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Guild Wars 2 As A Main MMO...Your Thoughts?

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hey guys. been a huge gw1 player, still do. and also up until recently played a tonne of wow. i have been tinkering alot with gw2 for the last year. got all the expansions etc. love the pvp aspect. just wanted to ask some questions.

1. is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?

2. in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)

3. Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic.


cant think of anything else. coming from wow i notice one major thing. the community. every map chat theres always people talking. ive noticed even in other mmos like Archeage and Final Fantasy 14. thanks guys for your patience with these questions.

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Just some feedback from my view point. as a casual pve player

1. Heaps to do? yep - especially if you take it slow and look for some of the easter eggs. Also enough variety that you can find what you enjoy and not always forced to do stuff you don't. This does sometimes not hold true (the forced part) if want do any of the special stuff eg legendries

2. Have only put my toes into these. Have found if you use lfg people appear to help. Best is to make sure you in group that does not mind you being new - speed runs can be a bit hard if not knowing. With both I either joined a lfg that said for beginners or started my own and found they filled up reasonably quickly. Not to sure with regards to the higher levels of fractals or dungeons.

3. WvW not required but can still be lively. If do dive in there ask questions and usually you get some feedback and there are some commanders who do allow all to follow them - if in doubt just ask as some commanders are doing for guild only.


With all the above it becomes more fun if find others with same interests but not really required.

Hope the above helps.

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1) I've been playing since launch and always had more than enough to do. But then my time is quite limited compared to some people, I only get to play about 2 hours a night on weekdays and I'm often away for days at a time and I play quite slowly - listening to all the dialogue, talking to NPCs who aren't required to progress, doing collections without using a guide etc. If you're the type of MMO player who likes to play one game 6+ hours a day, every day, and likes to get things done as quickly as possible in-game you may well run out of things to do after a while.


2) There isn't really a process for doing dungeons and Fractals. They're not much harder than open-world (some dungeon paths are easier than some parts of HoT IMO) and you don't need any special equipment or items to grant you permission to enter, and can be done in any order. Pick a dungeon or Fractal you want to do and either ask your guild/s to help or put a message in LFG. It's a good idea to tell people if it's your first time so they don't assume you'll know what to do at each point and if you want to watch the cut scenes and listen to the dialogue it would help to say that too.


Oh, in case you're not aware the LFG tool is quite different to some MMOs. It won't dump you into a group automatically - each group puts up a free text advert, ideally saying what they're doing and what kind of person they're looking for, but it can be anything. Then other people looking use those to choose a group they want to join, or put up their own message.


Fractals does get harder as it goes along, at higher tiers there's a mechanic called Agony which means unless you're wearing ascended equipment with Agony Resistance infusions you'll constantly take damage. But it doesn't start until Fractal level 20 or so and you'll get both ascended equipment and agony resistance infusions from Fractals.


3) Whether WvW is a huge part of the game depends on who you ask. For some people it's almost all they do, other people forget it even exists. Unless you're making a legendary (which requires the Gift of Battle) you'll never have to go there, but many (most?) servers do have an active WvW community, at least at peak times.

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> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> 1. is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?

Totally depends on what kind of content and type of play you enjoy. Personally, I tend towards casual play and enjoy figuring things out on my own. I especially like scavenger hunts, so the achievement panel offers me a lot of things to do. I see others that treat achievements and especially collections as more of a checklist and beeline to finish all of them with the help of Dulfy/youtube/the wiki as quickly as possible, and those people naturally complain about not enough to do fairly often.


There is a huge world with a ton of lore and other interesting/funny/enjoyable bits and pieces all over the place. If you enjoy that sort of thing, you'll find yourself spending hours just going around the countryside, listening and talking to npcs, following events and event chains, and generally enjoying the detail put into the world around us. A lot of the GW2 story is optional in that it is not force-fed to you through quests but rather just there in the open, waiting for those who enjoy to learn more about the world, while not bothering those who don't care for that aspect of the game.


Of course, there also is a good amount of quest-like story to do, too, starting with the personal story (with chapters unlocking every 10 levels on the way from level 1-80), expansion stories, as well as living world season storys that connect the other major stories (starting with living world season 2 that lies between personal and HoT story, while season 1 unfortunately is no longer playable due to the nature of most of its events being time-limited back then). If you enjoy playing story quests, all of the living world seasons are worth buying and will keep you busy and entertained for a good while. Starting with season 3, each living world episode also adds a new map with all kinds of interesting activities, events, and achievements/scavenger hunts if you are into that. Living world seasons unlock free of cost if you log in while the season is active, so you will have access to the current episode (season 4 ep 3) unlocked free of charge, as well as any previous episode that was active whenever you logged into the game before.


If you are into gearing and build-crafting your characters, again there are many different ways to go about it, with some choosing the entertaining (to them) route of gathering the pieces they want to use (be it through crafting, dungeons, fractals, living world, wvw, pvp, ...)

while others prefer to grind the quickest (though often way less entertaining) way to their equipment instead. Again it's up to you how you enjoy the content, but unlike other games, you usually have a wide variety of ways to get to your prefered equipment (that vary in both time needed and personal entertainment value offered).


If you haven't played a lot yet, you'll also find the mastery system offering you a decent bit of content to progress your account. It includes gliding, an HoT mastery line (and as such can only be trained on HoT and season 3 maps), different mounts and their abilities (PoF masteries) as well as quality of life abilities like autoloot (core Tyria mastery that you can train on core and season 2 maps. Again you have a choice between advancing these while you play (as you gain experience and come across mastery points pretty organically if you just try out everything you come across) and grinding to get them out of the way as quickly/effeciently as possible (usually at the cost of doing things less enjoyable), as well as any in-between you feel comfortable with.


> 2. in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)

Easiest is to ask some friends/guildies to introduce you. If you don't have those available, try to put up an lfg yourself with something like "first-timer here, explanations welcome". If you are into story, go for the story dungeons first, in order (ascalon catacombs, caudecus manor, twilight arbor, ...), as the dungeon story runs in parallel to the personal story starting at personal story level 40 and ending in the same final mission in cursed shore that is also the end of the personal story.


Fractals you can pretty much start on anything up to scale 20, although you can only open those of your personal fractal level. Personal fractal level increases by 1 each time you play a fractal at or above your personal level. Either start your own fractal group via lfg, stating that you are new, or check the lfg for t1 groups looking for people to join. It's usually easiest to get groups for the three fractals that are the current dailies (check achievements - dailies - fractals ... you will want to go for dailies in t1 at the beginning). Once you get up in fractals you will find that there are extra mechanics added as well as something called agony, which will damage you unless you have appropriate resitance, which you can slot in ascended gear. Playing fractals will in turn reward you with agony infusions as well as allow you to buy ascended rings and (though rarely on low scales) give you the occasional ascended armor or weapon box among other rewards, so it's a viable way of gearing up for (higher level) fractals by playing (lower level) fractals. As always in this game it's your choice whether to put your focus on personal enjoyment (which means the road to your goal might be longer), efficient gear aquisition/reaching of goals (often quicker but less enjoyable), or whatever combination offers you the sweet spot you prefer.


> 3. Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic.

WvW can differ a lot depending on what server you are on, as well as the kind of gameplay you like. You will find people in WvW on pretty much all servers, although the kind and amount of people varies depending on server as well as time of day/day of week. Personally, I prefer to go into wvw with friends and play in small groups, while others enjoy big zergs and taking down all enemy towers, keeps, and so on. Again others prefer to do open field fighting with guild group vs guild group. Some servers mostly play for ppt (point per tick), taking and defending objectives strategically to get the most points, while others mostly have players that love huge battles and don't care whether it's good or bad for their server's ranking. Check it out, ask on team chat if anyone on your server/server linking is willing to help you get started, and you'll soon be able to figure out how (and if) you enjoy the game mode.


Most of all: have fun! This game so more so than most MMOs on the market allows you to play it in so many different ways. There's really no telling whether and how you will enjoy what part of the game, but it sure offers a ton of possibilities!

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> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> 1. is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?

It really depends on what gamemode you prefer. In vanilla PvE there is LOADS to do, even without expansions you won't get bored easily, even by just making more characters, trying out new classes, and completing and exploring the map. Personally I am a completionist so I do a lot of achievements, collections, making legendary weapons. and even with expansions there are tons more maps to complete, more legendary weapons, more achievements and collections to do, WvW basically always lives, so you can't really run out of content there, though I guess this is debatable, I am not a core WvW player so I can't really voice an opinion about how the rest thinks, but to me it always changes and is always enough content.

> 2. in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)

Dungeons are pretty much always available, being lvl 80 for them is not really a requirement but it surely helps to be a bit more geared up. Fractals are basically just dungeons, but a bit harder. Level 80 is required there and it goes from tier 1 to 4, with scale 1 to 100 and every 25 scales you hit a new tier. From scale 20 you need Agony Resistance, Agony is a special kind of condition that enemies deal in those scales and with infusions you need to get on ascended armor, weapons and trinkets, you can avoid dieing faster. Ascended gear is a requirement in fractals, Not in raids like most people think.

> 3. Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic.

WvW is still pretty huge though it is kinda getting dull I think? I only play it for the fact I need it for legendary items, but from my experience I can tell most people only want to run with organized groups or guilds these days. Pugging WvW is not appreciated from my experiences, unless you want to learn and try hard but you really have to bring that point across to the rest of the group, otherwise you will be piled in with the rest of the PvE people that WvW likes to generalize.


> cant think of anything else. coming from wow i notice one major thing. the community. every map chat theres always people talking. ive noticed even in other mmos like Archeage and Final Fantasy 14. thanks guys for your patience with these questions.

Yes!! Mapchat is very active, especially in vanilla PvE maps. There is always people talking, asking questions, you can always help out people, give advice, or just have a fun conversation!



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> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> hey guys. been a huge gw1 player, still do. and also up until recently played a tonne of wow. i have been tinkering alot with gw2 for the last year. got all the expansions etc. love the pvp aspect. just wanted to ask some questions.

> 1. is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?

> 2. in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)

> 3. Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic.


> cant think of anything else. coming from wow i notice one major thing. the community. every map chat theres always people talking. ive noticed even in other mmos like Archeage and Final Fantasy 14. thanks guys for your patience with these questions.


If you want maybe I can join you in your journey.I've been playing GW2 almost since the launch and it was my main mmo for almost 6 years with some breaks (biggest break,a few months).I was(still am but under "voluntary sedation") the leader of a great guild for almost 5 years.All that came to an end when I just got so bored and stopped feeling connected to the game a few months ago and made sure that the guild members found a new home and let it all go in a "slumber",left the game and mmo genre without any regret but lately I kinda miss it and I would like to casually play the game but I find an opportunity to do so..

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> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> hey guys. been a huge gw1 player, still do. and also up until recently played a tonne of wow. i have been tinkering alot with gw2 for the last year. got all the expansions etc. love the pvp aspect. just wanted to ask some questions.

> 1. is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?


For me there is always a lot to do. Too much to keep up with it really. But I'm an achievement hunter so I spend/lose a lot of time in completing achievement and collections. I often ask myself how the heck I can keep up with all the releases because I'm still trying to keep up with achievements in the old content.


> 2. in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)


I can only talk about the entry-level and medium difficulty stuff here. I usually just go to the location and use LFG (Looking for Group) to find a group. For dungeons this is getting more and more difficult because the reduced number of PUGs here. Of course, if you are in the appropriate guild, you can just join a guild group also.


> 3. Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic.


WvW is a separate part of the game. With it's own areas and builds. For some players this is huge, as it is the only thing they are left playing. But also a lot of players don't bother coming there because they just play PvE. For me: I like the game type. Rewards have been improved over the years. Play styles differ a lot in WvW. From very casual to hardcore diehards.



> cant think of anything else. coming from wow i notice one major thing. the community. every map chat theres always people talking. ive noticed even in other mmos like Archeage and Final Fantasy 14. thanks guys for your patience with these questions.


On most maps, there is quite a bit of player activity. Over the years, servers have been joined to allow for better population. However, in older maps you may experience lack of players sometimes, especially for large meta-events. But this is overall not a big issue in my opinion. You may need to wait a bit for peak hours of you want to complete some of the older meta events. In WvW and cities there is always a lot of map chat going on, al well as the newest-added areas to the game to which the players dent to flock en masse.

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GW2 is better than it was but I can only play it by making the choice to stay out of group content like sPvP, fractals and raids. As a casual player in open world and story I can enjoy it quite a bit.


What keeps me from the grouped content is that I personally don't find the combat system and in particular the class definition and trait systems very inspiring or interesting.


From my point of view, the open world game is probably the best open world there is on the market. As for endgame content, well there are very few raids and fractals is really just GW2's answer to the gear treadmill. It's good that these things are there because it keeps the game in general from needing it, but at the same time fractals are in a way worse that progression gearing in other games because it literally is doing the same fractals at higher and higher difficulties to get infusions with agony resistance to be able to get to higher difficulties. So you do fractals for the purpose of doing fractals, just at higher levels. At least that's how it's always looked to me.


And GW2 really is a farm game. That's not for everybody. Personally I can only stand so much repetition but there are a fair few farming areas to alternate between and they are rewarding as you can pretty easily farm ascended trinkets there. So for me that's enough to keep me busy but as such I don't think GW2 will always just be a casual game for me. I do play a fair amount of hours but nothing hardcore and there is actually nothing wrong with that. It took me a few tries over the years and I think this is the 4th or 5th time I tried it. The longest I lasted was 3 months.


But it's easy to pick up again so for me that's fine. As for a "main MMO", well I doubt it well ever be that for me, but I'm enjoying it more than before at the moment and that works for me.

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It’s my main mmo, as was GW1 before it. I always come back to it no matter where I stray.


I feel like there’s too much content for *me* to ever complete. I’m not much of a completions so there’s always something to work on, if I choose to.


More than that though I just enjoy PvE exploration and enjoy returning to old maps just to look around sometimes. Also the lore, story, and characters are close to my heart.


I’m pretty loyal to the game because it doesn’t require monthly fees like many big games do, and it puts out content I enjoy.


EDIT: Community has always been a plus here imo. Lots of MMOs are nasty. There still are jerks in GW2, but pretty rare. At least in PvE... Sometimes a map chat will get a little crazy, but that’s usually in Queensdale.


Otherwise players are very helpful, and the game mechanics encourage helping too. Many times I’ve asked for help completing an event or hero point, and people show up within a minute or two.


Fractals are intimidating but worth learning. Good source of gold! I’d recommend YouTubing tutorials/basics about them to get a good picture.


Dungeons are like a story mission but more challenging/require team work. Each dungeon has multiple paths you can go down.

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> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> If you are trying to play efficiently and on a high level in pve/pvp, be ready to be branded as a "toxic elitist" by casuls and run out of content very soon.


Could you post an example of your playtime that highlights casuals persecuting the "high end community"? I am not being sarcastic I am actually curious. I see many accounts of the opposite and it would be nice to be able to frame what you are saying with an actual example of your experiences.

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It depends on what you're looking for.


GW2 excels at open world content where you run around, do some stuff, log off when bored, come back later and repeat. In this aspect of the game, there is indeed a heap to do, with dozens of maps and hundreds of events, and 5 years worth of storyline.


GW2 is kind of poor at organized content like raids and small group PVE. Now that PVE content technically exists, but it's not very good imo, and other games (including WoW) do it much better. Think of it as "I love GW2, and would like to do some harder PVE stuff" and not as the main thing drawing you to the game and you'll have a good time. If you're looking for raids and organized content as your main gameplay mode, then this is not a good main mmo for that goal.


PVP (and wvw) is a hot mess, terribly imbalanced and crippled by the extreme power creep we've had recently. It's a reflex based, muscle-memory game of reaction time and instagib combos. If you like that, great. There's a small but dedicated following that would be happy to beat you into submission and insult you mercilessly while you learn. And then keep insulting you even after gitting gud because that's what pvp players are like.

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> @"jbrother.1340" said:

> > @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> > If you are trying to play efficiently and on a high level in pve/pvp, be ready to be branded as a "toxic elitist" by casuls and run out of content very soon.


> Could you post an example of your playtime that highlights casuals persecuting the "high end community"? I am not being sarcastic I am actually curious. I see many accounts of the opposite and it would be nice to be able to frame what you are saying with an actual example of your experiences.


Oh it just happened today, I was asked how long I've been playing after we cleared T4 dailies and CMs. And when I said "140 days or so probably" (its actually 137 by now) someone got mad at me for having 8.5k AP and seemingly being first on the DPS meter. Mind you, I had not been running it because I deem it kinda useless in fractals, usually there is too much dung going on for a real static rotation (exceptions being the full meta slave groups but oh well, cant really get in as a condi FB). He told me, and I quote "stop being such a tryhard dude, the is wrong with you? only because you are first dps wtf get a grip you no lifer".

And this was after we had literally no problems clearing all dailies in about 1 hour and 20 minutes and the group atmosphere was really good for the whole duration. Can't really wrap my head around why he got angry for me being first (and, once again, I did not check this myself because I had arc off at the time) on that meter but I guess thats enough to hate me?

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Guild Wars 2 is a big hot mess of a game, with activities and areas spanning JRPG, WVE solo, WVE group, PVP, WVW, and more. There is definitely more to do than you ever could...you will probably find some things you like, and some things you don't.


For example, I love the WVE stuff I've seen so far. Some gets repetetive if you do it a lot, like the world bosses that happen on a very regular schedule and shower loot on you. But they are still pretty fun. The Heart of Thorns expansion has complex, multilevel maps and big end events that require large groups spread across the map to coordinate efforts in order to succeed. Some of those are quick (Auric Basin's Octovine, Tangled Depths's Gerent battles), some are quite long (Verdant Brink night, Dragon's Stand battle against Mordremoth). The events leading up to those can be done with smaller groups, and even solo. There are also many things to explore, discover, and solve, with some fun achievements too. This expansion came out before Path of Fire and its mounts, though, and I can't imagine enjoying these maps without them. Kudos to the folks who stuck with GW2 through that era. :-)


Path of Fire caters much more to solo and small-group play, with less convoluted maps but some tougher mobs. Events that require groups are shorter in duration and generally more zerg-the-elite style affairs. The coolest thing about PoF is the aforementioned mounts! Each has a different movement ability, and the terrain in the maps is designed to encourge and often require use of those special abilities. I don't spend as much time in these maps because I am really enjoying HoT too much.


So that stuff is fun to me, especially the big group HoT meta-events. The story stuff, however, I find incredibly frustrating. You are on rails the whole time, with few/meaningless choices to make in response to NPC questions and actions, invisible boundaries that kick you from instances if you cross them, making you have to re-watch the cut-scenes or dialogue leading to the action, and gimmick fights where the boss is simply invulnerable until you figure out the arbitrary trick to make them vulnerable for a few seconds. There is some good stuff in the story, but it's mired in obnoxiousness and bugs, in my opinion. You can skip it for other content, but in order to get enough mastery points for endgame content you kind of need to do it (and some people do enjoy story mode), and do some chapters multiple times because achievements are locked until after your first time through. Story mode does also get you some exotic and ascended items, so there is some additional incentive to do them.


I tried PVP and WVW and got stomped so hard I haven't had the nerve to try again yet.


I haven't seen too many people doing the classic dungeons, and the early groups I got in just ran in and got killed a lot. Even the later groups, with guild friends, we ran faster than I was used to in my WoW days, where you had to carefully plan pulls, tanking and aggro, and all that, and kill every trash mob to boot. Just running past trash mobs seems pretty common in GW2 dungeons. Combat in general feels **very** different in GW2, but you've probably already noted that.


Fractals are fun. They are basically scaling mini-dungeons (1-3 bosses) with increasingly difficult mechanics as you progress.


Jumping puzzes are a big part of this game, and you will have to do some jump-puzzling at some point, such as in fractals. If you don't like hopping around and dying/having to restart for missing a ledge or something, there are ways around it--sometimes. I absolutely hated jumping puzzles when I started, but I am developing some skill at them and finding the ones that don't punished missed jumps too hard to be rather enjoyable, now.


I have no experience with raids yet, but there seems to be good community support for training up, with a guild or two running raids dedicating to showing new raiders the ropes. Don't have the links to those handy but I've heard about them.


So far there doesn't seem to be much of a gear treadmill. You get your exotics with enough time put in, and start getting your ascended. Legendaries, I don't know about yet, but they don't increase your power, they are just more versatile and have cooler (well, fancier) graphics and animations. You can get ascended gear through doing story, by crafting them, by doing endgame meta-events, and in fractals, PVP/WVW and other high-end content.

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> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> hey guys. been a huge gw1 player, still do. and also up until recently played a tonne of wow. i have been tinkering alot with gw2 for the last year. got all the expansions etc. love the pvp aspect. just wanted to ask some questions.

> 1. is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?

> 2. in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)

> 3. Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic.


> cant think of anything else. coming from wow i notice one major thing. the community. every map chat theres always people talking. ive noticed even in other mmos like Archeage and Final Fantasy 14. thanks guys for your patience with these questions.


1. Really depends on your commitments to your real life, to me just 2-3 max a day most of the times.

2. Learn the mechanics, 1-20 can do with exotic gears, onwards you need to have ascended gears because it comes with infusion slots so you can slot in agony infusions.

3. some people like it, some people hate it (that's ME!), all personal experiences, so jump in and experience it ;)


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> @"InfiniteRetro.9865" said:

> hey guys. been a huge gw1 player, still do. and also up until recently played a tonne of wow. i have been tinkering alot with gw2 for the last year. got all the expansions etc. love the pvp aspect. just wanted to ask some questions.

> 1. is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?


For me, There's absolutely loads to do.

I did take a 2 year break(because life), bit even before that I would sometimes feel overwhelmed with all there is to do.

I play 10-20hours a week, but I play casually. I still haven't got a full set of ascended gear.

There is less tondo for hardcore players as they seem to clear content much faster or are more willing to spend time grinding.


> 2. in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)


Dungeons, you can start at the level for them, you'll get an i game mail when you reach that level. They are more challenging if you're under level 80 but should still be easy enough to find groups, especially if they're on the daily rotation. There's a "Looking for Group" option where you can post your group or look for others. Start with "casual" or "friendly run" or "new".

I think someone else gave an indepth on fractals, so I'll leave that. I'm still only playing tier 1 and half of tier 2. AR can be costly.


> 3. Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic.


WvW is doing ok on some servers and almost dead on others.

The alliance system they are planning should help breathe life into it again.



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GW2 has been my main MMO since beta.


> _is there a heap to do? do you ever find yourself thinking theres not enough content?_


I'm still not bored after 6 years and there's enough content for my liking but I play all 3 game modes (PvE, PvP and WvW).


> _in regards to the fractals/dungeons, whats the process of getting into one? (never done it)_


You can try random groups but joining a helpful guild is better because they can teach you.


> _Never done much of World Vs World, is it still a huge part of the game? the idea of it really does sound epic._


Yes and in the future Anet will remove servers so it might be even better after that.

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Welcome to GW2!


As others have said, really depends on the content you enjoy most. I played WoW for 5.5 years and I have to say that compared to that game, playing GW2 suits my play style and blood pressure far better. No DKP/need/greed loot rolling and no resource node competition. And the professions in this game play very different to the classes in WOW.


I've been playing since beta as a casual player. I've played all areas of the game. I stay away from PvP because I'm not good at it. I've never run into any real toxicity because I played with guildmates.


WvW - I've been playing that more often recently. There are preferred professions by the more active commanders - and there are professions that some commanders absolutely don't want in a group. If you're planning to run in zergs, you'll want to play a profession that offers something to the group. There are other players far more knowledgeable than I who can point you to the professions and builds most desired by WvW Commanders.


Raids - I have only raided a couple of times very early on when Raids were first introduced. ArenaNet now allow damage meters so if you want to raid with a raiding guild, you'll really need to be on top of your game in terms of gear and knowing how to play your character. Every now and again, there are players willing to do Raid Training - there was one on NA side earlier in the year.


Dungeons and Fractals - good fun - not such a gear check and great way to practice playing your character. Fractals are also a good way to earn gold and acquire Ascended gear. LFG always has people looking for players to fill out a group.


If you like to have goals, this game is full of them. Achievements are numerous - I currently sit at over 20k AP, and still have loads of achievements yet to acquire.


Lore - if you like to immerse yourself in the stories, there is no shortage of those. I still have the personal stories yet to do on all races but Norn. I have done all of the Living Story content, but still quite a few achievements to do within the stories.


Exploration - the introduction of mounts has made exploring maps so much more fun.


Collections & scavenger hunts are content I quite enjoy. A couple of my favourites are Armchair Commander - just because I think the title is funny - and collecting all the cats for my home instance. I've always wanted to be a crazy cat lady and now I am in GW2 - they don't have crazy cat lady as a title, be fun if they did though!


I've got a fairly busy real life, but do manage to get on most evenings to either do my daily or play with a couple of in game friends (who have become friends outside of game too!). If I do have to take a break from GW2 for a few weeks, I'm not punished for doing so like I was when playing WOW as part of a guild. GW2 is a great game to dip in and out of. Whether or not it is meaty enough for you to make it your main MMO all depends on what you want out of an MMO.





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> @"fizzypetal.7936" said:

> Raids - I have only raided a couple of times very early on when Raids were first introduced. ArenaNet now allow damage meters so if you want to raid with a raiding guild, you'll really need to be on top of your game in terms of gear and knowing how to play your character. Every now and again, there are players willing to do Raid Training - there was one on NA side earlier in the year.



Open Community on EU does raid training. Get in touch with them, join one of their guilds and you can raid with them. Helped me gettin' started in the raid business as well.

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