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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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I'm thinking about adding AI and Machine Learning into to game engine, not to make it more difficult but more to add an extra dimension to the game.


We have a story journal and all the achievements already logged for each player and so far there are some players who've probably completed all achievements, or some players who play a lot in the same area and may have done that for a very long time. My thought is that these players should have been local celebrities by now? With songs and stories written about them?


First to complete a certain achievement or major event may be remembered in some way, or some players that participated in a legendary fight (Living World Season X?) could get a monument in that village?

Children playing that specific fight that occurred two years ago and mentioning those players names when they decide who they will pretend to be?


I feel like that would make the world a little more alive.

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These might sound a bit harsh but bear with me, I like the general game concepts so I'm not an enemy here.


First, inventory management is excessive and I would call it almost abusive because it actually is capable of causing repetitive stress injuries. We need less trash item drops and a general re-thinking of the loot in the entire game (greens and blues and white items not sure about these in 2020). In a time when your competition has been trending towards more randomization in loot it's a great time to dramatically reduce the randomization in GW2 loot and use this as a selling point. We pretty much need everything to either be craft-able with mats dropping directly (salvage is dated, should just remove it), or purchasable with currencies.


Second, get rid of the living world story "business model". For new players or anyone you explain this model to outside of GW2 it sounds ridiculous -- please just make more expansion packs and price them appropriately for the amount of content they contain. A free minor patch between expansions is probably a good idea to build hype for a new expansion and it doesn't have to be very much. I very much enjoy jumping back into GW2 for new expansion packs but I don't think living world really "lives" up to those in terms of overall quality so I am never realistically going to spend money on living world content over expansions and I imagine lots of people feel the same.


Third, get rid of the loot boxes. The tide is turning against loot boxes, and in the MMO genre not even Activision|Blizzard will put them into WoW so that should tell you something about what MMO players think of loot boxes -- Actiblizz would have put them into WoW eons ago especially since they are the company that made the final push which normalized them in the industry as a whole with Overwatch.

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Change the interact priority of chests (meta and otherwise) to be above everything except reviving down/dead players.

This would mean that things such as place-able novelty items, NPCs (player-spawned or otherwise), and Mesmer portals are considered secondary after a loot chest.


Please seriously consider this, it was one thing when a Mesmer portal would teleport players to another room, but now I'm starting to see them teleport players inside of walls with the use of a way point being the only means of escape.

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Can we have an option to freeze the XP bar on our characters so that it's possible to explore the world without leveling them up? I have a level 30 and level 50 bag opener that I would love to unlock waypoints and such on, but to avoid them accidentally going over their thresholds I have to leave them parked in the relative safety of a starter area or city.

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I think it would be funny/fun if the I'm rich, you know. title achieve was precursor for an advanced version that could be even shinier, "I'm really rich, you know." for another 1000 gold dump, and it could come with a chair that's either the wooden chair painted gold, a simple downgraded sort of chair as a joke, or a rather fancier sort of styled chair that otherwise isn't overly massive nor glowy. Could be like the carnies back and on their feet better after your patronage.


Minigame idea 1: Had this idea from a conversation about golf, but a siege style minigame sort of thing. like juggling/using different siege in given scenarios to cause X amount of carnage to setups as needed. Either alone or in a group. Almost like a tower defense type of game, but more having to be practiced and particular with charge meter shots on a cata and trebuchet, or having to weaken things in the areas too allow it in preset environments. Maybe hitting some objects could chain react to more carnage, like supports or something flameable, or even other siege sort of objects.


Idea 2: Golf and using charge meters on player/team specific entities and choose between a long hit item and a short hit item either as like golf clubs or something more GW2 flavored and hitting a small golem or something.


Guild Decoration Ideas: Sand sculptures. Can run into them and even jump on them a bit, but pressing the interact key make them straight up collapse until pressed again.

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I request an urgent change on the new outfit "Queensdale Academy Outfit": Make the pullover have a different dye channel than the vest! What is the point? It is dumb, because I would like to dye the vest in white and the pullover in black.... Can't you make the pullover the same dye channel as the Bow Tie/ belt?!

I'm furious and at two steps for asking for a refund! You did edit the sunspears outfit in the past so I now you can re-edit them! 700 gems and can't even dye separately a pullover, really?? It's sad, beautiful outfit, should have guessed something would be wrong.



Left: Current | Right: Suggestion


This is a bad habit I see in several outfits and some armors, some dyes channels are bad and without sense about how the players will have the best customization feeling and pleasure. And I ask you to change this ASAP, because seriously, two clothes shouldn't have the same dye, did you saw a chest armor with everything in one dye? NO.


Or I dunno, makes some of the white dyes appear black on that pullover?

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New Request of QoL:

Can we get a LFG Filters for **_"KPs Requirements" and "Raid Selling"_**, please?

They always linger on top of the LFG Lists, when trying to do content that you need to finish; because the new Design of Achievement force you to take part in those activities and most of people won't take you unless you cleared it 100x already.

Having the option to _**filter and hide**_ those LFG Listings would be great for newcomers and casuals who are just trying to complete their tasks.

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In wvw squads, people are put in in parties of 5

But we can't see who is in our party and where they are in a fight, because everyone is all over the place


Can people in the same party in a squad be made something other than blue? Make them green or orange or yellow, anything really, so we can see where they are

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Pls create a **'Equip to all builds'** at right click on a select equipment


Pls create **keyboard bind mute**/unmute key.


Can you let us label each bank tab? Is easier for sorting and organizing...


**Keybind to standard equipment screen.** Not just pvp screen.....


Pls make more use of mouse keys. Current gaming mouse has 9-13 buttons. Could we do at least 4 mouse keys?


Allow gamers to 'Add to Shortlist' on items before purchase?


The idea of house servant(s) is cool. They just deliver done task news and rewards in mails. However what the servant can do should be restricted to homes of players. Similar to having a butler so to speak.


Maybe make unbreakable tools containers universal. So gamers need not to drag drop to each character.

And so this item can command higher price at Gem store.


Can you minimize the effects of soulbinding? It is irritating to say the least.


Can you make outfits rotate more frequent. And can we just summon Black Lion voucher dealer?


And finally, make open contest for best gamer feedback

* Grand Price: 15 Gold reward.

* First Runners Up: 5 Gold each (3-5 winners)

* 2nd Runners up: 50 Silver each (5-10 winners)

* Consolation: 500 Bronze each (10-15 winners)

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Seriously it's infutriating Anet. My male asura is allowed to have a top white jacket and something red under whereas my female asura can't that's crap. Please make the female top act like the male one. Was that maid top under the vest really necessary? Kinda sexist, only the male can look like a manager? I enjoy the skirt but that top....


Same color scheme used. You only need to make the red die cover all that clothe under the vest like the male has.


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Please, make a rework to Enrichment Infusions and Amulet Infusion slots.

It is really hard to use a character you prepared for one game mode in another when it comes to choose Enrichment Infusion.

For example i have character with all 6 templates, all of them for WvW, and all of them have WvWExp Enrichment Infusion, no template left for PvE infusions like Magic Find.

While Magic Find kinda not needed in WvW, WvWExp not needed in PvE.

Suggestion to seperate infusions into 3 types and add more slots to amulet.

- PvE Enrichment Infusion slot

- WvW Enrichment Infusion slot

- PvP Enrichment Infusion slot


Only one infusions will be active depending on present game mode. This way one Template can be used for all infusions for all game modes.

Right now, to use same gear for WvW and PvE, player must give one Template ( same gear, different amulet with different infusion ). Other choice just give up one Enrichment Infusion in favor of other and lose benefits.


P.s. we have rings with 3 infusion slots :)

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Please make Legendary equipment usable on multiple characters without having to physically swap the item around.


The big benefit of Legendaries is the flexibility to swap stats and such, so they can be used on multiple different characters and templates. However, having to login to charA - unequip the item to the shared item slot - login to charB - equip the item - change stats, each time you want to swap makes it a bit of a hassle. It would be nice if legendary pieces were considered account-bound, and show up in the equipment panel if applicable. Then let them be used/saved in templates with the correct stats and sigils.

![](https://i.imgur.com/zVi16LZ.jpg "")


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**Ascended Equipment Infusions**


_Ascended Mighty Infusion

+5 Power

+9 Agony Resistance

+1% Damage to Guards, Lords and Supervisors_


Created from Mystic Forge recipe

_1 Mighty +9 Agony Infusion

1 Mighty WvW Infusion

5 Integrated Fractal Matrices

1 Certificate of Heroics_


Infusions with different stats can be crafted using same recipe with respective infusions similar in +stat attribute.

While WvW and Fractal Infusion both work well for PvE, providing additional stats, those two types of Infusions are mutually exclusive. When character has WvW Infusions, that character loses Agony Resistance and wise-versa. While stat attribute on those infusions can be same, additional effect is different. It won't be bad to unify both, because one effect only works in respective game mode.


All cosmetic infusions can be further upgraded with respective WvW counterpart to the point of dual benefit.

Stat change of Ascended Infusions can still be the same as Fractal infusions stat swap.


This also can be a precursor for possible Legendary Infusions.

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It'd be really cool if books could be unlocked in the hero panel, similar to novelties :) I love collecting the lore books and learning about the world, but there's so many I've had to dedicate almost an entire bank tab to them and I'm sure there will be more to come over future releases!


![](https://i.imgur.com/s28FUd2.jpg "")


It'd be a huge QoL improvement if we could either add them to our novelties for ease of access or have a page similar to the story journal, where we can scroll down unlocked lore books and read through them on there/play their audio/cutscene! Or as others have suggested before, even a small library in a home instance to store them would be great, similar to how the Snargle collection functions in EotN! I think these books are an awesome addition to the world and it'd be cool to have somewhere to keep, display and revisit them and encourage collectors to find the ones they don't already have :)


Also not so much a QoL suggestion, but it'd be a really nice addition to guilds if we could unlock the 'activities' organisers in our hall and use them for guild only activities. The activities are really fun but it's a shame they rotate and it'd hard to ensure you're in a game with just people from your guild/party. It'd be very cool if guilds could open their own instances of them at any time and create teams to play them/if full, other people in the guild could spectate. Years ago there used to be some pretty popular guilds centered around Keg Brawl when it was still in the open world, it'd be so cool if guilds could organise their own games of that and Southsun survival or Sanctum Sprint ect for fun and competition :)



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Hello I wanted to suggest a small change on the UI the thing is as follows when you loot you get a preview of what you are getting on the bottom right corner and that thing gets in the way of the map layer widget that I tend to use a lot and the constant popping of the things I'm looting is always laggy and getting in the way of the layer control my suggestion is to move up the layer control or put on the bottom left the loot preview

Another idea that I want to propose is if possible: the ability to config different key binds profiles for each class in the game given that many people play a lot of different characters that may require to be changing key binds for optimal rotation.

would this be possible??


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> @"Nokomis.5076" said:

> So you want to let the UI change because of a non official 3rd Party addon (if I understand that right) who doesn't like the position?


> Why not letting the widget change it's position instead?


I don't believe the OP is talking about a third party widget. They are referring to the layer selection widget on the map that is part of the UI. The little bouncy chests and scrolling list of loot can cover this widget. I've run into it myself.

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