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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Also, I'm curious. Since the original QoL thread on the old forum to now, how many of you have seen a suggestion implemented? Unless one reads through every single post, it's hard to tell. The posts I have read contain a number of suggestions many players agree with but, to date, are not implemented.

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I would love as QoL improvement to have the **Herta**, **Mawdrey II**, **Princess** and the **Star of Gratitude** to have a possibility to use a mystic forge to combine them as one like the ones in the LS3 had. Call it the **Star of Life** for example and let it do the function of all 4 items at once with the addition of drawing them materials from bank if inventory does not have them.


This would also save couple of slots of inventory space.

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> @ginryu.3026 said:

> **Home Instance Nodes and Improved Economy Regulation**


> Please add Home Instance gathering nodes to the Gem Store so they can be purchased individually. As of the time of this writing, a Platinum Mining Node, for example, costs 2,400g, if purchased from the Trading Post. This price is insanely disproportionate to its value.


> Right now, the cost of one Platinum Ore on the Trading Post is 1s 64. A person would have to receive three Platinum Ore every day for 400 years in order to break even on a Platinum Mining Node. This is absolutely ridiculous.


> When it comes to Home Instance gathering nodes, _Guild Wars 2_’s economy is broken. This could be fixed by adding Account-Bound Home Instance Gathering Nodes to the Gem Store.


> **Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots (Account-Level)**


> I would like to be able to purchase from the Gem Store shared gathering tool slots for my characters. Ideally, one would be able to make this purchase once for his entire account.

> In other words, I hope I would not have to—individually, one-at-a-time—purchase shared gathering slots for each gathering tool type, for each character. (This kind of implementation would dramatically reduce my interest in this feature.) Ideally, the purchase would be made once, and would unlock the shared gathering tool slot for every character on my account. I could see making each tool type slot a separate purchase, if ArenaNet really has to do that in order to justify the cost of implementing this Quality of Life improvement.


> So, for example, for 400 Gems, one could unlock a Shared Logging Tool Slot for all of his characters, place his Reap-r-Tron, or whatever, in the slot, and then use the Reap-r-Tron on every character without having to individually equip the unlimited gathering tool each time he switches characters. Then, for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Mining Tool Slot, which would work the same way; and for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Foraging Tool Slot, which would work the same way.


> Having to move unlimited gathering tools from one character to another is an annoying, frustrating inconvenience. Players specifically buy unlimited gathering tools to avoid the inconvenience of having to purchase the standard, limited-use gathering tools. This Quality of Life feature, therefore, would add value to an existing feature and further enhance QoL for players.


> **Ancillary Feature: Locked Shared Gathering Tool Slots**


> For players who like to use different unlimited gathering tool sets, depending on which character they’re playing, it would be nice to have the ability to “lock” a purchased Shared Gathering Tool Slot for a given character. Locking a Shared Gathering Tool Slot prior to equipping a gathering tool in that slot would prevent the any account-wide changes being made to the locked character or to any other character as a result of equipping a gathering tool in the locked slot.


> **Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu**


> This is a feature suggestion. I would like for the development team to add the ability to pin a character to the beginning of the character list on the character selection screen. This would be a Quality of Life improvement that I imagine would be very easy to implement, yet would have broad appeal. Of course, being able to manually order your characters on the Character Select screen (and lock that ordering) would be ideal, but even being able to pin a single character to the beginning of the list would be a marginal improvement.


> Right now, the last character I played is the first one that shows up in the character selection list. I would prefer to be able to pin one character to the beginning of the list, and have the rest of my characters show up in the order most recently played. Honestly, I’m surprised this idea hasn’t already been considered and implemented.


**Home Nodes** aren't there to 'break even' you aren't supposed to become rich from them. They are something you get if you like the idea.


**Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots** - just buy tool for every single alt you have if switching them or keeping them in shared slots is too hard for you. You will be helping ANET greatly by doing so. I usually switch them between characters.


**Ancillary Feature: Locked Shared Gathering Tool Slots** - buy the tools again.


**Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu** this would be good.

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My biggest QoL request is to have traits remembered when you swap around specializations, rather than having them always reset.


Second biggest is to separate wardrobe/skin galleries from equipment section in the hero panel. The HP should just open up to equipment by default, with wardrobe being the second tab on the far left, where all skins/dyes are stored.


Third biggest is to add unidentified gear outside of PoF.

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Could we get a checkbox on bank tabs? The checkbox would control where things go when we double-click from our inventory. If this were implemented, it probably should reset as we exit the bank.


Alternately (but probably more work), a drop-down list of generic item types. If this were implemented, it should probably stick around between logons or uses. "generic item types" means equipment, crafting materials, etc., just as they exist for packs. But, added to that would be armor boxes, weapon boxes, maybe recipes, etc.


I would like to organize my bank so that my Silverwastes stuff is in one tab, my Crystal Oasis stuff in another, etc. Either of the above might help with organization.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> Neat idea. Being able to name the tabs would be nice too, while we're on the subject. And order them. And for it to remember which tabs I left open/closed. And....


Yup, I like all those ideas, too. I thought I would keep it simple, but I'm perfectly happy to entertain other options, too.

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  • 3 months later...

> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> Can we have a tool that auto completes a map as well

> Or auto completes a dungeon.


> When you compare it to such things.. it's very mad to ask personally and something Anet would not do.


Lol I actually dislike map completion. But imagine... ..if we can permanently employ a home instance care taker and this NPC harvest and maintain and look after the home nodes and when we interact with him he will say oh welcome back my master.. the weather today is beautiful.. glad to see you back..and here's the harvest for today :p (hand over loot)

Kovu, just you and me to show interest to buy this instance won't work.. need more ppl to show interest.... And I will gift it for friends too if allow. ^.^

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Convenience only goes so far. At some point it becomes detrimental to the game. I've seen people ask for practically anything you can think of to make things easier for them, or to save time, some of it positively ludicrous. I would not buy such an item because I do not want to encourage a practice that, in my opinion, can give people more options to play the game less.

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When I offer a free complete home instance for plundering in map or guild chat today I often get no response. Or a whisper like _"sry, farming this or that gets more money in the same time"_. Maybe two years ago, I had to port in several times.


With a growing number of home instance nodes the required time for a complete harvest grew. With falling crafting material prices (not complaining about them) the return dropped.


Considering the hefty investment + time-gating I feel a home instance gathering turn _should_ still be attractive and beat Silverwaste or Cursed Shore grind, which can be done in length, in terms of return per time.


An NPC at the entrance handing over the harvest could do that. It should work for guest, though, MMOs are not least about the social aspect.


I'd buy such an NPC.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> Why stop there why not have your servant mail the materials to so you dont have to go into home instance at all



yeah please sell us a home instance maid or butler that will actually go around to collect the mats for you and then send it to you via mail.

Followed swiftly by maid and butler fashion and activities/events on the gem store.

This will be precursor to player housing in expansion 3 where your maid and butler will cleanse your house for you and feed your pets.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> Convenience only goes so far. At some point it becomes detrimental to the game. I've seen people ask for practically anything you can think of to make things easier for them, or to save time, some of it positively ludicrous. I would not buy such an item because I do not want to encourage a practice that, in my opinion, can give people more options to play the game less.


Yeah, not having to spend 5+ minutes in solitude in a non-gameplay instance doing nothing of importance would be _such_ a detriment to an MMO. I don't think the game can survive people not running the same circuit of nodes time and time again, all by themselves without anyone even aware they're doing it.

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yeah but then your said auto maid/butler would ask for a pay raise since u havent paid them in eons in in-game reality time or they would go on strike with picket signs right outside all the home instances with all the other auto maids n butlers n gardeners n home chiefs n your mount care takers :) n then they would say the uniform they must wear is too sexist n shows too much skin or not of n they will sue u to the auto maid-butler workers union n then when u come back into your home instance everything would be a mess: Hunters Hearth would be full of drunken norns sleeping here n there n their vomits everywhere n broken furniture all over the place; charr machinery would be thrown this way n that in your Hero's Canton n charr fur all over the place n not a vacuum cleaner in sight; overgrown plants everywhere in your Dreamer's Terrace with seed pods spilling out of every cabinet n strange sylvari u have never seen before hammicking everywhere; nutty inquest techs testing crazy contraptions in your Applied Development Lab n u step on unknown ghostly goops everywhere n they want to scan n probe u because u r a bookah; loud unknown humans trying to sell u stuffs that u dont need in your Salma District n squatters wants u to spare them coins n Caudecus said u still owe him this months' rent even though your maid/butler had sent the rent last week. :)

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