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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"innos.9376" said:

> Another idea that I want to propose is if possible: the ability to config different key binds profiles for each class in the game given that many people play a lot of different characters that may require to be changing key binds for optimal rotation.

> would this be possible??



it is very much possible to implement this ingame. like how SWTOR does, in the folder where it keeps the configs, there's also a file there that has references to each account you've logged into and each character on that account where each character has a UI setting and keybind setting pointed to it (both of which also stored locally)


as for whether the devs would implement this? i can't say probably unlikely since what we have now works for majority of the players. -- for more opinions or discussions related to this specific topic visit this recent thread about it: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/73381/please-make-keybinds-unique-to-each-characters-thanks



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My main character is warrior and I'm in love with the Berserker Elite speicalization.

I want to give a suggestion about the Primal Burst with longbow called **Scorched Earth** (the **F1** skill).

What the skill does is "Fire a burning shot into the ground that creates a trail of flaming destruction." with range 1200 and radius 120.

This skill is awesome BUT in **raids its potential is kinda wasted** for the reason you are mainly fighting a single boss and most of the times your squad is fighting stacked on him.

If we take for example this as the trail of the skill and the boss(B) is close to the player(P)

**P[ B ][__][__][__][__]**

As you can see **4 /5 of the trail is wasted**.

This won't matter that much if the boss was static but bosses like **Matthias**, **Souless Horror**, **Dhuum** or **Twin Largos**, where condition dps is recommended, are quite often moved around because of mechanics. So what happens to the Scorched Earth skill if the boss gets moved left or right from your skill?

For examle:

. . **B**


. . **B**

He avoids the radius of the skill and your skill is wasted.

What my suggestion is a trait to be created, unique for situations where you'll be attacking a single/multiple targets in close range and turn the current skill

from this


to this




This way the player won't be punished with dps-loss that much from moving bosses/enemies. The skill will look a bit like Fan of Fire (skill 3 longbow) but leaving a trail below it.

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With the new fractal and the last boss CM encounter I felt like it would be great for the party to have marks which can be placed on the ground or above someones head. The system is there(in the squad groups) and it doesn't hurt someones gameplay outside of the party. Why this isn't implemented yet? I hate the current workaround with this problem by making people put personal marks on the minimap and try keeping track of them in the heat of the action. Our look is supposed to be on the field not on the minimap.

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Just saw a youtuber singing, pretending to be a siren. I think it will be a cool add to the game . Maybe add a neutral siren that sings on some rock close to some Canthan coast like an easter egg or make a world boss or meta of a siren that can be heard all over the map until it is killed. It will add a huge flavour to the game. Here's the vid of her. Hire her ArenaNet! ->

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Hello its possible to add to the game Specific Keybinding for every character, also you would have the options to keep the same hotkey for all your characters or speficic ones.


Second one would be great if you could move somethings on your interface, like party frame or even target frame, Ive a big monitor and its awful .


third Can you make an option to turn off the green effect of Reaper form that makes your screen green if you are in wvw or even in a squad??? Its just so horrible to have a whole green screen with 100000 effects on your screen, I dont know if its just me, but that makes 1000 harder to see anything doing wvw with your screen greem.


forth if you could add some options to change your cursor like yolomouse, playing wvw to see your cursor on those big fights its really bad, I had to pay for the yolomouse to be able to see the mouse, maybe for experienced players the got used to it, but now with steam etc, many players might join the game, and this option Would make much more enjoyable the game.


Thank you.

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Since i can't find where to write it.

It's not for Guild Wars 2, but for Guild Wars 1.

Recent patch broke -password command line, now GW1 can't be auto-logged in.

Can you please add 'remember password' for GW1, just like GW2 has right now. Or atleast fix -password command line. It simply doesn't work.


It is very uncomfortable without proper auto-login in GW1.

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> @"Rankomonaut.4708" said:

> Either tools that harvest until the node is empty -

> or

> - a paid service:


> -> 50s for all ore nodes

> -> 50s for all wood nodes

> -> 25s for all harvest nodes

> -> 1g for all containers (wintersday tree included)


A butler charges a wage, say 5% to 10% of the harvest, I have 30 home instance nodes and goody "boxes" , the 30 separate stops with unlimited gathering tools or the keys takes to much time. It will only get worse with a new expansion. I did it for a year or two but have slowed down now, The cost of the butler would be made to compensate for the change where removal of lazy instance owners from the economy added to supply. The gems to hire the butler pay the developers etc for the design(s)..

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Add Unused versions of Glyphs for Gathering tools to Black Lion Vendor for price of Black Lion Statuetes.

Right now [Glyph of the Leatherworker](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Glyph_of_the_Leatherworker_(Unused)) cost more than [Thunderstrike Harvesting Tool](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Thunderstrike_Harvesting_Tool) and it has Glyph of the Leatherworker by default. This is kinda ridiculous that Infinite Tool + Glyph is cheaper than Glyph alone.


It happened because Glyph of the Leatherworker didn't appear in Black Lion chests for very long time. That overprice for Glyphs can be fixed by adding unused versions to Black Lion Vendor.

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- Make it possible when salvaging massive amounts of food/gear to hold down mouse button and it automatically salvages everything in that slot until there is nothing left. This is important for those chiefs who need to make supercompost for herb seeds.

- I'm sure it's been asked before, wardrobe slots. You can save and change your looks, without having to use transmutation charges again, or without switching gears for the sake of it (imagine creating several ascended pieces just for the sake of fashion, altough it may not be unheard of but it's stupid because it could be handled very differently.) Like outfits, but your own creations.

- Let my gathering tools be actually account wide in a sense that I don't have to unequip it, shove it in a bank and re-equip that on a different character. If one character has it equipped, I would like there to be an option that all my other characters have it.

- Total Makeover Kit saves. Let me save my looks. I know it's possible to create a code for your model because Wildstar had that.

- Any chance of turning your DX9 into DX12? Or whatever it's called. I would rather rely on Anet's implementation, because I am lazy as kitten. Community made it possible, why not Anet?

Thanks for reading.

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A gemstore/QoL idea, bring back the old Lions Arch by one of two ways. One, blow it up and rebuild the old one, or two, make a pass like Mistlocke for the old LA (with 100% access to the entire old LA city) both for old players to be back at the best city ever and to let new players experience the magic there. :smiley:

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Please fix the inconsistencies with buying and selling at the TP with the "buy/sell instantly" button.


When we buy items, and the amount needed is more than the first seller in the list, it will automatically select the next seller (etc. etc) until the required amount is reached.


Why does it not do this when we sell items? Why does it insist on doing a separate sell order for each buyer AND make us click the first buyer in the list (when we can't select any other buyer anyway) AND make us scroll all the way from 1 to max? (when it doesn't do that for the first order)


It's infuriating as hell to do all the extra clicks when selling a lot of stuff and trip the arbitrary "you have placed too many sell orders" limit, for no reason whatsoever.

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Sure in here somewhere but if not worth re-adding. When opening any crafting window, start with the groupings collapsed. Additionally if reasonable, add in a toggle under game options defaulted as unchecked that would make the view act like it does today, but if checked the collapsed view is seen when opening the frame. That way veteran crafter can more quickly get to the section they need versus have to scroll all the way down to the area they want to get to and new players would start like everyone did and see things fill in as they learn more recipes. Another way to get to the same result would be a checkbox at the top of frame that acted as collapse all/expand all feature.

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