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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Nicholas Steel.2340" said:

> Now that it's been a few years since I last made this request... time to make it again I guess? please update the Launcher to indicate how long an update will take and how much data is needed to be downloaded (handy for those with limited download quota's as well as those who want to plan their life around the time it takes to update). The displayed information does not help: https://imgur.com/a/LbqGDrG


> Also move the Minimize and Close buttons to the left of the fancy artwork on the Launcher so that they are significantly easier to identify/find.


Maybe even an update pause button so that if you need to take breaks inbetween updates and maybe even a set download limit in the launcher so that you can set how much you want to allow to download at a time. Sometimes I want to play things while downloading updates so I set the download to about half speed, I wish I could do this for GW larger updates.

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> @"DarkNighT.7319" said:

> I have a big point to make for quality of life for the game enonomy because right now, it honestly feels like everything is really, awfully to cheap in regards to a lot of the crafting materials, which came from Path of Fire spamloot events and general income of gear.


> Arenanet should increase the cost of crafting recipe's to counter the vast influx of various materials so that they have some value again, the reason for this is that when everything has less value, people feel like a lot of things they do is not really worth doing or worse, being left out because the best money income is from places they don't enjoy which is a fair point to bring to the table, as it is impossible to expect everyone to play high level things where the most money is, different people enjoy different things, but on the whole, because of the low value of items, it decreases the enjoyment out of things people do like, which for all intents and purposes is also, making gold to buy the things they desire.


> For this i would recommend that instead of needing 2 silk scraps to make a bolt, make it 3 or even 4 to create one bolt, this could also be done for a lot of materials in which the tradepost is just drowning in, it would encourage more trade because people will be able to sell items they don't need in exchange for the item they do need and feel like there is some point in doing content again which is just good for the game in general.


> I feel the general state of the economy is so out of whack, it needs adjustment not in how loot is gained, but in how we spend it and doing it through the various crafting and refinement methods is the easiest way for arenanet to encourage better prices and tone the recipe's down again when prices soar out of control, they did do this back in the day and i wish they would again to entice the market and have players feel like items are once again worth something, and even though i myself sit on 28 legendary items and they hardly feel like a great achievement because of in part, the low prices which just makes it less of a journey to get there.


I mean even bring more value out of silver and gold by forcing them into higher tier recipes, like maybe forcing them as another item in creating the ascended materials.


And even just creating more crafting recipes for conversion in the mystic forge.

I have so much silver and gold and it is so worthless.

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It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


This is completely unlike any other aspect of the game. Large game mechanics (like mounts and masteries) are granted to the player either through traditional play through the campaign (solo friendly), or by a multitude of different solo friendly options.


Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


> Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


> This is completely unlike any other aspect of the game. Large game mechanics (like mounts and masteries) are granted to the player either through traditional play through the campaign (solo friendly), or by a multitude of different solo friendly options.


> Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.


Please never do this Anet.

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A couple of suggestions for the game from practical to outlandish:


1. A home instance library for storage of story related books so we don't lose content or have to clog inventory for such a game element

2. Branded Beetle skin for sale in Gemstore please!

3. Make a PVP Spider-Mount that can climb walls for a time and shoot webs at enemies from vertical vantage points. I say "a time" as indefinite sniping might be too OP and in PVE if they go too high the invisible walls thing would become an issue.

4. More attack masteries for mounts, 2-5 skills, please!!

5. Cape skins for backpacks!!


More to come when I think of stuff. ;)

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Hey Arenanet, with one of your latest patches, you changed the item loot with unidentified gear. I think this was a good idea, but it brings up another "problem".

The space in my inventory is limited, but i often use the "salvage Stack"-option, but this selects all items up to the amount of Kits. I always want to open the unidentified gear items -> sometimes you get an "higher item".

But now, lets say i open 15 unidentified gear (inventory full), i can't use the "salvage Stack" option anymore, cause it would salvage 10 of the unidentified gear items. I have to salavage each item manually.


Can you please bring a "unselect option" within the "Salvae Stack"-Method? Thank you.

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> @"Sepobi.2984" said:

> Hey Arenanet, with one of your latest patches, you changed the item loot with unidentified gear. I think this was a good idea, but it brings up another "problem".

> The space in my inventory is limited, but i often use the "salvage Stack"-option, but this selects all items up to the amount of Kits. I always want to open the unidentified gear items -> sometimes you get an "higher item".

> But now, lets say i open 15 unidentified gear (inventory full), i can't use the "salvage Stack" option anymore, cause it would salvage 10 of the unidentified gear items. I have to salavage each item manually.


> Can you please bring a "unselect option" within the "Salvae Stack"-Method? Thank you.


Buy some account wide slots put the unided blue, green and yellow there and you wont salvage them.


Cheaper option if you only play on 1-3 toons is to buy another bag slot for each and invisible bags fill it up with usefull stuff and the unided your carrying around and that works too.

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Can the LFG Fractal sections be available based off your AR and not personal fractal level. Its frustrating not being able to look/queue for the appropriate group... i had to get someone to join my party to queue and get them to leave. I've 50AR and a personal fractal level of 14 which should allow me up to nearly the end of T2 at level 40.

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Please add character related key bindings and weapon set related key bindings.

Different professions and weapons have its own unique skill sets that are very inconvenient to bind on the same keys.


Key bindings should be changing when you swap weapons and when you select other characters.


That is one of basic MMO mechanics, why we still do not have it?

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**Wood Economy Rebalance and Artifice Wood Cost Rebalance PLEASE**


Please rebalance the wood economy ( more specifically wood per plank ratio )

Unlike Ore which can be found above ground, underwater, and through tons of different salvage options as well as loot bags.

Wood can only be found above ground and very limited salvage and extremely rarely in loot bags.


Artifice especially is hurt the most with the **extreme** crafting cost of wood items.


To put it into perspective most Artifice items require 6 planks.

1 plank = 3 wood

That is 18 wood per basic item. Then you how dowel which costs 1 more plank. Which makes it 21 wood per item.

1 Tree gives 3 - 4 wood ( most often 3 ).

**Which means 1 staff takes 7 trees to make! **


If you identify recipes for every combination you only get about **46 levels**.

To get to level 75 artifice you need essentially more than **500+ wood**.



1. 2 wood = 1 plank

2. All artifice wood costs reduced by 1 - 2 planks.

3. 6 Plank Artifice cost items reduced to 4

4. 5 Plank Artifice cost items reduced to 3


Another option is to Double or Triple the XP gains to artifice crafting when crafting items.

That way you can craft left items to level up the Artifice crafting tree.


**This would help Artifice wood economy immensely. **

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Some small things:


* Enable the right click functionality of bonus chests on chests earned through Beetle Races and Timed events. It's only annoying because these are the only bonus chests that you can't accept with a single right click.

* The "Sign up for the race" prompt that appears when you enter the starting area of a race should autoclose shortly after you leave said area.

* A keybind to directly go into decorator mode in the guild halls.

* The decoration select window should retain the search prompt between closing and opening again until I exit decorator mode.

* Not sure if it's mechanical issue or if it can be fixed at all, but it can be really annoying when an enemy keeps the player in combat long after its death, despawning or simply moving out of accessibility and so virtually losing aggro to the player.



> @"Kaidan.6509" said:

> **Wood Economy Rebalance and Artifice Wood Cost Rebalance PLEASE**

> ...


This isn't a Quality-of-Life change. It's a feature update.

If you are having trouble levelling artificer, [this might be of use to you.](http://gw2crafts.net/artificing.html "this might be of use to you.")


> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Weapon swap for all professions.


Do you mean how Elementalists and Engineers can only equip one set? Yeah, it's not exactly QoL, but a core feature of those professions. Not gonna happen.

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Ability to filter by number of items in your bank or material storage. I often want to see what material slots are full, or near capacity. Since there is already an option to filter by name, maybe add something like > 240, <5, = 250 as options to the filter which show stacks greate than 240, less than 5, or that have 250 (these are example numbers - end user can put in any numbers they want)


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> @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > @"Kaidan.6509" said:

> > **Wood Economy Rebalance and Artifice Wood Cost Rebalance PLEASE**

> > ...


> This isn't a Quality-of-Life change. It's a feature update.

> If you are having trouble levelling artificer, [this might be of use to you.](http://gw2crafts.net/artificing.html "this might be of use to you.")


Guides are not useful because the reality of the situation is it is poorly balanced, to begin with. The requirements for Artifice, in general, are much higher than any other profession. Since the supply is much lower and the requirements are much higher.


In order for Artifice to be balanced with other professions in terms of leveling vs quantity of materials needed. It needs major reduction in materials in relation to how much materials are obtainable from the map. Which is only half of the ore. So it would make sense the requirements should be half.



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Please add these features to the graphics section of the options panel:


1. Hide minis. Hide all player minis except your own. This will help reduce lags especially in large scale events and wvw.

2. Adjust level of detail of other player's skill effects. We should be able to scale the quality of effects as needed to reduce lag and screen clutter due to particle effects and flashes.

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> @"Kaidan.6509" said:

> > @"MikeG.6389" said:

> > > @"Kaidan.6509" said:

> > > **Wood Economy Rebalance and Artifice Wood Cost Rebalance PLEASE**

> > > ...

> >

> > This isn't a Quality-of-Life change. It's a feature update.

> > If you are having trouble levelling artificer, [this might be of use to you.](http://gw2crafts.net/artificing.html "this might be of use to you.")


> Guides are not useful because the reality of the situation is it is poorly balanced, to begin with. The requirements for Artifice, in general, are much higher than any other profession. Since the supply is much lower and the requirements are much higher.


> In order for Artifice to be balanced with other professions in terms of leveling vs quantity of materials needed. It needs major reduction in materials in relation to how much materials are obtainable from the map. Which is only half of the ore. So it would make sense the requirements should be half.




It seems you didn't follow the link, which is fine. [Here is another one that shows you why artificer is not more expensive to level up than the other weaponcrafting disciplines.](http://gw2crafts.net/total.html) It draws prices real time, so there shouldn't be any arguments against relevance. But fine, I don't want to argue about that.


What you want is still not a simple Quality-of-Life change, but a feature update. And of something that you only have to do once on an account, really.

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Has anyone made the suggestion of just making the Warclaw utilize the masteries of the Raptor in PvE? I get it, its a wvw mount, but i'd like to run around on my big kitty, and not basically be penalized for it. I mean, its actually slower than the Raptor... I would suggest a mastery you have to get in PoF, like as an addition to the Raptor mount line of Masteries.. could take 4 more points, and just be like "The Warclaw now benefits from Canyon Jump, and moves faster in Tyria." or maybe even just its own Mastery in the PoF tab. i dont mind the 1 skill not being much more than just a big spike of damage, just the fact that its slower and has like, no leap, when cats are very well known for pouncing and leaping... eh, anyway... a Mastery for Warclaw to make it function similarly to Raptor(when it already kinda does anyway) but ONLY in PvE, would be great.

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