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This is an idea that has probably already been mentioned though here goes, just in case...


After playing for about 8 years or so, I would love to see the older maps get reworked often. Let me give an example, imagine for anyone that has played the game for more than a month returning to orr. We saw what we did there and started to turn everything green. Now imagine on a weekly bases or monthly bases, a new tree or area of grass started to grow in that area and this was expanded upon on a weekly / monthly bases. Fair play, the new guys would be a little confused as it doesn't run with their personal story, though if you had a map that was constantly changing and the events had a real impact on the land (changing them over time), it would be fascinating to return to each of the older maps to see what new items were being dropped and what the new environment looks like. Events could dynamically change over time and move on to the next story arch, repeat for about a month or so and then we see the real impact of doing that event. A truly dynamic, forward moving MMORPG!

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> @"Canis Mesomelas.8125" said:

> This is an idea that has probably already been mentioned though here goes, just in case...


> After playing for about 8 years or so, I would love to see the older maps get reworked often. Let me give an example, imagine for anyone that has played the game for more than a month returning to orr. We saw what we did there and started to turn everything green. Now imagine on a weekly bases or monthly bases, a new tree or area of grass started to grow in that area and this was expanded upon on a weekly / monthly bases. Fair play, the new guys would be a little confused as it doesn't run with their personal story, though if you had a map that was constantly changing and the events had a real impact on the land (changing them over time), it would be fascinating to return to each of the older maps to see what new items were being dropped and what the new environment looks like. Events could dynamically change over time and move on to the next story arch, repeat for about a month or so and then we see the real impact of doing that event. A truly dynamic, forward moving MMORPG!


They started this process during LS1 in 2013 which is why Kessex and LA are different from launch and why we have random toxic mob events. It was supposed to mark the ongoing process to make GW2 a more living breathing world. It didn't work (and it could never work in an MMO) and proved divisive. I think trying to combine post Zhaiten Orr with what we have would end up a mess of a map. It's prob why we ended up with Siren's Landing - so they copuld show the changes without interfering with the originals


Personally I'd prefer the old maps left alone and if they want to make the world more organic and more "living", they actually strat attaching the maps to each other rather than separate "islands" in the middle of nowhere

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- Add Noxious Pod Home node.


Simple reason for that - Single Machete is sold by Ley-Energy Matter Converter daily.

Every day owner of Ley-Energy Matter Converter can buy Machete and go to Dragon Stand and open Noxious Pod ( there are few not locked under Meta Completion ).

By adding Noxious Pod Home node you simply save us a trip to Dragon Stand to use that single Machete provided by Ley-Energy Matter Converter.

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**Candy Corn Gobbler**

Change it to be more inline with the newer Snowflake and Taffy gobblers.


_Suggested update:_

**KEEP** the boosters it currently provides! Keep icons or lump them all into one new icon like the Taffy and Snowflake gobblers.

Double click to consume 3 candy corn and a random transmogrification.

Right click to open panel with buy option. The Buy option would cost 25 Candy Corn per buy and either yield a Trick or Treat bag or 5 minutes of each XP, Item, Karma, Speed, Damage Reduction, Healthful Rejuvenation booster all at once.

Have it take from inventory AND Bank if needed.


The biggest drawback to using the CCG for boosters is it waist of time to stack the boosts. Stacking up for Special events, getting ready to go do maps, or when going into WvW, PvP for dailies, even just to get some rank up, It takes more time to get boosters loaded than it does the amount of time spent completing those tasks. I presume more players would buy the item if it didn't take so long to use it's best features, something I'm sure many complain about just sitting there clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking and clicking......AND clicking. Yes there are some things that you can do between clicks, run to the next task or vista or xyz, but that doesn't make it as enjoyable as the feeling you get from a buy 10 stacks of boosters > now go out and play vs Sit + kill your mouse left click key button for 20 minutes > now go out and play!


Thanks for considering this as a QoL update to a **VERY WELL LOVED** gizmo!

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GW2 seems to have an increasing number of visual effects, generated from characters and NPCs alike. The game has always looked good, but the amount of visual effects now makes it harder to see what is actually happening, and this clutter is especially bad in boss fights. I'm unlikely to be the only person this affects so I'm keen to know how other players cope.


What graphics settings do I need so I can play the game while having a relatively uncluttered view so I can actually see what is going on?

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> @"Sylent.3165" said:

> This has been an issue from release date. I find it insane they have yet to add options such as


> Reduce visual effects from others

> Remove visual effects from others

> Only show visual effects from party


Yeah, such settings were a blessing in FFXIV especially if you are like I and get (easily) "lost" / distracted between party bling-bling and AoE effects from bosses.

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