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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Give us non-combat INVISIBLE tonic usable in Open World only B)


Seriously I'm playing the commander, god-slayer, dragon-stomper but every single trash mob wants to try their luck.

Let me wander without being attacked by trash every other second.

//yes. I know of perma invis DE.

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Aesthetician npcs in home cities let us preview what our toons would look like if we changed them


But we can only preview in a small window, and we can't move the preview toon up and down, only left and right


Could the npc give us an option to see the change on our actual toon, with a Change Back button floating somewhere on the right of the screen, so we can click it repeatedly to see the differences between the old and new look?


So if we change our toon to look something different, clicking the button would change our toon back to the old look, and clicking it again would change it back to the new look

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First time poster here so please be gentle. I’d like to suggest implementing an infinite achievement for reviving downed players. I love playing in Istan and have no problems running across the Great Hall to help out a fellow downed player but there are people who just don’t bother. Perhaps putting an incentive in may actually work in everyone’s favour. Thanks for reading!

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I didn't realize this thread was here. But as I suggested in a separate thread, I know mounts in dungeons like Arah probably aren't feasible, but it would be nice to have the dungeon's map added to the world map, as well as some of the personal story pieces. I.e. Arah explorable and story, the White Mantle hideout in Brisban etc.

Maybe the white mantle hideout is there and I haven't noticed it? I know we have Farahnur on the world map, which is why I find it strange it was done that way and some of the others weren't.


I know it seems small and probably pretty meaningless to a lot of people, but it's just something that's always irked me a bit.. especially on my map completion characters.


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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Plz something to explore without being harassed based on Bitterfrost technology "Disguise" within sons of svanir quest.


That's another good point, inventory bloat. (Well, leads me to my point rather.)


There's still a ton of it. Especially with newly added items with living story updates. Bitterfrost items fill up your inventory fast, like the disguises.


But here you have Serpentine Jewels as a crafting ingredient but it can't be deposited. You have the runes in Jahai Bluffs dropping endlessly on all of your characters filling up your inventory. The turrets in Kourna.


Patch after patch there's always some miscellaneous item(s) that just winds up clogging up your inventory. I think unidentified gear and the latest rune salvaging was a great step in the right direction as was the change to make these unbound/voltatile magic resources consumable, but it feels like each release there's always something that tends to go against that general philosophy.


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> @"stabbey.2706" said:

> First time poster here so please be gentle. I’d like to suggest implementing an infinite achievement for reviving downed players. I love playing in Istan and have no problems running across the Great Hall to help out a fellow downed player but there are people who just don’t bother. Perhaps putting an incentive in may actually work in everyone’s favour. Thanks for reading!


Another good idea and seems fairly reasonable to implement. Maybe have the reward be a series of titles earned after x amount of revives. Perhaps even separate title tiers for separate categories or game modes. I.e. Reviving animal npc's, reviving things in fractals like a mists related title, reviving in world versus world, reviving in open world pve. I think titles in general are pretty good incentive for some people, even if the actual amount of achievement points you get aren't all that much.


That's another thing I think could use a little bit of tweaking, achievement points and rewards. As much as I love getting free gems, I'd almost rather have a choice of a hellfire or radiant armor skin than 400 gems. But I suppose that would diminish the value of those skins to the players who've been around long enough and grinded achievement points enough to actually unlock them. From my understanding, before I really got into the game in Heart of Thorns there was a reworking to some of the achievement points to make them harder to come by, given those players a potential advantage over ones coming in later. But I don't know enough about that to really get into it. Just that it's a great system, but the rewards and requirements for some of the rewards could potentially be a little more lenient, especially if it helps incentivize new players to really push themselves to explore more aspects of the game than they would normally.


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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > Give us a vista for home instance and guild hall. B)


> This would be so great!


I've kind of spammed this thread now that I discovered it, so this will be my last post for awhile, but this is a neat idea.


I think Guild Halls in general have been kind of abandoned and may not see any huge developments, but the fractal console and djinn teleportation device do give me a bit of hope. So, other issues aside, I think it would be neat to have a customizable vista in Guild Halls. Though programming that seems like it would be quite a pain. I wonder if it would be possible though creating a vista decoration that gives you the option to set up a path for the camera to pan along? I don't know how much it would be really worth investing in though unless Guild Halls received some update that made them a little more enticing to visit i.e. actual chests loot-predetermined or deposited by person that set the chest, spawnable boss guild mission similar to the initial claiming process, or some other functionality that entices people to actually spend time in them if they aren't passionate about decorating and exploring them like I am.

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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Plz something to explore without being harassed based on Bitterfrost technology "Disguise" within sons of svanir quest.


> That's another good point, inventory bloat. (Well, leads me to my point rather.)


> There's still a ton of it. Especially with newly added items with living story updates. Bitterfrost items fill up your inventory fast, like the disguises.


If the issue is filling your inventory space, it can be easily fixed. Turn it into an asuran device that store an enemy apperance once you killed it kinda like rangers when taming pets.


You click on it, you select the desired foe within the palette. And poof, you're disguised and every same foes are allies.


EVEN BETTER: make disguises a novelty, 0 space used within inventory.

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Alright, I have an idea to save Guild Wars 2...


Bare with me... Guild Wars 2 Battle Royal...



Edge of the Mists map... remove the gates from keeps and towers, remove all NPCs and BAM!


What else?:

Add a storm mechanic so people gather in the middle.

Let people start with no gear and pick weapons and armor along the way.

Let people glide and use mounts in this game mode after picking up items that will allow them so, or speed/defense/attack buffs maybe.



Sell skins and silly emotes.


There you go GW2 is saved.


you are welcome.

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suggestion, put serious effort into revenant, then actually test it before release. The new delay on skills is just hilariously bad, even some pve mobs dodge it. So many specs have almost instant hits, mesmer? yea, they hit for over 30k almost instantly, but rev had to be nerfed? I do not think anyone has done much good for rev in over a year, it seems like they keep making it worse. Talking to other revs, most like me who have quit playing it totally. Say they dont even bother using facet of nature now, its useless. It doesnt do much worth even bothering. Wasted skill, wasted time clicking it. I think its pretty obvious the changes have really made rev a target in PVP now and everyone just ganks the rev. Any team with a rev on it now, i tell the others, target the rev, he will fall fast and the match is a 5v4 the whole time. Every match that has a rev on the other team, we win easy. Rev is unfortunately pathetic now. Steps to fix? Return facet to what it was before the last changes. Amp the armor up at least 15%. Then maybe even think about changing it so a rev can use 3 specs to choose from where glint and renegade are able to use at the same time with in these 3 specs. Renegade in pvp is so weak its a 5v4, almost no one plays it and if they do, we smack it like an eagle vs wurm. I do not understand how so many classes are becoming one shot classes and the rev and others are just target practice now. I mean, ya didnt just drop the ball, you poked it with a knife... it doesnt even bounce now. The only people who complain rev is too powerful are the inexperienced players. Anyone who is good at pvp lays waste to all rev combinations, EASY and the more it stays as is, the less and less you see people playing them. Changing the facet of nature thing, (fail). Changing shackling wave... (fail). The armor on a rev (heavy) is weaker then cloth armor on necro and ele? that makes no sense at all... Rev should be considered naked compared to a cloth armor out tanking a rev? It is crazy but im sad, i like rev and ive basically stopped playing Gw2 since this change, ive tried other classes, but i miss rev. I made legendary armor for the rev and now all that time is just trashed and wasted. Anyhow. Anet really needs to test things before they release them, and i mean, not that it works with out crashing the game. Test the flow of how it works against other specs that can fight back in a pvp like scenerio and not (a bot that fights back like the ones in the pvp practice area) those bots are just infants compared to real players. Real testing should be done. I am amazed at how old this game is with basically no balance. I am not even gonna get started about dead eyes. A rev can reveal them once... wow... since rev is useless now and most dont even play, a DE just sits there mostly and kills people un contested while invisible. Fail.... total fail.... Look at some matches and how many kills a DE is getting, its insane. 40 kills, 50 kills, 60 kills... no one could ever get that many and DE is doing this... thats just so wrong and unbalanced. Really need some volunteer testing or something, 1 year and im already not playing the game. You want customers, you should really spend time making some kinda balance where all specs have a chance to win against all specs. This is balance. A mesmer build right now is so fast, you cant even hear the spells, your instantly dead, over 30k dmg in half a sec? Obviously there is little to no real game play testing being done. Anyhow, id imagine this will go un heard and un noticed. Loosing customers slowly is how all games fail... just a point. I am barely a year and already aware there is not enough testing being done to make some kinda balance. =( Its a good game that is falling apart to lack of care on development that is checked before released.

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> @"RobMonty.3719" said:

> suggestion, put serious effort into revenant, then actually test it before release. The new delay on skills is just hilariously bad, even some pve mobs dodge it. So many specs have almost instant hits, mesmer? yea, they hit for over 30k almost instantly, but rev had to be nerfed? I do not think anyone has done much good for rev in over a year, it seems like they keep making it worse. Talking to other revs, most like me who have quit playing it totally. Say they dont even bother using facet of nature now, its useless. It doesnt do much worth even bothering. Wasted skill, wasted time clicking it. I think its pretty obvious the changes have really made rev a target in PVP now and everyone just ganks the rev. Any team with a rev on it now, i tell the others, target the rev, he will fall fast and the match is a 5v4 the whole time. Every match that has a rev on the other team, we win easy. Rev is unfortunately pathetic now. Steps to fix? Return facet to what it was before the last changes. Amp the armor up at least 15%. Then maybe even think about changing it so a rev can use 3 specs to choose from where glint and renegade are able to use at the same time with in these 3 specs. Renegade in pvp is so weak its a 5v4, almost no one plays it and if they do, we smack it like an eagle vs wurm. I do not understand how so many classes are becoming one shot classes and the rev and others are just target practice now. I mean, ya didnt just drop the ball, you poked it with a knife... it doesnt even bounce now. The only people who complain rev is too powerful are the inexperienced players. Anyone who is good at pvp lays waste to all rev combinations, EASY and the more it stays as is, the less and less you see people playing them. Changing the facet of nature thing, (fail). Changing shackling wave... (fail). The armor on a rev (heavy) is weaker then cloth armor on necro and ele? that makes no sense at all... Rev should be considered naked compared to a cloth armor out tanking a rev? It is crazy but im sad, i like rev and ive basically stopped playing Gw2 since this change, ive tried other classes, but i miss rev. I made legendary armor for the rev and now all that time is just trashed and wasted. Anyhow. Anet really needs to test things before they release them, and i mean, not that it works with out crashing the game. Test the flow of how it works against other specs that can fight back in a pvp like scenerio and not (a bot that fights back like the ones in the pvp practice area) those bots are just infants compared to real players. Real testing should be done. I am amazed at how old this game is with basically no balance. I am not even gonna get started about dead eyes. A rev can reveal them once... wow... since rev is useless now and most dont even play, a DE just sits there mostly and kills people un contested while invisible. Fail.... total fail.... Look at some matches and how many kills a DE is getting, its insane. 40 kills, 50 kills, 60 kills... no one could ever get that many and DE is doing this... thats just so wrong and unbalanced. Really need some volunteer testing or something, 1 year and im already not playing the game. You want customers, you should really spend time making some kinda balance where all specs have a chance to win against all specs. This is balance. A mesmer build right now is so fast, you cant even hear the spells, your instantly dead, over 30k dmg in half a sec? Obviously there is little to no real game play testing being done. Anyhow, id imagine this will go un heard and un noticed. Loosing customers slowly is how all games fail... just a point. I am barely a year and already aware there is not enough testing being done to make some kinda balance. =( Its a good game that is falling apart to lack of care on development that is checked before released.


Might I ask you to put some paragraphs into this post? It is awfully hard to read in this form.

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I somewhat agree with an overhaul to the daily rewards system which would incentivise a less-is-more approach e.g.


Similar to how we can get rare tyrian currency exchanges in black lion chests, grant us a daily HoT/PoF or LS season zone choice which grants you your choice of currency (significantly boosted from previous) to increase the amount of reward, e.g.


Instead of, 1 bloodstone per daily in Bloodstone fen, you complete your Daily Living Season 3 quests and turn them in for 10 Bloodstones.


Another few QoL Suggestions and these are bigger more significant updates, first, again, an RP hub option for RPers that lets you go into capital cities and select the "Only phase with roleplayers" option for those wanting to RP in peace.


Second, A new Mastery line for Core Tyria, Weapons Mastery with a major update being:


3 Tier Mastery

Tier 1: Underwater Training:

Can use All Weapon Types underwater, removes underwater weapon swap.

Tier 2: Overland Training:

Can use all underwater weapons overland.

Tier 3: Retention Of Wisdom

New weapons unlocked by specializations can be used regardless of if you equip them or not. (Includes minor change to spell weaver ele for warhorn and other ele's for sword)


Obviously this one would have to be a big update, likely a massive episode or season update or an overhaul to combat, as for the advantages of this, I think it would finally be a way for A-net to bring the 3 underwater weapons overland and overland weapons underwater, giving people the ability to use them in all situations, for weapon differences, they use the same abilities in both circumstances, except that underwater weapon abilities dont use AOE markers or Cones and overland versions "do" for Underwater Weapons.


Also, with said update, remove aquabreathers and simply make the current ones a new set of headgear, and any current ones become default headgear.

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I have an idea that I have been thinking about for some time now. It involves a few changes to the Black Lion Trading Post; specifically the selling of items.


Currently, all items that can be sold are shown as a list, with the current selling price to the right of it (usually).


My suggestion involves adding three new lines. The first line is a checkbox, which, when checked, would mean that the seller (me) is wanting to sell the product at the given price. This way, a person could quickly go down the list of what they want to sell, then click on the sell button. This way, instead of selling one set of the same item at a time (and having a sell screen pop up and then clicking on the sell button), a single button would sell all of the items selected at once.


The two other columns to be added would show the sell price for the item and another column beside it that would allow the seller to set the price for their item (currently, a person has to click on the item to have this information appear).


While this may seem a small time saver, for someone like me who buys and sells a lot of stuff when I play, this would make my life easier.

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This has been bugging me for a while now... I have 197 Desert Crafting Material Coffers, but I have to select INDIVIDUALLY, ONE BY ONE, which reward I want.


This means I have to double click the item and select each reward 197 separate times - and since there's multiple reward options to choose from (11 of them to be exact), this also means I would have to scroll down to the bottom every time, if the item I wanted happened to be at the bottom. This is unbelievably frustrating. So much so that every time I get these coffers - they just go straight into the bank, never to be opened, because it's simply too annoying to choose my reward each time.


Can't there be like a 'cash in X coffers' option for this? Or, when selecting a reward, being able to right click the reward and select 1, 5, 10, or X? X being an amount you can type in and enter.

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