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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Last one for the day:

The wall grip functionality of the Skyscale should not be tied to the movement but have its own keybind. For one thing, flying through a forest is annoying when your mount suddenly decides to hang onto the smallest branch of a tree that happens to have collision.

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Black Lion Instant Level 80 Ticket - As a player with many alts (28 currently), I think this is a great addition to the Black Lion Trading Company. It's a bit pricey, but worth it if you want to dive right into the elite specializations of your class and you've already leveled many characters the regular way. But I did have one suggestion. At a cost of 2000 Gems, the level 80 gear you get should be pickable. I've purchased this Ticket a number of times and while I love the instant 80 boost, I've usually just tossed the gear (it's not salvagable). I think a great change to this item would be if you could choose the stats you want for the starting gear you get (Berzerker, Marauder, etc). At the price we pay for the ticket, I think it's a fair thing to offer.

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There is a weapon used by two npcs in fractals (Horrik and Arkk), it's an asuran-hand cannon, I suppose it acts like a rifle, I would like to have that skin available very much. Btw I love Arkk a lot, and wouldn't be against another fractal featuring him, I like that whole plot of fractal space-time shaeningans.


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"The ability to set alerts for each LFG tab"


Not my idea but I saw this in another discussion and thought that it needed to be put here. Being able to set alerts for LFG tabs that would appear in your chat. Very non-invasive way of letting you know that groups are forming for the content you selected. Instead of navigating the LFG evrey couple of minutes for a specific dungeon or meta, just click the notification box and carry on with your other activities. When groups start forming in those areas and message appears in your chat letting you know that other people are looking to form a party. This could have the added benefit of shortening wait times on the formation of a party for less popular content like dungeons because people interested in this content would get notified wherever they are and the person creating the group doesn't have to rely on them to be actively looking at LFG.

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The amount of Eitrite ingots you get from Bjora content is pretty decently high, but seems to only cost up in the restored weapons mainly and the 32 slot bags, but it's not very costly to either of those things on the ingots vs the amount you're getting for being active in the map. So I'd like to suggest a legendary that costs some thousand or two of the ingots so I'll stop selling stacks of them to vendors for a gold.

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> @"Frostfang.5109" said:

> Please make it possible to hide other player auras, and legendary trinkets effects.


Either in general or when selecting them and right clicking their name plate. Some players do it because the overall effect is atrocious to frames and screen clutter. For example, bees with the aurillium infusion, then ghostly infusion, and still some other 5 different ones that you lose track of because they clearly didn't want you to be able to tell what color their armor or hair was.

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I am sure everyone would like this, Adjustable HUD. Like, the targeting thing, Its just in a terrible spot for me (opinion) for PVP, its just so high up that i tend to not take advantage of looking at it. Would be nice to be able to move that and also resize everything more accurately. Place things in other areas as well as minimize the screens when not being used at all, etc etc. This is the only game ive ever played that had almost no adjustments to customize the HUD... Oh please just add some updates, id even pay gems for it, hah... (oh yea and PVP is so bad) wish this new patch would be more specific on dmg output per class type, like, ALL beserker style DPS output has a max, mid hybrid dps and healers all so somewhat be the same possible dps/healing instead of massive differences in class spec dmg outputs. This is why PVP is dying, there is nothing really that lets classes actually battle anymore, its all luck of the draw, dodge a 1 shot or die and with high end T5 Internet connections, a 1 shot build is already done before some of us with lower connections actually see it, so, your dead in .33 seconds and havent even seen it happen, but your already dead... A buffer for connections would be nice because most the top players simply have a better connection. This is huge... Connection speed makes huge differences in PVP play.

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* Weapon Sets for Black Lion Claim Tickets and Other Weapons - As we can't dye weapons wouldn't it be wonderful if ANet could provide packages of different coloured sets - Red Green Blue Yellow Purple/ Dark or Light as I have often liked a set but know it doesn't suit any of my characters in the sold colour version and wished it had been in another colour. Also maybe mute the colours of the trims ie I don't mind the Shining Aureate weapons but the red of the handles just doesn't coordinate for most of my characters

* Re Home instance nodes I would like to suggest that the HI are sectioned into 4 sections - Chopping, Mining, Harvesting and Other as it would make it so much easier have like with like instead of some grouped and others spread out all the way in a corner. I mean, if we do HI each day why shouldn't it be convenient. I thought the answer was the Glyph of reaping but it's not very convenient and its one of the items I wish I hadn't purchased. Actually I would really like to able to choose the layout of nodes in my home instance within certain parameters although that is prob quite improbable. Sighs

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Can you please change gear-template slots/build slots to be unlocked PER CLASS? (Not per account)

I mean: I have 35 characters... I liked to swap race for fashion-reasons... but since the templates released and I bought slots for some chars - I am forced to stay on this specific char... I cannot move all my stuff to another char - and can continue... now I would have to build the slots for the other char too... what would be hilarious...

With the current system... most of my bought character slots... were just a bunch of wasted money. Sadly :(



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I, personally, have several characters on my account. I use most of them for gathering, however, I have 2 main characters for fractals and such.

If I'm to change characters to start gathering, all characters in the menu move around when backing out.

This may seem petty however, I believe locking your main characters in, say, with a yellow border so that they stay in place if another character is being used it'd be great. Pinning them as I've seen another comment say.

I think this'd be both visually pleasing and just all around helpful for many people who switch around with characters a lot.

Thank you!

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