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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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So you want to design a better new player experience? Start with an Evade/CC tutorial.


1) Remove the level requirement for basic weapon skills. Greatsword 1-5? All immediately usable at level 1. Doing otherwise insults the player's intelligence.

2) Hand out all available weapons (grey or white quality, unsellable, unsalvagable) to new players in the opening mission. Just put in weapon racks or something.

3) Give the bosses of the opening mission an easily-breakable breakbar. Put up a big splash screen telling players how to break it.

4) Give players infinite endurance in the opening mission.


Evades, CCs and breakbars are your #1 barrier to players performing well in PVE. Most just don't know they exist (or don't know what they are). Some just don't know how they work. Change that.

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I've done a poll back in February about Mercenary helpers/Sidekicks based on our own characters, for our private instances, including story modes, dungeons, etc...


People who answered yes are equal to no, and then a small percentage said that they were impartial; meaning if the feature was there, they might aswell use it.


The idea is to place a mercenary slot in character select screen, and once we'd select our playable character, the merc slot would first be blank, and would have 2 buttons. A add, and remove.

Once you click on the merc slot, the add option would be available.

Then asking you in small text to click on one of our characters to be added.

Our playable character would turn grayed out, so we could not use the same playable character as merc.

Once we click on it, the character avatar would display on merc slot, and by clicking add button, it would permanently assign that specific character as merc, only to that playable character.


You would have to select a merc to each of your characters individually.


Once that was done, a new merc tab in hero pannel would be available, in which you could select the mercs primary weapon and its behaviour... select from passive, guardind, agressive, etc...


Obviously mercs, being our own characters, they will load as is, however we could not make changes to weapons and gear while in merc pannel.

We could only change things like, which weapon we want it to use most, if they're able to swap weapons, etc...


I would love to use my own characters as a team.

Thanks ANet

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I kinda agree with above, would like to see an use for my other characters as mercs or even as a training doll. Even summoning one of my characters to fight it as novelty.


I would enjoy it so much to be able to run dungeons with 4 copy of some of my characters instead of players, so much fun possible.

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Here goes one idea that Anet should like:


Add an option in the gem store for recurrent purchases of gems, this is for old lazy guys and gals like me, i don't really need that many gems, but i love the game and want to help, i can pay 10 USD per month and pile on gems to spend on something i like when i see it.



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After Build Templates were released I think It´d be awesome to have Mystic Forge QoL Improvements.

Maybe the economy would be endangered if more people used it but I think we could improve it with recipes that combine the Items available (aka. in your Inventory) and show an optional Result that u can choose - U click on the Result and the ingredients will be set in the right spots automatically.

Maybe even a Drop Down menu might be worth a thought considering Attunements and easy Infusing.


Some extra Slots that are empty next to the abilites where you can place stuff from your Inventory like Portals, Extra CC, etc (would be nice for CMs and Open world) 2 or 3 Slots could be enough alrdy.


Thank you if you´re reading this :)

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**New Hairstyles with Content Releases:**

I know it has already been mentioned last year that this wasn't a priority for ANet, but I really really think you guys should reconsider. With each expansion in Guild Wars, we traveled to new places and unlocked new aesthetic for our characters. It felt purposeful and like it fit the theme of the world we were exploring.


With the current GW2 store model, I think people that support the game would honestly be more than happy to buy a hair style kit to use the new styles. They would especially purchase a makeover kit if there were new face/skin options. It doesn't even have to be a lot to be honest, just something to add more variety. Maybe one or two new styles for each race. That doesn't seem like a lot, but it does add up and I feel like it makes a difference when you're trying to include all of the races and male/female combos.


With the new announcement and the hint at **Cantha**, I think this would be a fantastic opportunity to test out and implement this approach. Not only would people be excited for the content, but they would have something to look forward to in terms of character customization other than costumes or outfits. They'd know that they would get at least one new hairstyle or face for their race, and if it's done well enough it would certainly generate even more revenue for the game through micro transactions.


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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Over time, we've seen a lot of good QoL suggestions on the forums. It seems to be it'd be good to have a regular sticky post -- yes, yes, I know, we already have too many stickies! ;) -- so that these can be better seen, added to, commented upon, and so forth.


> So here's the official QoL suggestion thread. I will try to merge in previous threads on the topic of Quality of Life, but if you see any I missed, could you please PM me to let me know?


> Thanks!


Well I know many, many, many people have been asking over the last 8 years to have the 'Do not show skill tips on skill bars' back again!

We had it in GW1 so why not GW2? Think of us that don't have nimble fingers/hands due to medical reasons (ie, missing fingers), please.

With the new Expansion coming up this is the perfect time to put it back in the game.

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Add a clear defiance bar/CC tutorial. Firstly add a clear indicator showing which skills are useful for breaking bar: (Here greenish outline around concerned skills)



Secondly, add a strong defiance bar enemy in each starting instance:

-For human: Add a centaur shaman, after defending for the second time shaemoor, just before earth elemental. A shaman creating a magical field from crossing the bridge.

-For asura: An Inquest golem maintain a force field around it and another one blocking the access to the asuran gate leading to the supressor golem.

-For norn: Isomnir have a first phase of casting a snowstorm and is invulnerable while the breakbar isn't broke.

-For sylvari: The shadow of the dragon start invulnerable and require to break a bar to continue fighting it.

-For charr: Sometimes baradin, do a magic spell to shield himself by attracting rocks on him. To destroy that rock armor you need to break the defiance bar.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> Add a clear defiance bar/CC tutorial. Firstly add a clear indicator showing which skills are useful for breaking bar: (Here greenish outline around concerned skills)

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/S7bkImX.jpg)


Great idea but not maybe green as that colour means healing in most mmos, I would say go with blue.


Think I tried an MMO several years ago (can't remember the name) that had the skills like that.

Red border on attack skills, green on healing and blue on CC/stun skills

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Please make the guild cape larger and longer on asura, this is a joke for an item that cost 10g + 10 guild commendations. THANKS




[That image](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/a-hat-in-time/images/b/be/Wall_Jump.png/revision/latest?cb=20171102183612) shows you how a cape and btw a real top hat should render on a small character.


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When having a commander squad, hiding the tag when in squad or as the commander yourself. For rp purposes in a group for immersion (but the tag could still be visible on map so people would know where to join), for when wanting squad functionality (maybe colored markers on things) but no actual tag.

love the private squad thing.

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> @"SoulGuardian.6203" said:

> I've done a poll back in February about Mercenary helpers/Sidekicks based on our own characters, for our private instances, including story modes, dungeons, etc...


> People who answered yes are equal to no, and then a small percentage said that they were impartial; meaning if the feature was there, they might aswell use it.


> The idea is to place a mercenary slot in character select screen, and once we'd select our playable character, the merc slot would first be blank, and would have 2 buttons. A add, and remove.

> Once you click on the merc slot, the add option would be available.

> Then asking you in small text to click on one of our characters to be added.

> Our playable character would turn grayed out, so we could not use the same playable character as merc.

> Once we click on it, the character avatar would display on merc slot, and by clicking add button, it would permanently assign that specific character as merc, only to that playable character.


> You would have to select a merc to each of your characters individually.


> Once that was done, a new merc tab in hero pannel would be available, in which you could select the mercs primary weapon and its behaviour... select from passive, guardind, agressive, etc...


> Obviously mercs, being our own characters, they will load as is, however we could not make changes to weapons and gear while in merc pannel.

> We could only change things like, which weapon we want it to use most, if they're able to swap weapons, etc...


> I would love to use my own characters as a team.

> Thanks ANet


This sounds super awesome! I agree!

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For years I've wanted to have all the vendors you just made available in Eye of the North on Guild Hall. Can you add those to Guild Halls too please? Sometimes while doing updates you need to craft things and need to go out, craft, come back in. Having all those NPCs available would make Guild Halls even better.


Thanks :)

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Sure, why not. I have a personal guild hall and this would give me the opportunity to never leave it for services.


I have to note, though, that the unlockable services in EotN are somewhat insulting, to be honest. There is nothing to unlock that you don't get in a city by default, except here you have to pay for them...

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Is it not like a suggestion but more of complain...

lately it is really common to see characters with overstacked infusion effects, legendary item's effect and so on.

While playing on laptop i have lowest setting for character models

**Character Model Quality: Lowest

Character Model Limit: Lowest**

BUT!!! Those settings only prevent the loading of character's physical model and armor. fancy backpacks, overstacked aura infusion effects, legendary weapon effects, legendary trinket bubbles - all of that still loading, adding alot of particles and can load GPU, with case of low profile laptop GPUs it is additional heat.


![](https://i.imgur.com/R6mU9bp.jpg "")


Suggestion here simple.

Under Lowest choice for Character Model settings, add ability to prevent load of backpacks, aura infusions, weapons etc. Leave it only with simple basic character model to minimize GPU stress ( same as Competitive settings that work in WvW ).

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I was wondering if we can add pet skin in the game. Such as, using the Gazelle pet and putting the skin of the owl. Like armours and weapons skin.

There are pets I like for theirs skills and there are pets I like for theirs species.


Obviously I will understand if this will not be available for any contents players vs players.


Just an idea like that.

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Please, this has been forever with Rev... Glint skills spend all strange, like, laggy even if you are a great connection speed, they always act funny, if you double tap them it tends to not work where other specs and classes if you click twice they always work. This is just so terrible with rev especially in PVP when you want to double click inc dmg for a heal and you hit it twice but it doesnt work right. This happens with all the glint skills as if there is some algorithm made to fail 50% of the time when you do this. it just is really bad and ive wrote about it before to no avail. How come other specs work perfecyly and rev just is fail, fail, fail, laggy squishy feeling for no reason...

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