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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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World Boss Portal Device - we either need 45 minutes, or the ability to pick an 'All' at the bottom and just go anywhere.


As it stands now, it's just not useful for Tequila. Yes, you can still get there, "plenty of time", "less filling", "tastes great", but at the time I run, getting there, getting into the defense group I want to, then sitting there for 45 min before it starts while I work, etc, yada yada, is how I run it. It's not practical to change my approach. That WP is 'always' contested, and it's annoying, and it was the 'one' place I figured it was going to be the most useful to me, and that's the one place it just doesn't work.

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Pipe dream: stackable weapons. One way to reduce inventory bloat would be allow for weapons, armour, trinkets to stack up when they are the same item. Once runes are introduced then you might get the same problem but for basic and fine weapons it would reduce bloating in the early game.

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> @"SonicfanO.2485" said:

> So this just came out of a guild chat with a group of friends, but those repeatable hearts in ember bay and later areas. While yes, being able to do them over and over again to your hearts (no pun intended) content is nice, it'd be better if when you had completed them you could always buy what you need from them assuming you had the right currency and everything. I remember almost having enough gold for a thing for the griffon so I did the heart thinking i'd have enough before reset, then i got called into work and the heart reset before i got home meaning i had to get the gold and do the heart ALL OVER again for a singular item, which was really frustrating given I was working towards a fabulous bonus mount. So being able to purchase from the heart after completing it the first time regardless of whether or not you completed it THAT day would be very nice.



If Anet wants to keep the incentive to continue to repeat the hearts, they could still do something like in Dry Top with these vendors. The cost of items is more if the heart has not been done during that reset.



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I've been thinking that with the inclusion of a separate skill bar for underwater that we can now access through the Hero Panel. A likely evolution of such a feature could be the implementation of build templates. Say 1 underwater, and 4 terrestrial builds. Each with a different instance of the trait window below it. With that, the ability to name them something would be nice as well.

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I think build templates have been severely understated since the launch of this game. I believe that most players have grown so accustomed to the notion of a single universal build for all the content types they play, that they may not see the value that it could offer.


As a long time GW1 player, this was a CORE part of the game due to the build diversity. GW2 had much simpler builds and therefore I fully understand why it was not shipped at launch. With the introduction of specialisations, and with the growing diversity in build options, I believe the time is right to bring this in. Two of the professions that most notably require this is ranger and mesmer. Typically these are played as support roles in endgame content, and requires significant time to swapping from support to PvE type self sufficient DPS builds. This is made even more tedious if you have legendary armor which requires a ton of clicking and scrolling through similarly named options in dropdowns. I currently enjoy the wide variety of builds that is playable in the current meta of the game, however it's such a shame that the game does not encourage people to do so.


Personally, if i could make a suggestion (and yes its gonna be over the top), is that Anet implements a system for curated build templates. Either ingame interface or some web GUI like an armory, where players can make and share builds for certain purposes (see http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/). The community is already doing a ton of work to come up with creative party compositions such as https://snowcrows.com for raids and https://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki for everything else. If you want a reference for what this could look like ingame, see http://www.dota2.com/workshop/builds/overview.


There is ofcoarse the alternative of "well this is prolly illegal, but since it exists, use it" option of arcdps build templates, however I am playing on a mac and can therefore not use it. The reality is that those who play at the highest end of the game needed this functionality so badly, that they managed to build it in using 3rd party tools. To my knowledge the QoL features that does not ship with the game is illegal and will get you banned, see http://gw2bgdm.blogspot.com/p/permaban.html. I probably don't have the full picture but it seems kind-of ironic that 3rd party developers who pushed the limits and broke TOS with DPS meters, after huge public outcry, got the amber-greenish light on their software, then after doing exactly the same thing on a different feature, got the big red ban-hammer for a feature that was eventually removed. This means that the only way I will ever see build templates in game is through long boring posts like these :astonished:



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Add the unique HoT items to the rotation in their respective map bonuses; i.e. reclaimed metal plates to VB, auric slivers/ingots to AB, chak eggs to TD, crystalline ore/ingots to DS.


Reduce the requirements for getting a t4 VB meta to just killing the night bosses (kill 2 for level 2, 4 for level 3, 5 for level 4) with the other events solely for increasing participation.

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> @"Wyrm.7926" said:

> Add the unique HoT items to the rotation in their respective map bonuses; i.e. reclaimed metal plates to VB, auric slivers/ingots to AB, chak eggs to TD, crystalline ore/ingots to DS.


> Reduce the requirements for getting a t4 VB meta to just killing the night bosses (kill 2 for level 2, 4 for level 3, 5 for level 4) with the other events solely for increasing participation.


Add a purchase option for Noxious Pod in home instance. At this point, I really doubt it would affect the amount of play in Dragon's Stand.

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I'd love to be able to keybind up to X # of shared inventory slots to use their most common use. I.e. Portal Tomes would open their dialog, convenience items would activate their respective function, etc.


One problem item would be salvage kits and I'm not sure of what would be the best way to address those... Maybe the keybind only activates the double click option for all items and salvage kits still need to be right clicked for salvage all? I dunno...


But I'd still love to have the ability to keybind these slots!

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It would be awesome if we could set achievement watch sets that you can switch between. For instance dailies, jumping puzzles, elite spec collection.

Switch between the sets using a slide toggle at the bottom of the regular watch UI location. This will allow players to customize what content they are working towards without needing to constantly go into achievements and turn watch on and off.


I would limit the groupings to like 5 sets of watch items, with daily being one of the options and it auto-populates so that you do not need to set that every day.


Edit: An alternative would be to have a variable alert that lets you know you have x achievements available in this zone or area

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I would really enjoy a Lore Tab on the Hero Screen for all the lore that you can easily stumble upon that is quite easy to miss. This would also work out great for moments with inventory items like Bloodstone Fen, which gives you three books to hold on to. This would clear up inventory for such items, and could easily give a refresher on items lore bits that are easy to forget, like anything to do with Bloodstone, Living World Season 1, etc.


On the subject of Living Story Season 1, I don't feel like the snippet of it we get of it with the recap is enough information, neither is the NPC that can help fill you in. There are still times where I feel lost. A more detailed summary would be greatly appreciated.

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Not sure if it's been mentioned before, but I'd like to see more of the achievement-items that "only have value as part of a collection" be consumable like a lot of those introduced with pof where. I think most gave an insignificant amount of karma, but still it felt way more rewarding and less of a chore to consume those then to throw them out.

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Are there any hopes of adding native gamepad support to this game? I feel as though with the addition of action camera adding the option to play with a controller would be an awesome addition that would/could increase player population and touch into different player bases.


My occupation is programming with a degree in Computer Science and I've dabbled in game development in the UE4 and Unity engines. I'd love the opportunity to play around with that idea =)

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**Implement a user-customizable spell fx show/hide filter**

This would allow us to clean up the often *very* confusing combat. Not upscaling effects on large enemies has helped a **lot** already, but the biggest hurdle - the mess of colors and circles and areas whenever 2+ players are firing off their skills - remains. Such a set of options should ideally offer the following options:

* Show: effects are shown in full

* Hide: effects are **not** shown at all! Area-circles still show up.

* Simplify: effects are reduced to vital components, compare the simplified Chronomancer clocks versus their full designs

* Blend: effects are made 80% see-through. They show their full effects but in virtually invisible so that even if a lot are stacked it's not overbearing.


Further, these options are offered for the following sources of spell effects, leading to a set of dropdowns:

* Myself

* Party

* Squad

* Player Allies

* Player Enemies

* Powerful Enemies (bosses, legendaries, champions)

* Everything else


**A modding API**

There are a plenthora of requests related to UI and simple interface changes which get thrown around a lot. On top of more complicated ones like build templates. On the other hand we have mods such as arcdps already providing optional build templates but they feel very "hacky". I would say the best way to go about this would be to **once** make the big effort of creating a robust in-game API for mods to latch onto, and control what they can or cannot do.

Keep it to cosmetic and non-combat changes. Hide parts of the UI, re-do parts of the UI whole, add signifiers which make certain situations easier to notice (this also helps vision-impaired players to navigate the mess of colors combat can often be!), such stuff.


**The old launcher with the pretty dragon and the chroma hash!**



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Option to hide repeatable (previously completed) hearts from the content guide so that I can see map completion items. Currently, trying to do map completion in PoF maps is a pain since I can’t find the PoI’s and the game keeps telling me to redo a heart. I did the heart already, I already know where it is. I need the game to help me find the last few map completion items.

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The addition of drop tab sub-categories for the achievements panel and L4G pages. Separate things into Core/HoT/PoF maps. Allow the settings of each to be saved. So if one only has the expanded Core map list. Then next time they open it, it opens with only the core map L4G extended. Likewise with the achievements list.


On the same note, having either the daily crafting components be placed at the top of the crafting panel, or start with every category collapsed would be good.

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> @"shippage.1983" said:

> Here's a cool idea:


> In Trade Post, be able to filter out weapon/armors by what skins you already own. So it's easier to search and buy equipment for cheap skins.


As someone who regularly looks through the TP to acquire new skins, this would be an **awesome** improvement

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