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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Hi everyone, forgive me if my speech may not be consistent with some discussions, but I felt inspired to suggest a possible new Elite Specialization for the Thief, in a future expansion.


An Elite inspired by the Bard would be interesting, a figure very present in Fantasy tales and in many old-fashioned RPG games. Often associated with stealth classes (in Dragon Age he was present), but marked by empowering / caring for his allies through ballads while he stuns / intimidates enemies perhaps and used as a spy that collects information from the enemy and undermines him from the inside with poisons, traps and upgrading the portals already in the possession of thieves to transport more allies, as a Mesmer. You could add an evocable pet (even temporarily) such as: crow, owl, hawk, snake, spider, cat, fox. All evasive, small and silent animals with different abilities useful to get around, block, poison, rob, distract and weaken the enemies, similar to the Ranger/Necro. (Crows were widely used by Leliana in Dragon Age and many other fantasy games). And expand the choice of traps to place against the enemy, elemental traps, stun traps, illusive traps ecc... similar to the Dragonhunter. It would be a nice new elite for the thief class, perhaps allowing the use of horn and focus (more relevant), scepter and shield (plausible) longbow, or even the torch (probably useful). It would make him look like a guardian /druid/mesmer and bring an increase in his defense and life points, which the thief class suffers particularly and adding the possibility of also being a useful evasive support healer, support dps or more efficient evasive condi-trapper. I think it may look like an engineer or elementalist as a skill setting. Certainly more articulate and complicated than a normal thief anyway... :s


Mine is just an idea, I hope it is also valid for you! ;)

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My suggestions would be to Improve The guild halls special decoration vendor, make it so it possible to buy(donate) more than one item. would be helpfull when unloading the decorations coins for super clouds

and more variants of guild decoration race tracks for example the wooden atholma tracks used in Sandswept isles , or sandstone ones that matches the Lost Preciple overal apperance.


As for cash shop items

custimazable overall individual character model behavior, to match the three kinds of conduct, charming, noble and aggressive (in essence it walks different depending on type of conduct)

customizable skill effects, for example diffrent visual appearance on necromancer minions or fireballs.

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A /petstay command for ranger pets and necromancer minions, to make for better screenshots.


When activated, the pet stays in place, using neither movement nor rotation.


For necromancer minions or other characters which may have multiple persistent allies present, there could be additional commands of /petstay1, /petstay2, to indicate which minions should stay in place if only some are desired to be rooted at a location. /petstay is effectively /petstay0 affecting the highest equipped minion skill the player has.

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Re-Add Roller Beetle Races dailies, it is very hard to gather race medallion now, and the prices at the race vendor are still high.... you have to keep in mind to lower the price of those temporary thing when it isn't available anymore... see the toxic blossoms vendor at the priory, the vendor is useless now...

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One thing I have wanted for awhile is a way to keep track of my auto attack chains. If you play different professions and different weapons I feel like I’m playing a memory game with card flipping lol. Since you never want to interrupt the last skill in the chain because it’s the most powerful. It would be nice to have an option in menu settings to turn on or off some kind of indicator. Couple ideas for a type of indicator, first one could be similar to the rarity color boxes around items In your inventory. First attack has thin green line around the outer box, second chain yellow, last chain in the attack red. Or place a little number in center of the skill box 1 for first attack, 2 for second attack, 3 etc.

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Selfless Potion - some of us (including myself - I was on holiday at the time, so missed out) weren't online when this item was available. Would it be possible to bring it back somehow, as well as include an option to turn it into an infusion of some sort? Because I wouldn't want it on my character for just an hour - I'd want it available permanently, and turning it into an infusion would make perfect sense (once you've unlocked the skin of course). Perhaps turn it into some sort of account bound infusion that's obtained via a collection or achievement after unlocking the skin?


Also, will the legendary runes and legendary sigils be fixed? Apparently they can cause a crash when trying to customise the stats. That isn't a very good incentive if you're wanting something that's legendary!!!

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I don't know if this has been covered but a Player Induced Keybind for Swim Down instead of Circling and circling and circling to get to where you need to go, and a player Induced Toogle to Temporarily turn off the Gluide option so I can make that ittty bitty Jump to get the Vista In Hooligans Run! and no I don't hold down the Spacebar, it just seeems to pop open when I try to make that jump, as well as ther small jumps.

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Not sure if it has been mentioned yet (lots of posts to scroll through) but i would love freeze panes on the shared inventory slots. I put my copper fed salvomatic in there (as well as other account bound items) and a freeze pane would make salvaging simpler and faster.


Also, I'd enjoy being able to rearrange the skills UI just like in GW1. To be able to put the weapon skills above the healing/class skills would be nice.


Lastly, lvl 80 Apostate equipment.

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Totally agree with this, what's the point of spending so many gems in our custom skins and then the chair doesn't show it? Makes no sense to have a custom jackal skin that matches your character design, and then a whole different one for the chair you sit by. Once again, GW2 hating on the simple things us roleplayers love


> @"Caitmonster.9036" said:

> Some way for the Skyscale and Upcoming Jackal chairs to apply whatever skyscale/jackal skin you have on the mount itself? So you can sit on your actual mount, not just Generic Skyscale / Jackal. C:



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Hello there! I was hoping to come here to ask if we could save multiple Achievement lists. I know we currently have a "Watch List", but that actually automatically overrides any and all auto-generated "Daily" lists.


Like, sometimes I wanna track achievements when doing certain pieces of content (i.e. the Steel and Fire strike mission), sometimes I want to track certain achievements in Bjora Marches or Grothmar Valley for completion's sake. But in order to do that, I have to untick every achievement from my watch list and re-tick every achievement I want for the content I want to do.


I was thinking, maybe replace "Watch List" with "Watch Lists", then you can make your own lists (up to a certain amount or saved client-side to save on server stress) that you can swap between? So I can have a list for Steel and Fire stuff I wanna focus on, a list for Bjora Marches achievements I haven't done, a list for various miscellaneous collections I want to check on every now and then... etc.


Thank you very much and I hope you and your team stay safe in these difficult times!

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Do you guys really have to show me a separate entry for every single item of the same type that was deposited by the same person into Treasury?

Right now it's Super Clouds, but usually it's 99cm or raid kill proof that quicly fill up the History so I often can't see who donated stuff for guild upgrades. Would at least like to say thanks to the people who went out of their way to deposit something valuable for the guild... Can't keep checking the history several times a day!


Here's an example. This is useless information and it's all I get to see. One entry that has x100 attached would make sense, not this...


![](https://i.imgur.com/r2WMvF6.png "")


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The real problem is that you can't deposit multiple decorations at once. A single deposit showing up as a single log entry is the right way to go, but having to deposit a full stack of clouds with 500 mouse clicks (250 to "buy" the cloud plus 250 for the confirmation dialogue) is the real problem here. The log "spam" is just an additional symptom.

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Don't care how they fix it, i'm all in for a "deposit all" button if that's what it takes.

I just used a macro to quickly deposit stuff up until now so I had a workaround to the endless clicking/breaking my mouse, but this is just too much to look at and hides all the useful information History is supposed to contain...

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